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Lee's Line

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an insignilicant and easily pagsable strearn, except when the a Ijaeenl bottom lands are rendered swampy by rains. The f;iet that l,ee is fitting with his bnck to the Chickahominy", would seem to indícate that the stream is now easily puaaabie, and that Grant ïll not, when he reacties it, havo to contend with the physical d fficufties which delayed, and uliiir,a;ely paralyzed Meülelian's advance. Lee evidently has thus an easy retreat benind him - otherwise he would not now be fiofhting at Cold Harbór. The aüaek of Grant at Cold Harbor on Wednesday hows that he has no intention of giving Lee time to erc-ale addttioua] defenses betweeu onr army and Rkhmrnd. Oiild Harbor is a point of considerable iroportance in the pIeent position of the armies before Richtnond. It is on the principal road lcadintr trom ll;chmonj to White House via New Bridge. It is siirply ' Incali'y - no villaje - a cro?s rad and a dilapidated o!d lavern. - The roads passing here, are important. One lea ds to Richrnnnd, seven miles I distan); anothr to White House, sixteen miles distant; another to Oli Churcfl, h've mi es, Ii-orn which a road leadá to Hanovertown; another to Uispatch Station, near Bottoin's Bridge, on tho Richmond and York River Railroad. Coid Harbor is ivo miles ea3t of Gaines' Mili, and t was reallv our extremo right when the battle of that name was fóiltfht in 18G2. T: e movement of Lee's for:e toward that point would 8eem to be with a view of depriviug Grant of the use of an excellent road to bis ba-e at White House. - N. Y. Times. " Perhaps you did not fctiow that I had corns," said : good ! atured man, as a stranger set his carpot baj dow n on the end of liis toes, in a crowded rar. ''Much obliyed to you for the information, htranger," said the carpet-bag man, " but I think yon cultívate too much ground ! " President Madison once said: "Unconstitutional power over the press ouüht, j more thau auy otiier, to produce universal alsrin; bccause it is 1-eveled against the right of freely examining publie characters aad nifasurt's, and of f ree oommuuication among tho pcople thereon, which Ijs ever heen ju.tly deemed the only cficctual guardián of every otlicr rigJit." ii - ii - - A plot of tho rebel prisoners confined on Johnson's Island in Lake Erie, to es cape, was recently discovered. A tunnel had been cuqt-tiucted Frorn one of the cÖ;ifc rooms to bevond the prison walk, ü[id a quantity of life preservers nade oi canteeii-s and bedticking, tarred so as to be water próof, by meana of which they wero to escape, were discovered, The plot was disclosed by one o the prisoners. A ihysician of Mi-.Rsachusetts asserts that an attack of f ctirlet fever may be prevonte'l by wearing a tarred string aLout the ici:k.


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Michigan Argus