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Meanness And Malice

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Bowman, who has had charge ot the Military Aeademy at West Point, has been removed f'roni that position by order of President Lincoln. The reasnn ior the removal may bo iound in the faet that as 8 on as it was known that Gen. McClellan was to deliver tho oration on tho occasion of the dedicatiou of the site ot the battle monument, Gen. Culknn was sent on by the adminislration to insist that another orator should be chosen. The cornmitteu who had the matter in charge refused, however, to makè any changa afler a formal invitation had been tendered and ac ceptud. Lincoln'n and IStan'.on's sbarp personal niulicu against the General they have so wronged is at the bottoin of this pnnishinent inflicted uiion Lient. Col. Bowman. The Round Talle doubted w heter the admitiigiration wan so forgetful of its stlf' refpect as to icterfere in a matter of this kind, but that journal has its answer in this smullest and menncst of the man}' small and mean ac;s of the adtniniatration. - N. Y. EFA very fat man wbo was drafted in Jit wton the othor duy, pupposed he would be exeinpt on account of his obesity, but w ts aceepted. Ho wan known to be rioh is well as, and the Bfrard nf Enrulluent suppoped he would furnish a sub.sVilute or coimimte, and fcsfced hitn whieh L would do. To their surprise hu refusc-d both, and told ihem " t briag on tht-ir unilorni." The Board ohüDfiL'd its mir.d, and exeuipted hiin. A Washington speci:il, July 5th, caja uornmandur Winslovv, of the Kuursago, was lo duy recomended by the Seeretary of the Navy to be a Commodore - It in already said here tliat the valtie of the Alabatna vvtll be distiibnted among the officer and tnen of the Kearsage by the nexl Congress. Major Gen. Sigel has been supcrscded in his command by Brig. Gen. Albion P. Ilowe. By this appoiritinent General Weber is subordínate to General Ilowe. General Stahl Las also been rclieved from command. The yellow fever is raging at the i'ortsmuuth navj yard, aud business is tnapended in eoupequence.


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