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Rebel Raid At Martinsburg

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Baltimohe, July 3. Rumors havo been circulating bere all day to the effect th at a largo rebel i'urce unJer Ewell attacked the Federal troops :it Martinsburg, ind conipelled the üvucuation rif that place. The following informatici) 'm regard to the matter has bten reeeived heridquarlers, principally upon dispatches trom Hurpur's Ferry. About daybreak this morning, intelligence ïvached headquarters at Mnrlinsburg, to the effect, that the rebels were approaching in three separate, columns, one by the turnpike towardè Shepcrdtown, anolher towards Martinnburg, uot far frorn the line of railroad, and the third west of t. It will be remembered that the department oí' n.ilmad, is thiit oí Gen. Iluntir, assisted by Gen. Sigel, with Gens. KeHey and Max Weber. Gen. Kelley's forces M at Cumberland, whcre no alann or excitement exis'.s. Gen Sigei on receivin this inform-ition, at once prepared to check approach of the. enemy, in der th:it no rnovable prope; tv sliouid be destoyed. Troops werfe drawn up, and at live o'clock figiititig coftlménëöd in the neigliboilioúd o! Bunker Hill, and cnnlinued four or iive hours, during which Hts cavalry feil slouly back to infantry supports. Ancertaining that the foree of ihe eneinj' was largely superior to his own, Gen. Sigel delennined to evacúale Martinsburg which was acemplished in good order. He telegraphixi railroad company hero as to state of nffairs, and all their trains and other movable property were safely moved away, eome heavy trains filled with Rupplies for Gen. Hunter, wero also taken to a place of eafety. A forcé of the enemy also carne by way oí North Mountain, with a view, no doubt, of flanking our f o rees, but in this they were disapointed. A dispatoh received at 5 o'clock this eveuing, stales that fighting had been going on all day nerir Leetown ahout 10 milos f'roni Harper's Ferry, between a forcé of the enemy that was moving iu the direction of Sheperdstown Pike and the command vvhich Sigel had luft thcre to cccupy the place. Both forces o.ngagod wero small, and it is officially reported that our troops bad repelled successfully all attacks. All freight and passenger taains from the West were worked successfully Ihrough last night, no expresa train for the West leit Baltimore this evening. At last account no iujury had been done to the road or bridges. It is supposed the invading force is the same which was sent against Hunter, vvho is understood to havo retired into West Virginia, towarda Gauley, to await arrivals cf 8upplies. Finding Hunter had eluded them it isthonght the rebels were now attempting a raid into Maryland. It is thought tlioir strcngth had been exaggerated and it will d .vindie down to a small raidiug party wfiich will scarcely venture far beyond the Potomae. Sigel has fallen back to Harper's Ferry and holds a strong position on Marylnnd Hights. There was great excitement at Hagerstown iind Frederiek, to-duy, owing to esaggerated reports feroagbt dwn by fugilives from Martinsburg.


Old News
Michigan Argus