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íüchigaFcbmral raïlroad. Passengei traína now leare Detroit .Chica go.and the ■ieveral Stations in thisCounty .as follows : GOING WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Eve. Ex. NightEx. Detroit. 8.00A.M. 3.4S r. M. 5.00 p. M 8 45 r. M. Ypsilanti, 9.20 " 5.05 " 6.27 " 10.00 " AnnArbor, 9.40 " 5.S0 " 6 50 " 10 L0 " Dexter, 10.05 P. K. 6.C0 " '15 " ' Chelsea, U.L0 " " 7.35 " " r Chicago 8 15 ■' " 5 30 A. M. 8.45 A. M. GOING EAST, Leave Ex. Dex. Ac. Night Ex. Day Es. „"ave. tm 'M 10.00 P. M 6.30 a. M. CbS' -' A.M. 7.45 a. m. 4.05 r. M. Dexter, 5 4S " ', 1 2 „ AnnArbor, 4.20 a. m. 6.10 " B ♦ „ Ypsilanti, 4.45 " 6.35 " 8 4„ ■'" Ar. Detroit, 6.10 " 8.00 " 1000 " f The Day Express each way is the Mail Train. Trainido not stop atstations wherefig-jreEareomlttedin the table. ïrainsconnect at Detioit with theGreat Western ana Grand Trunt Railways of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit nd Mi'waukíe Kailroads., and Cleveland Steamers. At th Company's Tieket Offioes at Detroit, Chicago, .toliet and I.afayette.throuKh tickets can be purehased toall the principal cities and towns in the United tatea and Cañadas. LL'XURIOCTS SLEEPINO CARS upon all night trains. Ruttan's celeljrated Veat'üating Apnaratus upoo all ; day trains - the best dust preventativein use. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients and all others interrested will please take notice that he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House. Ann Arbor, during 1864 and !65 and at the expiration of whicli he wil) discontinue his visita and opftn an -In-flrmary at Cleveland, Okio, ica' ;öie treatment of hang and Chet d,iseas!. j9fy An Intebesting Letter, - Messrs Post t Bruff, Agents N. Y.Sa.nitary Society, Kochister.- Gisots . ï deern it dne to you state the nïagical effeot ,of that one hottle of Peofile's Care wüicii_l obtained frora you in NoveHbjr lasi. Seeiog the advertisement ol yonr So. ciety offertug to give your meJicine to clerjrymen for the poor of their parishes, í ooitained a ttottle fora. poor girl of my congregation, who 'ka long been nearly help less from Rlieumatisra,and strange to say, that one bcittle cured her entirely. fsrritebhis hnpiog it tnay aid the Society in its efiorts toiatroiuce the medicine, and bless those who may ned sach a reratdy ; and I use strong terms, as I believe its merits will fully j ustify the most snperlative forms of speech. Youra, Respectfully, C. R. WILKINS, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, 922yl Pittsford, Montoe Co. N. Y. The Great French Eemedy! MADAM BOIVIN 'S CELEBR ATED SILVER-COATED FEMALE PILLS. The onlycertain and Safe Remedyfor all CterineObstructions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all the other diseases to whicli the Vforaan, Wifo an4 Mother is peculiarjy liable. These Pille contain no deleterious iogredieftjU,, Ijut are safe and certaia in their action. They will bo found to exert thehappiest efTect it all cases of Prolafsus Uterl, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will be found the easiest and most certain Cure that can be íound. It U on account of this certrinty they should not be taken bv Pregnant Females (dwing the Jirst three montks, as mi&carriage is certain,) tobe brought on, but at other periods theír use is peifectly safe. N,B. - One Dollar enclosed to any autfcorwed Agent, -will ensure pAckageoí Pilla by return of mail. C. CROSBY, General Agent, Fort Ene, C. W., Buffalo, N. Y. CAfno?ï, - Beware of Cgunterfeits, the uem'infc have thejsignatureof C. CltOSBY, op the outwde wrapjjer. For sale by allrespectable Druggists. Iyjowitö2 A (JOOD TREE 18 KNOWJST BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by bi.s Succefisiul Worke. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CELKBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE THROAT, LUXGS AND CIIEST, Known all over the country as the Celebrated INDIAN HEBB DOCTOR! Fropa America, will be at bis moran, RUbSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8tli and 19xh ipst.,on the same date of and every subsequent moDth during 18(32 and 1863, A NE AT PAMPHI,ET Of the life,stufly and extensive travels of Dr. Lyons :an bfi procured by all whodesireone, free of charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtch. } aR folio ws : Ann Arbor, Monitor Hou3e, 20th. Jackson. Hibbard House, 21st A'lrian , Brackett Hi use, 22(1 and 23d. IJode ot Examinatioh.- The Doctor discernii dieaes bytheoyes. He, tkerefore, asks no queitionn nor req lires patients to expliün symptoms. Afllicted, come and have your gymptoms and the location of your diseaseexplained free of charge Mathews' Chocolate Woim Drcpg ? NEVER fail lo desf roy .and exteroiinate al! kinds oi Inteëtinal Worms. Are perfectly roliable in all cases and far superior to any nJ all uf the Fancy Woijn onfectiona, nd nauBeous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect they contain KO MERCURY, or othr deieterious Dn Mothers should always purchase thm and give their ohildren no olher. (No Catkarlic wiaterer, tsnecetsary toeglTep.) Each box contatos H Drops or Loienge. Price 24 ets. For Sale by all Drugeists and Dealere ia Mediciup.'. C. R. WALKER, Geooral igr si, iyKl PufSiIo, N.y anJFortEr!,O. V


Old News
Michigan Argus