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Questions For The Farmers

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Sanford Hownrd, Esq„ the new Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, has entered upon the discharge of hia duties with apparent zeiil and eainestnes.- We trust he wil! prove a valuable aequisition to the agricultural interests of the State. He bas taken up bis renidenco at Lnnsing, Michigan. Mr. Howard has addresscd a circular to the farmers of Michigan, desiring correct information in regard to the agriculturnl resources of the Stat., and with this view _ lio bas propounded tbe following queries, which we trust will meet with early responsrs : CULTIV4.TED CROPS. 1. How long bas the soil of your section beeu cultivated, and what was its original character as to coroposition, wetness or dryness, &c ? State whether it was prnirie, "opening," or woodland, and if tlie latter, what were the prevail ing t-pecies of trees. '2 What are the principal crops and what has been tbeir average yieid per acre, frcui the first ? If tliere lias been an increase or a decrease, 6tate how nnich, and from what causes, particularly in refermiee to wheat. State tbe comparative productiveuesa of different varieties of wheat - white and red. 3. What have been ibe ruling prices of different kinds of grain, hay, &c , since your section has been culiivatcd, what is the relativo cost of the different crops, and which have been tbe mostprofitableï State what crops are sold, or wbat proportion of certain crops, and in general terms how the remeinder is disposed of. 4. What kinds ot fruits are cultivated in your section, wbat tbeir relativa profits, and also the profits of any kind, comparecí with otber crops? State what have been the prices of apples and other fruits, and for wbat markets tbey have been sold. 5. Are root crops cultivated in your section? If so, state wbat kind are preferred, and the purposes to which they are devoted. State, also, any facts which are establisbed, bearing oa the root-culturo in Michigan. LIVE STOCK. 6. Beyond the nutnber of borses, eattle and swine, deemed essential to f-rm management, wbat description of live stock bas been most profitable ? 7 What have been the prices of beef, pork, mutton butter aud obetse, at your principal market statious or towns ? 8. Which of tbe three kinds of meat mentioned in the ioregoing question,can be produeed at least cost ? 9. Wbat ia the average annnal yield of butter per cow, and what of cheese ? 10. What is the relative cost, per pound, of butter and cheese? State if cheese is made on the so called "faotory system," ín your neighborhood, and with what results. 11. What breed of cattle ia most protitable in your viciuity, for beef, what for the daiiy, and if oxen are usod for labor, what for thsit purpose ? State wliat have been the results of the iuUo duetion of any, distinct breeds, and whence they were obtaiucd. 12. What broed pr grade of horses is best adapted to farm work, snd what to travelitig with light vehicles ? State what height and weight of horses ure prefe-red for farm work, and the same fjr those for traveling. State also, wlnit have been the results of tho introduc tion of different kinds ol horses into your sectiou. 13. What breeds of sheep are kept in your seetion, what has been the average weight df their fieeces washed or uuwashed, and what priees have they brought per pouud 1 Hlate if sheep are faitened f.r tuarket, either as lamb or mutlon, and what breeds are niost prufitable for these purposes. Htate whut have beeu the resulta of the intro duction of any dititiuct breeds or familie , aud wheuce they were obtuhied. 14. What breed of swine is most profitable 'Í State at what age swino are usually slaughtered, aud what thoir average dresed weight. IMPLE.MIiiNTS. 15. What labor-saving implements or machine-! hav beun introduood into your seotion, aud to what extent has miiuu il labor beeu dispeused with - iu othcr words with how inuch less manual labor oiin a gïven imuutit of producís be now obtained, thau before suuh implemuuts or machines were usedV 16. V bat kinds of reaping machines, and whitt kiuds of mowing machines are used in vour neighborhood 'i So far as preferenee is given to one kiud over another, state wliy. 17 Are coru planters, grnin drillf, broadca6t sowing machines (for graiu, clover and grass seed, or fertilinern - as aslies, piaster, &c.) used in your neigh borhood, iind with what resulta 'f State what kinds of theso maohines have beon tried, aud their relative uierits, so far as asoeitained. IS. Wliat kind of horse rakes are usod in your section, and what their re speotive advantage8 ? 19. Are the "horse pitehforks" used in uuloading hay, and if o, what is thonght of tliem i reference tü saving ur lightening manual labor? 2U. Are "huy tcddcrs" (machines to aid in drying liay) uscd in your neighborhood, and if ao, what kinds aud wuat resulta ? Desoribe any special improveraent which hs btjeu made io plows, harrows, cultivutors, or any other iinplnment and inention any new ooe that has beoa introduced. MANURES. 21. To what extent are tho solid and liquid excrerueuts of domestic nnimals tiived, and how saved, and applied to the land ? 22. To what erop is stable or yard manure usnaüy applied, and in wha ra tio does the npplication of a given quantity to the acre cominouly iucrease the yield ? 23. Are other manures used - as plas tor, Qshes, lime, super pliosphate of lime, boues, &c, - and at what coat, nd with what resulta ou different soils and cropa ï MISOELLANEOUS. 24. Whíit has been the advance, if any. in the value of forest or woodland, within the lust fivo years, and also the advance ia the value of wood and lumber for the same period ? 25. In clearing land how are the dif ferent kinds of timher diaposed of? State the pricea reoeived for the timber or articles iuto which it is imtuediately wrought. 26. What wagea are paid to farm laborers by the day and rnouth, at different aeaons of the year ? State at what rates wages have ranged in former years. 27. Have ariy experimenta been made in ur.der-draining in your neighborhood, either with tiles, stones or othcr materialft ? If so, state on what kinds of so:ls, the marnier in which the work wai done, the cost per rod, and the general resul ts. What agricultural improvements are most needed in your seetion ? - Mako suegestions as to what can be done to advance the agricultural interest.


Old News
Michigan Argus