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U. S. 10-40 Bonds Tbe.=e Bonéfl are issued under the act of Congress of Mareh Mh, 1804, whích provlde that 11 Bond sauedundertktB Aat shall be EXKMPT FROM TAX ATTON !'y or undel any state or municipal authority. Subscrintions to theso S.'mds are receirad in United Sfites nolis ir licites of National Banks. Thcy are l'O UK REOEEMKD IN C01N, at the .leusure of the ( iiiTiint, :il :i!iy l Tiodo! Icss litan ten nor .more than fnrty years {mm hiT ilato, and nntil their redcmptionFIVE ER CEJTT. INTEREST wn.L BE PAÏB ÏH ('O!N', on Bonds of not over ono hundred dollars annually and on all other Bonds s-mi-annually. The ;nti,jt is iKijablf on the fli-at days of March and September u t ach year. ';ii:.iibcrs n;ULjrii;eireeitherRcgliit,credor Coupon Blinda, ae tlipy raivy préftr. Rejíatenid liomls are i ecptded on tho booke o( the I'. S. Trcasurer, and can "be tranaferred onlv on the owner's t.nler. Coupon Bonds are Jiayable to bi'urer, and are more convenient i"or com nercial uaagffl. SuhMcrioera to this loan will Bate the ontion of having their Bonds ñrato interest iun March lat, by PrinK the accrue.l interest in coin- (or in United Sla'.es notes, or the imtes of National Banks, a.lding nfty per oen!, tot i.r,.iniiun,) or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these onds are Excnipt from Municipal or Slalc Tuxaliun, ieir valué sincreasod from one to three per oent. erannum accer.ling to tlie rate of tax lcvii-s in va ous parts of the iountry. At the prespntrate of premium on gold they pay Over Elght Per Cent Iuterest n currenoy.andareof eqial convenience as a permanent or temporary investment . It is belioved that no seouritiea offer so great inucements to lendors as the' various Jescription of U. S Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the ai or ability of private parties or tock companies r separate communities only is pkdged for payment, whileforthe dubts of the United States the ivhole ropertyof the country is holden to secure the paymentof both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds m y lie subscribed for Q sums from 50 up to any magnitud, on the same terms, and re thus made equnlly available to the smallost leneiandtuelai'iíestcapiUlist. Thoy can be convertdintomoneyat any moment, and tho holder will have the benefit of the Interest. It may be useful to state in this connection that the total Fuiided Debt of the United States on wbich interest is payable in gold, on tho tuird day of March, 1864, was, $7i;B,9fiö,000 per annum. H will be suen that even the present gold rovenues of thegovcrnmentarela gely inexceas of the wants of the Treasury for the pavment of gold interest, ,vhile the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raíxe the annual reeeïpts from customs on tho same amount of importations, to $150,000,000 per annum. Inslructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not iasued from the Uuited States Treasury until March S'i, but in the lirst three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN MILUOXS A WEEK. Subscriptions will bc received by the First National Bank ol Ann Arbor, Mieli Second National Bank of Detroit, Mioli First National Bank of Fenton, Mie h AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are depositares of Public money, and all KESl'ZCTABLE BA.SKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as atents of the National Depositary Banks,) will furnish further Information on appliration ;ind AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SÜBSCRIBERS. Mathews' Chocolate Woim Drcps ? NEVEK fail todestroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfeetly raliable in all cases and far superior to any ni all uf tho Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at alltimes with perfect they oontainNO MERCURY.or othvr deleterioua Drug.- Motbors shonld always puichase tliew and give their children no otlier. (No Cathartic wbaterer, íb necessary to be f?iven.) Edl box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. l'rice 2S cts. For Sale by all Drugo;ists and Dealers ia Metlicine ' . C. R. WALKER. General Agent, lyfl-22 Búllalo, N. Y andFbrt Eri-.C. W. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY 1TS mUIT. So is a good Physiciau by bis Suceesslul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TnEGREAT AND CF.l.EHKATED I'llYSIClAN OF THE THBOAT, LtJNQS AND CHEST, Kn' all over tbc c itrj as the Mebrated INBIAN H E lí B D 0 0 T 0 U ! From South America, wiU be at his rooms, RüiiSÉLL HOÜSÉ, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19tb inst.,on the same dale of and everv subsequent mooth durin;r HfJ tnd ldtio, A NËAT rASÚ'JII.ET Of the Iife,8tudj and eitensive travel of JUr. I.yons i an be proeared by aHwïodolteone, fine of chrpe. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtcb. ,nn follnwB : Ann Albor, Monitor IlminO. 20tli. Jackson, Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Bmckett Hiuse,33d and 23d. Moiik OF Examisation.- Tho Doctor discerní diBoases bythceyes. He, tkerefore,asks no questions nr-r roquires patieuts to cxplain symptoms. AIHictcd, come and have your symptoms and the location of your diseaseexplaincd free of charge Take no more unpleasavt and unsaj "e Medicines. For unpleasant and dangerous distases, uso URLMROLD'S EXTRÁCT BUCHÜ, Which has rcceived the endorsementof the most PROMINENT PHYSICIANS ÍN THE U. S. ís now olTcredto aillictüd humaníty as a ccrtain cure for the following diseaaes and syiaptoms originating froni diseascs and abuse of the Urinary or Sesual OrgaiM, General Pebility, Mental and PhyskalDeprüssion,ïmbecility, Determinaron of Blood to theílead, Caufuaed Ideas, Ilysteria, Gen'llrritabílity, RestlwsneBB and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of A p petóte, Eraaciation , Low Spirits, Pifcorganizalinn or Paralysiaof the Organs of Getieration. l'alpttatiun of the Heart, And, infactillthftconcomitants of a Nervousnnd í)e bilitated state of the sytm. To insure the germine, ent this out, APK FOR IIEUnïOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. CUUKS GUAIÏANTEED. 2m951 See advertisement in another column. Cherokee Rcmedy and Injection, Tu oür Ficmai.k Reapeks. - We cali the attention of ovir feinale readers to the advertisoment in nur columns of the Chkrokbk Rbmbdt anp Imjecüon, for thecureof Fluor Albiis, er Wliites. Tliese vegetable compounds have heen i'ouud a most sovereign specincfor this use, by the removal of whicti they also aid in regulating the petim'-s of tho fpmile system, ofteu ínter ruptc'l ïiy Fluor Al bus. They are certaio to cure ijii'ciïily and thoroughly , and eontain no mineral . ons - are periectly innocuoos to the most delicate organization. Tlicy are also the befit and mo?t effeetive cure of Gonorrhtca and Gleet y et disoovered. Cali Ur Cheiokee Remedj ;r Injectton. Bpld by all draggite tlirouirhout the country. lni902 To Clear the House of Fliee, USE DUTCHER'S CEIEBRATED LIGHTN1NG FLYKILLERÏ a nwít, cTioap aittcle, eacy to aae. Kvery sheet wiH tilla qua4 SO14) KVKIÏYWIIKIM:. 2to96S FOR SALE. rpHREE blTT U)T3, of the froníage nf Syon Qaxden 1 adjoiaing "oh the eaftt( the reMeuce of J F. Millcr, on Bliller Avenue. Enquiie at tlic CREEN ÏIOtJSE. Ann ArboY, .Tune 2 0th , 1R04. 4ul,)fiii. A Farm for sale. - o- SITUATED six miles North of Aun Ar hor, Said i'.inn eonaisti) of 122 acres. On the premias are gooq buíMin.s, a fin1 n-chanl and a living sírcam. It Í8 known a the lïo.secrans Cano, H vilt ue sold cheap, and terra 1 pa y ment made easv. Enqnirc of L.C. R1SD0N. Ann Arl'or, Jan. 3fí, 1S64. 941tf Ayér's Sarsaparilla. II AT STORE! o Gr O TO SP Tiwi HH m fa IftlLUii Ü Be(UTB jou b) ■ , Spi-iin aml Slimmer stjle 1 C APS, STRAW GOODSÜ GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. Ann Arbor, April 20th, 1S64. 3ra!)ö3. EMPIRE BOOK STORE! Having pmxknsi'.l .T. R. WRBSTER'S stock of Bonka and Statiinu'ry, I sluiU endearor to keep a constant supply ot SOUOOIj BOOKS, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL í LAW BOOKS STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, which wllï be solil at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. Aiso ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSTC and a superior quality of WALL PAPER! &nd pverytln'np: nsuaHy kpt ín a moU condueted Bonk toye. Oppotte Frunklin Uuuse. ■ G. W. SN OVER. Ann ATbór, .Tune, 1864. 1)900 LOOK ECEREi? A large lot of L IN" EIST OOATS AND SUMMER GOODS, altvays on hand at M. Guiterman & Oo's, CLOTHING STORE. (livr1 èfl :v c;ill ftn.l we cn aml will soll ynti chsapei ana l etter rooda tbau any otlier liousc tu this city. 96ötf lirownell & Perriii, GEN'L COMM1SSÏ0N lERCHANTS, 183 South Water Street, CHICAaO, ILLI3STOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisious, ?eeds, Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, cêc. References: Preston, Willard & Koen, Cbirtgo. S. Botsford k Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. (, Particular attention given to the sale of Green anrl riried Fruils, Cidcr, &c. Orders for the uiircbase of dover and Timothy Seed, C'nt Meats, &c, promptïy afteoned to il' accompanied withcash or sattsfaetorr reference. 9.19tf Brinkerhoffs Self-Raking REAPER & MOWER COMBINED. rpHK Brinkerhoflfs Self Rnking Rcaper and Mowei X Comblncd is the only tcliablo sflf-raker nlTered to tlu farmers nf tliia Count. ïlie othfir Macliiöea wlnch are offered in tliismarket liavn only vaki's nn tiii'ir ulveitifmucritsjthe agontsnot daring to warrant the marilnnps entire. We also warrant the Brinkerholï Machine to cut any gras-s which can be cut hy tmy machine, and we propose to put it into the leid against any Machine that runs which cuts grass and &(n. 8S6nS DAVID M. FINI.EY. Ann Arbor May 10th,18fi4. general Agent. WALL PAPER ! 50,000 rolls of W all Paper can be fosad t the storq or John F. MI lier & Co., corner of Main and Washington Stteete, opposfte. HiingsioriVi-'s Hall, Also a largeasBorUiífiiit of Miscullaueouti üoöks at old prieel. i'hith ;i ml Paper ShaJ, ïassel Onls and Fnune.s uf all cleaerïptioiis. Frame made tf nrdor. ricaso calí aii'l examine before purcliaMtngnlsrwJiere. JOHN F. M1LI.KH & CO. June Ut, 1904. 8m959 SMITH'S NEW PRESCB1PT10N & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buy j-our MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Writinx Paper, b he Reani orless, and al! othfir artietes in our lino. firj lCnpeci:il í1! liMitinn tn Compoundinp and putting ;,; l'ri-.,-.npiMins, at the Blgi of ffOl.l) MURTAS, Sxchtiuge tiloc-k, Ann Arbor, .Michigan. Jj& , Próferaonal calis prnptly attended lo. 1T9B0 1iöuYe and lot" 1POTI SA. Ia E ! TPK IIiil'SKan'' l.'t bowi ccuBiedbl '. G.eiirtt, .Ir., situhteS mi Williaiu betn fltli an.l Om-.i.n Stroolti}--wudoor(i blastofL. C. Riadon'ahouw. fostens ion K'ven nnmediat!iy. Price $2,000. 'lVrïns easy. For narticulars inquire of D. I!. KELI.EV.Ann Arbor.or S. T. PMrlH,r,r,:;.r UU Ann Arbor , Tune í, 1P-4. !6Tnl DYSPEPSIA, AND DIííEASES R EB1T Ii-V I W G F R O M DISORDERS OF THE I.IVEK AND DIGBSTIVE ORGANS, AUK IUT.K.D BY HOOFLANB'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING f 1 1 c, e Tliisc Bitlfrs have performed more Cures HAVE AND PO (IVlilUiTTKR SATTSFACTÏON II uve inore Trsllmony ! IIA.VE MORE KESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO VUUH FOR TJIEM ! Than auy other nrtk-lt? m Ihf nKii'.et. We ilefy any one to contradiot tliis Assërtiofi, AD WIU P,VY $IOOO Teany ode wrto wiïl produée a Certifícate publinhed i by ns,thatis not :kiiM':. HOOFLAND'S epiiï BITTERS WII.L CVWR 1 EVKRY CSE OF Chronic 01 Nervous Debmty, Dïseasee of the Kidneys, and Dïseases arising fiomdisordeied Stomach. Observe til folhwing symptams rtSUUing from Visordrrs of the Digestiva Organs : Constipiitiim.Inward l'ilcs, FtlllnciS of Ulonrl to Uu iH-a!, Aciiüty, nfttio timmrh, N:liisc:i. Hoartburn, Disgust Por lood, FulïuenHoi weirht f ft fhe Stnmo eb SduT Eructationa,8iftking r fltittenng nt tlu' pit of th( Ötoraaob, Swïmmiag of the Hea?, llurrtedaradiUffloultbrcathing. Flutterftg at the Heart,Chokiag or Huffoc&ttng genations when in a Lying I ' 1 ' -■ I I ! 1 O , Dimness of Vision, Pols or Webs befo re the Siht, Fever and Dull Pa!n in the Heni, Deflctlencv of l'rcspiraiion, Yellowness of the Skin and Kyes, pain in the side, back, cliest , limb , fee, SinVrl'Mi II u. lies of tJtiat, Burning in the Flosli , Constant linagüiingH of Evil and Great Depresfiioo-of Spixito, THAT THIS EITTERSIS NOT ALf,OHOLI0, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUKKAEDS, BOT In the World. ET" RKAD WHO SAÏS SO : Frointhe Sev. I.cvi O. Eeck, Pastor ut the Baptist c'lnuch, l'emberlon. N". J. , (ormcrly of the Nortli Buutisl Uluirch, I'liiladcliihia. S: I have known Hoolhuid's Germán Bitters favorablj tor a niinilier ol j-ears. 1 liiive used tliem in hij t.vii familv,and been so pleascd ivilli tlieir afíacU tliat J flr&a iiiilueed ti recomaaeild t!i-m to many olhers. and know 'hattlioy bare opexttri in ■ strikingly beneiciai luaniic-. 1 Inke great pleasure in thus publcly procliiimin-.,' this fact, and ealling tlif nttentitm of those affliotetl wHh the diseaaesior which they are reeomir.entlodjtu these bitters, knowing frnni exji'-rionce tiiat my reeomnieinlation will !t.iMi.slaiiiHd. I iio this more dici-ifiilly as llnofland's Uitters is intended to benefit the aMicted, and ia "not a rum drink." Yours truly, LEVI O. BECK. From ïiev.J. Newton Broivn, 1). D. Editorof iheEncrclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Uhristlan Chronicle. Fbiladeïphia. Ithough not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in generaij 1.h'ouh distrust of thejr ingredients and eAct,I yet Wrow of no snffleient reaaooa wliy a man maynot testify to the bonehte he believes hinisvlfto havo recrivi-rl Irran any simple preparation in dh? hope that he may thus contribnte to the beneüt of others. I do tliis inoro rnaililyin re;.ird to HooIIand's German Bitters, pre[,ared by Jir. C. II. Jackson, of thi city, becausc I was prejuaieed opiina't thm for many years, undertlie impression that ttiey Ti'ere chiefty an álebohohc mixlnre. I am indcbti-d to my friend Hobirl .-hoemaki r, Esq., fi.r the remora] of this prejudice bv proper tests, a rul tor eiicniuajreinest to try them when suÉfer:ng rivnrgiéai nel lo(r jiontmued debility . 'i lie u'e ' 1I11 lt'ittïcs ot 1 buii-rs at the beintiinu iillbc premïBi yar, wa [friowed by evident re'lief v.i restoratlon ' a degrëo of bxdily arul mental vigor w!i''i 1 had IHtt Lw ife tnpntbs befofe, und had altnbst despaired nf regaibing. ] tberelore Iliank Ond and my friend for directing tr,e to tl e use of fhem 3. KSVTON !;KlVN'.riiila From tlie Rv..Tof. II. Kinn;u], Pastor of the lOihBantint ('huirli. J'. Jackson ■ - !■■■;!■ ;.[■; - i have been freqgentlv rerjiíesiedroconnect my náme wiMi commondations of different kiuds of medicine, bul rt-ardinir the piactice ;is nut e!' :mv appi -Mri.iie sjiIki i', i hftye in al] cases declined;but will, 1 .■]cai].M -■ifiu varions iiistances. and pavt;ciilai!y in my ia mili ,!' tht useCuNness 0} Ilr' lltiollanM's Germán Bi (tets, i depari for once from my usual conrae, tó espress ray ful] conviction that, lor general (l-bi!i! fit Uie systnu anii es)teeiai! t''y Ijver Complainc, it is a aif and yalnabk' prepara! ion . In some cases il may.'nilj bul u'sually, I lou t nt,it will be viwy beneiicial to who suüf-r Trom the aboye cause. Yours, very respect fully, J. H. KKNTNARJ), Kihtli belnu Coates Street.Phila. Frm 1ÍCV. M'arron Rftudiilpb. l'astnr of the Saptfst Churoh, ;erinantovn Penn. Dr. C M . J;v';Ksmii :_ Donr Sïr : - p&g&nal experience enableame to say that I regard the Germán Bitters preparad by yon as uikisI exeel ent medicine. In case ol sev -re coli'i nmliriKM-HUoiHüty I have been greatls benefitèd bv the use of the Bitten, and doubt not tliev wil! produce similar efi'ects on (rtïjers. Yöurs, truiy, WARREN RANDOlpif. jL'iiiiantowji, Pa. Krom Tïev. J. H Tumor, of Jlcrïiliag M ' Churrh .Philn' , Dr. Jaelison: - Dear Sir .- Uaving wied your Germán Bitters Ín my tamily ri(MfmntIy, 1 un prepared to say thut t hasbeed bfgr&i service. I believe that in most ' cases cCgeieral Uebility oi ' Lhc ttystum it is the 6teBt ;iml ninst. vuhuiblc iTÖJodj of whJch I ha,vc any kuówie8ge. rouïs,.resp6ctf,uny, J. H. TFRNKIï, Nu, "26 X. N.neteentlL Streijl. From tlie Rer,J, H. Lyoh, foimcrly Pastor of tbo Coluinbun, (K. J.) and Milla towu, (Pa.) Bup'tíat Cluirciies. NowUochelle, N. V. Dr.C. M. .T:ii:ks(,ii :- Dear Sir :- 1 fit t, a pleane thuR,.f my own accord to (car testimony t the excellence of the 'eniiiiu lul ters. Sunic yoai.s shee, being mueh alllicteil witïi Dyspejisia, J uscd thehi with veiy bene&cial results. I have ften recommeaded them to persons enreebleil by that 'ormenting diseasè. nhd havo heard from them tlie most fiattering testimoniáis as ín their gi-eat valué, [ti cases of general detftlíty, I helieve itto bo a fcWiio tliat ottn aptbesurttaRBea. J. M LYONP. Krom Hip Ht'v. Thos, Winti r, PftSt&r of RoïboïOQb Iï;iplisii;inuch. Dr. .Taclfson ■ - Pear Sir : -1 iVcl il due o y out excoïleut prepararon, tItoLftQé-M 'uTinnn Bittccs, to a.I! t-py testimony to tlif ilesi-rvcd rrpiitütion it Ins nbhntM'.'. 1 liave Eorytears, at Ifphefc, bees teoubted witli grmÁ ilisorder in my bead and aervonn systen. 1 wan a1visel ty . fricinl lotrya bottle nT your (iermnn lïitters. I did w and have crxpeiit-nced grwu anH anexpveted re lief', my health lian been very materially bencfittrd. I couUdently recommend the articl w ere I moot with cases similar to ni.v own, ainl have hevn íifiRHTcd 'by tnanv of the'r food Ih'ds aEteotfuUj youiíi. T. M'lXTi;H,RoxDorough Pa. KrmnKev.J. S. Herman, of the Germán líeformed Church. Kttlztown, ÏU-vks ('o ï';i. Ir. 0 M. Jíie.kon :- lít'si'íT.íra Sir .- T hae ton tronblcil wiUi PyupèpMil nearly 1V;ify ynrs. ainl have never nsf! a n miTlic-im-tliat (Jii me ds murh jjooil ns tfoofland1 BitterHi 1 aro wix raucii imprecad in h(;ilth after havtag tnken flve bottles ViMu-svilh n-spoct, J S. IIKKMAN. ÍBICES. Large Síse, fbolding Dfiwïy iloablc )fuantitv .) $1 00 per bottle- hall doz. 85 0. PmaU S4ze- 76 cents yQl lioul, _lmlf doen $i Ü0, BEWARE OF COÜNTEKFEITS. Sce that the signaure of " C. M. JAOKSON" is on the WRAP'P'ÈR of yach bitti. 8hmM rnv ne;i-re.i Druggiftt not have theartiolo, dó not br put olí ly Lplox'Odting pnmral ini.s lliat ma y be onVrcd in itw placo, teil sond to uf ,anO W6 wiU, sccur'ly ackLd, h.v sxiei r. IVincipnl Office ané Mantifatca'y) NO 631 ARCH STREET, rHILAIlELriIIA. Jones fe Evans. Sucecssors (o V. M Jackson f Co. FftOÏ'lUETOnS. For sale by Dcurc'! íf anfl ralrp in evfry tovn in "Ti R . ÏÏK1 G II T ' S Rejuvenating Elixir ! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepaiod from Puro Vegetable Extrsrts, contalndng EOthing injurious to tho most delicate. " As tbe Phcenix risos froto the nsies of ïts fire, fcnlmated with. new IW-nw doe3 thÍ3 fclixir reiuvenate the eystem and overeóme diseace, GT'TheTïcJuTcnatlug Rll!r Is tbnrenaH of modem IdiacyvcjB Ln ihe vegetable klngdnia bi lag au ontfrciy itOw and abstract mtt o1 o!' curi, 1rrea.)ej:tive nt wl! tïii1 o!J aii'l Wktii öut y-i :i ■ . CS i Ms medicine Ims been tetí.rd by '""i fi ni Dcnt Bied 1 cal ih'ii of Uu; d&y, üiifi by Mmm pr-immuced tobe our of tbc re.itesc mediel dlecoVcii oí ttfl ftge; Cï1? One bot u' wflï cav? ffeweral Debilfty. tïT" A :'evv dones c-prea iyterki la feinali Ê8f One bottle cures fl Iiutluu of iheHeurt. 1" rom ODO 10 tlirc-c tottwj restorös thy miwiUneBH end l'nll vlor ol' yontb. %lf A few ñi see roptortfttbc ■:']■■ ttte. Of Tbrce bbttlcs cure thé won-i ervu óf linj) teocy. ïïï A frv (loefH (iureabe lowKpi;! vr!. Í3" Oue Uoitle reatort h m atul power. g" A few floseg briiitr tlie ro e to Ihe rhAck. t3F"lbl9 ïi'-edl' luc resorea 'o m-mv vwor nor! robust bealthtbo poor debJ ttated, wprn-dwn and ■■'■ fipulilr.g. È" Tlie liailo'S, enervatod yontb, fcb.o ovr-tisked oiiii of boet!. ees, the victnn of nervoa depresstoD, tbe iüdtviduiil saffcring ï'rom et uenil (K-bllity, wil: all find hruötdlatc and perma ent icll i by tht uf of this B'lxtt or BfBesee of Life. tW l'rice, f;' pr hoUle or thrrc bo tilos for $', anrt furwfii'dcd by jin n-1, en reoeipi of nuziipy 60 aLy ad.lrtep. All B"-cb orders rouetbe eent t A. C0OK, Chlcn.po, our General Ag mfi ilio -Uit. Soid in Cliícfltío, tiy WhoioRHle DruggiPiSODil b óï Dru;:c;i.cireviïryw'.ieTeC. A. COOK, CaioiüO, Goaeral Agent ior tbe BateB of Illinois Iowa, Wlsconsln, Michigan and TnUi .ma. . IV. K. MKUWIN iV CO., BOLH PEOPKrETOlia, No r0 Llhepty ?trec, New Tork. CHEROKEE PULS ! SUGAR Jip COATÉD. Female rÈÊ Rfgator. Healtlitfti-FreserYer. CERTAIN I AÏÏD SAFE. For the 3t-moval of Obstriictions, and tïie Insurance of Reguiarity ia the Kecurrcnce of tlie Monthly Poriodfl. f5f" Thoy care or obvíate thoso numerou djsefuiï8 thít spring from irregnlarJty, by rciiKYtnfc thu ii n-jrUlarity iUelf. $3T Tbey cure Snpprcssed, Exctssivfl aud Pafnftil MeBtr nailon. (y They caro Oreen SlrkmTs (Chlorosls). CThoy cureNervouBHiidSphiHl A ÍTC"! loos, pólnB In the back, tmd lo.werpattüüf tbO body Hivlneee, Fatigue on fclijrht exerliop, Palpitatlon of tlieHeart, LowteBB oi PpivltH, nystcrfa, Slak He-oïaiMi.GWdinctri.ctc, etc. Ib a wrtríí, iy reaovliiK Ihe Iire-ularltj, tboy reinove '.bc cuusetniul with it ll tUe fcffects tbat Fpring i'roia It. 2 Composed of simple vegetable extrac-íf, tlioy coutain nothlngdeleteilotw to nu y cunsLlUition. bowever delicate, tbelr fun:!t u beiB to bq Mitote Btrongtü for wenkiifBS, wblcb, wlin pioperly n.-pt, they oever iail to do. $&" Tbty may bc siitely uwed at r.y a.':o, au-1 at nny perlod, BSOKJ'TDlTRIStt THKFIBST T11IIKE 31OKTH6, during wblch t.ïie unfalUng natnre of tUcir ttctlpn woaldínlnlllbíy riii.vFHTprfgii:incy, t" All letters Reekini Information érftftvlce wlll be promptly, ireeiy uud disercetiy ünawcrud. jy FiilldircctionBiXConipaoy eacU box. t?f Prlcc Jl per box, or Bis b"xe for 5. y Sant by mail, w-te of postale, on rea Ipt r prire. All Bucb orders mwst he smt to C. A. C0OK, thlcr-po, our General Ageat for the WcaL. Soldin Clücago, by ThoTetiiileDrueift8,ün'lly:iiniru:i--[fl' vcrywhoro. C3 . J&. - O O O 3BC , CHTCACO. General A rent for the States of IHineis, lora, Wisconfín, iwicftigan anl Indinu i. Bolk Píioj'Tíibto' b, No-59Ub.rty B1., Nfw Ycrl:. Snld by Whoiasttte Drvpgints m Betruik, a+Od ïy STKBIÍÍÑS & Wíl ?ONT, Ann Arbor. 96'Jyl Hiile F"actory! Beutier Bl Travers [íúooosfioía to A. J. Hutlu'rlail'l,] Manufacturare of nnd Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poilihcs Ganu Bags, and Evcrj other artielo il. Iliat Line. All kimlenf tt'MH at, the shortcst noLic a lul in tiielu'st in i ínter, a. fiiii assnrimrnt altt'avs kgpi otl and m;uli' order &si, Shop co r Nhiiu and Washington tiert. Arm Arbor,Oct. 8, li(W. 87:51 f Tlie Moaey Retumed if it Fails to Cure. FSYCH.L.GOG- , Tllli OífhV ('1ÍRTAIN A.M) WA1ÍANTE1) C'UUE PQH FEVER & AGÜE, Intermitteiit, Remitt&nt aud DYSPEPSiA 4ND L0?S OF APPËTÏTE. Fotsali.' Iy al! D;-i::-;sts. V. G. MACKAY, Asni . omíi50. No.83 Nassau 5treot,N Y. MaiilUMHl : Ilow Lost? H(nv iiestored. TITST ITRI-IHKHt nnv o.iiiinn of Dr. CulvcrO wcll's fcltttcd Essay en the nuliral curi1 ( without medk-iiic) uf PFERMATOftRHgSA , or Kmïi ftttti AVtïvkticss, Inyoluatary Sfiniftal Loutert, lm potenov, Moa tal nnd I'tiysical Incajiiu-ity, [mjtedi niontn to Marrteg, ■■!'■-; alho Cannuinption, KplWpsy and Kits. iniliicfl ii. self-fmïuigélQCf órsétfuál extra va jtirt I'rico, ïTi n o.ileil rfivi'lojit', only fi c.cnfs. The ci'li'br.iit'il n a t Kor ín t hi ad mi rabie fetfty cva rly U'inmsiri!r-i. ir m ft tlnrty yojirs surrrosslul pritrco, the ilai-niing eaasequApoes of sel f alm se may be railically CMi-nl without l;iiv.rer,-,Tis use o!' inl erna 1 int'iliciiuMT tlie ap[ilicati"fi of tlie iviiitV? - pointing out a mode of cur,at once simplti, cortain and elToctinl, by mcims ofwhfch ovóry suflVror, 110 matter what hisi'dinüti'Ji.t ivt.v bo, inay chlo liimscll cheajtly, priv;itc]y,anil rtUJCizcüly . [ ; . I,cchiM' liiMtli! u the hamU !' ovt'ry youtll :ui'leviMy in lainl. Sent, undex üoal, in a plaiu ouvelnpp, tnny ;i'lluss, po$t-patöt on rec(iptof su wuüta, or twa wtamps. Ai dress tin' publitibra, 0n,5..T. 0. KLfSÈA CO.t 27 Bowery, Ñew TotÏc, Post office box 4ÖS6. Ö57tf j- FA1RBANKS' ïpi STANDARD PB(i Ol.' ALT, UINPS. ALPO, ■ -■ -Í5P ? j)',ir i .,. Trucks, Letter Fr wes, tLc FAIRBAKRS, SttMAf & CO., 13 Idilio Street, CHICAGO. SoW inDoitoil hy FARRAND. SHELEY CO. HST " CTf'ol '" fe"J "nv Ct-p-iiiF-.i l9S3 flilillll Buffaio Testimony. H ..b.,. lessncry ,.lv , , fiken iwn b.iu,rtu.'ppq.w.fli ,„w, .UiSjs PRin ' "■ ' " "" ";"'" ""1 four-wwi, ag„ I o MidermyselfaietttlrriT cured, and the medicine :';:n"!'t"'n'::1,;';,,::il:i;;;i,:::;:;i liolHUKY lü-J-Hii.. .JO-Sürhigan'si." "Mywiftlmsb,. Offring from IKbcBlBi),! of :ui n.!la.,n,i:,l,.,, chllt „i,,,,,, siv or „,.,.„„„ jgj , CURE K,.,, 1 '■""■ "'"""'■'"■■'■V'1 "'■■ 'Peppi,',, Cure' intuí I,;,ror,]„ucl,i,.-(.,lll,l. .Mc„l„;i,,,....,,„, now, after h.Tinr thor oogUlj triod t,.rprt to us.commending it mot in ih-i- -wi'" , CÜPR "staar 'My hic has t„r more tin ten ycais beengreitly duBgurcd by , ruutieasuri, which at tireei ■Ande me ;m i,1h„i h„t l;,yin,; tak,.n tlvo huttl ol iLe'People'jiCure, m.v atsusintsnces haJlT rccCfgbiM ,„- In,l,,.d hunlly kbow as I a ioW ii wi'll mm. Let all win. aro allk'ë afBfctid trr the "'',!um,,o,N,;;!i:isui!'Tuniei'ji-h!'-s' 1-R-n'lM"; CTTTiF C"rCf s"fu1a I havo us-,1 the -Peojile's Ome' in iny with greirt beneBt, in nam orsaroAla and Kalt uu-um and have recommepded it to mj f-iends, ah of whom I bellere have heen benefllted, and most of tbcm antirely cured by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 2T3 Main St., up-stairs " PEOILE'S tUilfi '■I have boca in feeble health cv(r siuce the birth of my boy, who s now twetve years oíd. I have hd niany tr.,ub]csand rtifliculücs, til tfaln time, unlittiiiï me fur evorj kind or labor, and destroylng all my comfort, Laat nummer I oommunced taking tho Teople'i uure,' and nsed foor bottle, and' am now almost a wel! ivi.mnn. My ilim.-.illii'K havo noarly all dlsanpoarcd,audl ftjel oheeriu! nd happy "JIR& CATHARINE M.WALD Tirespniakep.iJco.icll Allfy , abuveTupper st. "BullaU., Ocl. ÜO, JrtiK." r.,vT,"K PTT T? TT1 f"s when Mh PLOPI.K'S U U 1Í Jl me.licines fa,l "My liaslwn in pnor hc-alth lor n. loDg time kaving frciiucnlly to calla phyjicioc loaltend but shi' K rcfi'ntly very inuch orsc. Fi Bve or' Bil weeks shc had no appetlte, lost all her strongth, and vvasi'üch day Ki-owing worse, Sbe had uiVht sweat. corighed i' rreut .leal lurinj; eack niht ml' considerablv ciiiiiiiï th ilay, aml we UI iupposed she was going nlT with tho. c.uniümption, wlieu a Irisnd ailvised her to takothe'1'o.oples'sCur". Ou taking the medicine 8he [.orwivcl ii rl.n?t :, nee. On the tblrt daysliehad reooveied it appetito, and was fat regaining her strength. miiil, on tho eihth ü:lv, nat yet having ta.uii oue bottJe, the lias stoppod üiking the ïneiüiine Raying Bhe ■ as well ajs anybody couki bs, and sh lias continuod so over 'innf . "l'AUL KI.ÜIN' Oardner, 32 Pearl Bt. "Tluffalo, Ocli)bcrl,18C2." Kir Fnr Palo hy all Drugijist. 922y1 C. CROSBy, General Agent, Nu . 2.r..r) Mam st. . Iiuffalo. N. V , Ut wlinm all onlcrri sfaould be uMressed. Fui' Sale hy SIEBBINÍ & WlI.SOS, UBE.VVIH.B & FüLtK Ullll C. MllKKliAlJI & CO. WONDEKFUL BÜCCESS. Qfg Tho atteniion and re'seïreh of the most üïh. tinguinbotl Choi.iists aii-l rky.sicianp for yrsrn have been devoted to the production of a remeda for.ifccjM in(itiüs! ir-itü: iiri!;i.l'-NKri;.w;:i. and IIí Ador lun!í Htudv; and inaiiy eCjierimnts, a tpecific prepaTfitúui has li. -.-il .I-som ere3 . WATSON 'f? Xuiralgia Kïiilt , ;i 11 U:t:ïiml U,:li'. Js cán'ng Ihoinnnih of cases wheroall otberremedies 1(' ultcrlj t&jJed. Wearo :i-isurocltliiil it is no moro " AHODYNE," rolioving for the mopsent wbilol lains, luit in a perfect SPECTFIC ! CUBE for Lb.usS , ainfuj ,■„,, Th vu si numherof Linii li o(s, Kintirocatiöiis anExlernal Medicines, wliich :uL i stiraulants of the surfaee wily, mr-l-oh ti'in.or!l v ü üioii' eöecta alt ol doulitl'nl virtue ïlie NT5DKAWIA KKffl reacJles Ibesourceof ■ill mi'Vr, and oüfcLuttliy. baaiahos liir dusease from Ihosystoni. I'ricc- Olio TMliir por üi.lllr. Vv lired InC. K. WALKER. ly3-.'-2 Biina:u,N.Y.,ana Fort Dvic, C. W. For Sale b; Snij ixs & V.":i s,.N) Gbenvhjj! & Fi-llkr, and C . l'HE!ïr-f ii k i6. 1 WIZARD OIL. Tho grwlest infernal iind oïti-rnal romoiiv ovor offered hi the public, for tlie eitre of Uben and l'ains, is Hamlin?s iasrd Oil. .. i'aiiiily.oiico ha in; ÜBOioitghTj Irio.l, will be withHamlin's Wizard OiL li wi!] enre Nerveus r w Jnfl.miinnfory T'aius mora readilj aliJ snt-ly thn auy nthvr article in use. It requircd n'y ;i Vu minutes tu.(ilic;itiju of Hamlin's Wizard Uil. Te euro the pain entirely in all canon of IVVurnlgta, Headacke, TooihucUc, Knrneh Cnts. bimI f S mises, HamPn's Wizard Oil. !■■ alflo ;i ■.■!■;.■; i ii anfl spoil euro frR.h;iraiattttt Spraliia, Imc IJaclt, Sorc 'rinHt, Dipfhe il, BMnrrht-a, Cratnp Colie, Fiost JtMtta ltui'iife and Sealils Hamlin's Wisard Oil, IsoojittWbug, Ti f . n mi ils Mc.ii.lcrl'u] clïc-cts ivill ast'1nili vi, i. ['RlCti '20 au.l 50 ('i:XTS l'Kli QOTTl.E. The liít y cent bottlen contttin ne.irïy throe times ai mni'l) ts tbc t weilly-live cent siü' MftimfacUnvd ly J. A. Hanilin & Cro., 1U2 VVaslnngtdii Street, pWeogó I I 1J.KK, FIN'fH : FUI.LKK, L'4 nnd -2fi Maikpt 5t. , Cliicngu, :irc Wlu.U's.ilc Agiintx i'or ly{)31 Hamlin's Wizard OilRUTTA.T'S VENTILATiO & WARMING ! Tli" underpiined keepB on lianrt nml will upplr ARCIIITIOCTS. BlTfLDERS, nn.l INDI VJPUU.S, with 4f iluf 'r!,br;iu.l machiiïtes fv tlie wnrTningof huilüings at BhQit niiticc. Ho iill lo !■ h.iijiy to C'ne sucli instiMK-tioiis to nll wlm ari' a bout tn bulld a vf'ü ciüiljk' tbeea tb warm tíxeit kovnes ut abnuthalf tlif cxpciisofor fiK'l tliut lliey eau i)osi-il)lv do by any other nieans. KKPEHUXCFS. O. KBKKHACy, Ann Arhi.r. A. A. SCHOOI. HOABD, lAcoi; HAKGÍ1TSKFEK. AXffiüSTCS riDENMAKV, Ann Arl)or. Much 4!Ii, lftl4. em94fi MIGHIGAW CETSiTRAIi INSURANCE CÜMPANY Kalamazoo ]VTich.i Insurcs Bgatnst I.os oi 1 u i ;i ij e 1) Fire r ljtftrtnlnf. CHARTER rEliPETUAL. Cuifanlee Capital , by State Avtlwrity, 3000,000,0 O. DIREÓTORS; J. I. Kknnki'V, Makh GinniNCs, A. P MtLxa, Qèo W. Snydkk, S. D. AlLKN, Gwi. W. Allkn, OFHUERS: ■ . ,T. P. Komicv. l'rn. T 1' R'icl.l.m. Vice Pr Qee W. Shvli-r. ■!.. A T. Müls T'cns.. li. E'.lssV &c , S D AMen. Oí.' IJ. EJOtf Ayer's Cathartic Puls.


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