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U. S. 10-40 Bonds - -íp - These Boud ave issued under the act of Congres of March 8th, 1S64, which provides tht all Bonds issued under this Act shall bo EXEMFT FKOM TAX ATIOS by or undel any state or municipal authority. Hubscriptions to Bouds are rcceived in United States notes or notos of National Banks. They are TO BE REDKKMKD IN COIN, at the pleasure of the OoTernmrnt, at any period nol Uu titan ten nor more Ihan forly ycars trom thelr date, and until thoir redemption FIVE 1'E.R CENT INTEREST WILI. BE l'AID IN COIN, on Bcmds of not over one hundred dollars annuallyandonallother Bonds s-mi-annually. The interest is payable on the Brst days of March and September in (ach year. Subscriben will r:eive either Rfgistefed or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. liegiatured Bonds are lecoidedon the booksof the (J. S. Treasurer, and can be transf.rred only on the owner's crder. Coupon Bone's are payable to bearer, and are more convenient for coni uercial usagfH. Subacribcrs to this loan will hiive the option of having their Bonds draw inte rest from March lst, by pay ing the accrut'd interest in coin - (or in United States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding llfty per cent. for premium,) or receive thetn drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are Exfmpt from Municipal or Stale Tnxation, their valne isincreased frnm one to three per ccnl. per aniium accrding to the rate of tax lovias in various partd of tli# ountry. At the prpspntrate of premium on gold they pay Over ElgUt Per Cent Interest in currency, and are of eqtial convenience as a permanent or temporary invefitment . It is believed that no sccurities offf r so great inducements to lenders as the varioua description of ü. S Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the (ai'.h orability of private parties or stock companies or separate communities only is pldged for payment, whileforthe debts of the United States the whole property of the country is holden to secure the paymentof both principal and interest in coin . These Bondf m y be subscribed for ia sums from $50 up to any magnitud, on the same terms, and are thus made equally available to the smalleet lenderand the largest c ipitalist. They can bo converted into money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the Interest. It may be useful to state in thih connection that the total Fundcd Hebt of the United States on which interest is payable in gold, on the third day of March, 1864, was, $7C8,9fi5,000 per annum. It will be seen that even the present gold revenues of the governmont are la gely in excess of the wants of the Treasury for the payraent of gold interest, while the recent increase of the taritt will doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on the same amount of importationa, to $150,000,000 per annum. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were notissued from the Uuited StatesTreasury until March 26, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions avcraged more than TEN M1LLIONS WEEK. Subscriptions willboreceived by the First National Bank ol Ann Arbor, Mich Secona National Bank of Detroit, Mich First National Bank of Fenton, Mich AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are depositaries of Public money, and all ESPECTABLE BANKS AND BAMKKRS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Na tionalDepositary Bxnks,) will furnish further information on applicationand AFFORl) EVËRY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBErW. 656wS Tákt no more un-pleasaiit and un safe Medicine. For unpleasant and dangerous diseases, use HËLMBOLIVS EXTRACT BUCHU, Which has received the endorsementof the most PROMINENT PHY8ICIANS IN THE U S. ts now uitred toafllieted humanity as a certain cure for the f olio w-t ng diseases and symptoms originating from diseases and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Or5a ns. General Debility, Mental and PhysicalDepression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to theHead, Coufused Ideas, Hysteria, Jen'llrritability, Restlessiiess and S'.eepiessnesa at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Ein acia tion , Low Spirits, Disorganiza tion or Paraly'8 0" tne Organs of (ïeneration. Pftlpitatioa of tho Heart, ADd,iufact,al)thPcoHComitants of a Nervousand Dcbilitated state of the system. To ivsure tke genuine, cut tkte out, A?K KOR HKLMBOLD'3. TAKE NO OTHER. CURES GUARANTEED. 2mO51 See advertisement in another column. Cneokee Cure. 'That's Wiiat'js the Matter.1- ' I can't work." "I hate to rise in the morning," " My eye sight is failing." My mamon is going." " I cau't fix my mind on anvthing " Have you been using opium ? " No.' Then take regular doses of the Oherokeb CuRK,and follow thedirections that accompany it. If these Uk have been the result of your ovrn selfindulgenee. in vio lation of nature's laws, and made you dread marriage, or if they are from over-lndulgence in natur's own pat1-, the Chkrokee Cure will cure you. It wiïl restore vigor, atop thuse nightly emiasions, refit you for practical life, and once more make a man of you. save you from blindness, and, perhaps, ultímate idiocy Read the advertisement. Cali for Cberokee Cure. Take no other medicine until have tried this. Sold by all druggists. BAisrisrEB II AT STORE! o GOTO Befare you buy,Spriug and Summer styles ot STRAW GOODS! GE1STTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. jtnn Arbor, April 20th, 1864. 3ra953. IT O T I O E . IHAVE thi !ay sokl my stock of Bonks &Stationcry totJ. W. irnovei, Esq , and havo asnociated myself withJohnF. MllloriCo, Booküi-Uers anti Stit;'n-i's, opposite Hingsterrir's Hall, wheie I sliáll be glad tü - "WoUfrtend.. J.R. WEBSTER. Jun8lBt,18B4. Im959 KTOTIOJ. Waöhtenaw County Clbkkk Office, 1 May 27 th, 1864. NOTICE is hcreby given tbat tbc Laws of thp 'tato of Micl.iaan rcUtivc to Hlirhways and Brices and the duties oí Hitfhwav Comraissioncra and overseerw of Iliiibways, in pamphiet fnrni have heen received at tbi oUice aurl are rwidy for distribution.- AJgo iho cce:oii ! of tbf extra nselon. T5AC" W. ROOT. Gïerk. NEW FIEMII GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE & KJ5TA1L DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. We, the underHjined, heg leave to inform tlie CITIZKNSOK AXN ARHOltatid vieinity, Uiat wchavethis day ostablished a Tobacco and Cigar buitens 1b tbla place, ono door North of the Krauklin Blook, Main f'treet, wherc we shall alway keep afull (ussoitment of the be.stqualitien of SMOKING & CIIEÏÏM TOBACCO! as also a largo añil cholee selettion of the best branda of CIG ARS ! PIPES, (Mersebaum, Brier and Rosewood,) CIGAR HOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUOHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXUS. Will be füund with us of all kinds and of Pricks to Scit Evbry ONR. We shali sell all of the above raentioned articles aml many others which belong to our line of trade at the lowest possible rnte for cash. Piense cali aud examine . N. B. - Sitfn - Sq4iaw with cigar box, one door north of the Franklin Block. GRUNER & SEYLER Ann Arbor, May 2d, 1864. 965tf. THE LATEST ARR1VAL -OF1W SPRING (JOODS! -ATa-. h. avc.A.Te-ixr.A.nnD's. - 0-0-0 I am now receiving a large STOCK of DRESS COODS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Silks, White Goods & Laces, OL 0 VES Sf H0SIERIE8, BALMORMiA8LTts. Prints, Sheeiisi?s, Deniius, Tickings, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Which cash and ready pay buyersare particularly nvited to cali aud examine, as I intend to close out the stook in next flü days to make a change in my business. J. II. MAYNARD. April 1864. 3m953 ban a new and complete STOCK OF SPRING GOOI bought before the recent GREAT RISE IN GOLD ? Which will be Sold FOR OlSH OISTL Y, &.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. ÜSTEW QOODS ! - o - HENION & GOTT, Have just opened one of the largest stock of good clioice DRY ClOODS! ever broupht to thiB city, which we will sell without regard to present eastern pricea N. B.- Cheapest Bleached and Brown HTM Al PRINTS! IN THK CITY. Afull S rOCItof CARPETS, 01L CLOTHS, AND MATTING8. HEMION & GOTT .2 Arbor, Si.l'íí. ' ' 2W3 DYSFEPSIA, AND DI4EASES ESULTING F R O Al DISORDERS OF THE LIVEE AND DIGESTIVEORGANS, ARK CORKD liY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING Thfse Bitters have performetj more Tures HAVE AND DO GIVEBETTER SATISFACTION Have more Tt-Mlmnny I HAVE MORE RESPECTARLE PEOPLE TO Vi-UCH FOR THEM! Than :tny otlier article in tbc marfcet. We defy any one to contradict this Assertioa, AND WILL Pa Y $1000 To any one wiio wil! produce a Certifícate publinthed by usf that i.s not ckm'imj. HOOFLAND'S GIBAN BITTERS WILL CURE IX EVERY CASE OF Chronic 01 Nervous Debiiity, Diseases of the ÏCidneys, and Dïseases arising hom disoideied Stomach. Observe th f folhncing symptoms rtsulimg from DisoTdrre of the Üigr.stive Orgam : Constipation, nward liles, Fullness of Blood to tlie head, Acidity, of the Stomach, Nancea. Heartburn, Disgust for lood, Fullnest or weighl inthe Stuiuiich Sour Eructations, 9inking or lluttcrmg :it tbe pit of the titomach, Üwimwing of the Heud, Hurried and difhcult breathing. Fhnterh.g at the Heart, Choking or Suiïocatiug Sensations WOen in a Lyiug Posture, Dhnness of Vinion, Dots or Webs betore tliR tíiglit, Kever and Dull Pain in the Heai, Defidiency of Prespimtion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyeé, pain iu the de, back, chest jlimbs, kc, tíudden flushes of Heat, Burnini: in the Fleah, Constant Ima-ginings of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALOHOLIC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, BUT m ms aas? mm In the World. ■READ WHO SAY SO : From the Rev. Levi G. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton. N. J. } ior.a-erly of the North Baptist Cnurch, Philadelphia. I hye knowo Hoofland'a Germán Bitters favorably for a number 01 years. l have used Ihcm in my own f;imily , and have been so pleased with tholr eftects tliat I was iucedtorecüinmend them to many others,aüd know bat %h? baveoperated in a strikinffly beneiiciftl manner. I take gi?at pleasure in tbua publ.cly pro claiming thi fact, and Cftlling the attentiun of thuse aiflicted with the diseases for wbich they are recommended, to thege bitters, knowing from experience tbat rav recomniendation will besusined. Í do this more cheeifully aa Hooiiand's Bitters ís nii'Qded to benefit the aíHicteü, andíf -'not a run drink." Yours truly, LEVI G, BKCK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, Ü. I). Editor of theEncyclopedia of Religious Kuowledge and Christian Chronicle, Philudelphia. Ithough notlisposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredientsaudetiects, Iyet know of no sufiicient reasons why aman may not testify to the'benefitfl he belifves himselfto have received from any Himple preparation in th"i hope tbat he may thus coatribute to the beneüt of others. I do tliis more readily in regard to Hooflanu's German Bitlers, prcj.ared by J'r. C. Jf. Jackson, of this cily, beeaune I was prejudiced against them for man v yearH, undertht; impre.ssion tba, they were ch iefi y añ alchoholic mixture. I am iudebted to my friend. Robert dhoemker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudiee by proper tesis, and for encouiageme.ut to try them when Buffering tram grt-at and long conti nued debilitv The use f thiee bottles ol these bitters at the beginning of the present year, was iolWed by evident relief and resioration u a tiegree of bcdily and mental vigor which I had not for six months befoie, nd had almost despaired of regaining. I tberefore f bank God and iuy íri-nd for directing ee to the use of Ihcm J. NEWTON' BROWN, Phila From the Rev. Jos. II. Kennard, Pastor of the 10 th Bautist Church. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir: - I have been frequently requested to connect my name with commendatious of different kïnd.s of inediciina, hut n -ganling the pi actice as out of my appp.pHúte sphi-rc, I bve in all cases decliiu'd ; but with a clear proof in various instances and particulftiïr in my family ,of the usefullness of Dr' Booflaad'a Germán Bitters, I aep&rt lor once from my usual course, to express my iull CGnviction that, or general debiiity orthe aystem and eapeefally for Lirer Complainc, it is a safe and vuluable preparation. In some cases it may :ail ; but usual ly, I dou tnot,itwilt be very beneficial to those who ulier from the abora cause. Youra,very reppectfully, ,T. H. KEN.VARD, Eighth belov Coates treet, Pbila. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germán town Penn. tv, C M. Jackson :- Dear Sir : - Personal exporience onables me to ay that I rt-g;ird the Cttrnaau Bi tl en piepared by you as amostexcel ent medicine. In case ui severe cold and general debiiity I have been greatly benefited by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours, truly, WARREN IUND0LPH. Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H Turner, Pastor of Redding M. E. Churcl) , Phila. Dr. Jackson; - Dear Sir .- Ha ving uscd ynur iiarman Bitters in my family frequently,! am pre pa red tösay that it has been of great service. I believe that In most cases cf general debiiity of tho systom it is the satest and most raluable remedy of which I have any knowiedge. Yours, respectfully, J. H. TURNER, 726 N. N.iteteenth Street. From the Rev.J, M. I.ynns, f(rmerly Pastor of the Co lumbufi, (N. J.)andMillatowu, (Pu.) Baptist f, 'burches. New Kochelle, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Dear Pir :- I lelt it a pleasure thus,. f my own accord to benr testimouy to the excellence of the 'ierman Bitters. .worae years stnee, being much alliicted with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficia! results Ihave fften recommended them to persons en''eebled by llüit 'ormenting disease. and havp heard from tliem the most ilatteriug te.-itimonials as to their great valué. Incasesof general Uebiltty, 1 uelieve itto be atonic tbat eau not besurpasscd . J. M LYONS. From the Rev Thos. Winter, Pastor oí Roxborougb Baptist Church. Dr. Jnckson ' - Dear Pir : - T feel itdue io your excol tent preparatioo, H(;otland' s'ieniian BTtttu-s, to add my testimony tj the deservtd rpputation it has obtained. I have foryears, at times, been troubled with great dis order in my heart and nervms nystem. I was advised by a friind to try a bottle of your (crinan I did so and luive experitneed great and unexpected ro Hef; my hi'iiltli NÁ been very materially benefitted. I confidentlv recommend the article w ere I meet with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of the;r gPfXJ 'liects Rcspectfuily yours, T. WINTER, Roxborougb Pa. From Rev.J. S. Herman, of the Germán Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berts Co Pa. Dr. C Ijkcksón ;- Hipected Sir.- I have hoen troubled with Pyspepsía nearly twenty years. and have never used any medicine that dir meusmuch good as Hoofiand's Bittere. I am very much mproved in healtl) after having taken five bottles Yours, witb respect, J HERMAN. PRICES. La ree Piït', holding noarly doublé quantify,) 81 00 per bottle- half doz. ÏS 00. Pmall Pize - 75 ceiits per Bottle- half dozen $4 00, BEWARE OF COtXNTERFElTS. See that the Ignaturfi of " C.M. JACKSON'1 is on the W RAPPER of each bottle Shnul'l your nearpfit Druggist not have the article, do not be put off by iotox'cating preparfHionp that may be offered in its place, but send to us,and we will forwanl, seóurely packed,by expïessPrincipal Office and Manufactory, NO 631 ARCH STREET, PHILADELI'HÍA. Jones & IE vans. Successors to C. M Jackson f Co. PROPR1ETOKS. I'or sale by Druggist-s aud Dealor in every to-o in ifceUjliea States. JS-yl rR. WEIOHT'S Bejuvenáting Elixir ! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepaxed from Puro Vegetable Extracta, contaiE'ing Botlüng injuiious to tho most delicate. " As tbo Phoer.ix ri?;es from tlio ashes of its fire, anlmated with new ii'V'- so does tbiy Ulixir reinvenate tho system and overeóme diseaso. tj7"Theïïcj07Pnat!nx l thnrcHuitof moderr. discoverre in the vttgetab'.c klngflom ; beln anentlrtMy new buA abstract aiettod of euro, Irreuocctive of all thü old and worn-out hvsiem-. %j& iliismccliclD'-.lmBbren test cd by the most e aloe ui mt-'üiüal mun of the tlient propanAOtd tobeoneofthe greitent medie U dincoveriutí oí tht N(. ÍW One bottle wi' csnro jrenenl Debillty. 3? a "ew dones cariiB Tyatürbcs iu ft-muits fW One botile cures Pulj liatton oT the Heart. PT" Krom oDeiothne Doitlcö reniareti themaniincn ftBd Aill vlfíor of ïomli. %3f A few d nes reston Bthe uppctite. ET'Tliree bolles cure the wort cn-e of Impoteocj. fl" A m iloes cures Iho low spiiHed. J31f Oce l.uttlt1 reetort a m ntal power. T2? A l'fiw flores tinne the ro e to the chck. JjëTiblrf ii);dlilue rediorea lu miniT vHi-or and ïobust beallh tbc poor dcbÜHnted. wornduwn und Jespnlrlng. CjP The Hstlc-ê, enervutcd youtb, the ovr-tHHked man of bnelneefl, the vlvtlin of nervous deirt;?BtoD, the iuiltvldnul pntferlog iïnm m nerul dvbiüiy, wil all trui tottMdSate unl perma eut rvllat bytheueeof this Bltxfr M EwokCe of LIK . J3T Prico, $2 per hottlc or tfWfl bottlcs for f r, and furwnrdid by KNpriBd.oa TWHiipt of money to at-y LJ.ÍÍ ''h AH sub orrlors nniftbefent t C. A. COOK, Chicago, our General Agiütforttu; Wtst. 8old iu Chícalo, bf Wholesale lrTlggite,nndby il) DrafglafBeve! ywhe e. C. A. COOK, CniOAQO, Gcoeral Aceut lor the ■futee of lilüiüiri Iowii, WlBCOUSiD, Michigan and InOlana. JUK. W. 11. MEIIWIN Sc i O., SOXB PBOPEIKFOB8, No 59 Ltiierty Btrec, New Tork. CHEROKEE PILLS ! BUGAR A COATED. Female nÊÈk aegulatorEBaltiBgLPfBttrTfi: CEETAIN 0iM AND SAFE. For the Emoval of Obstructions, and the Insurance of Regularity in the Eecurrence of tlie Montaly Periods S3? Thoy care or obvíate those numeroufi áiseasea that spring from lrregularlty, by reme, vio the liregalnrlty iiself. tt2 TUey care Suppressed, Exctseive and Pulnful Meüstroatton. ta? Tliey cure Green Sickness (Cblorosls). f They care Nervons and Spinal Airertions, pairs in the back, and lower partö of tbc body, Hiííivlnees, Fatigue on slijïht exertion, Palpitatlon of tbo Hi-art, LowLess oi Spirits, Hysterla, 81ck Ilsailaeui-, GirtdlneBS, etc, etc. In a wor'l, by removlng the Irreu larity, they remove the cause, and wlth it all tbii cffects tbat spring from lt. ÍW Composed of simple yegetablo extract, the contaln nothing deleleï ious to any constitutlon. now. vr delicate, thelr function bcluü to su wltnte Btrength for weknM, wblch, when propcrly asd, they never lall to do. 5 Tbty may be safely used at any aga. and at any period, EXOÜFTDUlilSf TDB ÍIBST Tur.EE M01ITH8, during which the unfailiug nature of thelr acttoo would Infalllbly PEETfNT pregnantst . C All letters Beekintc Information or advlcc Vf be prorriptly, rcely and discrcetly HDBwered. Full üin ctlims ncconipany CHih hox. PT Prlce }1 per box, or híx boxes for 5. t& Sint by mn, IVee oi postaue. on recoipt of price. All such orders must he sent to O. A. COOK, chicaeo, our Gfne' al Agent for the Went. Sold in Chicacco, by ■VTholesaleDruügltts.andbyall'Drneeistscverywhere. O. S-. OOOISL, CHICACO. General Agent foi ttie Btatos if Illinois, Iowa, Wloconsln, Wlclnfran and ludían i. K. W. R. MEKWW & CO., BOLE PnOPPJETO:, Ho. 59 Llbi rty t„ N ew York. Sold by Wiiolesale Druggists io Detroit, also b)8TJSBBIN8 k WIL8ON, Ann Arbor. 9521 Hiñe Factor y! Beuíler Si. Traver, [Successors to A. J. Sutheiiantí,] Manufacturers of and Dealer in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Gamt Bags, and Evei'jother article il that Line. .illkinasof REPAIRÏNG done ut the bóptest not u'f, hi ntup best man oer. a ful] assortiúent always liept on hand and inadporiler fi_ Sliop corner Main and Washington tífets. Ann Arbor, Oet. 8, 1362. 873tf The Bïoney Returued iL it Fails to Cure. PSYCHE GOGii , THE ONLY CKRTAIN AND WARANTED CÜRE FOK FEVER & AGUE, Intermittent, Eemittent and ÜYSPEPSlil AAÍD hm OF API'BTITB. Forsale by all Uriiggisls. AV. MACKAY, Agent, 3m950. No. 83 Nassau tret,N Y. Manhootl : How Lest. ilou Rcstored. JUST prm.TsrïF:i .n rieW eiíiífoñ of Dr. fulvor. wtU's Cclebruteil v'.ssuy oü the radical cure (without UM-iliciiH-) oí SriïHMATOKRua-:, nr tem inal Weikritiss, In volunta ry Semina! Losaea, ímpotencj, Mental and Fhyical Incapacit.y, Impedi ment-i t) Mui riajze, etc. ; a!so Cunsuinptton', Kuilepsy nnd Fits, iïithiced by helt' indulgence or axua! exlrava Price , in a soa.leil onvelope, only R cents. The celobrated author in this admirable essay clearly demónstrate, fr un a tiurty yearn successlul practicr., tliit tlié ninrming conseqncncew of solí Hbuse niay be radically ourcd uiiliout tiio dangeroóK tisoofiuternal medicineor the ppücation of the knife- pnintiug outa mode of cure, at ouce simple, certain and etlectual, by means of which every Kiiffcrer, no matter wlint liiscomlition may bo, may curobimsejf cheaply, privately,and radicatly O, This Lecture sliould be in the ha ndw of every youtn audevery man in the land. Sent, under B6l, n o, plaioenvelope, tonny aildress. post paidj on reoelpt.of si eenU, or two stanips. Address the publi.-.hers, CHAS. J. C. KLIXF k ('O-, 127 Bowery. New York, Post office bnx 4ñ8f. 9.7tf iHi STANDARD j" sgS C-A. LES, Ü( 18 0F ALL AI.PO, aWgr - Warthmxe Trueles, Letter Presses,èt. FAIRBMKS, GREEKLEAÍ & C0„ ÏT3 L.ikr Stiet , CHICAGO. Sold iu DetroH tiy FARRAND, SHELEY fe CO. Sr Be carful to on!y thv Geauiriíjar I MS Buffalo Testímouy. SB. „sal; "Iwastroubled wit). Klic-um..Hm for two reara MffiKlns "weor fe nrj j tmTe lllte t hnttleofthe'PenpKí Cure,' and hare „t hu Oi pain niñee Ileftituff more t],nn lour-iwkir, agí, T, c nsidi-i-niyseltiii.entii.-lv rui-wl, aml ti ineditiu has mart.: me feel very lighi aml eoi.ij-jujt lil youug man tbougn lm ijtty two vfBrn ÓM UODrtiKY SCJIKKKI.I., WÜJlirhijran'st. "My wifu lias b.on sulV. rintr fren, rRÍftauMlt of un iiillaiimiatoo chi.ra.terfV.riiboutsixoriieven Ti-a soinetimes very acutely. Ahoul th,. firitt of June laat sl.e ccnimenced tkin(t the 'People's Cure ' and conUBttOá u lake It ome lliree weeks In ten Maya after be commi-.u-cl. the welling and ktiftien o(),r ioints Sik CURE r". lwo of ü,,c,,ftl,en, „ÍUicled th a bad rever bore. the othor ivítli Jilieumatism-havine seen ibe adve. tisement of the 'I'eople'a Cure' in tina paper, purobbaed the Medicine, aml n, „her havin thor oughly ti ied t, repqj-t to us, comme nding it moa heartily a a thorougli reme ly n their case.- Kdito Ohristian Advocate. "M.v face has for more than ten years beenirreatly disílgured by truptionsand bunches. whith ai time extended over my whole bo'ly,and once for tl ree days raade me entirely blind but baving taken two bottlei of the 'People' Cure.' m.v acquiiintances liadly me- Inrlccd I Imnlly ;,iow a I am nw awellman Let all wbo aro alike alllicted try th. 'People's Cure,- the Medicino prepared by tl.eSanitarT Society- aud I thirik tliey will not begrudge llieir dolPEo1',1.! CüRESMSSÍ "I have usd the 'Peopie's Cure' n my fi.mily wth great benefit, n caes oí S-rofula aml Balt Rlieum and have recommended it frequently to my f -iends, all of ■hora I bellere have beeu benefitled, and most of tbem antirel3' cured by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 273 Main St., up-stair." THE PTTDV Cures Témale PE01 l.F.'S O U 11 Cv Weakne.. "I have been in feeble health ever since the birth of my boy, wbo is now twelve year old. 1 have bad many troublesand difficulties, all this time, unfittinK me for everykind of labor, anri destroyinjr all my comfort, .summer I commenced taking the People'i Cure,' and have used fnur hottles, and am now almost aueliwomun. My ilifficulties have nearly all disap peared, and I feel cheerinl and happy. "MRS. CATHARINK HEWAI.D, Dressmaker, (oodell Alley, aboveTupper at ■Boflalo, Uct. 20, 1H02." THE PTTDT7 cr()s w'en rtb l'EOPLK'S bUnJ'; mclicines fail "My wifc hasbeen in poor health lor a long time havinp frequently to cali a phrsician loattend .'.pr; but she was recently very much worse. For flve or fiix weeks sbe had no appetite, lost all her strengt!), and waseach daygrowing wnrse, .She had nhrht sweats, cou?hed a great dea; during each ni,; lit and considera - bly during the dy, and we all supposed she was going off with the consumption, when a friend advised lier to take the 'Peoples's Cure. On taking the medicine she perceived a changeat once. Ontbethlrd dayshehad recoveted her appetite, and was faut regaining her strength, uutil, on the eighlh day, not yet baving taken oue bottie, she has stopped taking the medicine sayiny; she was as well as anybody could be. and she has continued so ever since. "PAUL KLEIN Gardner. 32 Pearl st. "Bulfalo, October 1 , 1862." For Fale by all Druggists. 922yl C. CROSBY, (eneral Agent, No. 256 Main st. , Buffalo, N. Y , to whom all orders should be addressed. For Ssle by Stíhbixs Si Wiisox, Gkexvillk & FcLLEm and C. Ebebbach & Co, WOüDERFUL SUCCÉbS. The attention auil research of the most tl. tioguishptl Choiuisls and Pliysician.s for years have beendevoted tothe produetion of a reroedv for these mostdistressinfj maladies Neuralgia and skJ After long study and many experimynts, h specific preparatiov has boen discoveren . AVATSON ' Xeuraigia Kiner, an Internat Remcdy,i curing tkousauds (f cast-s whereall other remedie? have utterty faUëd. We are a.ssyred that it i do mere ' ANODYN'E," Velieving for Use ïnoinent wliilethfi reniains, but i a perfect SPECIFICand CÜRFí for ííiopp pilnfal ñite, The vast nummer of Lintcsents, Kmbrocaiions and Extt-inal Medicines, whicli act as stimulants of the surface only, are merely temporal y in their effect and rf doubtlul virtue The NEURALGIA KING reaches the souroe of all trouble, and effectually banishes the disease from thesystem. Price-One Dollar per Bottie. PrepHred by C. R. WALKER. 1J923 fluffftio, N. Y., and Fort Erie, C. W. Fuv Sak by Stf.ruj.vs k Wilson, Cbk.vville & Fcti-EK, and C. EüERiiACH & Co. WIZABD ÓYÏT. Thfj ?reatet iuternal and extornal reraedy ever offered fu tiie public, lor the cute of Lohes aud Tains, i Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Nu fainily, once baving flioroughly tried, will be without Hainiin's Wizard OJ. [t wülcure Nerveus and Jiillammatory I'ains moro readily and snraly than anv other article in use. It requires only a few minutes aupheation of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Tronie the pain entiroly in a!l cases of euralgla. Hendache, Tootlinciie, Enrathe Cuts, and iii'llisrs, ' Haml'n's Wizard Oil. Isalso accrtainan.lspeedv onn I i Rh umn tlsm . sprallis, l.aim Inirk r Tllront DS ji!l. - rla, Ularilmii Craiuu Cullc, Frust Ultr, Bui-ns and Scnliis. Hamlin's Wizard Oil, Is no hnmbug. Try il, an.l lts wonderful effret will astonish you. i'RICK -b aml 50 CENTS JKR BUÏTI.K. The (ïfty cent bottïes contain near'y three tiniH-s afi mucb as the tweftty-ih e cent sisie Manufaotured hy J A Hnnlin & Bro., 102 Washingtuu ïtruet, Cliiago FU1J.ER, KIN'CII k Fri.I.i'.il, L'4 and 2C Jlarket St. Chicago, are Wholesale Agen is for 1}9S1 Hamlin?s Wizard Oil. VENTILATION & WARMING! o The unnVrsignecl ki-eps on hand nnd wili suiiyly ARCHlTKriV, IH'ILDKHS, nd INfllVlDUAl.S. -Hn any of ihope celnbrated machines tor the wsufai&sof buirdinga at short notice. He wiU also be happy to give such insi-ructions to all wtio are about tn baiTa s will onable them to warm therr bouses at anout kalf the exp.Mise for fuel that they can possibly 4o by auj other nieans. KEKIKKXCIS. C. EBKRBACH, Ann Arbor. A. A. SCHOOh BOARD, JACOB HAN G-iTBISKER. AUCUSTÜS WIHKNM ANN. Ann Albor, Mi re h 4tli, 18M. 0m!l48 JMssolntïon Wotice, rpIIEFIRM OKI'H.U'IN. Wl1[) k CO , was dissnlied l.lnnuar.v 1!, lBfiy. by nmhia f consent. C. A. ChapiUt and A. li. Wood will settle tbeaccounts of the firm. C A. Oiu'i.-v, A. n. Woon., V CllAriN, E. Wklis, Aun Arbor, June 24, lüttS. Copjirniehip. TTR rvnKRilCN'KO entered into partnership Jan. 16,W:, by the lirm name oí Chupín .- ('o . nii will continue the business ot' manufacturing piinting and ivr:ipping paper C. A. Chaiix, N'.ChaNK. V. Chap'n. Ann Arbor, June 24. 1863 .JlOtf HOUSE AND LOT FOR S_A. L E ! TpliE ÉótfeS Éaí lot now Í rcupïo! hy 0. O. Oliirk, Jr., ' sijtiatt'd en WÜliaui nclwet n :'ih ml División St fefcta , ' wi) rfoow l'";i--t óf h. C. houso. 1'ohbeKöion given niiiih ilniteïy . Price 6?,U0, Teims HHy. Kor particylurö iuquireof f. R Kl'IJ.F.V, Ann S, T. láMIlH.UruH L..k. Ann Arbor Jnae 6, ]$34. ffifml Ayers Cathartic Püfe,


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