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Tho New York World, of the 28th, says : ' Secrctary Stanto Las eeased issuing war bulletins! for the reason tbat our miliUry operatipna reoentlj lave been a series of defeaU aud disappoiutments. Gen. Graut had sueeeeded in securing a position on the Weldon Kailroad, soutl) of Petersburg; but the disaster to a portiou of our left wing, ou Wednesday last, must have been a severe mortification to tho whnle army. - It seerus the rebela sueeeeded ra capturing an entire brigade of Union troopa. Gen. Hunter's movcment against Lynchburg has provea a sorry failure. He was repulsed in the direct at tack upon thafc city, and now it is semi-officially anuounced that he is in retreat to Western Virginia. Thus ends the second eombined moveinerit against tho rebel capital. The first failed when Sigol was benten in the valley and Butler contemporaneously miscarried in his assauH upon Fort Darling. The second great eombined moveinerit was to isolate tl. e rebel capital by cutting off its communieations on every side. Graat hiniself was to capture Petersburg, H on ter, Lynchburg, and Shcridan was to destroy the Gordonsville rond. Each of these three inovements bas resulted in a failure, and Gen. Grant must now forru new combinations. It i idle ary longer to talk of stiirving out tlie rebels. The roads northwest and soutljwest frenn Richmond are no longer even menaced. The only really good news at hand is tl'iat the road south from Petersburg is securely in possession of our army. - This is no doubt an inconvenieucy to the rebels; but that is all. It of itself effects no important object. We wish we could write in a more hopeful stram; but the country is entitlèd to the truth "


Old News
Michigan Argus