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DM the proceedings of the Publishers' Con'reI1tion, lield in Detroit on Friday last, but 'gth of Judge Granger's oration is i as 'to prevent us from so doing. They 'vülappear next week. The convention was jotaslargely at tended as it ought to have been, but a detenuination was evidenced to suopt souie measures for the elevation of the ry Street Commissioner Gooduue, and liis riglit hai.d man- PeTER Caret- have tot newly graveled the walks ia the Court House Binare, and put tliem in fine conditioii, baring that the gravel is not yet ,,ack!, and will not be soou, despite the nriiinii "keep olf the grass." Shoe leather is justa Httle deat, and pedestrians don't like to cut it out on the clean sharp gravel.- Wouldn't a heavy roller hup! ove the walks 1 jy The concerts given by Mr. ffisÏT and his classes on Wednesday and Tlnirsday evenings were largely attended, and the young misses made an attractive apnfarance and performed their parts admiré" We give a Ij ge space in our columns to-day lo the oration delivered on 4th tast., at the Pic-Nic celebration given tí St. rhomas' (Catholic) Church of tliis ciiy, by our fellow-eitizen, Hon. Beadley F. As it discusses, in an iinpassioned, caudid, and ab'.e manner the great questions of theday, we niake no apology for the space it oceupies, but commend it to the careful ptrsualof our readers. tfV Coming down from Jackson luesday afternoon, on tlie mail train, wë noticed the " gobbling " of a deserter, who had left camp, procured a citizen's suit, and jomped on to the train alter it left the depot. He had enlisted as a substitute but a few dafs before. He was taken off the train at Michigan Center, and was probably escorted lack fo Jackson wilh due honors. We notice that very fine improveraents are being made on the üoiversity grounds, ander the sujiervision of J. H. BdrLisos , Steward. These grounds will eventjialiy be not on'y the chief ornament of our cily. but a credit to the State. i Numbers of our citizens are procarin substitutes, and having them nnistered i in advauce of the expected drafl. Those who do so, get ceitiíi cates of exemption for the term of three years. It is necesaary to procure aliens or persons not liable to draft. Tliis is a good way to aid in filling thearraies of the Union, and we commend it to those whose business or fainily relations prevent Üieir turning " soldier boys," or who have more money than stomach for fight. L3T Tho farmers are actively engaged iu haying and ha,rvesüng. Grass is tery iight, and high price8 for hay are predided. Wheat, at least in thïs county, and al80 in Lenaweft through which we passed a few days siace, is liglit, and will not average i half erop. In fact many faimers will not get euough for their bread and seed. F rom the western portion of the State reports are more favorable. The quality is excellent, however, and it is being secured in prime condition. More delightful neather for hatvesting than that of the last ten or twelve days could not be desired. This is well, for labor is very scarce, and farmers are straining every muscle to secure their crops. BF ïhe May number of tb e North BritUh Rniete bas the following papers : Lord Elgin-In Memoriam, A Fortnight in Faroe, Energy, Mr. Trollope's. Norels, Dy Dreams of a Schoolniaster, Christian Missions, The Old Anglo-Scottish Dialects, Bambles in the Desert of Syria, Sporting Books, Our Foreign Policy. 83ayear; with the other three Reviews and Blackwood, 10, Address L. Scott & Co., 38 Walker Street, New York.


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Michigan Argus