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Appearances May Be Deceptive

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jut judging by appearances we conclude liat the high tax levied by Congress bas not decwsedthe sale and consnmption of beer, whisky, and other intoxicating beverages in the least, or else that those fluids do their ork in proportion to the piice paid. We „ever saw so rauch drunkenness in our city on the Fourth of Jnly, nor we tliiuk on any ötj,er holiday, as camp under our notice on Monday. Gray-headed men, who ought to have acquired wisdom witli age, vied with "Young America" in drinking and making (hemsèlves dronk, and the latter with the former in fotil-mouthed profanity. We regret the occasion tor making such a comment, and do it in the hope of inducing people to Idink a moment about an evil which threatensto engulfthenatiön. rSf There was a soinewhat serious r0on Sunday afternoon last, resultiug in the stouing tho wüidows out of a building helcBging to parties in no ways guilty of any oiense, and iu the severe injury of one or two itegroes. The causo of the disturbance s the alleged indecent esposare of hi person liv a colored man, in the presence of a white wonian, which, if the charge be true, should hare subjected htm to punishment by the law, mstead of being made the excuse for the proniiscuous pounding of colorcd people, ortheassaulting of buildings in which they jeside. We had hoped this sort of business ried last winter, and it is high time it was pat either by public opinión cr the stronü hand of the law. EP We lc!.rn that Trof. J. C. Watsoj,of tlie University of Michigan, has been tmdered the PiofeTOrship of Physics in the University of Washington, St. Louis, Mo., at falary of 02,500 a year. It is thought that he will decline the offer, preferriug to continua his connection with alma mater. [jP Our fellowcibsen, Eev. J. M. Obegoby, sometime since conditioiially acCTpted the Piesidency of ttie Kalamazoo College, and we now understand that the conditions have been coinplied with, ot so nearly so that the rosult is no longer doubtful. If Mr. GauGORï mates is able and popular a President as he has Superintendent of Public lostructioii- and we have no doubt he will - the Trustees of Unit institufo and its friends may consider theiuselves indeed fortúnate. We sball regret, however, in common with our fellow-citifiis, that his new potion will make it necessary lor Mm to remove his residence fioni moug ns. But what is our loss will be Kalamazoos' gain. C" We believe the Fio Nic of tbe CathoUc Churcli. ou the Founh, was quite a success. We hear the address of Judge G&A1T êee highly eommeuded. iti' - ■ - - J3L Wool is coming forward in dimmished quantities. iSuyers have been paying during the week from 90 to 98 ets. Yesterday $1 was given us as the figures for choice clips. I(-Wheat - We quote No. J white, $2.15; 'o. 2 white 32,10 ■ and No. 1 Red, 2.00 Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., etc., have gone above the capacity of our font of figures or pile of greenbacks. Go'd closed in New York, Wednesday at


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