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The Baltimore Platform

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The following resnlutions were adopted by acclamation at the office holders' and shnddyites' oonveotion held last weck at Baltimore : 1. Resolved, That it is the highest du tv of every Americau citizen to maintain ajraitist all their enemies tho iutegrily of the Union and the paramount authority of tlie Constitution and laws of tho United States, and that laying aside all differences and pnlitical opinions, we pledgo ouraelves ns Union men animated by a cpnimon sentiment, and aiming at a common object, to do everything in our power to aid the Government ín quelling, by force of arms, the rebellion now rag ing against ts authority, and in bringing to pun'sbment due to their crimes, the rebels and traitors arrayed against it. 2 Resolved, That we approve of the determination of the Government of the Unitid States not to compromiso with rebels, or to offer any terms of peaee excepi such as may be based upon an uncouditional surrender of their hostility and a return to their just allegiance to the Constilution and laws of the United States, and that we cali ujon the Governmeut to maintain this position and to prosecute the war with the utmost lossible vigor to the complete suppieKtsion of the lebellion, in full reliance upon the sacrifices, the patriotism, the heroiu vulor, aud the undying düvotion of the Auiericun people to their couutry and its free institutions. 3. Resnked, That as slavery was the cause, and now constituios the strei'gtli of thLs rebellion, aud as it must be ilwaya and eyerywheré hostile to the principies of Republican Government, jusiico and the national safety demands its ut ter and complete extirpation from the soil of the Republic, aud that we uphold and maiutain the acts and proclamations by which the Government in its own defeuec has aimed a death-hlow at this gigantic evil ; we are n favor furthermoie of such an amendment to the Coustitu tion to be made by the people, id con foriuity with its provsionn, as sliall termínate and forever prohibit the the existence of slavery, within the limita or jurisdiction of the United States. 4. Resolved, That the thauks of the Union people are due to the noldiers and sailorfl of the arm y aud the navy wno havd periled their lives in defence of tbeir country mil ib vindusation of Ú honor of tlie flag ; that the nation owcs them ome permanent recoguition of their valor, and ampie and permanent provisión tor those of their sur'Mvors who have received disabled and honorable wounde in tüe service of the country; and that the memories of those who have fallen iu its defence, shall be held in grateful and evjrlastiug remembrance. 5. Resolved, That we approve anl appland the practical wisdom, the unseltish patriotism, and uuswerving iideiity to the Constitution and the priiK-iplefl of American liberty witii whieh Abraham Liucoín has discharged, undrr circunist:mcp.s of unparalluled diiEcnlly, the groat duties and respoiieibilit ïes of ttie Prosi dentitil office; that we approve and en■ ioi'fie, as demanded by the energy, and esseutial to the pieservation of the nation, and as within the Constitution, the measures aud acts whicb he has adopted to defend the nation agaiust its epen and secret foes ; thitt we approvo espcciallv of the Proclamatión of Emancipation, and the eoifiloynient as Union soldiere of men heretofore held in lavery, and ibat we have full confidence in liis determination to carry these and all other eonstiutional measures essential to the salva tion of the country into full aud com plete effect. 6. Resolved, That we deeni it essential to the general welfare that barniotiy should prevail in the national councils, aiid we regard as worthy ol' public .con fidetice and official trust those only who cordially endorse the principies proclaim ed in these resoluti'uis, and which should characterize the admiuistraliou of the Government. 7. Resohfd, That the Government owes to all men eniployed in its armies without regard to color, the full protection of the laws of war, and that any violation of these laws or of the usages of civilized na ions in the time of war by the rebels now in arms, should be made the subject of fuli aud proper redress. 8. Jteêofiyéd, That the forcign immigration, wiiieh in the past has added so much to ihe wealth and devolnpment of of our resources and increase of power to tiiis uütion, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, nhould be fosterd and encouraged by a liberal andjust policy 9 Resolccd, That we are in favor of the ppeedy coustruction of the rauroad to the Pacific lê. Reêofo.d That die National faith pledged fnr the redemption of the puhlUi debt must be kept inviolale, and t'iiat tor this purpose we reconiiuend econoiuv n& a rigid respcnsibility ui the puliite es penditures, and a vigorous and just gj'stetn ol taxation ; tiiat it is the duty of every kiyal State to sus'ain tha credit and promote the uso of the Natiniia' currei.oy. 11. Resolved, Tliat wo approve the positioii taken by tlio Gnvonimeiit, iliat the people ;f the Uuitod States oan never regard with ïiidiiferenco the attempla of an Europoun Power to overthrow by force, or t suppiaiit by fraud. the instituiionii of any Kepublioan Government 0:1 the Western .Continent, and ihal they will view with extreme jealous,j as manacing to the penco and independenco of this our country tlie etforts of any guoh Power to obtatu new foot 1 bolds for Monnrcliial Governmpnts!, susj tained by a foreign military forse in cear prozimity tó tbe ÜLÍtiíd States. TUE CONVKNTIONS' COMMITTEE V1SIT " OLD ABE." Washington, Junè 9. About two o'cloclc t -day the committee nppointed yesterday by the National Union Conveution at Baltiaiore, to inforin Presideut Lincoln of liis nomina tion by that conveution, reached the White House. Gov. Dennison represented the Convention. The Chniriiiari then addressed the President as follows: Mr. President - The Natiouil Con vention wliieh olosed at Baltimore yesterday, appointed a oommittee, opnsistiug of one from each State and myelf as chairniau to iuform you of jour unanimous nomination by the convention for President. The committee I have the honor to inforra you is present, and on it8 behalf I have the honor to present you with a copy of tho resolutions or platform adopted by that convention as expressive ot its sense and the sense of the country which it represent, and of the principies and policy that should charncterizo the Adminisiration in its present cendition of the country. I need not say to you that the convention, in thusunanimously nominating you, has given utteraneo to the altnost unanimous voice of the people of tho country. To doubt your election would he little Bhort of abandoning the hope of a final suppression of the rebellion, and the restoration of the Government. Neither the convention, nor those representcd by tlmt bcdy, entertained any doubt as to the final result unaer your administration, suütained as it is by tbe loyal people and by our army and gallant navy. Meither did the conventiou, nor do ihis comniitteo, doubt tho speedy suppression of thia most wicked and unprovoked rebellion. [A copv of the resolutions was here hánded the President.] I would add, Mr. President, that it will be the pleasure of the committee to cotnmunieate to you witliiu a few days, ihrough on 2 of its tuost accomplishcd niembers, Mr. Curtís, by letter at more leng h, reviewing tlie circuins' anees under which ouhitve been placed by a nmiiinalion for tlie Piesideuey. The President said : Mis. Chaiüman andGbxtlemen of the i Convention : I will ueither coneeal my gratificatie 'ii nor restrain the expressinn i of uiy gratiiude that the union people, ' through their Oonvention, iu the tiiiued eiforts to ttdvance the nation, have deemed aio not unworthy to reuaaiu ín ' my present position. I know no reason to doubt I shail icecpt the notniuation i tendered, hut perhaps I should not clare dctinitely before reading and c"nsidering wlmt is caMed the platfürm. I will say now, however, that I approve the declaratiou in favor of ait.ending the Constitution so as to prohibit slavery ihroughout the nailon. Wbeu the peo pie in revolt had the 1 00 days cxplicit notiee iJiat they could wiüiiu those days resume their affegisiiee without the overthrow of thelr institutions, and that they eou'd uot resume il afterv;irds, electeü to stand out, sueh au aiuendinent to the Constitution as now prolVssed becoincs a fitting aud neoessary coöcldsibn for the seecuss of the Union eau e, Such, alone, eao meet and cover all cavils. I now pevseive it iujportanee aml embraoe it. In the joint uames of Libcrtj and Union, let us labor to give it legal form and practical effect. At the conclusión of the President's íi)í'(H;h, all of the cumniitteo KÍiook hiai cordially by the hand, and offered their personal congratulations. IIE TELLS THE UNION LKAGCEISS " A STORY." 'ïhc jnembers of the National Union League adjimn ed yesrerday fiom Baltimore to this city. and ealled upon the President this evening. The chairinan of the deputatiou spoke to the Presideut as follows : Mis. Pkksibent - I have the honor of presenting to you the representativas of' the Union Leagues of the loyal Siates tJ congratúlate you upon your re iioniiiiation, and to assure you we will not fail at the polls to give the support youi' services in the past so highly deserve. We feel honored in doing so, fr we are assured we are aiding in re-elcctiug to tbc proud posiiion of the President of the United States, one so worthy of it. One anioiig not the least of whose claims is that hu wan the emancipator of 4,000,000 buudmuii, ihti rreüidsnt ri'phfid ; Geniuímkn - 1 can onlj say in response to the remarks of your chairnian, that I am very gratt-ful for the renewed confidencc which has betu aeeorded by thö conventiou and by the national league. 1 ain not insensible, at all, to tbo personal cnpliment ihere is in this, yet i do not ajlojv niyself to JtieUe-vo ital any but a small porttuu f it is to ie iij;ripr'.ït'J'.i ui a personal compliment. í ie Convention and the Natton.. I ain ussui' ed, are aiiima'ed by lnglier views of the iriterests of t.lio country, the great ful ure, and tbo part 1 a eutiiled tu appropr.ute ae a, compliment is only t hat part ivbich I inav 1 ny hold as bei g tho opinión of the Oonvetition and tbo League, that I am not uuworthy to be enlrusted to the pluce I have oocupiud for tiie last three j-eiirs I have not permitiod niysolf, gtfntleïren, to coiicludc that I am the best niao in the oi'untry, but am reminúed in this eonitcotion of a story cf a old Dutch farmer. ho reinarked tu a conipanimi once ihat " it was not best to swap liorses wlien oróssilig streams." „, - .,, í w f'" (52Ê" ''ie niij'e railway business of Fraiioe is dyui Jjy sis coiijpanies, the larpest of whieh is the Paris, Lyons axi MühterraneHii. whose lcngth, intiludinu; trunk line and branches, i.s 3609 miles, at. an estimated cost of $251,000,000. - Tho workmg psponses for 1862 werc some 44 per eeut, nod a dividend oi' 15 per cent h;is just been declarcd ñora the profits of 3883.


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