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The "happy Family."

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TIk Washington correspondent oí lbo Cincinnati Gazelte writes tho íollowino;. whioh it is oertaiuiy tobe hopee! is touch ex.-iííLrerated : " Secretary Stunton and PoftUnaeter General Blair fi ro the most violent personal enoniica. Mr. Slíinton utteiiv refuses to opeek to Mr. Blnir nnder any eircutnt tancea, mi public or piivate bui-iness; and ■ Mr. Bluif revenfíes himself by personal abuso of Mr. stan'.on. Everybody kiiüws that the real head of Uie .Navy Department is the Assistant Seeretary, Mr. Fox, brother-in-law and personal íidhereut of Mr. Blair. Thus the hostility bet ween the heads of the War Department aud the Postoffice is widened so as to embrace the Nuvy DepartineiH uls. Ií any une can conceive a necessity for harmonv between any hyo of the drpartments of a stniggling Governinent stronfrer than tho nimilar neeessity for all the reat, tho?-e two muHl. certainlj be the War and Navy Dopui'tmuat-i. Tuis is oue set of f apta. Tnke another : The mopt violent political and personal hatred is known to be oherished by all the Blairtf, and purticillurly the Postmiif ter-General, to ite Beorelary of the TieaMiry. Mr. Chase re;ards tho. means that have been taken to show this batred so estsentialiy ungeDtlemftüly, that lie refnses lo iveognize Mr. Montgomery Blair avhere, 10 meet witit bim in Cubinet, r to have anything wliatever to do ith hiin. Mr. Blair takea his revenjo aiU'i' the manner f hts kind, by röttiiliijíí slanders añ'eítii.g tfio cliümcter iind personal integritv of tiie officer in wbrse care are. vcsted the hundreds of miJüiiDS constantly passing througb the Treasnry, and the lenfold greater-inter osts involved in the issue of the bonds i'f the Government. Iiis Department was absohitely oonverted into a grand ])ist ri hut mg Office for tho foul speech of his brotlier, the hite íraudulent Confíressrneti and quasi Maj -Gen; and the whiile extended raiiiiticatinns of rna;liinery of the Postoftiue Dopartmeut were uned to circuíate sianders aüainst the Seoretary of lite Treasury. That which he cotiid do Mr. Mongornery Blair has done lo break down the credit of the Government which has lifted him IVoin the position of a thirdrute Muryland country lawyer, to a place in its Cabinet. Out of Hiich circumstances grovvs the fact that a Cabinet meeting is uuktiown. "Is it truo ihat yon stated so and so, at a Cabinet meeting yesterday ?" He was toliil. " Oh ye?, that'a the day that Uslier and Blair, and Bates, 6tiH go up there."


Old News
Michigan Argus