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... In Mexico

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■gTlBS-;!rM'?"l.M"l"L'.1 ■■- '" ■"'■■■- bis arrival at Vera Cruz, the new Kmporer of Mexico issued the follbwing Address: - Mkxicaxs: You have dosired me. Your noble uation, by a spontaneous majority, lias sulootcd me iienceforth to watch over your destinies. I doliver myself up with joy to this cali. However painful it uiay have been for me to say farcwell forever to my nalive country and to my kiudred, I have already done it, fully pm-su;ided that the Alniighty has called me through you to the noble mission of oonseorating all my might and soul to a people who, worn out by disastrous combata and Farfaro, sinet'icly dcsirc pcace and prosperity - a people, who Iiaving secured theïr indepanden ce, wish uow to enjoy the fruits of civilization and of truo progresa. The mutual confidence, with which we are animatod, you and I will be erowned with a brilliant succiss, if we remain always united lo valorous'y deferid the great principies which are the only true and durable foundations of States ; tlie principies of inviolable and immutable Justice, of equality uuder the law, the path open to every ono, to all careers and social positions ; tho complete personal liberty, as rightly understood, securing with it the protection of the individual and of property, the development of the national wealtb, iinproveraeuts in agricultui'e, mines and industry, the establishment of means of communicatiou for an extensivo commerce, and finally the development of educatíou in nll its relations with the public interost. The blf ssings of Eleaven, and with them progress and liberty will assuredly not fail us, if all the factions, allowing theiaselves to be led by a strong and loyal government shall unite to realize the object which I have just indieuted, and, if we always continuo to be maintained by tlie religious sentiments by which our country has distiuguished itselfeven duriug its most unhappy periode. The civilizing ihg of Prance, raised so high by her noble Emporer, to whom you owe the regenera! ion. of order and peace, represonts these same principies. This is what the chief of his forces said to you a few inouths since in sincere and dLsinterested language - as a forerunuer of now era of happincss. Every country which has wished to have a future has enme to be groat and strong by following this road united, loyal and firm, ííod will give us strengt h to reach the grado of prosperity which we desire. Mexicans! the future of your country ia in your hands ; as to myself I offer you a sincere will, loyalty, and a Qrm intention to respect your laws, and to cause theiu to be respeoted with an in-rarittble authority. God and your confidence coDstitute my strength, The banner of iudepeii'leiioe ia my symbol, my deviee, you already know - " equality and justice." I shall be faithful to it all my life. It is my duty to grasp the scripture and the sword of honor nith firmnnss. It bocomes the enviable task of the Empresa to consécrate to the couutry all the noble sentiuieuts of a Christian virtue, and ali tho sweetn.'ss of a tender mo'her, Lot us unite to gain the comuion end ; let us forge past shadows ; let us bury the odium o faotion, and the aurora of peace and c merited happiness will shinc agaiu ra diautly over the new Euipire.


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