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mm. WVOT (ï-DTtfE LEAVES iMe. ■- ÏT . T. XiTONS, KAT fl EBRA1 KI) l'HYSIC] N oi the fHROAT.LUNüS, llt.Ai.T, I.IVI'.K AND THE BI.ÜOD, Known all over thecountr; as Ihe CSLKBRATK1) insriDivisr herb doctor i Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Oliio. Will visft the following places, viz AiTOIVniKN'lV KOR 180, 18C3and 1804. ['roí'. B. ,J. Lvons can be cousulted at tiie following i!;)i;os dv&vy month, viz: Detroit, lïussci House, ach monlb, 18th and 19th. Aun Árbor, Monitor House, each nontb, 90th. Jackson,]iiblard House, inoh month.21. Adrián, Bracktt House, each inontli 2'-'i nml23d. Toledo, übio, Collins House, each monlh 24th,25th, and aiith. Hillsdale, Mich. , HiUsdale House, each mnnth, 27th. Coldwater, Micli., Southern Michigan Ilouso, each month, 2Sth. Klkhart, Klkhart House, each montb, 29th. South tiend, lul., Si. .Ir.. Hotel, oach ' muuth, 30. L.aporte, Ind., Tee Gardeo House, e;ich mtmtli 31st. Wooater, UhiOj Crandell Éxchanffe, each mouili, 7th andSth, MansliiM, Ohio, H'iuse, each month, 9th and lOth. Mt. Vernon , Kenyon House, each uionth,llth and lith. N'ewark, Ohio, Holton House, eacb tnonth, 13th and I4th, Ptblaesylllc, Ohio, Cowlcs House, each nionlli , 4th CLLVKI.AN1), OHIO. RE8IDKN0B AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. East oí' the public snai-e, oppnstta tb e Postoffle. Oflice dftjrs each month, lst, cüi, 4tb, 5tb, titb, lüLh.- Uilice houra from 0 A. to 12 M, wid fpom 2 1'. M.'to 41'. M. Untiumliiy from li to 10 A. M.,a&d 1 to 21. M. JBrUaximsstrictly aIiered to 1 give such balm as liave no stri.fe, With nature or tïie lavn of Hfo, With blood my hands] nevcr stairij Norpoisun men tóense theírpaitn, He is a physician indeed , wfto 0ure9, The Indiaa Hero Doctor., R. J. LYONS, cures the tollowing compmints in the most obstinate stages of their .'xisti.'nce, viz: ii.üiise,s oí' the, Luns, Heavt, I.iver, Stomich, Dropsy intho Chest, Kheuinatism, Neuralgia, Fits. or FallingÖickneBS, andall other ïKTVniisilerangpmontH. AIso alldiseasesof the blootl, such as Scrofula, Erysipelas. Cancere, Fcver dores, Leprosy, and all otlier eömjliciitfO chroüic oomplfttnts. Ail forms of female dilh'culties attended to witb the lappies't resulta. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until hcy have given the Iiulian Ilerb Doctor's Medicines a 'air and f&ithful trial. iI)uring the Doctor'.' travïla In Eufope, West Inclies, South America, and the Jnitccl Staten, he lm r been the instrument in Gorl's tand. to xwftgre to health and vigor thousands who were given up aml proaounced incurable by the most eminentold school physieian-s-. nay, more, thousands who were on the rerge uf the lirave. are non' living i)OLuuints to the Indisn Ilerb'n Doctor's .skill and BuocossfultreatmenJ ,:unlart' dnily exclaiming: "D'essed be theday when first we saw and jiartook of the ndian Berb Öootor's medicine." patiflfactory referencesof ouïes will be gladly and cheerfully given ? ben ever rèqulredi The Doctor pledgés his wojpd and honör,tlat he will n no wise,tlirectly or indirectly, induce or cause any nvalid to tal;e his medicine without the strongo.t proba-bility of a cure. ÍKgf Mode of oxamiruition, which is entirely different rom the faculty. Dr. jon professes to discern dieaseR b_y the eyo. II (- thereforo asks no questiönn, nor doeshe require pattentsto cxplain symptoms. ('alione and all, imHiavo thesymptoms and location of your liaea&e expía ipedfrfee nf eW6. 5"Thp pooi snall bc libor'iilly consitlered. jS-l?osíoillceíiLidreRS,box 2663. R. J. LYONS,M. E. Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 25, 1862 ly880 - - . ■ '■' : '.p (■■BBBHBnmmraimnRTmirffli ihhmmhih o. íes Xj i ss s WouH take this method ofinforming bis oM frienrts nn patrons anti all others vvho may favor him vvitli their patronage, tfcat hchas greatly enïarged his Stock and Assortment ! anl bavfog adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING &SELLING is prepareJ io sell Gooda at Heasona llo !KrÍOeiSÍT Hi?i stock conslsts ia par ot the following: _ AMERICAN AND OTHER iTf "Watches! kÍI jffc T!' Ceiebratcd ISSaSsS3fe'ís SETH THOMAS CLOCKvS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CIIAINS, TAHLE'AND POCKET OUTLËRY ! 1'ilzorSjShenrs, Stitadornaud II rushes, R0GKR3 PLATEH WAHK, the bestin market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, l'Ai'KR ! EttFVStOPES, Musical Instruments, Strings Sf Books for Instruments, SPECTACLES, of Goldt Silvcr, Steel, and Plaud, wüh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons haring diöicult watches to fit witli glasses can be iccoiiiodat.eJ, as my stock i.s largy aail compUts, P. S. Particular attention to the of all kiml.s of flue Wfttciifea, such as Making and Setting ncw Jewels, Pininns, Siajfs, and Cylhulrs. Alstt OLOCKS, Szí TEWELRY neatly re pa i red and 'war"anted, at hia olJ standeast side of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor,NTov. 25, lSf.2 880tf GREAÏ.GREATEH GREATEST BARG4INS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859. JS1859. In thi5Oity,areuow being offered at the OHEAP.CLOCK.WATOH, & jew elry StoreTHKSubscriberwouIdsay tothecitizensol Ann particular, and the rest of Winhtenaw Cnunty inuenorul, thal hehasjust IMPOKl'ED DIRECTLY from EUROPE.b Trcmendous Stock of Watches! All ofwhichhfi bindshimaeiftosel) CHEAPEHthin can bebought west of New York City. I havo also the CELEBRATED AMERfCAN WATCHES, which I wlll Bert ttr 35. Every Watch warrantbd to perform wcll,or tb e monoy i-clunded. Cloclls, Jewelry, Pintcd Ware, Fancy Goods: Qold Pena, Musicallnstrumcnts and Stringe, Cutlery, &.C., md infactavaritity of evcrythini! uaually kopt by Jew elerscan bc boughtfor th: ticxt ninety days t your O W N P 11 I C E S ! Perqons buying aiiything at this, wel known estabisbme nt can rely upon gettisg goodi' exact'y as reprosented, orthemonfiy rel'unded. Ofltlrarly and secure the beat bttrgaiuB ever offored in thif City. One. word in regard to Repairing : We are prepared to make nnyrepnirsonfine or com" non Watchea,ven to tndkinjicer the entfre wtttch, f iificessary. Repairing of Clocks and Jewelry as isual. Also tb; manufaotuHfls oí KINO'S, BRÜOCHS, ir fidything deaired, fromCnliforiiln Onid onshortnoice. Kneravipc in allits branchc8i;xot'nted withneatji-rip auddiapatcb. J C. WATTS. iKssohitíoii IVotíce, rlIHKIP.M OI'CIIAI'IN, WnOll & CO., -as ilolol .Ixnunry v, 1863, lv mutua] conwnt. ('. A. Cbapin nl A. H. WK)d wül settle tlieaccoiiníx ol !)n -liriu. C A. f'inii.s-, A. H. Won, V CuaFix, Ií. VEi.i.a. Aon árbor.Jdn 84, 183. ('oparíiiersliip, Ivrrí (JfíT)KJtaGNED SDtoruJ mto psrtnprililp Jan. jr,W, 'y ti! firm nam ..rn,,,,,!,, s c...,,,nil ■il] (Tt.nliini-' til.' hiisinrv, (Jf nialltifac! iirini; iiiilivg mi wi-np!uiií paper. l'. A. Ciiaiiv( X. CiiAi-iN, V rnpiv. Auu Al'jor, June -I , l'-io 31ULÍ" THE ALL STJFFICIErTT TEHEB. TOE GilËAT ''AME RICAS REMEDIES," GEWUIWS PREPARATIOWS, VI Z.: IIKI KBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHTT," ' " SARSAI'AKILLA, I.MI'ROVKD KOSE WASH. M E I, M B O I, L ' S GE Pí ÍNE PPEPARATION, "HIGHL.Y CONCK1VTR.ATEU" COMTOU XD FLUID EXTRACT BUGHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy, For Pispasen of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP 31 CAL SWELLINGS. ThH Medicine m-rces the power of lirestion,an,l exoit" the ABSOBBENTS into luultliv aclion lv which ll)nn?Jfn7r R, 9AÍCEROtrS depositlon nnd all UNNATUR4L ENI.ARGEMENTS ire n-luced, .is wi'llas priin nnd iiillunimsitinii, mul is [rood for MF N WOMEN.ORCMLDREN. ' KELMBGLD'S EXTRACT BUCHÜ FOR WEAKXESSJS Arising from Excessea, Habita of Dissipation, Eai'iy Iníiiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THK FOLLOWINO SYMTO2JS : Indispoitinn toExerUun, I.nssof Pcwer, Loss of Memory, Dtffieaitjr Of Brcaching, 'c"k Ncrves, Trcmbling, Horror of Di.soase, Wfikeftilnesa, of Vision, l';lin in the Bnck, UmversnlLaasitude of tlie Klusliiui; of the Iioilj. Muscular System, Eruptlons on the Face, Hotllands, Pallirt Puuntenunce. Pryness of the Skin. These svüiittimis, f allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon fnllow IMPOTENCY, F4TUITT EPILEPTIC FITS Inoneof whichtlie patieDt may expiie. Who can sa y thnt thpyaie nJt frequeatly iollowcd by those "dileful dirieafefS,11 ïnsanity and Consumptioiij Manyare airare of the cause of their suiïering, but none will conTss. The records of the [nsarie Asj luma and the melaucholy denths by Consuinption, beiu ftmpl-e ivitness tü Ebd iruth of the assertiou. THE CONSTITUT10N, ON'CE AFKECTED WITH 0R(iAXIC VEAKNES, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen nnd inviioratethesystem, which HELM l'.OLIr S EXTRACT BUCHU iuviiriably does. A tria1 will cominee the most s!;eptical. Females, Females, Females, OI.D OR YOUNG, SIXGLE MAIiRIED, OR CON TEMl-LATIXO MARRIAOE; In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Ketention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or iuppression of the Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scïiirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea, or Whitea, Sterility, and for all complainls incident to the sex. whethararising from lndiscretion, Habitsof Dissipation ,or in the Decline or Change of Life. S1ÏJ3 8YMPT0MS ABOVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. TaUe no Balsam, Mercury, ar Unpleasant Medicine Tor Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. IIEUIBOLD'S EXTMCT BÜCÖÜ Cl' RES Secret üiseases. Iu all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no ch nge iu diet ; no incoiivenicnce, AND NO EXPOSÜRE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate,thereb3'reraoving obstructions, pre venting and curingStricturcB of the Urelhra, aliaying pain and inflammatjnn sn frñauent in thia class of diseaHes, and expelling POlSONOVS, DISEASED AND H'ORN ÓÜT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVJE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who have paúl HEAVY FEES tobeeuredina short time, havefound they weredeceived.andthat tlu 'Poison" lias,by the use of "Powerful Astringents,1 beeu dried up in the system, to break out in an aggra vated ferm, and PEIUIAPS Afler MLIRRÍACE. iíse Helmbold's Extract Buchu For aü Affections and Diseases of Tlie XJrinary Organs' Whrtliir existing n MALE OR FEMACES, fron whatever cause originutitig, and no matter OW HOVV LÓMG STA3VDIXG. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuketic Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE ÍÍREAT DIURETIC, Aad it ÍM oertain to have the desired effect in all Di seasea, for which it i.s recuinmended. BLOOD ! 15 iJuÖD ! 1ÍLOOD! Helmbold's Ilighly Ccncentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. Tli is is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexuii OrganK, l.inings of the N"ose, Ears Tliroat Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, makingits appearance in the forra of Ulcera. Helmbold's Extract Sars-apariÜnpurifies the lilood, and removejall Scafy E-ruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Cülor. It being prepared expressly fortliis claas of cnmplaints, [fa Blood-Purilying Properties are preservad to a greater extent tiian any other preparation of Sarnaparilla. Helmbold'siRose Wash. Anexcelleut Lotion for Disea.s?a of a Syphiltic Nature, and art an injectton iu Liisea.s of the Urinary Organs af Uiñg f rom habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Duchu and Sarsaparilla, in such di si;asos as reoDBifnendd. Evidence of tlii-most responsible and reliablechacacter w i 11 accompany the medicines. CERTIFÍCATE OF CURES, From eight to twentv years standing, with na mes known to SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical l'ropertiesof BUCHU , see Dispensatory of the United States. See Professor DEJVEES' valuable works on tïie Practice of Pbytlo. See remarksmade by the lale celebrated Dr PEYSICK, Philadelphia. Hee remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOlVELL, a celebrated Physician, and llember f the lío val College of Surgeons, Ireland, and publisned inthoTransaciionw of the Kiiifrasd Queen's Journal. S?e Medico-Cirurgical Keview, publiwhed by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal College of SurgtíOUM. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. 1ÍXTEAÍT BUCBtT, $1 00 PEn DOTTI.E, OR SIX FOR S5 00 " ÖAR.sAi'Ami.r.A 1 00 M 1( 6 00 IwriioVKi) RWB Wash, 50 t( (1 2 00 Or half a dozon of each for $12 00, which will be tutti cient to sara the most obstinate cases, ir directicna are adhered to. Deliveit'd to any address, securely pnebed iromobservation , Oeacribe Rjrmptonu in all communïcations.- Cures guara nteed. Advice gratiH. AFHDAVIT. Personallyappcarcd before mean Aldcrm.-in of tte city of I 1 1 i I f j. ( 1 l' I j 1 1 í ; i _ II. T. (lKï.Mï who, beinjí duly sworn, doth n:iy, his preparatiODJi eoptftin no narcotie, no moicury, or other njuriou drugs, but are pureljr vegetable. II. T. JÏKLMROi.T). Sworn and nubscribed beforo roe, tliis 28d day of Novcmbtr, lBfii. WM. P. I1IIÏBA1U). Aliiertnfin, Nini h -street, above Raoe, Phila. Address Letters for Ipformatipn in coniidence. H. T. HEi.MDOLD, ChomistDepot 104 South Tenth-btreet,belowC'hestnut, Phila, BEWARÏ3 OF OOUNTERFEITS ANP UNPRINCirLED DELEHö; Who endoavor to dfspoBe w OI-'TIIEiR OWN" and "otter1 articloaontbe lepnfiitnuiattainod by Helmlmld's tit-nuine rwpftrfttipps, " Kxlry.K' iijrhü, J " SftraapaviJI, " TmpiYHwui ííostíWusli. Sola by all, ASK FOR liELMBOL&S-TAKE NO OTHER. Out oa fctee H'Heufn3iñffDt: nnd wtd for il. 4NU FURNITURE ROOMS One door North of Risdon and Henderson'a Hardware Store. The andersigned haring purehased the eutire stock of W. I). Smitb & Co., and added largely to the same, is propar cd to f urnisli his fnends and patront, a good asüortmentof well made furniture, consisting of ÊOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOKCASES! TABLES and CHAIRS, of al! kinds, and in fact oí everything pertaining to the business. LOÜÍÍGES. -UATRASSJES, i &c, fco.,made to order by good and experieiced workmen, and warramed to g!ve satisfuction. He also keepa a goed ssortment of Güerry una Walniit Lumbar for sale at reafto'nable prices. And wil] also pav the liiïhest inarket price (or Clierty. Walnut, and White Wood I.umber. P. S. He has also purchaaed the new and ELEGANT HEARSE! of Smith & Co., and is propared to furnish all kinds of Wood Coffins, Metalie Cases, A3NTID OASKETS, On the shortcst notico. Also atienda to laying out df-ceaxfd persons rtiiy and night, without charge. All furniture delivered in the city free of charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, January I81I1, 1803. 940tf NEY FIEMü o SRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CÏGARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. We, the undersiunod, beg leave to nfoi m the CITIZENS OF ANN ARÜOH and vioinity, (hat we havethis day establifhed a Tobacco and Cigar bupintss in this place, ono door North of the Franklin Block, Main t'trect, where we hall alivays keep afull assoitment of the best quahtieB of SMOKING & CflEWIIVG TOBACCO! as also a large and choice selection.o the best brands of CIG ARS ! PIPES, (Merschaum, Brier and Rosewood,) CIGAH HOLDBRS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. Will be fornid with us of all kinds and of Prichs to SuitEyery Ose.' We ahall sell all of the above mentioned articles and many others wliich belong to our line of trade at tlie lowest poesíble rale for cash. 1' lease calland exánime. ofFiöfe WÍth "" bX' ne door h GEÜNER ft SEY1.ER. Ann Arbor, May 2d, 1864. 955tf. THE LATE3T ARRIVAL % -OFNEW SPRING GOODS ! -AT-a 0-0-0 I am dow receiving a large STOCK of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Silks, White Goods & Laces, GL 0 FES Sr nOSIERIES, BALMORAHsSts. Prints, Sheetings, Denims, Tickings, and CHOiCE FAMILY GROCERIES ! ■Vhich caah and 'ready pay buyers are particularly invitcd tocalland examine, as I intend to close out the stock in tae next i)0 days to tnake a change in my business. J. H. MAYNARD. April 1864. 3m953 has a new and complete STOCK OF SPRING (iOODS bought before the recent GREAÏ IlISE IN GOLD "WTiich will be Sola FOR CASH ONLYS -A.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Aun Albor, April, 1864. CLOTHING AT jP j M. GUITERMÁN S CO'S ! ' O Having just returned from East with a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOOOS! we invite all our oíd friendo aod customers to come and examine eur stock of CLOTUS GA8S1HERES & VESTIN6S. o Dispute tbc fact if yon can, It takes the T AILOll after all to give appcarance to the outer man. If you wish to appear well You must accordiugly Dres3 Well. Go to SI. Guiterman & Co's,, Thero you will find things exaetly SO. SONDHEIM ulwaya ready to take yonr measure, GÜITERMAN wil] sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The 1NDU0EMENT8 are uow greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our ovvn oettinq up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find ii to THKIR ADVANTAQE, For it takes fcut LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COA.TS of Cloth and Cassimere of our Oim IMPORTAT10N, Forwarded through our New York relations. ! From Englnnd, Belgium, Germany and France, ; Such as you can btanb up in, or wear, , at the dance. Pants ! Fants ! ! Pants ! ! ! ( Fancy CASSIMERES and POESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them froïn ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGHT. VESTS, &X., of every description, You will fina t so without fiction, Furnisbing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Tours truiy, ever so, M. SÜITERMAN. & Co., Terrible Slaughter! THE VICTORY IS OURS THE BATTLB Which has been raging Tor the pastfour weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Has proved a grand suceess, although tbe slaughterof DRY GOODS Has been terrible. We now make the announcement thatweshall continue "For Many Years"' to make war with high prices, being determined to give tbe hnndreds who daily throng our store, full value for their money, Ladies eau find with us all desirable shades and styles of DRESSGOODS, RIBBOJNS, TRIMMIGS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOYES, &c, With a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS We hear it said every day that wa are ruinïng tho business in this city by sollmg so cheap but we cannot help it, The Goods Must be Sold. 1000 New Style'andbeat quality HOOP SKIRTS very chtap, and for the Gentlemen we have a very large assorimentof French T-willed Cloth. Beaver Overcoatings, Do9skins, Fancy Cassim-reSjVestings, &c, Of all 'lescripiions, anti can íurnish a whole suit on short notice much cheaper tban ít can be bought else where. An examinatiun of this branch of our busi ness will convince all that this is the place to buy their Pants, Coats and Vests. We have also a complete fitock of Ladies and Cbildrens' Shoea. HATS AND CAPS, And in fact every thíng that man or woman can desíie to wear on heatl or foot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At astonishing low prices, and in short our eDtire stock must sharethe same fate for we are determined to sell, no matter what old croakers may say. AU are iuvited to inspect our stock as it is no trouble to show our goods, aml we ar bound to meet the dematidfi of ■ [1. 932tf MACK SCH1IID. Fcr Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Motis in Futs, Woolen, Sfc., Insects on Plañís, Fowls, Animáis, Sfc. Put up in 25c. 50c. and SI. 00 Bou), Bottlus, .-un! Flasks. $3 and $5 siles for Hotels, Pumo I.vstiti'noxs, Sc. "Only infallible remedies known." "Freeirom PoisonSt" "Not 'lancrous to the Iluniiin Family." "Kats come out of their holes to dio " Sold Wholesale in all large eities. Tt ) - Sfil.l by all nnijícists mul I!etilers every wherc 8S III ÜKwAüK !1! ui all worthlee imitation. "fi!? See tbat "Coktah's" nniiip is on each tíos, Botte, and Flask, bofore vou buv tfir A,:,li,s iiTCNiiV R. COSTAR. t5, PKlSfcJPAL I)iïi'i,t4S2 Bkoadway, Nbw York. KW Pold by all Wholesale and RetailDruggiMs in Ann Arbor, Alicltipan. Gin'Jö. HOWAItü ASSOCIA'HON, PIllI.AI'iariIlA, PA. Disc-isKot1lie Tcrvou.s, Benilnal, Urjpnry nnd Sexual Systems- bow and celwbletceatmDt- in Reju)rt3 of kho HoWAIil) ASSOC1ATIÜN- Sftnlby juajltn ealed lettoi-QavelopeH.ree of charge ] AddroM, IH-.J..SKII.I.IN' UOVOI1TO.V, Ho.ward Assciai. ' li-'ii, Hó. iduuth .Nintli Strest, 1'hiUi , Pa. lOyf JUST OPENING? The largest Stock and best assortmcnt of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to tbis city, iiielading SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED KOOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIKS, Xjoolscins Grlasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all other goods kept Ín the best and laigest honsen in the country. Weneepno aecond lmnd furnituie or Auchon goods. Coflinn kept constantly on hand, and made to order My goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N.B. I muHt have meney, and respectful'.j reqnest those ndebted, to cali and fix up their old raatters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct.6, 1863. 925tf RIS DON & HEIN DERSOxN Havo tHo IB TT O IS. JES "X" E3 CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufaotured at Springfield, Öbio. rpnE VERY LATEST IMPROVKMENT, and better than X all othws; adajHed to sovving Wheat, Kye, Oats, ïiarley and Grasa Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Orass Seed. 3d. JVever buncTiea tie Grain ith. JVever breaks the Grain. 5th. So2os Grass Seed broadcast beTiindihe Drill. 6th. fías high wheeh and long Hoes. Ith. lias long and wide steel jíoinis. Síh. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOÜu It has a self adjusting sliut off slide. It is neatly and substantiaH made. Thcre ís hardlj' a Drill oflereil in tbe market but can boast of more or less "FIRST PREMIUMS?" They are aboutas indiscriminatelv bestoweii as the title of "Professor," wbich in sometimes applicd to the t(Jiddler}i or " bootblack." Tbey cease to convey tbe idoa oímerít. Tho BuckoyeDrill has been on Exbibta'oo at quite a numbcr oí' State and Couuty Fairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of any, has received its f'ill share of Premiums TESTIMONÍALE : "We give the followmg Dames of a few Farmers in th's vicinity waohavebought and ased theDuckeyeDrill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob Fulheniufc " Jacob Tremper, M Thomas Wbit e, orth field, John Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, (t Kdward lïoyden, Webster. James Treadwell, AnnArboi Daniel O'IIara, " John (i. Couk, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmonds, Saline. George Cropsey, m Green Öak, I.iv. Co. Weafealso Agentsforthe Ohio Keaper-&JM„wer, acknowledged tobe the very best in use. "Wc are jnst in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. Also alargeassortraent c Grrass Scythes. And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STUT F FOR CARRIAGE8ever before oflfered in this market We also keep a large and full NAIKS, GLASSjPÜTTY, PA]NT,and LINgEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVE TROUGHSalways on hand and put np % the shortest outice. RISDON k HENDERSON Ann Arbor, June29th,18fl2. 859tf NÖBLË & RIDER, are stiling their large stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPEE TH AN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH, Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Mcn'a good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 ' VVoman's " Laco Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress Gr'ts, : 75 a 2,50 ( Boys' Youth's and Cbildren's Shocs : : ; ; 15 a 1.50 Now ü the time to huy as BOO TS and SI10ES are rapidly advancïtig in Eastern Markets, THEY ALSO MAKE WARRMTED L3T WORK TO ORDER. -% AND RUPAIlt. liemembor wc can not and will not be yudorsoKl. I'loaKo calí Hint examine .stook LAjyiiENPE NOIil.K, CIIARMiS K1DHIC. uu Ai'uur, Fcb. lütli, Itoi. U'Jil. SherifPs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cockty of Washtüvaw By virtuc uf a wiït of furi facies issued oit of under the seal of the Circuit Court for tho Cohm Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan and t„ „ '.' rectedand delivered, I did un the twenty third rf May, A D. , 1864, seize and levy upoi, „11 the ,.1 ;,' and interest of Hugh Doraev, Qw .i.-femlant tb,L: naracd. in and to all those certaín pie. m or t)Eri landsituaied in the tnwns of lodi and Saline toi, Waslitenaw, and State of Michigan, Inowrí b„. V and described as follows, towit: rUing the soutli quarter of Bection. twenty five in towiuhip tW,,J south of range five east, containing or.e hmitiní ■ixty acres of land, more orleRí, alio all iri,," parcelo! land situated in the villageof S,)inc -. ' of Washtemuv, and State of Michigan known ïaT'} anddescribed as follow, to.wil : BrinK a .jiart Ofl numher oneand two in secliun four nccurdiiz luth coriled plat of said vijlage, beginning on li til " road twclvc feet -yst from the nortVi mt corner of'i' numberone,thence southerlj mxtj fefi paall.),',' tht east line to the Chicago rna.l, thcnce wenterl .f1 the nid Chicago road twenty ftet to the place oí b, ning Alsoallthítt cprtaintract or parce] of )a&li ' ualtdinthe Tillago of Saline, Countr of Vafl(e„ State of Michigan, described as fnllows : commencin the north west eorner ol lot oirneil kj Andrew (1 on the eaï t-iie of the Ann Arbor road, runninetl.? northeny along the line of iaid rnad to the onth eorner of a lotowned bj E. L, Bickford. thent-Ff,,, along siidBickford's aouth line to land ■.wued lvj KaD0iii.e, thnrcrsoatber!; alnKid K.noi„t', ; ' the DOrtheast corner of WfraiK'ij lot, thence,.! Ij along saidCraif's line to !le place of beh,„ " t!..mngaboiitlifteenrM,l., of lan.I, -hieh J %m iZ to tl.chijrhmiWd.1er at public auction , 1 south .loor of lire Court House, in the Citt „f, Arhor.insaid Cnniitj, beiraf tVw ptere of hoHd, Circuit Court for Mid Count, on Satunlav, tlie , of Jul.v, A. U., lSfi4,at one o'clock ,u the ,ft "Z, of that day, PHILIP WI.VEGAR.Shnii Joktct FomiKs, Deputy Sheiitf. lateil, May 24th, 1864. M95S Mortgage Sale. TAKFAULT been made in the,, IJ the 1 comtition of a mcrtjrnfte bearine date "„, hfteenflrdaj ot Jaar,,A. D-, U56, ex.cuted bï 4 Lawrence „n,l Tamar Lawreic., hi.s ife, t„ P, l.rovrn and ,!u y recordé,! in the ofGce of the Hf!„ of Deed, of Washtenaw Countv, M.chiiran . S twentytwo of mortgnge page 'three h'.n'rt ' aeyenty on the Wenty-ninth day ot Febrw, 1856 wherebj the power to aell theroortgaged piemil has become operative ; and aonltorproCTfdiiii-S2 been instituted at law t. recover the deo eclir ' M mortgáge or aoy part thereof, a„d the siimof t hundred aml fifty ono dollar and tliirtr thUe ƒ being noir claimed to be due thcreo (be.ides th l and expenses of the pioeeedijigs now beior laa f.,,, foreclosureofsa.d mortfrane imjuding ímsomÍ i torney fees.) Kotiee tg therefore hereHy ri 11 aid mortgage will be foi-eclosed by a sale oMj, gaged premises described ap follows viz ■ T6e .„V1" fourth of the north-west quarter of sertio tilll eight, also thenorth-eaat one-eighth of the nortk one. half quarter of said section twenty eight (U 1 rods in width frora the side occupied as a lañe) all V in township number four south and range nu'mberl the Count.v of Washtenaw, aml state of f? igan, containingin all forty-nine acres of land mo toft . 01 somt part thereof, t public vendut at tksa„!, in the City of AnnArbn aaid County, {thatbfing the plce Tf boMfn thfi cu.t Courl witt-fn said County,) on Fridaj. the twnh sixth day of August next at noon ' BeakesíCkamek, DAVID BROWN Altorneys for Mortgagee. Mordr., Dated , Ann Arbor, May 21 st, 18M. g J Notice to Contractors. rTTTE andersigaed Commissioners of Hk-liway. t.. the Towaship of Lodi, Washtenaw Countv Mitb w: 1 receire sealcd proposal until 12 o'clock' M , Juy'Oth, ]854,fo,. the building „fa briíge Salmf River, on section34 of sai.I ton. l',„, ..' fications forma of bi.Ls, and any desired intora,. can be obtained at the office of D. B. ïhom T tt and Civil Eosinecr, in the city I Am Arb,',r tl,e store of Stebbins t Wilson.' StjMirat T nV willbereceived for the wood worl, ,t.„ w,k " grading. PrOfo.ials may be left wilh Ü B Thi. Ann Arbor, or P. C. Voorlieis, Loái. The CommSS er reeen-e the r.ght torejectany or all bids AU posals must have the name of the person ' or ,in, makiue the bid endur-n! .. ll-. ..... " O'ommissicmers' NotíeO. OTATE OFMlCHreAV,C,nnt7 of .„!,„„„ P w" 3"rtíed. haVÍn? becn "Ppointfd bv ti, Probato Court for said County, Comm,íjoiier. L 1, examine and „.Ijust all c!a!mK and 1Z1 all persons against the estáte of H,í.,,d V of tho city of Ann Arbor, n said Coönty, decfed h by g,ve „ tht 5p from date, lrí,t,r'o ofsaidl róbate Court, allowed forovetlKor. topmri their claims against aaid iiecoswa, and tbut tliev ri! meet at the office of Nelson B. Kye, ia the Ci(j,í Ann Arbor Ín Sa,d Cnunty, on S.lnr.í.j IU m teegih of September, aml ilonday the niorterathdii of December nejtt, .at one o'clock P M. of each íij torsceive, examine and adjust aaid claim. GKüRE W.SMITH.I Dat(xJ, June , 864. 962 Commisránera. CITY COOPER SHOP o SPAFFORD & DODSLET, successors to O. 0. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, Would rospectfully announce to the citiiens oí il Arbur and viciníty, that they areuow iranufcturil( and keep constantly on hí;nd a Large Assortmént of COOPER WORK! Suuh as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Churií, i Well Bnckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, cÊc. Merchants and Brewerfi are inrited to examine thw ' Butter Firkine and Beer Kega. CXJSTOM WORK, done to ORDER on SHORT NOTICE and warraDted. EP Cash paid for Staves, Headinj and Hoops. Shops comer of Detroit & North Streets. ande" of North SFifthSírtels. &PAFFORD A. DODSLET, Ann Arbor, Feb. 6th, 1864. 94111 NEW aOODS! - o - HENIOIT & GOTI, Have just opened one of the largest stock off choice DRY OOODS! ever bronpht to this city, which we will sell witb"1 regard to present eastern prices. N. B.r-.Cheapest Bleached "an Brown 1FJTI1 MD PRIf IN THE CITY.1 Afull STOCK of CARPETS, OIL CLöTi, AND MA.TTi:N"GS. IIKION k GOTT. Ann Arbor, Muy M, 164. '2w9i5 B ' ,- - FOíl SALEÍ AJÍEW GROVE & BAKER SEWING M'ACH' . also a NEW =IN(EI MACH1SE, cithcr Fainüj uiaiiufactiuiii!?: i'attcrn. Aiipiyiit TüiiAiita-soKrict


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Michigan Argus