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STOLBJV F ROM the StaMe of the Subscriber. nt Whitmore Lake, on the niglit of the 8th instnnt. a hright bay iJorse, of nnddlo size, wnh darfc rnnne ond lail, which reached to his knees, a white sput in hia forehead, and eight years old. A brink' without a (hroai-laicli and a leather halter were taken with him. A reward of 21 will hepiiid for the rrcovery of the Horsfl. and $!5 lor the apprühension oftho Thief. if brought back to this place. HENRY TODD. Whitmore Lake. May 9, 1845. Iw Flcsh of Dcad Animáis. TfIE Subscriber8 will buy nt a fair price the íleeh oí Animalis that die ofdleea&e, which is suitable for mnking sonp. nt ilieir factory, 2J miles west oí Ana Arbor on ths Hnron. S. W. FOSTER. & CO. May 6, 1845. 211 ANN ARBOR OIL MJLL. THE 8u'o6cribers would give notice that they nrc engaged in mannfHC'.uring LINSEED OIL, and ara prepared to ftirnish oil of the best quality to merchante and pointers, cheap as ii can be obtaine4 from the East. Oil exchanged fox Flax seed at the rate of a gallon of oil for s bushei of Flax secd. Cash at all times psid hr Flax secd. PÜLCÏPHER &JTJD3OS. Aun Albor, Lowci Town, Spt. 6, 1R44. SJ Ijr.SOLOMOJN'8 TEMPLE WAS tho wonder of ïhe world. but it is beheved that Dr. Pratts' Pilis are desined to ainelioratc the conditiojj of the Hurrnin Fomily, more than any Medicine ever beforc ufiered 10 the Public; the Proprietor havinrr re duced the price to uit the times, is now preprred (o aupply all his oíd customers, and uomc rtics ones, on reaeonable terms. 'i'hese Pi Ia have proved of the erentest value n counteracting the infliifiice rif disense, by leansing the stoniach, dischargmg the bi!e and .jurifying the blood. For dysentary, sudden olds, headaihe, indigestión, dyspepsiu, jaundice, ever and ague, biliouf, intern. inent, typhus or lervous and chili fevers, depreosion of spirits, liey wtllbefound direc'ly cnlcnlated to meet the vants of the -fflicted. The high degree of conetitration which the Proprietor hasgivcn to the peculiar virtues oí ihn different vegetable princi)les composmg tliee pill enable him to ofTcr to lie public a medicine the beat adapted for family se, and po;sessin!r in every respect superior nJantnses. These P.lls will be found mild but efectu;il in thcir operation. Several eminent Physicians, who are we!l acuin'ed with the effect of these Pilis, and some 1 theni having used them exiensively in their ractice for several years. have kindly offered ïo.r ñames, recommendin-ï them as a valuable lediclne, among are the fultowing: J. C. LA-RRIMORK. M D. Niles, M:ch. S. H. THAYER, M D-. Kalamazoo. S. K. BURLINGGAMÈ. M. D. Colhoun. J TÜNNICLTFF, M DJacknon, M:cli. S. W. SWEAD. M. D. Wnsh. Co. DANIEL MEEKER, M. D. Laporio, Ind. Grand River having bcconie navigablé for mnll crafi, es for sourh as my PtU Factorij. 1 vill supply the inhahitants of the Grand Rivcr alley, and th Western Country gcnrrallv, ■vith Aour. Pir.Ls at 25 cents per box. and Life MtUrs at 50 ets. per bottle, No. 1, equal to any, xcept in the price. Forsnle by Beckley. Fosur &'Co., W. S. & . W. Maynard. G. Crenville,.and by the prin. ïpla druggists throughout the State. lüw-210 C. BRIINCKERHOFF'STÍ1 IS medicine being productive of the rnosi' powerlol nnd cenain remedial effect in the cure ol Liver Compluint, Coneumption, Pain in the Chest and Side.Coughs, Colds, profuse Nighi Sweais, and As'.hma. its importance will be admiued by all. Hnving for iis commendation the lestimony of rrmny of our most truth-loving and respected citiens, we are bound to ack-nowledge that tliere must be some great cause for their prnise, or it would not be given so freely and' frnnkly. The Hcalth Restorative, from its first introduction to the present day. has never been known to fai! of iis intended e fiects. and where it haff nut fully cured, it hos be?n tracod most conclusivcly to the fault of the patiënt in not com plying with tne simple directions aitached to th bottle. So prolific n disease ns Consumption and so dangerous a one to afflict the huma race, has induced the needy and souljess tra ficker to invent and reconmend his nostrums which only palllate the more agwravarins symp toms, or else are emirely useless: and thus t aain money they deceive their sick and dyin felloV-men without even a thought of the ba6c ness of their trade. We (eave sucli demons t the stings and upbradinL8 of their own con science. The Proprretor having experienced th curative property of the Restomiive in his ow individuar case, aud in numberless others ca recommend it to the confidence of ihe sick. fee ing BPnfiMó'ïbat ifa faitliful mal is made. th most auspicious result is ertain. The followin certifícate is from Dr. Chillón, the weir knuw New York chemist. "1 hnve analyzed n botile of medicine c"ílft :C. Brinkerhoff'a Health Restorative,' and fine that it does not contain Mercury. or any o'her metallic preparation; nor opium in ony of its form8. It is composed of vecetoble matter entirely." James R. Chilton. M. D. C. #R1NCKLRHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Horace Everett, General Agent. Principal Office 06 Hudson stieet. N. Y. For rate by W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Agente. Ann Arbor. J-4w SAi-KRATUS. Wholesale Sc Retail. THE Subscribers are now manafactnring a' their esttllishment in Ann Arbor, 'au arriciewhich is cqual in purity and excellence to any that can be produced in Michigan. Il will be kept consiandy on hand in quantitie to supply customer8 at oslow a price as can b afTorded. To render it convement for transporfnnon nn ret.ii!ne, the anide will be sold in kegs oí on hundred pounds weight pach. As the Saleratus ninde by the subscribers i pcrfectly r ry, - purchasers will not be compelle 10 set the kegs out of doors 10 keep their floor from beingspoiledby the constant draininsout o the ley from the casks, aa is sometimea the cas witli ai adulferaied arf'cle, Those who wish for afirst-ratt orlicle for re tniling will do well to cali on us before purchas ingelsewhero. BECKLEY. FOSTER & Co. Ann Arbor. LowerTown, Apr. 13. '45. 51- t ÖISSÖLUTIÖIV rTUIE Cf-]iar'nership heretof'ore existinir unJL der the firm and siyle of Bccldey & Hickf is by mutunl consent this day dissolved. All persons indebted to said firm. by tiote or oiherwise. are to makc paynient to Guy Beckley, who is authonzed to receiveit, and has beconie obligated to pay all debts due from paid firm. GtTY BECKLEY. SUMNER Í1ICKS. Ann Arhor, Mnrch 6ih, 1845. 45-3w TAKE IMOTICE. npHE Subscribers hereby give nol ice thnt thej X will continue the Mercantile business at the Store recently occupicd by J. Beckley & Co. where they will at all time, be found ready to wait on those who may feel disposed to favor tliein with their patroungo. SIG3AL OfIlIBERTY. All business relativa to the Sienal of Liberiy will beattended to by thé suhscribers. BECKLEY, FOSTER. &Co. Ann Arbor, Lower 'lown. Mar. 6, 1?45. 46-tf SPÍECÍÁ NOTICEÏ ALL those who have uneettled accounts for Wool Cardmg or Cloth Dressing with tho l;no firm ol J. Beckley & Co., are hcroby notified thai ithasbecome ikdispknsably KfF.ssAKT thal tlvoy shouid b? closcd by noie or othèrwise ns early ns 2üth of April next. Let there be a prompt atteiuion to the above, and t will be for tho mutual benefit of tlie parties concerncd. SÜMNER HICKS & Co. Ann Arbor. March 1. I845. 60-3w K. Sl J. Ii. DAVÏÖSOIV, TTAVE now on hand a complete assonment o FALL AJS'D fVIJVTER DRY GOODS, GJROCERIES, SflEL F HARDWARE, LC. 4'C. which they will scll :heap for reudy pay. The highe6t tnarket pricc paid at all tiniee lor Pork and uil other kinds of produce. Ann Arhor. Lower Town. Nov. 20. 1844. 13 iVesleyan Books7 TfIE Subscribers havo just received n good snppty of Wcsleyan Books (rom the Depository at New York. Those vishing to purchnso will please cali snd examine for them solves. BECKLEY á HICKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Dec. 6, la'14. 3i-6wT. RSM)TH'S(SUGARCOATLD) IM Jj provod Jndian Vegetable Pilla," nrcdaily eticcting somc of the most ostoniahing and wonderfu! cures that have ever been known, in conequeiice oCwhich ihey hnve now become a ehinn' mark ngamsi which all the-arrows of disap)Oimed hipe-, envy. and unchariublénesa are eveiled wiihoui dbiinciion. The town and' ountry are nhko fiíled with tlicir praisc Tl alace cmd poor-houc alike echo witk-their virues. Jn all climaies. undcr all temperaturen, siill reiain thcir w..nHerful powori, and exrt ihem unaltercd by age or situation. Thcy re8.mpl(rin their preporation. mild inilieir aclons, , tborough iff-all their operations, and imriallcdin their resulia. They are anti-bilious, nti-dyepepüc. and nnti-mercurinl; nríd tht-y aré leculmrly beneficial in the folluwing complaints-ever and ague, yellow and bilious fevers dys epsia. croup. liver complaint, sick headache,uindice, amhma, dropsy, spleen, piles: colrc nstructione, heartbtrrn, furred tongue, and foui tomnch, nause.i, diarrlioen, costivenese, lofs-of rpet.te eallow complexion, - colds, and alinees of torpor of the bowcls where acatbarticor n apenem .s needed. N. B. ETNo Sgar Coated Pili cn be genuine unless every box. v?S n " 101JRi?"atre of G. BENJ'N SM1TH, Lr" m , 17n Grcenwjch 6 . nd Rushtorl a& l0USe' and '"-ooghotH Ure Unied States. 4,_tf CÜOöDsTre CHËAF! At IVo. 1. Hawkin'g Block. ANN ATIBOR". G AR LAND &LE FEVRE' HAVING taken the Store abovo named, formerly ocenpied by J. S. Dickinson. are nuw repared to sell to their old cusiomersand the ublic generjlly, Slapte and Fancy Dry Goods, Groenig Ctockery, Hardtcare, Boots and Shoea, ty-c. $c. n the most renarmable lerms. All kinds of Produce taken in exchanire for GoofJs and Caah. 6 Tbe highest market price paid for Wheat bv GARLAND& LE FEVRE. Ann Arbor. April 16; 1845. N. B. J S. DickinsonV, noterand' account re in the hands oí Messrs. Garland & Le Fevre who are duly authorizfed to settle ihe same T. S. DICKÏN-SÓST. Ann Arbor, April Io. 1845. 208-w TVooI Carcïcr Wantod. N experieneed Journeyman Wool Carder XX wanted by the subscribers to take chargo I their new Carding Factory at Dexter, wkich s to be put in operaron in season for the Spnna iisineRs. Apply inimedla'ly to the subscribers. nt Dexer- J. MILLERD & SON. Dexter, May 1, 1845. 2 3wWOOL! WOOLí 20 000 of Woo! Wantod by the VVf eubscnbersforfthich ihey wiil pay the highest pnce n Cash or Goods. LÜND & MCOLLÜM. Ar.n Arbor, Mny Ist, 1845. 2-4w ÖÏSSOLUTIOUï. TUK Copartnersliip heretolore cxisting undor the firm itnd style of Krwpp, Haviland & Co. is by mufual consent this day dissolved.- All persons indebted to said firm, by Note or otherwise, ore to make payment to Xnapp &. Haviland who are outhorized to receive t ancf hnve become obligated to pay al! debts due frora sa;d firm. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVÍLAND, J. E. McLAIN. Ann Arbor, April 2-1, 1845. I Important lo Farmers, KNAPP &. HAVILAND, would respectfully inform the farmers of Washtenaw and ih 'urrounding Coontictihat they continue to mar'ufaeture at their shop near the river brklge. ower ïoffn. Ann Arbor, Threshingr Machines of different kinds comprising theBurroll, Cadiï, and Eaman's Planetary PoWer, and Machirrea diffjrent from any made in this Confiirj tend preferred to any other, which they intern! to eeft at 6uch pnces and on ?neh terms aa cnnnot faH to give satisfaction. They are detennined not to be outdotw by any establishment, eithsr in pric0 or quaüty of work. Havingbeen for many years engaged in lh business they think they can with eonfwknce recommend their wnrk and farmers and othera wishing to buy will dj well t& calí and examine heir work previous to parchasing elsewhre.- They are preparcd to do nll kinds of fbresfiinff machine repairs, on theshortest notice and more reasonnblc lerms thau eny similar establishment in the Country. Also, Bn'rrall'a celebrated CI.OVER TIACIÏIE?, which separate the chafffrom the peed at a siigla opnration and are universally npprovcd of and used wherever introduccd amJ warramed to thresh clennand not break the seed. For re'ererce apply to Roben ar John McCormick of Salem Wushtenaw Co., who have used orre the paat season. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVILAND. Ann Arhor, Muy let, 1846. 6m2 WOOZ.? WOOX.ÍÍCLOTH! CLOTHÜ HHHE subscribers will continue to manufac _L ture Fitlled Cloth, Tor 37J ets. per yard, and white flannel for 2í) centp per yard; ar líiey will manufacture the wool for bal f the cloth it will roake. Their Factory is 2$ miles West of Ann Arbor, on the F!nron Hiver. Wool will a!so be received at Scio. 'Yhen eent by Rail rond it wfll be attended to in the snm'e msnner as if the owners wers to como vnh it. VVool wil! bc mfinofactared in turn as it comes in ns nearly as it can be done with reference to the different qualities of wool. WOOL CARD1NG, will be dono at Scio. by Thomas Hosktns. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio,Miv I, 1845. 210 1200 Ibs. CJeesc Feathcrs OF iirst rate quality for 8alo by the ponnd of hunilred w-cightin qantities to suit porchasers, may bc found at RAYMOND'S CASÍI STORE, J8 JcfTeraon Avenue, 32-i f Detroit. Take iVotice! WHKREAS my wi'e, iMarv WhttJark hna this ny Ieft my bed and board without mr leave or consent, this is to forbid al) persona haboring or trusting her on my accouut. as I shail pay no debts of her contracting after this date. j. S. WH1TLARK. Ann Arhor. April22. 1S45. 1-3w DEIVTISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Denttst, HAS removed hif= office to Crnne & Jewett'er Blocfc, first room on the Secofid Floor, wbere heinc well prepared to attend to every branch of liis profea?ion. would reepectfully gay lo nll who linvp nut liad those necessory organs, THE TEETH, properlv attended to, deUy nn longer, but cnll upsn hun and experience the esM nnd dnrability of liis operaiions. Terms nccommodutiitg and charges in no case unreasonable. Ann Arhor, March 6. 1845. 47-tf. LOOK HRX3 i ! THE Subscriber has two Horsc whicb b wishes to rell. Terms accommodaiing. f) L I.A TOURtTTF. Ann Arbor, April 10, 1815. 51 9w


Signal of Liberty
Old News