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Our Notes Of Travel

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We give on tlie first pnge of this sheet i an editorial letter, written from " noar j St. Louis," some ten dajs since, wbich promisei " more " of the samo subject The more, paradoxical as it may seem, w 11 be little, for we have neiiher time, space, nor inclination to write up our notes at any great length. Wc leuvo home on sueh excuisions to got rid of our daily dutics, and to se ure the utmost of relaxatiou we always feel greatly iuclined to " drop the shop ;" and when wc rururn home a huudred-and ono thinjrs presa up'in our time, and invite us to lock fonvard rather thau backward So we shall finish briefiy. St. Louis is tomtthing of a city, and just now is all artivity, having seemingly recovcred from the shock it reeeived by the breaking out of the rebellion It is just n hundi-ed years old, and claims a. popiilatiou of Jts olderstreets - liaving beeu originally suttled by the French - are narrow like those of Montrenl nnd Quebec, but are lined with a better class of buildings. The newer streetg and avenues are broad and inviting, aud its busiuess blocks aod suburbs well built. The (Jourt House is a magnificcnt strueture, and from its dome we got a fiue view of the city and its sur rcundings. Located as it is on the western bank of the Mississippi, commanding the commerce of that river and the Missouri,- -over 5,000 miles of navigable waters, - being the natural starting point of railroads to the Pacific, and backed by a State rich in mineral wealth and oí great agricuhural resources, it is bound to grow and prosper. Give pcaee to the Union and St. Louis neod fear do jealous rival. The Great Western Sanitary Fair was in progresa, and we visited t several times A large and commodious building had been erected for the purpose, at tbc correr of Olive and Twelfth streets, covering three squares and lighted with gas. lts co3t was $20,000. The gifts of "gooda, wares, and merchandize " by the citizt ns of St. Louis and surrounding towus and cities had been munificent, and evcry saleable tbing ordinarily found in Faii-s was to be had at its counters The kdies and gentlemen in charge had spared no pains in decorating, and it was an attractive placo of resort. Large sales .of goods, useful and ornamental, were being made, and raffling schemes, for the disposition of donated nrticles, from a dolí to a 840,000 farm, abounded, and werc liberally patronized. A fine gallery of paintings was attauhed ; a iioeity shop, in which were eshibited tropliies of the war, and some things not trophies ; a Kentueky Kitehen ; a New England Kitcheu, io which " Grandma Brown " did the honors admirably; a Sterescopticon ; a Panorama, a fishing pond, a skating park, End across the street a saloon for the sale of donated wines_ and beers. Floral Temple with its cool fountains occupied the center, and was the admiratioo of all. And lastly, just bef ove the Fair closed. came a donation from tho ininers %f Nevada Ter., of three bars of pure silver, weighing400 1bs., and worth over $11,000. These werc exhibitcd for only 10 cents, and the fee was begrudged by no one. The Fair was provipg a great suceess, and the chiiirman of the Finanee'Comtnittee assured us that the net proceeds wmiïd be 8500,000. We see tl-at his prediotimi lias pioved good. Wc niet Bt the F-ur Mis. Gen. Clinton B. Fisk, a Michigan lady now resident of 8t. Louis, and to wIioti we are indebted for kind atentions, c-pvciailv 'r an inlruduciion to a nuiubcr uf St. Louis' most active benevoleut women and prominent busiuess men. A card of introduction from Mrs. F. also admitted us to the Union Merchants' Ex chat:ge, where congregated at the homof noon wc met a large number of active men of trade, each bent, Yankee like, on selling tho othcr something, say flour, wheat, oats, barley, beans, butter, potatoes, &c, l'by sample," or stocks, lots, etc, etc. At Carondelet, a down the river suburb of St. Louis, we visited two Monitor gunboats in a near etate of cotnpleion. They were both doublé turreted, 220 feet in length, and will draw when 'ully loaded but six feet of water. Thetr sides nnd decks were thick platoJ with ron, and each will be run by four cngines and fotir propellers, so that the chance injury of an engine or propeller wil! not stop the machine. Three of the urrets are of the original Monitor pattem, but the fourth is in iiuproved turret, invented by Mr. Eads, of St. Louis, one of the contractors. ín this turret the platform on which the guns are mounted raises and falls, so tbat the loading is done below deck, giving more working rooni and butter protection to the gunners. It is claimed that five shots cati beÊred from a gun in this turret to three from one in the others, and that 40 men less to a turret or 80 to a ftunboat'a crew are necessary. If it meets expectations it will prove a great improvement. These gunboats - the Kickapoo and Milwaukee - will bo rcady to go down the river in a few days, when, iu company with two others built by the same contractors - Messrs. Eads & Ná-, so - it is suggestcj tlicy iany go to Mobile. We are in dubt cd to Mr. Nulson' for the courtesy shown uson the occasion uf o.ur visit. Leaving St. Louis on Thursday afternoon, June 2d, vvo reaclied Sprinprfield, III,, earl in the cvoning, and t;xrriod ovor niglit. In the moining wc took h ramble through the streets of the prairie city, and from the domo of the State House,- a substantial Rtoue stnuture, but buüt without any regard to the beautiful in architecture - ubtained a view of the all of Spríngfield, and extended it into thé broad prairie around. Springfield is B beautiful city of about 15,000 inhabitants. Aside from the State House the public buildings, churches, &c, are not first class ; but we noli cod inanyrcally elegant private residen cas, giving evidenoe of both good taste and great wealth. Among them we particularly obeerved the palatial mansion of Ex Gov. Matteson, which, with its grnperiés, couversatorie, out houses, and vvcll kept grounds, is an ornan ent to the city. The Ex (Jovernor is now in Europe and his mansion ia occupied by hts daugbler. We also took a look at the the " unpretending mansión " of " Old Abe," which all our readers have read about, and which fable says Mrs. Linooln so improv.'d in one of his absences that he did not know it on bis return. - It is of wood painted brown, the prevailing color in Springfield. North of Springfield the country is more level iban from that city Southwest to Al 'on, and the prairies become broader with fewer groves. On we come, through the beautiful and thriving city of Bloomington, through the broad prairies, the small villages, the thriving city of Joliet, with its State Prison and stone quarrie.s, through the miserable wet prairie back of Chicago, and the badly built suburbs of that city, looking worse compaired with those of St. Louis. We reach Chicago at 8 P. M., Frtday evening, take the Express train on Central Road, and at 8J o'clock, Saturday moruing reach Ann Arbor ; and no more beautiful city did we see in our trip. In concluding our notes we commend our readers who may have occasion to visit St. Louis to the Michigan Central and Chicngo, Alton and St. Louis Railroads. This latter road is the ouly one by which the traveler can go from Chicago to St. Louis without change of cars, its track is straight and well ballagted, its cars good, and cocductors attentive, and besides it passes through the heart of Illinois. Of the Central we need hardly particularize. It acknowledges no superior in any raüroad in the laud. El5' The beautiful village of Glen's Falls, N. Y., was alraost totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday night oí last week. J5g" See advertisement of Snover, successor to J. R. Webster, dealer in Books, Stationery, &c. Also that of Dr. Smitjj. Drugs, Medicines, Stationery, &c. L"L" The Edinlurgh Review, for April, has the following papers : Diaries of a Lady of Quality, The History of Highways, The Basque Country, Human Sacrifices and Infanticide in India, Öbarl-Vietor de Boustetter, Britisli North America, Rifled Oi'dimnce in England and France. Kirk's Charles the Bold, and Renan's Lite of Jesus. $3 a yeaf ; with the other tlirep Recieies and Blackwood f 10. Afldress L Scott & Co., 38 Walker Street, U Y. - The May number ot Blaeiwood's Edinburgh Magatine, from the same Publisherg, has: Chronicles of Carlingford, Forsyth's Life of Cicero, Tony Butler - ParL VIII., A Song on Matrimonial Matters, A Groan over Corfú, The Great Indian Question, Cornelius O'Dowd upon Men and Women and Things in General, How to mako a Novel, and, the Position of the Ministry. Terms same as above. &3JT Part XLII of the Relellion Record is on table. It has excellent steel portraits of the n bel Maj. Gen. James Losostrket, and the Federal Maj. Gen. O C Wasii bühne. The documents embrace the operations of the army for June and July 186S, including of course the battles of Gettysburg, surrender of Vicksburg, &c. The department of Poetry and Inci-dents is fuH of interest,. 50 cents each monthly part. Address G. P. Tutnam, 441 Broadway, N. Y.


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