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DYSPEPSIA, AND I)IKASiïS RESUI,TI)i( PRO l DISOKDERS OF THE LIVEE AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARK CÜRKD HY HOOFLANB'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GE.EAT STEETÍGTHENING These Bitters Imvc pcrfuruifd more ('hits HAVE AND DO (liVli BüTTEii SATISFACTIüN Havo ïiioic Trrttiuor.y! HAVE MOUIi RESPECTARLE PEO PI E TO UOU FOK 'J HE II ! Tlian any uilicr articie n : m.M We defy my one lo couttadipt lliis Assertion, AND VII,L, PaY $1OCO Tü imy ono wii. j wil! producá a Certiflcaf bublbned bj I1S, 11, uil nut CKM'IMi. DÖOFLASD'S (iEKHM BITTEBS VVII.L ODBE IN CASE (,F, Chronic oi Nervons Debiiity, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arisiug fiom disoideied Stomach. 'ObttTve tktfóüwivg limpióme ranotbigfi-mi Dttorder af the Digrtlivc OïuK : Consttpation,Inv&rd i'ilw, Kullnrai „i ,„„l „ lu üead, Acidity, oi thbStomach, Nauea Hi'iirlburn Disgust fir lood, Kiillnis e, weiglrl inthe Stom.ii-h ' Kructations, tHnktag or Umi, r„„, Ht the pit ui' tlicStoniiicli.Swiininiin; „i (lig Heail HurrledanddilHouH breMliinf. (Nuiterh-g at tholiearl , Cbnking or Suffocilttiig srn satiuus ulien in ;i l,yii:g Postuw, Diinnesg ol Piston, Dn ti orWebabefore the Sljrht, Fev and Buil Tuin n tho Hea 1. Defldtency "I l'reaP'rati Srellowuesa ofthe skin and Eyes pain in the Me, baok,ohest,llmlg, te. Sudden Hushes of Beat, Buraing o the Plesh Constant InmgiiiingsofEvil aml Great Dejnssion of sp.rits, THAT THIS BITTERS IS MOT AL1OH0LÏ0, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WH1SKKY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, BUT In the World. IREAD WHO SAYS SO : Frmntlie Hcv. I.evi Q. Ebck, Pastor of the Biptist Church, PefBberton, N. J. ;br.m.r!y ulthe KorthBaBtist Ctiurch, rhihuli'lpliia. I havo known Hooflahd'n Germán Bitters favorably for a number oi yearn. I have ased thna n ray on family, and have been su pleased uilli th.'ii vlUxts tint I was induoeijtn recomtnead them to many others aml know rhattheyhaveoperatedina strikingfy beneiloiil roanner. I take grfitt pleaiturn in tbna publ cly pro ctahaing tliis faot, and oalüng the attention of thos ilffllcted with the difeasee for which tliey are recuiii meáded,to tlitse bittora.knowing from exuerience that mv reoTOwnendalion will bejosUined. I ,1o this moro ohoerfUHy as Hoofland's Bitters is intended tu braeill tbe atlücted, and is 'not a rum drink." Youitrnly, ij;] q, BEC3E. Kruin Rev.T. Newton Bronn, l. I). Editor of tlieFncvOlopedia of Beligiou Knowledgo and Clmstian Cluolii cle, Philadelphfa. Althóugh not disponed tb favor orrecommend Pateat Medicines in general, th'OUgh distrust of their increüic-ntsand ettects. I yet know of no suflicient reasons why a man may not testify to the beneHts lie beUeves himaelf to liave received from any simple preparation In hope that lie may thus cuitribute to tbe bent-lit I do thismore readily in regard to Hoolland's German Ritlers, pre;areil bv Pr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudujed ngainet tbca lor uu, years, ander the impression tlia'. tliey wero chiefl an alchoholic mixture. 1 mii indebted tu niv fviund Bob ert Shoemakef , Ksq., lor the remoVa] of this prejndice by proper tests, and for tu try theni when suffering fromgreat and euntmued debilitv Th use of three bottks ol these bitters al the bc-in' nmg of tbe present year, ivas folloired hy evident ruüef and restoration u a degrce of bodiiy and mental vicor which 1 bad nut for six monttiK befoio, and had almost de pa red nf regaining. J Ihe'reforc thank God and mv Iricnd for dirocting ce to tte use oí Hum J. NKWTON BKttWN, ri.ila Krom the Rev. Jos. II. Kennanl, l'asturuf the lOth liantist Chareh. ' Dr. .lack.son :- Sir : - I hare bees frequent Iv rquested to eonnect mv ii.-tmi' wiih ctimmi'Udntions of dilVerent kinds of medicines, uut rfgnrding the piactice asnillo!' mj appropriate sphere, I hare in ;;ll cases deeliiie'l; luit with :i clearpruof in variQuainstanGCii and psrticalaily in my family, of the unelultness oi hr Uotilland's (cinuin Bilters, I depárl Por once from tv usual course. to expres my full conviction tliat, or jreneral debility of tbe systrni aml esperialiy for i'.iv.r C.implaim, ït i a safe and valuable preparation! In ome cases it may lail; but usuallv, 1 dou t pot il ivill be very benelicial t(i Ihosc wlio sjllcr fn,m tho aboie cause. Yours, very resiiectfully, -T . TT KENNARn, Kiglitb belo Cuates streetj PhiU. From Rev. Warren Rndolili, pistor of the li.iptist Church, Gcrmantown Pcnn. Dr. C M. Jaokson :- Itear : - PeraonAl éxperlenee enablesme to sny tlial I regard Ihe üiiinan Bitttrs liFpnreit hy you as a musí oxcel ant medicine. In case ol severo coM and general debiiity I have bien ereatTy beneliled by Ihu use of the lïitfcrs, and doubt mt tliey will iroduce similar efTeète on ollier.s. Vours, irnly, WARREN ÜWDOI.I II. Gei mautown, l'a. Fiom Iicv. .1. Il Tui.ier, i'.islor ,f lleüdiuc M K Clmreli ,1'liilii. Dr. .lackson :- Dcar Sic .- Ilaving used j'onr Germán Bitters in my l.nnüj rreijueatly, I n pr,-pa.d to say Ihat it bas beei! of great service. 1 b('lie'e that ui most cases cl" general debilily d[' ïii,' -slcm it is ibe siest and most valuabie rentfdy ol" which í have anv knowieuge. Yotirs, respcctfully , J. II. TUKNFIR. Nu. 788 K. N.neteenth Streè. From tlie Rev. J, M. l.yons. foriiieiïv Pastor of the Co lurabur,, (N. .).) nnd Mille lown, (l'a. ) Uaptist Chnrches. New línchelle. N. V. Dr. O . M. .raeksi.n :-!Varfii:_I Wt it a pleaKon. tlws,i f iny own Record to ii".ir to l!:e rxet-ïlence ofthe trerjiAn Ui: Iers. Home years since. beits mach afflictéd with Dyspep'sla , I used them with very beneficia! resultl. I liave uilen rr.comnien.k'il them to persous eafeebled by ! lint lornii'iiliiifr disense. and haf head from them the most Sattering testimoniáis as to their great val.ii-. In ca&esof genttral debilitv, 1 be lieve it to be a tonic that eau not besornasMed .1. M I.YON.". Krom the Re? Thos. Winter, l'.istor of Roxborourh linpüsl Chnreh. Hr. .Incl.son - riparSjr: -1 feel itdub to your excel leitt preparaiion, ![r.o(l.inir '."ei liit u-i 1 o ,-nliJ my tesiiniouy to the deserved repututiou il lias obtained 1 bave for years, al timiia been troubled rith great dn order in my head and nerveus system. I was advised hy a fii.-nd to try a bottlp of y6nr Gèrman Bitters. 1 did so and have expeiitnccd great mul urixpi c-ie.l re lief; my lienlth hait been very materially tieneiilted. I eonlidenlh' ri eoiinii'nd arücle w ere 1 mecí ,i!h cases similar tomy own, and have boen asttured by miiny ol" 1]ie:r gO(wl nftects Ktspectfully yours, T. WIKTER, Roxhorough l'a. From Rev. J S. Herman, of the Germán Reform ed rhiirch. Kul7tiiwn. lielks Co i'a. Ir. C M. Iiickson ; - Pespected i-'ir.-T liave 1-een troubled wilh I'yspensifl maily Iwenfv viars. and have never used any i licinethat dii meusnutch nood iHoolland's Bitters. I am very nm.-li imjjroved iii hcaltb after ha ving taken ftve 'dollies Vours, with respect . ,T S. HERMAN, PBICES. I.arg;e Size, iliolding nenrfy doublé quanlity,) $1 (II) per botile-lmifdo?. f5 00 tfmall Size- 75 cents jer Iioltle- lialf dozen $-4 00, BEWAKE OF COtTNTERFEITS. Ha tht 1JÍB siffn.nturc "f " C M. JACKSON" is on the WBAl'PES of each bottle Shouldyour noarsot Frnggist nol have theartiolo,iio nol In' put uil" by ivliivii'.ilitig pri'imiMiimi.s Ihai 111:11 l,r oü.icd in its place, hut sond to n.-,and e will fonvii rd Becurety exprecs. Principal Office :iml jiaaufaot.ovy, NO 63IARCH STREET, PUILaOELHIIA. Toilës & Evans. Sxcceitors to V. M 'Jack son If C. PKOPRIETOÜS. Frr sïIu bj Di . ; Dealers in evei v i tni '' (tea Sta Cei . 3 i ÏK. WIMGIIT'S Bejnvenating1 Elixir ! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prppaied from Pure Vegetable Extracta, containing Hotliing injurious totlie most delicate. "AsthePhüSi-ixri.eafromiboasiiesof its tire, aniniated with egw no does thiy fclixir reiuvenate tho 3y3tem and ovurcomc disea30, f ar The Ie.luv. niting Kli Ir Ia tfn rfwmHof modi'n dlBcoveri a in i,Ue vwgetablfl kingflmn; lui'i.: mi entl tri y new itntl ato1 met ium od t;' euiv, IrresoeciÜvi trf nl! the i W an.l Wura-out vsh'in-. t?? fJs medicine luis b en Nstt'd i Ur tnoM e ui tHJiitmerüCftl tni-ii of thé ftft. . )).t:d 'n Mti! iir-'imnriccd to lio uüj of ibe „L au dl cal fllttcu verlam uí t..t %L■ ter Qne boi.tli wil oare Btwer! D'bimy. IF A few d-Hk'd . atüí ilyatertas III reinal t& One bot il e i ares Pulí lUrtioti irf' tlu; Heurt. r:T i rom one io thrcê öottlefl resiorau themaeMDeun un ti full Tlgtir oí' oti!li. tí?" A lew Ö' ml-m rtiií.i BtUe !i!'p.;íle. fïf Threc; bitfrice core tlie woii c;ic of ín p leucj. t" A í v, dotioe curen (faü low 8(tiHml. l One i'Oitíe i ealuri v m atal iiover. fi9 A lew do-'i ' brmi: the ro e to i lie clMelí. l_?" 1 M- umdli liia ron ni i en lo niniuv vtr and ro bust bealtH Lhc py dobi LUted, w-r;i -duwu uud c sparing. The llotl6-, eaervatrd vomii, ihc ovi r-t-slteii min of butí-.frtti, vlutini oí nervou deircsftD, tbe indu t Idal nnffüriaf tirtnn t iternl fbMüiy, wi} nlt firi'i iitinM di ulij and pei'tra cm rtUii i by the vw o' ihU Elixir or ',. BiHcC of Liii . fJT" Price, W prt1 hottlc or í!-rre ft. ttl b lor $-, an-i f.-rwflidcd by Kprt8S(on reodpi oi' mouey to l ad:itrKs. All h --h"fl mtiptberent fcn . a. COOK, Ch - copo, our Gfoneral Ageutfor tho West. Buid in OlilOHico, by ' WholOHrtle Druírgltp.nndb all2rnggieifeve ywV.ce. C A. COOK, CincA-GO, Genwal Agent ot thiBitfö of IlllQüU lowa, Wfeconwn, Mloblgan and Iadlauu. JK. W. H. mKRWTN & EO., Solé Phopbibiors, No r,9 Utierty stree, New Tork. CHEROKEE PILLS ! SUGAR è% COATKI). Female rÈjÊk. &&&&■&. Healüfi;-PreseFïef. S ■ ■ CEETAIN v ANB SAFE. For tho Rt-moval of Obstructions, and tïie Insuxtíiice of Hegularity in tbe Éecunence of tae Montüly Periods íj& Tln-y en re or obvíate those DniaeroiiA dlseaneB that sjirinti f rom lncgnlarity, by n m vittp ti li rtularity ttself. jt_f They cure SnpprcBsed, Iíxcu88ive uud Jpitinful McLBíruiitton. tJ? They enro Groen Sicknepe (ChloroSB). l They core Nervous und Spirnl Affet:tioD,pntne In the back, aud lower partsof tbe bodj, (íeaviiieB, Fatigue oa Ü(Cht exertion, Palpltatfon of tb e Il'-urt, LowLens oí Spirits, Hysteria, Slck Cifddinee, etc., etc. Iu a wor i, by removlng the Iirenlarily, ihey remove the canse, and it all tho tff.'cte tbat Bpnag rrom i. 6"t:omioscd of Bloiple vegetable extracta, ttiey coDtuin nothing delete] íons io my cunatltution. bovvever delicate., tbeïr fancilon beint; to su eijtut etriíngtb for weabntiss, which, wbi:ii uoperly ut-ed, they D'ver lail to do. Z-#f Tltty muy hi safe-ly uaed a flny ajee, aiI at nny pc!ÍOd,EXOKPT DXJKINw TUE F1BST TRKKE MOhTüfi, dnrir.g which the unfailin; luitnre of thclr uetton wold intallib'y piíevt nt pregnanev. l& All letters seekinií infonuatloD or advice trlll bepromptly, nxly and dincrcetly amwered. BÏ" F;lld:r( ctionsaccomp:iny carh bpx. OT Price $1 per box, or mx brtxefi for $S. tlT Sent by mail, frte oi po8taK&, on reuclpt of price. All 8ucta orders imiPt be sent to O. A. COOK.Chlcüo,our Gi ne al Agent lor Uic West. S'Min Chicago, by vniolesaleDrutrgiülSjaudby all iiuaíitítet verywturo. o. -A-. cíooxs:, CHICAGO. General Agent foi tbe States of Illinois, lowa, Wi coinlti, Mich-ipan aDCl Indias . BB.W. ti. MI2KW2N & CO., SOLS TROrRIBTOi 8, Ko. SO UW) si., New York. SoM l.y Wuile8le DruggiBts ín Detroit, nlso l STKHBIÍiS & WILSON, Ann Albor. 942yl PHEIPS & H1TDE, PHELPS & H1TDE, 105 R&ndolpli Stroct, 105 üctAct-n ('lurk uní Deai'bun , ncxl to Mnllcsi.ii Hmisi , M ANUFACTUIi E R S And Wholesale and Retail Detiters ifi PIAIIO FORTES5 PIANO FORTES, OF TIIU FOLLOWIHQ MANUFACTURES. PI1ELPS HYDE, Chicago, J. P. HALE, New Yo,k, J. C. l'ISCHER, Nnn York, HAINES&r BH0.,N,w York, GROVESTE1N % CO., New Yrrk, MrPHML, Boston, II AL LET DA VIS, Boston, BBAGKET fy CO., Bto. AI.SO, .DIJALKKS IN Car!:nt'n and Smitli & ('u'.s Hannoniums and Melodoons, Hannouiums and Melodeons, STÜOLS, SPREADS Shüet Mutic, Musical Instruineuts, &c. WU0t,li8ALE WARKKOOMS, 190 199 19, A'! I9fi nKAKüORN UJ, ií, J4 ë l0 ÖTKKET, CHICAGO, HjX.. Kocp i consta n'l.v nn lisml, u Inrge Stc'( of PIAN'O KOHTESi.l tli. t-wii niüki', wíl!, i, i.hei ws.rautequa! to nny in uiiirki-l, :m ! ni i,-s tima Kaslern Wholrsalu lric(. AUn. a nnl1 assmtnipnl of ümi beat Kairrn MiiniiliK tures cnistanlly nnliuitt. U.. nur bren m tho hiisiiicss twemy vcars , pfrubnR BlMlilini; Ir. mi :, .llan.'i' tiM.y n-l up(,iB mil' II. .ann fattnor i-nWctmg for 'uciu, na we wavrnntevcn iistniin.Mit vt. .-.-I!. Dealers Supplicd o lvciisnn;il)](! Tcrms. BT SEN FOR CIRCULAR. 9 i'ou can Imy het guildes of !' í N K OUKWINíi TOBA0CO at ftiiBi Tifl mii'j lo One Dollar BMOKIiíu fi'oiii fuuvteec to twentv cent ut, J M. UKVAXVS TORAOCO ANO OIGAS 8ÏOUK sin- líc.l Iu linn. South si, lo Hnron streel . I :i ivw duars l'nnu Coofe llulel. M -l)r,VASV. Ann StboT, Dcc. I1 1963, 883tf Buffalo Tesíimoiiy. i ■i.Di' ( 'Ui? E o, ''""'" ■■I as Iroul 1 iii, Bl'eum " '"'"■ pain m..,. 1 i,.i tofl „„„.,. ',,, ' "wt lid aiiy lm „m„1,.„... lee] v,,v IM,i ,, ; '""', ""■ MIln 5 a mum ,-i, i;,„, "vM ;;;, tri??1 "ke "Mv M'MV lm f U-en uil ff,, idi tol -I,,,-,,,, ,,-,-, M ,'''v "'"ti!1" "f m, me, i.M i.oi teil l i !:i'vi!" .Vi'ir '■'u,A.v;.;;t!rl ? t U takt Ü „,,,,„. ,„,-,.,. ! '' ' ''"■■ '"'! convrr, n, i..,-,, l,.,se„Oli ,,., "■'' '■"'■ iotau lu.i,,uoaicdltoAl.iuer ""'''e ''! S ('URE 2 wi l dvertlrfnwni „f ,„..'","""- ''-""'ft pl";r,PurchMed Ita Meihefoe.iV' Si' ? 'l'J! tlinroughly triad f . ,.-,,..,( ,,hs ,.„,„.,„',.;"' luwtilyi , i .„,,, ,, ,.„ Í „ , , I "'1'"';t"""it Christin AdVooile " ? '- Wit" n,í'í"-s cure Qríhfürwi ifoKiu CUi?E cr"fl"a i V&r&Lp- CHAÏS. SCHAKPF, y?:; M.-ü,, St.,up-taiM " U1S. CURE CS' manytruBblesand ífflonltk. II U,8 t!,, „ it l.cuMil.aml! !Vtii;li..,.,lul::,„l ],!, pVy ' P "MKS. OATHARiMO IiF.WAI.n .'B0j.'ro"2o:iiiAutaboveTu: 1 EOm 8 sJ IXVj „„., M ■Mly ,!,. l,:,sl,-..,.„ in ■ l„.„lt, f,,r „ tj toving fraquently to calla nhvsician lo „ti,! b,,t ■: recentlj ferj much ,o,. K.„. t,ve ,,r' Bix we8kBhehd no appetite, lost allher streneth and 'Vl"7r V -=-. Sbe had aight swe enughed a great di Juring each nybt anl cmsidt-ra liy dnringthedíy.and we all mpposed she waK K(,inI BTw itta the conaumption, wlu-n a lr,,,,l a,]viwi to take tho'PeoplM s Cure. On taking the medicine she perceiyed , ol.aage 1 onoe. 0„ tl,, thlnl rtavZ had recoreied hm appetite, a.,,1 wa 6t regainiDg her strength, uutil, „i, the efghtli day, ,,,,i yet hai-íní t. rn oue bottle, he bu stopped takiog tbe medMIne as-fero,"Siï,-"w-""-i'--! ■,oct2'ö"I"r'82Priy For Palé by all Drugiut.. í)2'vi (i CROSBY, Oeneral Agent, Ni.. 255 Main t., Buffalu N , to w]niniallordi-ihouldbe1.l.,! ' Kor Ssloby STSBBras & Wilso.v, (rk.vviuk FCLtK and p. KiiKKR.Mii & Co. WONDERFÜL BUCCE8S. #r The attentioD and research of the moM d tlngulshed Cuemwta and Physicians fot reara hai- been devoted to tbe productin of a remed'v for th se DiostdmtresBing maiadiea Nbciulgm and l;iin- t sm' Alter long stu.iy and imn.v experimenta, a tpeetti preparatiou has been discovcrc'. . nri Kiog,anFíriioi Remtdyjs curing Ihtnuandí of Lases vvlicreall ollierreraediae hve utterly failed Weare assuiedtliatit is no mere " ANOUYNE," relievirar for theninmntwhMetb!caue remains but ís a nerfwt í CURE ,„, i,,,-, p.iñníidi,; The Tartninnberol LinfmentK, Embrocaliona and Extern! ..l-,l,,-me, wlnch act a stimnlants of the surface onlv are mere vtemgrMjin their offactn síd of dmibtiai virtue NEÜKÁLGH KINü reache the iurce of tiVs "teï "" L"ir'ct";i"i' bam.slHs th d.sease from "l'ri._ün,. Dollai per B,,tle. rrej.ared b.v Ijfl22 liüITai,), H. V-, .uu F,'„ t ErieC. V. WIZA HDOIL The greateüt interna] and extern) remeií erer offeren t" tas poullc; fortnectífeoi tchea andTain., i Hamiin's Wizard Oil. N'o fainily, oooc ha'ving rUnroagblj tncl, Mil b without Hamïin?a Wizard Oil. It -vill c,,r,. NVrvons and !,il.u,,miltory Paíns more rvmlijy ADA mir.Jy than auv ther Ktífcte urn H requires on-ly few laioutes „„phcatiou of Hamlin's Wizard üil. Haml'&'s 'PTizard Oil. I al_o n .,.,.,,i., „,„1 si.oi.dv fnre f i Kh, umn I -ii. v&?22mUL? K-' """ HamJíts Wizard Oi!, Im.o li iüiïrv i,.,,,,d „. ,v,,,,1l,.r!ul,.ir,etswil Manufactura t.y J A Hm.iHri á Uro 102 WttaliiiigtoB Stnxt, Ctiicaco FW.I.Kn.KINCH.&ta'LLKft.Mand 20 Market ít Lllicago. are Apnts for liMSl Hamlin's "iasard Oil. RUTTAN'S VENT!LATION_ & WARMING ! iivouo,.nl.rn„t.OT,„t..„llwh„a,, M„ ,,t !, '.J,ílíl " ■■;,;".!.; .:"■■ ■■"""■AKn, Jnn rbor,M.,rcl 4:11,1..,,! f,rnflJ, ni.sohitiii Prdtiee. THE RÍRM OF IIAPIN. WiiOH t (O . ira lbmtl?4 ■ liiniuii'.v l'j. i :i, liv nili,:il coit'iit. I'. I I ,, ,,iu ■ " . K K ■'■ "ill b, til,. Mieaconunt ol t lin., n v. ■imii, A , ív,,,,,, L'ii.u'is, ].;. wtLLs. Sun Vrboi , .tu'úe 31, IPñ3. í'O)lf 11. slíir rpjK I M'iiH iKKfl,.,,..l Inte, ,-n.f T.,.r,.!.i. jan. I Ti, 1-"! :, lu llie linn iiiimi' nf ('li:i,in S Cu onj ill Dontlinif himinoBí of nunufucturiiu piintinu and v.ipi ni .... , ,■■. '' t'll.Pi, N'.ru.iriN. V '1.I"S. Ann A.'... :■!, . H) .all,lf Ayer's Cathartic P110


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Michigan Argus