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A Contest Without A Parallel

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Tho fighting in Virginia during the past week is destined to forra ono of the most memorable ucidents ia the annala of huiiian warfare. Tho world oever saw anyihing like it All other contests seein tame aud flat bcside. It stands out in dreadful prominence, unique, unpreoedented, unpar;illelod. Most of the great battles óf history have been of cotuparatively short duration. Even thoae upon tho issuo ol which the fate of euipires bas turued, have boon decided within the compara of a single day. The baltle of Austerlitz was fought aud tinished betweun sunriso and suuset. The battle of Waterloo commenccd at 11 a. m. and elcsed before dark. The battle of Marengo was an afternoou job. Tho battle of Solferino eirbraced only sixteen honis bctween the firing of the firsl gun and the final rout of the Austrians. But bere we have six days of ultiiost continuous fiirhiing! A respectablfl sized battle on Wedneaday fturnnon ; fighting all day Thursday ; fijfhthtg Friduy oiidait; IÍ0itiiifr lisíhtly tSaturday tuornii, and fijjliting tiercely Siturday nigh! ; tighting a-npterately ihe greatei part of Suaday ; fighting by dribléis Mondny ; and the blnoditist battlo of the war on Tutjadny ! And yet no decisive viotory achiuvéd ; rmd -ñ f,,r. at least, as we ar' col e ■ ■' p :,L' "f üairiiiir. Our b' . -i1 iMiiluisiastie - f rle.'erttineH to Pr-'8s oí id uta buen finally rou ed d ..! viü-Ii eoutiige, sueh : ■'■ï. ■ lioii ilagging resolve, ueh O'iiis.:n;; . -i ■ ever witnussed bíiích bc wirl i bi Lftii 'f 'l'beii ■ tlio losses: The most rauguinary coiiflicrs lliat histury records fall slirt, ivith ono or two ex ceptions. of the terrible nggrogate of the results uf the bloody wort of the past few day Vt. Solferino, the Krench lest 12,000; the Sardinians, 5 000, and the Au-trians, 20,000. At Maren zo, the total loss on both sides did uot exeeed 14,000 At Waterloo. the aggregate loss on both sides was not over 35,000 But in the series of 'uattles which havo been ragiiig in Viryinia during tho few days past, our mvn lugs is reported at above d(),0UÜ, wliile that of the enemy is estimah'd even largcr ! VVo can recali only oii instance in modern wars wliere the losses vvore so heavy. At the bat t Ie of Leipsic. the Freneh had 60,000 and the Allies 50,000 uien hors du eombat; but then all Europe was engaged and had a three day's tussle of t. - Albany Evening Journal, One of onr contemperarles says he got a hoise giver. ti hun. He forgot to add the word " whipping." It is established as an undoubtable fact that our naval vessels can run slower on more steam than any iu tho world. As a consolation to benedicta Punch saj8 it is better to be blown up ly a young wife tbaa by a steam boiler. Jerome, the stock broker, has a tnarble stable whieh cost $50,000, over which is a spleadid private theatre. A cotemporary tel Is us of the sad case of a man shipwrecked, aud cast upon an uninhabitèd ïsland without a shilling in his pocket. The Spriugfield Repullican ays General Butler knows better bow to deferid himself agüiust newpaper chargos, thau against thoso of Beaurgari. The differMce befWeen Lord Russull ana Jonah is ,iiJ xi bii tint Lord Hu 8ell was bro'iht uti ! Eatmi aud Jooch was eaten aid br.night. np. If ;in ab'iütioM lawyer fitids his bu-i ness duU or politiciau fails in his ex pectation he can apply to the adiuinistration for a Major Generalship. frince de Joiuville, who was in this oountry during the first montbs of the war, has just placed bis son ín the Portugese navy. The ynung Princu was foruierly at our u v ■)' ?ehl. The Oioci ■■ -, Q entile ayi i'u hktté ly necess.'ii-v :■ ..j,-.. forward iijfri troops until aira . rtatt's sr m de for their pror,t!f;t'"i - Ofcril '. occsBation is go ie _ We bal - .... ,lf Banks ! ,,; , ,:i tnei . ..'.': - in A sleep imoi """ "■ il biij eyes. ■■■■-■ ,■ j,ij ,-ííí ivn my deal 3 " ÁWwteruedJ ■■ iyt(: („ all ag( of ihe woti-á -isas .),ly l): cessary to smittí t-o.t ,f feaaale patriot kin with the rad of twe great erkis of the eintfy :., ■ ,:ikt. ú, ugl, f,jr,, „ went goüeras anti iruettfy ing gtreacr.g. The dcmoíM-ats in Surfc soanty, Ohio, nomimited a or# armed soldier for ssen' bot of Sugarereek towDubip, o that connty, the abolitiöüiets rn schoohnasler, whe has been rutlftg and bawlinr a-ar at home, and bcaltthe.BaI.diis-. riniy dtfferunce is. that oue w.-w ri-jd for life (tt Gottysbuig, and 'fctio ot&er betongg to tho loj1 (egae of tliutieaanty. Georjro Tiiompsim :ind his abolition Beiitiments being about playee Out ia, he has made his appearance in this countr.y. U d.4tated that ho and Wendell Phríie, smcontpmviei by the charnung and faseinating MisCÖ. Nation, are to malte a grand leoturing tour throughout the Northern States during tbe coming suminer.


Old News
Michigan Argus