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Anecdote About General Grant

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The New York correspondent of the Bost 3ii Journal tells the following story : "Many inquiriee Lave been madeabout Gen. Grant'e politics. I am happy to inform your readers frorn his o.wn lips to wliat party he belongs and under vvhat hanner he marehes. A near reíati ve of his has been passing eotne time iu Ihis city. While with Gen. Grunt at tho West, before he was tunde Lieutenant General, thu friend said to hji : 'General, I h-ive been inquirid of today apout your politics.' 'Did you give the parlies any ibformation V was ihe quiet query. 'I dkj tiot,1 waP th a.Qbwer, 'for I don't know vhat your politics are ' Knoekinu the ashes ffoiri his ';gar, ihe General continued : 'When I reeided at the 8iith I had the opinión and prejudices of Southern pcople íigiiinstthe íiepublicun party. I brought tnose'ópinions ana p'refuaices ith me whefl I cuni to Illinois. Hd I tnUen an aciivj part in politics I shonld tyive been uith the pnrty opposed to the ReiiiblicafiH 1 watc-hcd !r. í,incoln"B course, and was satistied with his pat riotism. But these are aot tha times tor partieu. Indeed, in tliis crisis llu ie can be but lwo partios - lliose for ih-e country, those for its foes I balong to the party of the Union. Those who are the most earneet in carryiug on the war and putting down the rcbellion have mv support. As a soldier I obev the hiws and execute the orders of all fny superiors. I expect every man undcr me to do ihe same." Ij" Tho t-'pringfield Repvbhcan, comniDiiting upon Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Slanton's letter explainiiig whv she bigned one of the calis for the Cleveland Couvention, says : 'We admire Mrs. Stanton's spunk. She is a gentleman ot genius ; she is a lady of parts ; she has honorably a.ohiev.ed wklu influence amorig th gent Ier sex of both genders. It is highly proper that she should not only sign a Preïideutial euU but go into ihe Convention as a delégate, and talco btivec of her female brethren wilh hiin. Perhaps we are getting the prononns a ü:tle mixed : what we mean to say is liat t his is a free country, and is going to be freer, und that every man aud woman of either sex has a perfect right to speak her mind and follow the lead of his owu progrestsive ideas, and we hope tshe will do ii." U2J" An editor down East stateg that he has detcrmined, after mature deliberatioD, to sell his pr ntiug office and purchase a hen. JS3T" During the recent furlough of tho Second Ohio Cavalry 200 marriagcs took place in the regiment. L=g Nearly 50,000 acres of land in Canada have been sown with flax this year - ten times as much as last year. JfST Mrs. General Meade has been presented with a pplendid residenco in a fashionable portion of Pbiladelpbia by some friendB in that city. JG?X" ïhere are now gaihered together in the Central Park, New York, over 200 varieties of birds, American and ioreign. They are lft free to build their nests in the Park and to make it their resort froci geoeration to generation. SST An Irishmau, illustrating the horrors of solitary confinement, stated that out of 100 persons sentenced to endure this punishmectr Ufe, only fiftcen survivüd it. A little boy disputi with iiis sister on somo subject, wo do not now remeDiber wbat, exclaimed : u It's true, for ma said so ; and if iflL saya it's so, it's so ij' it aint w."


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