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Gen. Fremont's Letter Of Acceptance

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The following is Üie letter of i eral Freiucnt, in response to the oom i niitteo appointeil to infortn kim of his liomination : ijfüNTLEMÈN : - In anpwer to the letter wliich 1 have had tlie honor to reeeive from you, ou the p rt of the representa tivt-s of the people issembled at Cleveland the 31 st of May. I desire to expres my thanks for the eonfiilence which led (hem to offer me the honorable and diffieult position of their candidate in the approaohing Presidential election. Very honorable, becauso in offering it to me, you aet iu the naine of great uumbeis of oitizens, who aeek above all thiu2s the good of their country, .nd who have no sort of seliisk interest In view. Very diffieult, biicaue in aceepting the eandidaoy you propose to rae, I am exposed to the rep-oach of creating a sehism in the party with whieh I have been identified. Had Mr. Lincoln remaincd faithful ,o the principies he was elueted to defend, no sehism could have been crated and no eoutest would have been possible. - This is not ari ordinary election ; it is a contust for the riglit even to have candidates, and not merely, as usual lor the ehoiee ani"ng them. Now, for the first time since 1776, tlie question of conwti tutional liberty lias been brought directly before the people, for their serious consideration aud vote. The ordinury riglüs secured uuder the öodsUtutiim, and the laws of the country have boen violated, and estraordinary powers have beou usurped by the Executive. It is direetly beforo the people uow to say whether or not the principies estublisbed by the revolution ure worth maintainifig If, as wo have been taught to believe, ihose guaraiiters for liberty uhieh made the diti'.inetivo name and glory of our country are in truth inviolably sacred, theu there must be a protest against the arbitrary violation which had not even the excuse of necessity. The sehism is made by those who force the choieo baiween a shameful wilence or a protest ugaiust wrong. In such eonsideratious origiiiated the Cleveland Cbnvéutiou, - 1 It was ,-imorig its objects to arouse the attention of the peoplc to suchfacts, and to bring them to realize that while we are saturating southern Hoil with the best blood of the country ia the name of I ertj, we have reiilly partcci witii . t home. i Jo da y tve have in the country the abuses of a milttiry dictation without its unity of i actwn and vigor cf execution Au admin i istiation niarkcd at hotne by disregard i of constitutionul rights, by its violation of personal liborty and the liborty of the ; press, and, as a cruwuing shame, by its abaiidoiiment of the riglit of asylum, a riglit cspceially dear to all fr-ee uaiiouw abroad, its courso has beeu characterized by a fitebíé'neis and want of principie whieh lias misled Europevtn powers and driveij them to a beiief that only commercial intere.sts and personal aims are öótfcerjied, and that do great principie aro iuvolved in tho issue. The admi rabie eonduet of the pouple, their readiueas to uiake every scrilie-iï dem nded of thow, their torbeuiMoee atid gilenee uuder the unpen=ion of every'thing that cnuld be suspended, tïieir uiany acts of heroism and sacrifiues, were ali rendercd Iruitles? by the incapacity, or lo speak mure exactly by the personal ends for which the war was managed. ïhis iu capacity and si lflshness iiat.urally produced sucli rcsults as led the European powers, and logically enougl), to the con viction that the Norih, with its great, superior population, its immense rosour ce-", aud its credit, will liever be able to coerce the South. Sympathie which should have been witii us from the ou!eet of tine war wr turtifid agninst us, and in thi.s way llie adniiuistration lias dono the country a doublé wrong abroad. It created hostility, or at best indifferencti, aniong those who would have been its friends it' the real intentious of the people could have been better known, while at the sau e time it neglecteil no ciccasiou for muking the most humiliating oanc-essioDs. Agaii'St tilia disastrous condition of aftairs the Glevelaad Conveutiou was a protest. The princip'üs whicb form the basis of' its pUtforn. have niy unqualiËed and cordial apprubatioUj hut I can not f.0 heartily coucur in aii the measures which you I do not bdieve that confiscaron extendfd to the properly of all rebel, is practicable ; and it' it were so, I do Mot think it a meas.ire of souud policy. It ii', in fact, aquestipn belongiug to the people themsclves to decide, and is a proper occasion for the exercise of theii original and sovercigu authority. As a war jueasure. iu the begiuning of a revolt, wtiieh uiight be quelled by prompt severity, I uider&t;iud the policy of con rjsca-.i'jii ' buL 'jot as a final measuro o recons ruotiou after tbe stippression of uu nsurrectioo. in the adjuUueiits whiuh are to folluw pcuce, no cousidcration of' vengeauee cao uousisteutly bo admitted. The ubjoct of the war is to wake periiKiueatly secure the peace and happiness of the wliulo country, and there was but a üjiigie )lüixifint in tJU.u way of its attainment. Tuis ulemout of slavery inay b.e ponsjdeied practieally drsü'oyed iu the country, and it needs only your proposed ainciKjincnt of the Coustitutiou to wake iu extiinstwu complutc. Wilh thia cïdii.ctioi) of slavery tho puriy divisious creatcd by it have also dis;ippearcd. And ff in th.a history of the country there hus ever been a time when the people, without j I gard to oufi or auother of lbo poütical diviious, were onlled upou to give soleuinly the'.r voioe in a maiter which involved the safety of the United Staten, it is issurüdly tlie present time. lf the oonventioM at Balttuiora will I pomiuafe juy uiao wbceopasl life ju.'ti fies a well-grounded confidence in hia fi delity to our cardinal principies, there is no reason why tliere should be any i sion among the patriotic men of the : country. To any 6Uh I sliall be most lia]py to givo a cordial aad active sup port. My own decided preference is to aid in this way, and not to be royself a candidate. But if Mr. Lincoln should be nominated, as I believe, it would be fatal to the country to iudorse a policy and renew a power, which bas cnst us the livesof thousands of men and eedleasly put the country on the road to bankruptcy, there vsil'l remain no other alternative but to organize against him every element of conscientioua oppositioD with the view to prevent the misfortune of his re-election. In his contingency, I accept the nominationat Cleveland, ind as a preliminfiry step, I have resigncd rny conimission in army. This was a sacrifico it gave me pain to wake. Bu. I liad for a long time fruitlessiy endeavoied to obtaiu servico I make the sacrifico now only to reguin liburty of speech, and to leave nothing in the way of discharging to niy utmost abiiitv the task you have set for me. With my earnest and cincere thanks for yonr expressions of confidence and regard, and for the many honorable terms in which you acquaint me with the actions of the committee. I am, gentlemen, Verv resDectfullv and truU' yours,


Old News
Michigan Argus