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Personal--the Argus

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Tilia number of the A kous completes tho 10lh yeor oí our connection with it. If in tiloso ten vear.s we have not aecomplished all we wished, the onlv eonsolution we have is thnt we have uccomplished uil we could with the mean8 ut our disposal. But it is not oí the past we would speak at this timo. The ton years are gorio and can not ba recailed. Tlieir are ended and can not be nmended. Öo, thanking thoso of our pubfcribers who have helped smooth our pathway by promptly meeting their engagement, we would f-peak in brief' ol' the future. And, in plain words, let us say to all who ieel eilher an interest in our personal prosperity, or ïq the future of the Auous thnt we ar-o approaohing "the breukers," and need tlieir prompt assistanee. Paper, iuk, labor, and tlíe neeessaries ot life have risen to suoli figures that wc c;;n not continuo the Arsus without a prompt patment of all arrcarges, and au inórense of business patrouage, unless we do it at the expende of the little wo have saved from sixlecn years of hard vrorfe, and that we can not ajfurd, and do not, propose to do. Io December last we announctd that we found it necessary to raise the price of the Aiiaus to $2 a year, and also to inerease our ratea of advertising. Six monthsexperienoe has proved that we increased our terms neither too much nor too soon. And yet the Üttle inerease lost us sotne mibsciiberssubscribers who are getting twice the old prices for eveiy thing they raiso or inake for su!, but who could not n fiord to pay an increase of 50 cents on a year'g newspaper. Was this right ? The ternas unnounced in December are now in f uil force, and the price of the Argus rs $2 a year henceforwar'd. No deducuoD from that price wül be made in any case, until theie is a revo lutton in the prices of all oiher things. Our terms are a!so ttrictly in, and we enter no new name upon our books without advance payuient. Old eubscribers in arreáis ard also charged 82 a year for all arrearages, and we can not vary from this rule. If they had paid usonr just duas - when due - we eould have done better with $1.50 a year than we ean aow do with the 82 00. W,e fia,raesüy invite all ia arrears to OiSiive forward and make iinmednute i tlemen't, save us the neeessity of making oii't bilis and eaWing in the aid of officials We also invite our fdends - and we aae glad to know that we have Tr.any MMia .res in diftere.Rt jiarts of iün county - :to aid in iixireafiing our elrcniafKsn. Eaeh sufescriber can get a neighinor to subscribe if Ike wiill, and such an inerecee of our iist wil' help us weather the stnc. With these few, plain spogen 'bmt well-meant words we close our tenth year. - A nwnber - too 'large a tauKiber - of our sufc-serifeere owe us for so many years, that we do not Oare to ncrease the amount of tiieir obligation-, -and, it is propor to say in this eonnection, that f any should fail to receive the Arqus afler this issue, they will understand 'tihat a black lime has been drawn across 1keir namet. 1 The teiugrap'h saiei a lew days ago that tien. Butler liad relieved Gen. from liis sojimaaad, it is understood for using íiis iiscir-et.onary powers nd declining or mjg-lecti-Bg lo saorifi'je his men by throwing them upon the intrenchmeni3 nt Petersijurg, at the time of Qev. Kautz's charge upon the city. We think tbat recent events have J'ully demonetrated th6 wisdom of Gen. Gillmoüe's aotion, and thatheonght to be applauded instead of aüograued for hiscaution. If the Peters %a;rg works can so long withstand Gbxwt' whole army, vvhat could Gillmore's diiA'.hjjon have done with them ? 8r The Coegressional currency tinkers recently passed -o. bilj regulating the sale of Gold. "O!d Abe"" signod it, and it becarne a law on Monday. and np ent Gold to over 200. Wednesday noon it run inri 235, and then went back to 208 a 210. The sndden rise was the direct iniiucnee of the bilí, whioh drove itLro,io "ChaDge,'' and gave the brokers -entire control of the article. Flour, Wheat, Wool, and goods oi all kinds went up alnng with gold. -With gold at 210, a greenback ollar is worth a fraction ovr 4J.J cerjtsVuluable currency that. Shouk! iiiick tent CfiAfm vonltl feel proud.


Old News
Michigan Argus