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LOST. ON Saturday EreniDg last, betweén Town and II:injfi-fi.r's luil, a GoLD LI.VKED BRACELT,T Ihe flndsr wil! be Buiiably rewaHei by leavine the Úme with A. W, Ames, at the Express Office. Aan Albor, .June, lst, lb"4. td9?9 3KTO TICE. I HAVK this day sold my stock of Books &Stationery ■ tot,. W. Snovel, Ksq , and have associated myseif withJohn F. Milk.r&Co., BooUsellcia and ütatlonera opposite Hingaterfer' Hall, where 1 sli all be glad to see til my old frfends'. 3. R. WEBSTER. June lst, 1864. lm959 INFORMATION WANTED ! WOMANby the name of Mary Gilmore, left the X Ii.or House on the Bveniag of üie Sist, aj taking with hor a colored cl.ild, about 4 months old the keeper woukl be glad to Imve them returned to the Cuunty House. D.t.d,Ju..l.t.l8. W-LTAMYOKeepe, Wrii.LL PAPËÏ! Ö 0,000 rolls of Wall Paper can be found at the store 0( John l. ihller & Go., corner of Main and Washington Btteets, opposite HlDgsterfer' Hall Abo a Utree aortmnt o( isoellaneous Booka at old prices Cloth and Paper Sharfes, Tassela, Corda and Frame of all descnptions. Frames made to order. Please cali and examiüe bufore purchasingelsewhere , , . ,„., JOHN F. MlLUili & CO. June lst, 1864. 3m93J WaíUtbnaw Couxty Clerks Office, 1 Jlay 27 th, lüt4. ƒ JWOTICEla hereby given that the Lam of the State i'. of -"'Cl.iaan rcUtive to Higliways and BridKes and the dutie of Highwar CbmmlasloBera and oversoera of High way s, in pamphlet foim have been reoei ved at thls offlee and are ready for diatribution - Also the Session Laws of the extra session. TEAClf W. KOOT, Clerk. IjOOK HERE A large lot of LINEN COAT8 AND SÜMMER GOODS, alivays on Land at M. Ctuiterman & Oo7s, CLOTHING STORE. Give usi cali an.lwe can and will sell you chïaper and l gtter goods than any otlier house 'm tliis city. 969tf Estáte of Joseph Kelsey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlenaw, m._ l' ' BSSBÍOD of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtcnaw. holden at the Probate Office in toe city oí Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirtietb day of May in theyear one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Present, Thomas Nina Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the Brtate of Joseph Kelsey, late of said county, deceased. Henry Rearick, admini-traor of said estáte, comes into Court and repnaints hat he ia now prepared to render his account as uch administrator Thereupon it isOrdered, hat Wcdnesday, the tivennmith day of June next, at ten o'iloak in "the forenoon, lenssigned foi the he:irins;of said petition, and tliat the leiw at Uw of said decoased, and al' other persons nterested in said ext.Ue, are required to appeal at a session of said Court, then to be holden at tlie róbate Office, in the City of Ann Albor, in said Hunty, and show cause, if any theie be, why the he said account should not he allowed And it s further ordered, that said Henry Rearick irive notice to the persons interested in aaid estáte it the pendency of said account and the hearing hereof, by causins a copy of thie Ord(r to be luWlished in tlie Michigan Argus. a ncivspaper printed and circulatinft in said Cunly of Weshlenaw, thrie uccessive weeksprevious tosaid i!av of hearing (A true copy) THOMAS NINDE, 9f'9td Judge of Probate. A KARËCHACË7 SMALL FARM OP 37 ACPES. N'ear Ann Arbor, For Fale, near the Tniversity, on the Iiddle Road to Ypsilanti, near the city litnits. Good orchard of the vaviousfruits. shrubbery, Ac. A good all and spring erop in. The house is ivell fi.rmshid and the forniture will be sold with the place (if dored) at a great bargain. Applv on the premïsea or "rtdress JAMES HKNIVlIvd. Ann Aibor, May 19th, '64. 57w3 Detroit Free Press insert 3 times and send bill to this ffice. Vlanhuod: How Lost. How Restored. TUST PUBI.ISHKII.a new edilion of Dr Culver. O well'a Ccltbruttd Bssay un tha radiad cure without medicine) of Si-kkmatoknikka, or Sera nil Wsikoeís, luvoluntary Seminal Losses, ImJotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Imi.edinwntsto Marriage, etc. ; alio Consuiuption, Eoflepsv and Kits, induced by self-indulgencc or sexual exlravaga nee AS" asealed envelope, only 6 cents The celebrated anthdr in this admirable essay clearly demónstrate, from a thirly years successlul prnctice, that the alarming conaequences of self abuse may be i-adically cured without the dantferous use ofinternalmcdiciueor theapplication of the knife- pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sulTerer, no matter what hiscondition may be, may curehimself cheaply, privateiy, and radicully. &, This Lcctuie should be in the hands of every youth andevery man in theland. S-nt, undcr scal, in a plain envelope, toany address, postpaU, on receiptof Bix eents, or two stamps Address the publishers, CHAS. .1. C. KLINK & CO., 127 Iiouery, New York, Post office box 4585. O57tf The Ittoiiey Returned if it Fails to Cure. PSYCHE GOGL , THE ONLY CERTAIN AND WARANTED CURE FOR FEVER & AGÜE, Intermittent, Remittent and DISPEPSIA AND LOfS OP APPETITE. Forsale by all Drnggists. W. G. JUCKAY, Agent, 3m950. No. 83 Nassau rtreet.N Y. liifle Factory! Bcutlcr & Traver, [Successnrs to A. J. Suthei-li.n.1,] Maimfacturers of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flash s, Pouihes Gami Bags, and Everjotlier article ïl that Line. All kinds of dooe at the nhortcst notice. and ïntupbcst man n er a ful! assortmont nhvuvs ko)1 oti luutd inl mmiv order ft Öhop corner Main anti Wutliiugton ftieet. .A-on ArbcrOct. 8. 1;'C2. ' 8"3tf . ...■■.. .. i , „ wi- ■■- - - o- tg- ia j?-t FAIHBANKS' JT"! standard Láscales j&fá " "All. KINDS. .l.-ï, "B Ml,, , , , ;, Letter Prmes Oc FAIRBAMS, GREEXLEAF & C0„ ir LIi Street, CHICAGO. Sold in Dt'troil ,y % FAKRAND, SHELEY & CO. Bc careiul to buy only tljc (enulnf.ff lj95S Hiowneli & Perriii, GEN'L C01UIÍS&M 1IERCUAMS, 183 Suuth Water Street, CHICAGO, IXiLIISTOIS, Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, i-eeds, Green and Dried Fruits, Oider, cÊc. BsOsresoes: Crestón, Willard & Keen, Chicago. S. Butsforil Jt Co. , Ann Arbor, Mich. K%, Particular ttention given to the sale of Green and Orieil FruitB, CMer, kc. Orders fur tlie purchase of Clover anr} Timothy Sceil, dit Moats, c, promptly attended to if aecom. panied withcash or satislactury refercuce. 930tf Side-Walk Notice- Thompson StreetCity of Anx Arbor, ) Kecorder's Office, May 24th, 1864. 5 State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw ss. To L. 1). líale, John C. Mead, John Allniandiiiger, Jacob F. Gvvinner, Gottlob Schleiclier, Charles Wordon. You and each of you are hereby notifie.l tliat the Common Counoil of the City of Ann Arbor has ordered the side-walk on the east side of Thompson Street, between : Liberty Street and William Street, to be graded and planked ; that side-walk is to be conatrücted foütfeet wide, ot' oak plank, % inclie-t tliick, and spiked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, under the superintendence of the ! Street CommiSMoner atid Supervisor of the First and Second War ds of said City, and that you are about to be assessed lo pay the expenses of (Trading and ptanking such sidewalk, in front of or adjacent to certain prernises in said city owned or occupied by you respectivi'ly, and tbat a report and assessmeut roll has been made out in the premises and is now on file in this oflice for inepeetion, and that the Coiuinon Council of said city, will meet at the Council Room, in said city, on Mooday, June Oth, A. D. 1804, at 8o'clock P. M., to review such assessment roll, on the request of any persons considering himself ajígrievcd thereby ; - And yon are hereliy ftirtlier notiíied, that t!ie party is allowed thirty days from tlio timeof the service of tbis matice ii)Oii him, within which Lo make such grading and sidewa!k,'undor the superintendence of the Street Commissioner and Supervisor of the First and Second Wards of said city, and Ihat i i' siich .side-wnlk shall within thal time have been so coustructed, to the gatisfactioii of such superintendeiits,_n expense of proceed njs to coilect such aasessraents, shall be incuired by tii perspn 80 construí tinj; the same, but if any part of surh side-walk shall Bol b? e#aifacted withiu sa d time, the premises so asassed fqr the coustruction thereof wil! b; sold or leased fyr the sbortest term of years at whicli any person ivill take the same an 1 nay the tax aSsessed thereon for eonstrnctfing sucii sidé-walk witli the interest and all costs and charges thereon. By order of tho Conimon Council. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk ïiotice- Fcrarth Street. City op Asn Arbor. ) Recordeu's Office, May 24th ltítji. J State of MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw. ss. 'To Charles M Root, Mis. Louisa Flagg, Bernhani Bender, Erastus Root Oeórge C. Mogk. Mrs. Boxheimer, Stephen Hedjes, and Mrs. Sarah Browi. Yon and each of Jou are hereby nol iüed, that the Common Couueil of the City of Ann Arbor, has ordréd ihe sidevvalk on tli"" eist sile ƒ Fourth streel, between William and Packard slreeis, to be graded and planked ; that sucli xidn-walk is to be constmcled fo'ur feet wide, of pine plank, two inciies thick, and spikod to 4x4 inch uak sleepers, unde' tlte superintendente of t)ie Street Cominiisioner and Supervisor of Ihe t'irst and Secónd Waids ofsaW City. an) that you a-e aiioitt to be a-sessed to pay thi expensen of gvading and planking such side-walk, in front of ur adjaceut to certain lremises in said city, owned or occuiried by yon respectively, and that a report and assessment rolt has been made out in Mie p emises and is now on file in this office for inspection, and that the Common Counqil of said i-iiy. wi!l meet at the Oonncil Kooni. in said city, on Monday, Jnne6t)i A. D. 1804, at 8 o'clnck P. M , to review sach asessnient roll, on the roqnest of any person considering lirnselraggripTed Ibereby; - And you are hereby t'iirther notiiied, thai the party is alloweil thirty days from the time of the service of Lhii nolice npon him, within which to inake such radins Wá siiiewalk. t'ie sn]ierintendenee of the St.reet O oinniissioner and Supervisor of the First and Sooond Vards of said city, and that ifsuoli side-waik shall within that time have been so consfnu-ti-d to tlie satisfaetion of such superint.mdents no exIense of procoedinjs to collect such ass-essments, shall l)e incurrod by ttie person so eonstructin" the sanie but if any jiarn of' Blich side-walk shall rot bo eopstrncted within said t me, the preraises so assésseí will be sold or leased for the shortest term of years at which any person will tnke the same and pay the tax assessed thereon for constrnctjng such side-walk withthe interest and all costs and charges ihereon. By order of the Common Council. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk líotice- East University St. City of An Arbor, ) Recorder's Office, iM.iy 24t!i 1864 J State oí' Mioiuqax, lïounty o; ' Washti'iuuv, ss. To DeVolson Wood.' F.a:ics Súaggj John Arújstrbng C. L Ford, Tiioraas F. ÜÍ!, Juüus S huiidl, W llian H. Millory. Calvin 131. ss, G.'orge H. Uronville. Geurge Grenvllle, J. C nLeiuoa, Joan Wdst. au 1 John BlacSbnro. You and eacli of you are hereby notificd, that the CommoQ Council of the City of Ann Arbor has ordereil the side-walk on the eat side of East University street, between a point tour rods soutli of the south side of Willard street and tbe uortli side of Fletclier street, to be graded and planked ; tliat sueh side walk is to be eöristructed four feot wide, of pine plank, two inches thick, anrl spik.-il to 4x4 inch oak slespers. under the superintendeuco of the Street Cominissioiier aud Supervisor of the Firvt and Seoond Ward of said City, and that you are ab.oni to be as8essed to pay tlie xpenïes óf gradïng and planking such side alk in front of or ailjacent to cerlain premise.s ia said city owued or oceupied by yon respeciively, and tbat a report and assessmenl ruil has be.-n made uut in the pietniscs and s now oa file in this office for inspecLion, and that the Commou Council of said city wil] meet at the Council Room, in said city, on Monday June tit.ii, A. V. 1664, at 8 o'clock P, M-., tu review such assessment roll, on the request of any person CODsideriug bioiself aggrieved thereby ; - And you are herehy fulher notiBed, that thepirty is allowed thiity days from the time of the service of this notice upon him, within which to make such grading and sidewalk, under the superintendence ot the Street Commissioner aud Supervisor of First and Second VVards of said city, a id that if such side walk sliall within that time have been so c nslruoted, to the s itisfaction of such superintendents, no expense of procefdings to collect sucli assessments, shall be incurred by tlie person so constructing the same, hut if any part of such side-walk shall not be constructed within said time, the premises so assessed for -the construction thereof will be sold or leasod for the shortest term of ycars at which any person will take the same and pay the tax assessed the reon for constructing such walk with ihe interest and all costs and charges thereon. By order uf the C immon Onanell. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk Notice -Washington Street, ,, City of Ann Akbob ) IlücouDEtt'.s Ofpicí, May 83rd 1861. ' Qtatk of Michigan, County of Washtenaw 0 ss. U Frederick öwinner Jacob p (vvnmer, Mis Caroline BuohleV, Coarafl Krapf Ei-ederick Sqij, Geor„e W. Mooi. Mis. hliy.a French, Geor;e Grenv]]e j,"1 Mary Maynard, Edwara l'orter, XrústU. Í Methodist Episcopal Church, Martin Clark Mis. KeUügg, Harrison Goodrich, Mrs Han' AthButtdU, Mrs. DuBois, Mrs. Eliiabeth Holden, Mrs. Nancy Webster. Lorenzo Davk Ira Oushman, Mrs. Ring, and John W. Knieht' 1 ou and each of you are hereby notified tiiat the Common Council of the city of Ann Ar bor has ordered the side-walk on the soutl", Bide of Waslnhf-ion streel from Fourth stree to State Btreet to be graded and nlanked ■ thátsucbside-walkís tóe constructed fonJ teet wi,.e of pine plank, two inches thick, ai„l spikei to oak sleepers, four inches s,,„;U(. under Uie superiiifceodepce of the Street Oonu missioner and Supervisor of the First and Second Ward-s of said City, and that you are .bout to be assesserl to pa y the expenses of Hnulm and plaiiking such side-walk in f ont of or adjacent to certain piemises in said citv owned or occupied by yo„ respectively and that a report and aisessment roll has' been made out in the premises and is now on filé in tlus oihce for mspection and that the Com non C..UUC1I of said city tv,11 meet at the Council Hoon, in said city ou Monda, Jun, öth A. D. 1864, at 8 o'clock P. M., to review such assessnifint roll, on the request of nnv person considering himsclf aggneved threbv And you ore hereby further notified that the party is allowed tfairty days from the -Ame of the service of this notiee upon him withm whieh to tnake such gradina and' iiie walk, under the superintendence of the btreet Cominissioner and Supervisor of the F.rst and Second Wards of said city, and that ,f snch side walk sl.all within that time have been so constructed. to the satisfaction of such supenntendents, no expeuee of pro ceedings to collect such nssessmeots ahall be incurred by ■ he purson so constructing the 8ame. but 'f ay pan of such side-walk shal] not be eonstruetd within said time, the premisei so 83essed for the constructioa thereof will be sold or leiued for the shortest term of years at which any person will tai the same and pay the tax assessed thereon forconstructing s-ich side walk with the iuterest and all costs and charges thereon, By order of the Common Öocneil. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk Noiice- Brown and Pontiac Streets City op Ann Aebob, ) Record ee's Office, May 24ih 1864. } State rF Michigan, County of Washtenaw ss. To Thomas Walker, Stephen Bowm' 1 liornas Insh, Chester Parsons, Josepli Waite James Gibson, D. L. Gates, Agent of the Bedell Estáte, Jonathan Sprake, George Davis Mrs. Betsey Dotv, L, 13. Simmous, and AKreii H. Partridge. You and each of yon ave hereby notilied, tliat the Common Couucil of the City of Aun Albor, has ordered tlie side-walk on the Novth side of Biown street and on tlie Nortli East side of Puiitiac street coinmencinc on tlie west side of Broadway and running on I he iiorth Side of said Brown street tú Pontiac street and thence on the northeast side of Pontiac street to the front gar.e entering into thp premises owned or occupied bv Alfreil [1 Partridge, to be graded and planked : tliat such sids walk is to be constructed five feet wide of oak plank l)á inches thick and spiked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, under the superintemlence of the Street c'ommissioner and Supervisor of the Third, Fonrth, and Fililí Warde of said city; and that yoú are about to be assessed to pay the expenses f gracting and plankmg sucli side-ivalk ío 'ront of or adjacent to certain premiies in said city, owned or occupied by yon respeci'ely, and that a report and assessiaent roll has been made butin the premises and ianow on file in this oflice for itispection, and that the Common Council of said city will meeí at tlie Council Ronrain ai á city on Mondar, June 6th, A. D. 1864. at 8 o'clock P. M , io review such assessiiieut roll on tlie request of any person consideiiiíg Iiimself agsrieved thereby ; and yon areheVeby further notih'ed, that tbn party is allowed thirty days ftviu ;he timo of the service of tliis" notice upon Han, within whicb to make such gradiag and side walk DDOer the Bperintendence of tlie Jtréet Coraraisbkmer and Supervisor of tlie rilird, Fouith, and Filth Warda of said city, and tliat i f such side-w.ilk sliall within that iine have been so constructed to the satisfacion of sach superinteudeots, no expense of roceedings to colleet snch assessment shall )e incurre 1 by the person so construeting the same; bnt if any pavl of snch side-walk hall not be constructc.l within said time the remises so assessed foi tlie construction hereof will be sold or leased for the shoitest erm of yeara at which a:iy person will take he same and pay the tax assessed thereoo or constructing such side-walk, with the ioterest and al costs and charges thereon. By order of the Common C;uncü. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk Notice- East Cathanne St Citv of Ank Aehor, ) Rkcordee's Officb, May 24th 1864. ] 8tate oí' Michigan-, County of Washtenaw, ss. To Philip Bach Frederick A. Horn, Amos Meade, and Harvey Banister. l'ou and eauh of you are hereby notified. tfiat he Common Cotmeil of the City o. Ann Artor has ordered the side-walk on the nortll side of East Catliarine street from t'ie vest side of Ingalls streel to the east side of State street, te be graded and planked ; that uch sidp-walk is to be constructed four feet wide of (line plank two inches thi.'k ami piked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, nader the uperintendence of the Street Commissioner ,Bd supervisor of the Third, Fourth, mi pifth Wards of said city ; and you are about to be assessed to pay the expenses of grading and planking such side-walk in front of or adjacent to oertain premises in said city, owned or occupied by you respectively, and that a report and assessment roll bas been made out in tbe premises and is now on file in this office for inspcction, and that the Corainon Council of said city will meet at the Council Room in said city, on Monday, Juna tJth, A. D. 1864 at 8 o'clock P. M., to review such assessment roll on the request of any person consicienng himelf aggrieved thereky; and you are hereby l'nrther notifled, that the party is allowed thirty days from the time of the service of tbis notice npon him, williiu which to matos stic'h grading and side-walk under the superintendence of the Street Commissloner and Supervisor of' the Third, Fourth and Pifth Wards of said city. and that if such side-walk shall within that time have been so constructed to the satisfaction of' such superintendents, no expense of' proceedings to collect such assessment shal be incurred by the person so constructing the same ; but if ai)}' part of said side-walk shall not be constructed within said time the premises so assessed for the construction thereof wil] be sold or leaed for tbe shortest term of' years at which any person will lake the sanie and p.ay the tax assessed tbereoo tor constïueting sucli side-walk, with the interest and all costs and charges thereon. By order of tho Commoji Conncil. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. THE GREAT CAUdE HUMAN MISEET. Just Published, in a Staled Envelop e. Price Six Cents. A Lfeetvre on the Biutiire, Tifntment lid Rndlcnl Cure o f Seminal We&knem, or spenuatorr hcea, induced bj rfi-lt Abuse . Involuntarv Eniis?i"üs' [mpotency, Neivous Debility, anü JnipedimeiitM 1 Marriage generally ; CoDsürapftrTt), Epitepsv and KHs ; Mental and PhysUal Inoapacitv &c- Bv KORKRTJ( l'LVKRWEI.L, M. I)., Authnr .,{ Green Book,tc. The word rermwmii nuthur. in tilia ailmirsttp I-ec' ture, charly piovea from liis own experieuce tbat the aviul coiisrqui-nc) nf Pelí abase may be efTtctu1 removed wilbout nudic nc, apd wüinmt üangwoö0'' gical operaiioni. bougies, instrumenta, rings, rcordials, polatinf nut t tood of euro al osoe certain M elTi'ctual, by whlcb ever y Midcrcr. bo in tier wbaj J"9 Coodition majl bc, m;iy cure liineif cbfnjily, privaielJt mul radieall; . Tbü lecluxe wilJ pruva a büon to tbous.tmlf- and tboDBftiida. ent uijilcr in a plain pnveiope, to any ntWrtS on the rceipt af si cents, or two postage gtampa, X mUfOssing the jmblicliers. CHARIES J. C. KLINK A CO., lyW? 127 Bowery. Nw yWrk, ro&t Office Box, W.


Old News
Michigan Argus