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War Departmküt, ) Washinoton, June 12, 1:2U P. M. J f o Major-Genoral Dix : A dinpatch frorn Gen. Hun ter, dated at six ii'clock A. M , on th'e moruing of tho 8th, al Stauntou, reporta that "we met thu enemy at Piedmont lasi Sunday, killing Gen. Jones, tbeir Oommam.ling General, and totally routing him aftt-r a battle of ten hotirs' duration. We have captured fifteen himdred pihoRets' iltogether - 1,000 men an.i GO (iffiuur.s on the field of buttie. - AImi 3,000 stand of anns, 3 pieues of dfillery, and a vast uuautity of stores. We have to d:iy eü'ected a junction witli Geus. Crook anil Averill." It is Ptated in unother dispiitcb, un■ fficiiil, dated at Staunlon 9:h, that 'our infantry is now engnged burning ties and bendlng rails easl and west. - All the government and ruilroad buüd ngs have been burned at ritannto'q. - We leavo to-morrow. R. R. McCain, )perator." A diputcii frooa Graut's headquar:ers, dated yesterday, 4 P. M., reports that tho rebel oavulry having vesterday mado a duh into Wilson's linos, near tho Lonny House, Wilson this rnorning sent out a part of Mclntotih's brigade to eee where the eiterny was. Their piekats wei e driven back, and thtir auter Unes forced the cavalry, passing over the entrenchinents, about a mile west of Bethesda Church. Miilntowh same lipón Field's división of infantry, and, havirg accoinph.-hed the of the reconnoissance, returned. He killed md wounded i numbcr of rebels i.-! his progresa, and brought nway t'onr or five prisoners He had sixteen men killed trui wiiiinded. DiepnU'hes from Gen Sherman, dated at his headq -arters, at Big Shanty, Qa., thi inornitig huv been received They state that onr lines are withiu tour or five htindred yards of the enemy, bnt n) figbting yet. (Signed,) E. M. 8TANT0N. War Departmejtt. ) Wasiii.vgto.v, June 14th, 12 P. M. ) ïo Majüi-Geiieral Dix : We have received dispatches from the Arrny of the Potoinac, as late as 8 o'cïoek this rrjorniog. Movements at hut ifo'nr Were in sueeensful progresa. No reporte to-dsy from Shermar.. The í'ollowiriíj dispatch from Gen. Bur bridge, cominauding in Kentucky, has jnst reaciied her?. "I attaeked Morgan at Cynthiana at daylight yester day rnorntng, and after an hours hard fitthting (joinpletely routed him, killing oÜO, Hounding nearly as many, and ctiptnring neariy 400, bet-ides re-eapturing nearly 100 ol Gen. Hobson's oonimand, and over 1,000 horses. Our loss in killed aud wounded is about 150. Morgan'a scattered forces are Öying in uil directions. They have thrown away their arins, and ure out of arnmunilion, and are wbollv deinoralized." Dispatclies from Gen. Butler, up to 9 o'clock this evening indícate uo uhange in his command. No further intelligence has been received from Huuter. (Signed,) E. M. STANTOW. Secretary of V ar, War Department, 1 Washington, June 15 - 7 Á. M. y To Maj. Gen. Dix : The movement of the Army of the Potomac to tho sonth sido of Richinond, across the Chickahominv and James Rivers, has progressed far enough to admit the publiuation of some of' the general facts without daoger of prematuro disclo-uire. After several days of preliminary preparation the movemeut comrnenced on Sunday night. The 18th Corps, Gen. Smith, marched to White House aud embaikud on tl anaports for Bermuda Landing. Wright'seorps and Burnside's moved to James' Bridge, crosaed the Chiekahoiriiny, and marched to Charles City, on the James lliver, Hancock's and Warren's corjis orossed the Chickahominy at Long Bridge, and maruhed to VViicos's on Jaines River. James Uiver was to be crossed hy the army at Pohattan Poiut. A dispatch from Grant, dated Monday evening, 5:30, at Headquarters, Wiicox's Lai:ding, states that our advanoe bad reached tlru place and would commence crossing James lïiver on Tuesday, and thaiSmilh's Corps would commence nrrivirg at City Puint that n i glit. No tighiing is ïipirted during the movemeiil, exoept a little cavalry skirmihing on Tueeday afternoon, at 1 o'cli ck. Gen, Grant was at Bermuda Landing. In a dispatch from him, dated at 3 P. M., he says our forces will commence crosfing Ja.res River to-day. The enemy bows do pigns of his having brought troops to the south side of Richmond. Our movement from Cold Barbar to James River has been rnade wilb greitt celerity, anc) bo far without OM or accident. An uuofficial dispatch, dated Gen. B:itler's headq-.mrter; ?:20 F. M,, :iy Srr.ith's corps was coming on, 5,000 having already landed. A dispatch irom Gen. Shennan's hósdquurtere, dated 3 o'clock yesterday ufterunoQ near Kenesaw e tales that the ! guerrillas ure iu hi front. Ho is advaneing his lines on Kenesuw. Anolher unoffioial dispatch dated 9 P. M., last night report some advanco to-day. Thomas lias gained ground and one rebel brigade nearly surrounded. It furlher reports tlio rebel Gen. Polk killed to day and his body sent to Miiriotta. Geu. Washbnrn, o( Memphis, reports that Sturgis' exoedition met a large rebel force under Forrest at Guntown, and t,fter a severe fight and heavy loss was worsted and was ut Collinsvillü, retreating toward Memphis. Late arrivaln of troops rendcrs Memphis sait!. Gen. Shöirnan has made arrangement to repair Sturgjg' disaster, and phiced A. J. Smith in cotnmaud, who will rosume the ofFensive iminediatelv.No other intëlligencG received sinee my last telegram.


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