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The State Department--and

The State Department--and image
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probably"iild Abe" - aided in eeking Arguelles and senáing 'bi-m baefe to Ouba in defianco of luw, andthe dastardJy act was cxcnsed on Ihe ground that his presence was necessary in Cuba to secnre tho ireedom of captnred elavea. Bmt út tuirns out tbat Arguelles was ■wanteá to prevent the exposure of the coinplicity of the Cuban officials wiUh the sla ve trad ei, that ba feas been oonsigned to a dungeon - if not tf) his grave - and that 1,000 nogrwes iiatpe liaen dooBaed to elaery.. Secretary SifWiRB and bis abolition admirers of tbe ülegal extraditicn act now have an opprtunity to chew the cad rf refleotion - Our country hae been disgraced, and the very act w'hich disgraced it riveted the fettei'8 on the slaves thought io be ireed. t" In the United States Circuit Court, on Fridny lapt, Judge Swayne preaiding, a judgment was obtained in fae-orif t'ho gowennment, against E. B. Waríd, for $23.541. 9, ihe amount with interest ol the chec'k given 'by him alter exposure, but which was allowed to go to protest. The Judge helJ that the suit was not properly brought to .enter into the whole case, that it Ii-onld have b-een brought on the bonds, fout that Waed haviug given his check for a specifiad snm had nckiiowledired liis indebtedness in that nmonnt and coulj not be ajlpvred to ropnJite it. GF A vnriety of cireumstances not nace.-wary to enumérate, among them Uio desire to rest from loDg enntinued editorial and office labore, and seek incruased brealth, of which we stand in ned, in Bome less sedentary business, Las induccd us to advertise the Ahgus ofiicfi forsale. Our Democratie iriends are especially interested in this matter, and we hope that they will aid us in finding a pnrchnser.


Old News
Michigan Argus