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Counterfeit Green ljacks c Cjrculation, es, 10s, 20s, 50s, & 100a, Oounterfgii - Treaerary Notes in Ciroulation. The country is flooded ivith them. So well imit.t,. that a Wall Street Bank, New York, gare currenc, a large araount. ' " "BE ON YOÜR GUARD." For infallible method of detecting them and counterfui lostage Currenry at a gjaucc. Pend 25 cent .nd stamp to Box 1U44, P. o. Ijetboit, Michigjiii. NO HUMBÜGI 2w961 SATISFACTION GlIARANTKHl PRESGBIPTlOfiT & DBl'G STORE í Is the place to buy youi MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Writing Paper, bjr the Ream orlew. and all other articlea in our Une. Especial attention to Compounding and putti up Prescnption, at the ,gn of GOLD MORTAH, E? change Block , Ann Arbor, Michigan. I'rofcasonal calis promptly attended to. Iw9( M. C. STANLEY, Pliotograpliio -A.i-tlt. Corner Main and Huron Streets, Aan Arbor, Mkt PHOTOGBAPHS, AMBROTYPES, c. . Sc. , in the latest etyles, and everyeffort made to giy gt. faction. 956tf WALL PAlFlBÏj 50,000 rolla of Wall Paper can be fouud at the itw, of John F. Miller Co., corner of llain and VulT ington Stteets, opposite Hangaterfer's Hall Alio largeasortmentf Miscellaneous Books at old priM1 Clothand Paper ShaJes, Tassels, Cords and Frm„ „f ill decriptionn. Frames made to order. Please cali and examine before purchasingelsewhêr Jnnelst,l,64. JO F" %- ' EMÏIRE BOOK STORE! Haring purchased J. R. WEBSTER'S stock of Booti md Statiouerj, I shU endeavor to keep a conitut ïupply ot SCHOOIj BOOKS, TEXT BOOKS f BICAL k LAW BW STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WOBKS, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PEICE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC and a superior quality of WALL PAPER! and everytbing usually kept n a well ccnducted Bel Store. üpposite Frauklin House. W. SIVOVER. Ann irbor, June, 1864. lj9fO LOOK HERE? A large lot of LIJSTEN COAT8 AND SUMMER GOODS, aitvays on hand at M. Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. Give ns a cali an.I we can and will sell you chMpw and letter goods than anj other house in tlus cit. 969tf Brownell & Perrin, GEN'L GOHH1S&ION lElCHAKH 183 South Water Street, CHICAGO, ILLIISTOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provieions, ieeds, Green and Dried Fruits, Oider, c. Keferences: Proiton, Willard & Keen, Chicago. 8. Botsfon) Co., Ann Arbor, iiich. fl,. Particular nttention given to the sale of Grein and Dried Fruits, Cider, &c. Ordert for the purebase of Clover and Timothf Seed, Cut Moiita. c, promptly attended to if accoB' panied with cash or satislactorr reference. O39tf BiinkeihoíFs Self-Raking REAPER & MOWER COMBINED. rpHE BnnkerhofTa Self RaJiing Reajjer and Mow 1 Combined ís the only reliable self raker offered Ihí larmcs of tliis County. The other Machio8' liich are offered in this market have only rakeï o their advertisementi,the agent not dariag tü wrr the rniifíhinpM entirr. We also warrant tho BriokerhofT Machine to cut n gfmsi which can be cut by auy machine, and wept pose to put it into the field against any Machine tbt runs which cuts grass and grain. H5öm2 DAVID M. FINLET. Ann Arbor May lOth, 186-4. Gensral Ageut. MICHIGAN CENTRA!. INSÜEANCE CÜMPANÏ Kalaraazoo ÜSíTicli.' [usures against 1.( ss ni Damage by FÍW or Iiightuiug. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guirantee Capital, bg Stat Aulierity, 9 300,000.00. DIRECTORS: J. P. Kennedy, Maerh Gidpings, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Snydï, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Ailes, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pret. T. P Sheldon. Vice P'Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mili Tres., H. E. H"yt Att't Ser.. S. D. Allen, Pin.


Old News
Michigan Argus