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The Old Water-wheel

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As you go up to tiie top of tlio Lili just before you come in sigbtof the lake, you see at the left a great, l.nig, liigh íac'ory. It is a Lugo building, and in it are spindles by thousands. looms bj scores, curding-machiues and twistingmachines, and I know not what. All around are t lio pniall buildi.ngs wliere they sooar and clean, and color and dry the wool, before it fairly reaches the factory. But when it comes out, it is beautiful broadcloth, or light blue lor poIdiers, or drab for the Friends, cassiireres for.conimon folkn, or gay aud pplendid artieles for tho ladies. Ooce upori a time, wbcn nü the meo were busy, and the o-tvners were pressed for goods, and every loom was rattliug, aud every spiudle was buzzing, and every machine was at work as for life, - -all of a suddci the great water wheel stopped ! It was down under the faetory, tuclosed in n groat room, so that no one could fall under it nnd be crushed by it. He etopped - the old wlieel stc-pped! The mea cricd, " Whut now V" The girls at the looms all looked at each othur, and everv oue looked confounded. The owncr of the faotory was .ent for in !ns(e. He cainc at onee, and running down stairs, opened a little door and looked in upon the wheel. Ho eould sce nothing out of the way. Just then ho Leard a groan- "Oh, dear !" said tho wliefl. "Old wheel, what's the matter ? What makcs you stop ?" "Stop! Why, I ara tired I" "Tired of what?" ''Tired of turning round to bo surc ! Wby, sir, I'vg been slmt up n thi: cold, dark room, witli the water dashing oti rae and drenching nic iav nMra than Uveuty years ! I have not scen the suulig'it uor smelt the fresh air all that t;ine! Who would not be tirerj ? Hfirc l've been turuing round till l've grown dizzy, and can't teil wfaich is ïny hcnd or which is my tV-tít 1 I have not hcaid .1 word to chuer or praise me all this time ! Besides, ['ve done no good to tlie w.ofld, I niight as v.ei 1 bo dead All I havo done ia to pull that great lcather strnp (band) rouud and round. The ('act is, i'iu tired aud discouiged, ind dou't. mean to whirl round aiv wor-e " "J5ut, my goQu feilov,v sai(i the owner, "ifyou kBew you were doiiig yood, and great gooit, then would you c!ieeriil!y move on agaiu V' "To be Kure, I would.'' "Listen, then !" Tiie old wheel üstened and lieard a great cry of poor wwktüén and their children naying, ' üh v.hat hall v,e do tor bi-ead V We ave out off f'rom woik and wages, aud . poor Tommy has no shoes a.üd the baby is siok and pust have the doctor, and poor lame EVijra must have Homo eruiohes ! VV'hat zliall we do if t'ae old whuel will not go any more '" And theu carne a loud shout (Voiii a ■ffholo reginient of soldiers, f'ar away ftofii home on the field oi' battle. They were young men who had lelt their homts to save their country at tho liaz ardof life. They had beeu there so long that they had wovn out .their clothing, and were siitfering irora cold. The ehout arose al the sight of ?everal preat wagons loaded with clothing - made ut tliis factor? and by this very wheel ! - "God be praised ! Our clothes lisive I come ! biets the rueu wlio made thcrn, even to thu fuctory, and the old waterwheel that moved all," houted the men. "O, motlier, mother !" cried a poor ragged boy 11 the city, 'do see wluit a pair trousers the kind old lady hnsgiven me! IIow warm andnice! Sbttti't I no'w feel warm I How g!ud I aiu !"' 'Tin a peor old man, madam. My eliildren ruo all dcad as you know. 1 am feeble, and have no home whieli Í can cali mine. I5ut the warm coat you have sent me is a treasnre ! 1 kiiov very well the mili wliere it was mnde ! I once worked in it. May God bless you for your kindnoss I" ':O, sir," sobbed a joor little girl. - "The diiy "'as very cold .wlen they bur icd my pnor widowed tnotlipr 1 Tlipy put her into the cold ground, but 1 was comforted wlien the carne nnd put a warm flannel shroud on her I I know it did not really trfake her wnrttl, but it secmrd so to me, and I cried fnr joy !" "Enongh, tnough I" cried the old water-wheel, as the t'ears trickled down over every wrinkle on his face. - "l'iti not useless 1 I am doiug good, nncr L will go on, never again to stop till I'm worn out ! I sec how it is, Goil bas BO arranged tbings that 've all c:m help others, and evon those who are lowly and not secn, may be a gret power - like the power of to blpss the world. Good tnórning. Mr. (Jampbe'l. You will ncver hear me eomphiinmg jgain !'' Thon the old water-wheel began to turn round, aud tho spiudle? to wbirl, and the loorns to clatter, and the péöple smiled snd looked happy - and I havo never heard his stopping siuce'.


Old News
Michigan Argus