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HPHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES X WILL bo lor the Healn.g of the Ntions. ma e. Prof. H. 3". LYOKTS, HIK GREAT AND CKLEBRATEI) PHYSICIAN of the XHR0AT,LÜN(S6, HEART, LIVER AXII THE BLOOD, Knowu alt over thecouutry as tlie rKLRRRATKIJ IITIDIj?VKr lïEHB DOCTOR I Of 282 Sugrerior Street, ''levelarnj, Ohio. Will visit the fgllowiïg places, viz tPPOI.VTMBN'WifOH 1SC2, 1863 and Ï864. Prof. K. J. I.yons can bu consulted at the fUewg plfreeserbry mouth, viz: Detroit, Russi-1 JJuu pachniooth, lSthaDd 19th. Aan Arbor. Monitor House, caoh month. 20ih. Jackson, llihbanl Jlonup, i-ncli iru.nUi,21. Aiiiiao, Bracktít Hoiíse, tmch montli 22iid23d. Toledo, Oiiio, C'ollms House, oacli montli, S4tli. 5th anil 20 1 j ! . ' llillsdale, ïflcli. , Hiltsdale House, eacli mnntli, 27th. C'.nlwutor, lich.. Söuttiern -Mictiigiüi-fHrfuse, eut;h month, 2Sth. Elkhart. Klkhart House, ac!i luonOi, 2Pth. South Bond, lu.t., 3t. In, Hotol, e ich month, 30. I.apnrtc, Ind., Teo Sarden House, eacli montn 31st. WopstQr,ühLO, Granduli lixohanarè eacii muuth 7th nnd8th. Manttfttlú, Ohio, Wiler House, c.ich aiontli Ctli and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Konjou House, cach month, llth and 12th. N'ewark, Oliio, Holton House, eacli month, 13th and I4th. Painesvi lic . Ohio, Cou-los IIouro. eacli lnonth,4th CLKVU.ANI), olüli. RESlDENCli AND OFFICE, "282 8UPE1ÍJOK STREET. East oí' thf public square, opjKtsüe ilie l'ostuflice. Office days each moiHb. ad, 4th, 5ib, 6th, lóth.- Umce huurs [r„m 9 A. M. tg I'i M-, and froill 2 I'. AI. to 4 f'. M. On.Sunday f rom 9 to 10 , . M.,aud 1 to 2 I. SI. Ö"M;iximi.stricr!y adhereö ti) - f give Miei) balmaa huve noatrift), Witli nature ir the la-s of ife. Withblooihny banfal nevt v stáio, Norpoison toease tlieirp;iin. 7c - it phytkian indeed, who Cures. Tlie Indutn Her. Doctor, R. J. LYÖSW", cures the foïk.wiüg coiïijHiiintsinthe most obstinate Stages of tlieir e-xistenct , viz; DisenseKoi' thoTUront, Luns, Heart, I.iver, Stomacïi, L)rujsyintlieChest. Khecniatiriiu, N'mralyia, Fits, ör Kalling:Stckiie9,andall dtheï oerTous-leraogemenBAIbo alldteasesof the blood sucli &b Scrol'ula, ryaipelaL ; Cancera', Ffever áores, Lepiosy, and all other compUcúi ví' cliroiiic corüpla-ínl s. Ail forius ot" female üitficulties iittended to with tin? liaj.]iet i-frti,!ts. It is boped Uiat no ono will deripair of a cure until they hare giveu thp Indían Herb Poctor's Medicine a faii and fuïtliful trial. ti&.I)aring Öie Docfoi1 tcavei in Kurópe, West Imli(-st South America, and the United .Stalen, h bas been the instrument iu (íod'H bard. to reutore 1 hoaltb anti vignv tbnusands who weit giveu up and prottoútíeed incurable by ,he most eminentokï scliu;l physician.s; nny, umrc, thouamïs whü were on the vorge of thé gr.ive. aro noiv living mOLDiusatA to tlus Jaditiii Her Vu Doetor skill and successful treatment , and are dufïy excláimfní': (tBeasedbethrday wlifii ftrgt vo ?aw and partook of the [ndian Horb Hoc tor 's medicine. ' ' ï-atisfactnyy rpforencesof Ciires will be gladly and checrt'ully ne-n i hetiAret requir1''! The Doctor piedles bis word and honor, that lie v.ill n do wige,direetly or indirectly, induce or cause any nvalid tu takt hïs medicine without the strunget probabílity oí' a cure. s Sif Mode (f exaniination, which is y different 'rom thefoculty Dr. I.yon profcsses to dincern diseases by the eye. He therefon? afiks noquestions, nor loeshe pnt-e.-itstn expliiin yni{tt'mfi. ('all onc and all, ind have tliesymnfoms anl iocation ot' your dJBftftge-pyplaiBgd freo of chftTRS. i[.The pooï rtbttil bc liberally oonsidercd. -2663. R. J. LYOKS, T'. Clevelr.nd, Ohio, Nor. 25. 1862 lyP80 O. BLISS Woaïil takO this ciethod of ïuforming bis old friends aud (iatrbns auA all others who may favor him with thuir patronage, tl: at he has greatly eularged his ïstocli aiul Assortmeiit ! and ha ving adopted the CASH SYSTEM B0TÍI IN BUYING &SEUING a propareil to Keil GOOtlB at ReaipZiaB Io3-O rioeiS, Híb stock consista iu par oí che lollowiug: g-T, AMERICAN AND OTHER n Watches! Wë " áJPPlí Tbe Colobratod -" SËTH TH OMA S ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CIIAINS, ÏABLE AND POCKET OUTLlillY ! Pazors, Shfi rs, HciSsórBAU Brufihen, RrtSKBS PLATEI) WARE, the best n mnrkcf Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils PAPEB and ENVI-XOPES, Biusical Instruments, Siring S( Book for Instrvments, of Quid, Sitver, Steel, a-ad Plalcd, wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. PtMrtons having diülcult watches to fit with glassea ian be accutnoduted, at! ray stoei; íb largo 'and complete, P. S. Particular attenttnn to the 3ralJ, kinds of fine Watches, such as Makiiig ancl Setting new Jewols, Pinions. Staffs, and Cylhtders. Alo CLOCKS, &ü rE"W"ELRY neatly repaired and 'war-anted, at ltis oíd tandeas , sideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor,Nor. 25, 1862 826tl GREAÏ.GREATER GKEATEST B,VRGAJKS EVEK OFFEREÜ 1859. 1511859. In tlii3City,areuow beingoffered at tLe OHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jewrölry StoreriiBKSübscribor wouldgay to thecitliensol AnnAr1 particular, and thfi reat of Wnh(enaw Crwatv ingennrnl, thal hehasjust 1MPOUTED 01RliCTI.y rom KÜROPE.I Tremendoas Stock of WatcheB.' All ofwhichhn binde Mmspifto sell CirKAPEEtban can he bouglit west oí' New York City. I havo alBo lüo CELEKRATED AMEBfCAN WAT CUES, which I wlil aeVl Ur $35. Kvory Vvatch warranted to perform wcll,orthtí money refunded. iowelry, Piated Wsre, Fancy Goode. Gold Pena, MufllealInetrumenU and St rings, Cutlery, &c, aud Ín Tact a varicty of overyf,hii); uaually lreptbyJewelerB aan bv. boughtforthe oext niaety days at your O W N PEIOES! Porgone buyinc: ni.ything at this wnli known estabIim. mi' UI cnu rly apon getting goodi exeily as rvrt-öonted, ortlu'HKiney refundod. r&llearly and ae euro tiio best bargutm ever offcred ia thil City. One word in regard to Repairing : We are prepared tomnkenny repair onfine or conr mon WntfiiPfl.i'vpn tn mnkinener the ctltir-e watcl] If TiRrcesary. Repairiiig er' ('loeks and Jcwelry 8 nsiml. Alsot'ie Rmniifaeturtnz ni MNfiS, BROOOHS, or anytiMBg dei-ired, from California Gold onnhortnotice. Rmrarirt in oilitsbrancheiexoeirtod witbneat. nes atiddiapatch. J C. WATTS. rpHREE CITY L"TS. of the frontale ofSyonSarlen I ad.inminïon tbs cxt, tliere1ilenceof J P Miller on MUler ATnue. Enquire at tlie ' , fiREEïf tlOUSE. Aun Atíkt, J:m5Síh,líi. 4w(S. FURNITÜRË ROOMS Oue door North of Kisdon and Hendersen's Hardware Store. The undersigned haring purrhascd tbf entire stock of W. J). Sm!th Í; Co., and nrtdüd largoly to the Mme, I nrepared to iiirnish bis fnemia and jiatroiib n guod aBsortmentof wciJ ruadu furuiture, consistiiig of LOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIRS, orsll kinds, and n fact of everjthing portaining to the L O t N G ES. MAÏRASSES, &c, ic.,raad! to order by good and experiencfd vorkmen; and mrnwod tu gue satisfaction. Ho also kwpa agood assortment of Cherry and U'alnut Lurabcr Wr sale ai reaeonable pricos. Auii will also novthe Wgtest nmrket fux tot Chenj-. Walnut, and Vhite Wood Lumbcr. P. S. He hap also purcbased tho ncw and ELEGANT HEAESli! ofSmith iCo.,andisiiri,paredtofuruish all kinds of Wood Coffins, Metalie Cases, AND CASKETS, On tho liortest nolice. Also attfnfls to laying out dcceasid iorson dav an.l uight, without charge. All furniture delivered iuthe.ity free oí ch;iige. W. U. BENHAM. Anii Arbor, January 13.h., 1863. 940tf o GRÜNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE Je KETA1L DEALERS I." TOBACCO, CI&ARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. We, the luuWwlgaëd, beg leave to Inform tlie CITIZENS OF ANN AKBUK and viciuitj, Ihat we havethis day establilicd a ToSseco and Cigar buM'r.tss in this place, odo door North of the Franklin liiock, Jiain f treft, wliere we nlml] alwayn keep a fall asaoitment of the best quahties of SMOK1IVG & CHEViiG TOBACCO! as alio a larje aud chofes aclection of tbe best branda o C I G A 11 S ! PIPES, (Merschauiii, Brier and Kosewood,) OÏGAR HOLOEHS, INDIA RUBBER POÜCIIES,, SNÜFF & CIGAR BOX ES. Will be found lth us of all kind and of Prices io SriT hVEHY OKE, We Bhall sell all of the abnve mentioned articles and manyothers which belong to our lino of irade at the l-jwest poesiblc late for c.nsh. Ploase cali and examiuo . f. I!.- Siffn- Squaw with cizar bon. one door norrh of tuoFranklinBlook. GEÜKER k 8ETi.Éa, Aim Arl)or,May Od. 1SM, 9.'5tf. THE LATEST AliillVAL -OF1W SPRING GOOI! -AT 0-0-0 I am now recciving a large STOCK of DRESS COODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS; Fancy SilJis, "White Goods & Laces, QL 0 VES 5r KOSIERIES, RAI. MOR AT % Hoop Prints, Siieetíngs, Deniins, ïickings, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Whlch cash aud ready par buyersare particularly iaritcdto cali and examine, as I intenil te close out the stock io tne uext $U days to mak e a chango m jny business. J. H. MAYNA11I). April 1864. 3m953 ï. B A.CH has a nów and complete stock of mm mm bought before the reeeut GREAÏ IIISE IN GOLD ? VTkich wiil be Sold FOE CÜLSH O]NTLY, A..T THE LOWEST MARKLT PRICES ! Cali and See ! Aun Arbor, April, 1861. Í CLOTHIISTG T M.GUITjCO'S! Haring just i-eturned from East wíh a larire atocle of SPRING AND SÜMMERGOODS! wc inite,li our oM f rienda and customers to come and examine eur stock oi' CLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS, o Dispute tbc tact if vou can, It takes the TAILOK after all to give appcaiance to the onter man. I f jou wísU to appear vvell You must accurdiugly I)res3 Well. Go to 81. Guitorman & Co's,, Thero you will firid things oxactly SO. SONDHEIMalwhya ready to take your aie.'isure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with greut pleiisme, At figures LOWER ihan you will find ík tho State, Take heed - call eauly, else you are too LATE. The INDUCEMEXTS are uow greater than ever, Our Clkiïks you will ñnd obligíng and clever. We will show you eood CLOTHING oí our ovvn oettikg up, Filling our Store from Bottosi to rop. STUDENTS eepecially will find it to THKIR ADVANTAGB, Por it tabea but LITTLÊ MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWI] IMTORTATION, Fíjrwarded ihrough our New York relations. Ffoiii England, Belgium, Germany and Frunce, Suuh us ymj can rtand up in, or weau, at the dance. Pants! Pants ! ! Paiitsü! Fancy .C4SSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We Söll them froin ONE DOLLAR up lO EIGIIT. VEFTS, &C., of every description, You will tind it eo without fiction, Furnldhing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we sav cow, Tfeerefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. ACo., Terrible Slaughter! THE VÏCTOKY IS ÜÜRS ! THB BATTIiE Whicli has been ragiug for the past four weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Has proved a grand success, altbougb tlie slaughter of X)RY GOODS Has been terrible. We now make the announcement tbatweshall continue ;'For Many Year" to make war with high prieea, being deteriuineU to give the hundredb M'hu duily rlirung eur store, ft;H vylue for tbeir monej', L:idic-8 can tind witli ua all deuirable hades aud styleaot' DEESS GOODS, RIBBOiNS, TRIMMiNTS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, Witli a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS fx blotv tlioir Valuo We bcar it aid every day tbat w aie Tuining the lusiness in this city by selling 30 cLeap but we canuot jel] it, The Gootls Must be Sold. lOOONew Styleand bet quality HOOP SKIRTS very clii-ap, and for tlie GentlémeD we ha?e a verj large assormentíf French Twilled Clotli. Beaver Overcoatings, Doaskins, Faucy Cassini.res, Vestings, &c, Of ill d-escripiions. and can íurnislh a wh'ole áuit mi short noticemuch cheaper than ix can ue kought elee where. An examination of this branch of our bubi ncss willconvince all that lilis is the plncetobuy tlieir Pants, CoatH and 't-.s'fi. A ■ liave also a cúmplete stock of Ladies and Cbililren.s' Shoes. HATS AND CAPS, And n factevprvthingthat man or woman cao desiie to wear on licad orftiut, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At asfolmhing low priocii, anil in hhnrt nur eiitire i stock must sbtretire ame late for we ure determinad ! to st]l, no i miHT w !i;il otil croakers mav k,i. All ave itvitod to Inípect our stock as it lino trouble to show oargood,and wc are boundto meet the deinandp oí j [Í. 932tr MACK SCHMID For Ras, Mwe, Roae.lcs, Anls, Bed Bvgs, Mmhs in Fu?s, Woohn, Sfc, Insecls on Patis, Fowh, Animáis, p. Pui iip i il .-,-. f6è. :inil Ï1.00 Bnxex, Bottle. :xm i'uI.s. Í3 and S5 sizga for Jlcn'JiU fCSUC JHSTIZDIMK, &C. "Oolí nfnlhliliTeiiicdieKknowo." ' ' Freo Iroiij l'oírions. " "Notdangorous tothe Human Family." "Hatscome out of their holes to die " Sold Wholesale n all larLt cities ffl-frild byall Drufeists au fl Retuileri eterywhwa KS" 11:1 üicwAKK !l! of nll worthls imitati(,n. s, See that "Costak's" name is on cacli Iiox, Bottle. and Flask, hlux-f you Imv , jar-V'iiwM nKNfiV n. costar Pktnoital Dw„t 482 Bkoxotjï. Kkw Ydjik. arSold by all Wholenalc and R■taJlllggitfl ík AnnArbor.llichii.-un. Jn64. - 1 - - __ 1 JIOWARD ASSOCIATION, rnn.AiiKi.rntA,PA. Dlsenscsorilie Vervang, Scaulnal. Vrtnnry and Simal Sytjli- ne,v and reliabletreatmeut- in Rpportn of the. HÜWARD ASSOCIATION- Sent by mail ïmealed letter envelopes, free of chante 1 A-Wrcw, Dr. J. 9Ü.UXIN HOUUHTON, Bonard AmIbu. hou, Mo. 2 Sosih Nitttl 8ti?t, PbOa., P idj i JUST OPENING ? The larget Stock aod best assortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to tliis city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, liooliing Glasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIG CASES, &c, &c, and all other goods kept in the beat acd largest houses in the country. We Keep no scccnd hand furnittue ör Auotion gnods. Cofllns kept on hand and made to order Mj goods are offcred at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. B I must have mcnfr. and respertfuly request tl-.ofe niiebted, to cali and fix up their old uiattsrs without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6 1863. 9-fitf RISDON&HEiDERS0x Havo tlio BUCKEYE CRAIN DRSLL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufaotured at Springfiold, Öhio. rpHEVERYLATESTIMPROVEMFNT.and betíerthan X all othcrs; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, üarlev and Gratis Seed . st. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Zd. Never bunches the Grain 4:th. Never breaks the G? ain. bth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. 6tJi. Has Mgh wheels and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. lt has a land measure or Swveyor. 9tÁ. It has doublé and single rank dn'lls. lOth. lt has a sélf a1justkig shtit off dide. lt is neatly and substantiallj made. There ia hardly a Drill oflered in the market but can boaEt of more or less FIRST PRF.M1UMSP They are aboutns indicnn)innte!v bestovecl the title of 'l Professor," which is noraetirnes applieil to the '■'jidditr" "boolblack.'1 Tbey c-ase to convcy the idtrt of merït, Thö Buckeye Drill lias been on Kxliibítíou at quite a oumber of State and County Fairn, and witlioüt seeking favor at tbe bands of any Comiuitiee, has reccíved its fu il share of Premiums TESTIMOJS'IALS : WeiveMie fullowing names of i few KarDitrsin tïps vicinity wjo have bouglit and used tlieBuckovelJrUl : Gudfrey MUIer, Scio. Jacob l'olbeiüufc " Jacob Trem per, ' Thomas Wbite, Northfield, John Brokaw, " Ohristian Kapp, " JbMward Boyden, Weoster. James Treadwell, AunArboi lnniElüfllara, " ' ïohiiG.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. L'.111108, Saline. Geovge Cropey, Üresn Oaü, Liv. Co. Wo are&Uo Agents for the Ohio Reaper & M_ wer, acknowlcdgod tcbe the very best in use. We are just in reeeipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Which we will sell Clienp. Also alargeasáortment c G-rass Scytlies. And the largest andbeat selecled stock of '♦ BENT STUT F POR CARRIAGF-Pever before offered in this market We also keep alargeand full NAlLS, GLASS, P1JTTY, PAIIJT.aad UKgEEI) OIL. A complete afifioríaieiit of STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVE TR0ÜG3SaIwaj8 oo hand and pul up 2 the RISDON & UENDERSON Ann Albor, June 29th ,1862. 859tf NOBLE & EIDER, are stlILog theix large utock of BOOTS $c SHOES, CIIEAPER ÏHAN EVKR M LOW PEICES FOR CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Meu's good Calf Pcgged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 .' Woraaa's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youtb's nd Cliildren's Shoes : : : : 15 a 1.50 Now in the lime lo buy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapiclly adcancing in Eastcrn Markets. TÍIEY ALSO IAIE WARRANTED jCS" WORK TO ORDER, jgjy ANB REPAIR. Reaaeiuber we can not and will Dot be unclersold. l'ieafre eall am examine íbcir stock E ! LAWKKNOB NOBL, CHARLB8 RIB. ' Aas Arkor,f%t. 15th, 1864. 'fH. ; rEEr". ügg Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baving been made in tho perforir.,, the cndition of a ,nortKage beark" j"" itteentb day of January.A. D., 1866, ex(o„ted l?J} Lawrence and Timar, his wil., f, r„SlU" Hrown and duly recorded in the office of Ihe ] ' 'T11 of llced.i, of Wasbtenaw CounfJ, Miente J8 .'" t-.vci.iy-w,, ol mprtgage. page t],,vc hundrèd ' seventy oo-tbe twenty-ninth day „f Februar, ,'n"1 1856 wiHM-cb, t],t. power to -1 fhemortgaged l'r.t ■ '' hits becc-me operatie ; and no.u,torprocndn„v "" been inntituted at law to recover líe debí ?, V'"f sa id raortgage or any part tLereol , aud the urnofl b' bundred and dfty rve dolla:s and tbirt ,„„"" being üow dalmed te bo du Ih.reun (b8,'de8 tl! Centl andexpensei, of the pioceedings dowkeing hadfo?!? tonieyteeS.) Kotice therefore Lerebr 'mv"„ ,i'' uid mortgaKe wi 1 1 be fore&loied bj a sale of tl,,. ' htl gaged premíete drbed f MIowf vz . -n.e J , , "' Fourth of the north-west quarter of „otion "'" e!gM, also the nortli cast ona-eighth of the nortl '' or,. Ulfauarterofsaid ectim twwHj riVhïnïS roda in width froni tjie sido occupieá au a lancO a w1 In to-Ml,i„ „„mbcr four n „11, and range „umb,,?1 MMo.the CouBtj of Wanhtenavr, and stat „'.',"' igan, contanDg in all forty-nine acres f ia„d n„„"b' les .... 9iniep rtThei M, at public ve.:due t t'l,, I '?,' .loor of ti.cCou.-t House, in the City of Ann Á lv'k a.dCounty,(tl,„tbeingtI.e place of bolding tlíc'1' cu.ííourt wftlfn id Cunty.) on Frlday tifo tw Jt sixth day of August next at roou 7' w"BeakkpícCkímek, DAVID BROWtí Att-rners for Mortgagre. MorW., I''ed , Ai!n A. üoi , May ÜIf, 1864. ÍM Noüce to Contractors. rplti uVaeriigned CommMuw of Highw... ta I tl.8 Town.iup „f tod., Wasl.tenaw Cn,Tnty !,.5" wïrrrcceive seïTed propostï uutil 12 o'cloci u ! Jiiy-Oli., 18ó4,for th. bu.ldin, of a brMg, ' " Palfn River, on section34 of Uj.i town. l'i,„, "" ti.atnm., forms o) bMa, and any de.ireü míoí can be obtaJned ,-.t the office of n. B. Thomaii ïï n tect and Civil Engineer, in the city of Ann ?rbOr „ '' the 8oro of stebbiu, & WiUon Sepa?at T pr„,'„0'" wülberecived for the wood work, stcne wo k ÏÏ grading. Prorooils maj be left wilh II B Th,' Anu a rbor, or I'. C. Voftibei., I.odi. 1 l,o Comaffi' er the r.ght to reject any or all bid -A i „L i,Jw8M,iT-aBr j ntrr Commissiouers' Nolice. OTATE OF ;MlCHIGAV,c0UDty of Washten.,, ahe unders.gned having been appo.nted bï Z Probate Couit for said Couity, Comm.' to ï ceive,examinaanda.ljustall c'aims and dem.m'.ï all persoc smrí the estáte of Charle Hjlind uf of the city of Ann Arbor, in said Cunty , dece.iêd i. by notice tbat six montht from date, are br'nril of a.d Probate Court, allowed f„r creditors ÜZZÍ the.r againt sa.d deceafd. and that hwTm meet at the office of yel.on B. Nye. in tke CiwÏÏ Ann Arbor, In faid County. on Miturday the „:„ teenth of September, and llond.y the ninettentb du ofDecraber m-xr, at one o'cloek P. M. of ech dit torecoive, examine and adjust aid claim '! GEOKGK W.SM1TH _ i . KDMUXPF.HAI.l' Daten, June , 804. 96-i Commistioim Chiincery Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN.-Fonrïh Judicial Oiromt ,, MargaretVnW3gner. ] & Cornplainant, Countr of Wuku JaaacSaa Wagner at Ann Ar 'L Defendsnt. the 18th dur of i, . í , .. j June " UU It atisfactonly nppear-ug to the undersigned Co euit Cu:t CominisMoner for HM Counlv W n, affidavit of Murgaret Van Wagner, that' ih ij dotend-.nt, l8anc Van W„gn.T is not a rmj' of tb.5 State, but llmt hè rmiiea in the Matt d Hw.insi„„a thatasubixena for liis apper.Mi idBKelias bfen dulv iSMu-d and that the uu coulí not be servpd.. ün in,,I..n of A, Solwln for the ( nmptainaDt, t is . Merèë (hat tairi di-fpróm Isfac an Wsfcner cause his appfarance to lie eottrcdii s;ud cause withiu Ihrce montlis frem the dale of Ui m-díT.and,,in default. thereof the bill of complauit fi!td iu said Muse be taken as cnnfnwd bi Bid defrnrtni ; an.l it is furlher ordered tb wiihii kuren v da.VK s.ii crmplainant cause aropr of thii or BI to be fuUlifhá in ylnf Hevkli Mioliioan Atstm" ucwupapir priotcd and p..u!i.bed' iu the Cilï of At Arbor in s:id County of Wanb1nw, aod est i. licanon thereof be contiüued once in each neck lonii uccessive weet, or that taid e: ir.plaiiiam u I copy of this order to be personallT suiveJ on laiddi fendanl. at least davB before the prascribcd his appearance. Bated, at the fitv of Ant Arbor, tbc 18ih dar of June, A. D., 1864. C. H. VANCI.EVE, Ci -temt Court CoimaiBsionei , Waïhiilww Cntf, M?enJ;ran. A. Felcb, Complainant's S"olicitir. SS4 CITY COOPERSEOP SPAFF0R.0 & DODSLEY, fiuccesaor.s to O. C. SPAFFORD & D.HENNIKC, Wouldrcspectfullv announce to the citizen cl ia rbur an.l vicm.ty, that the.y re uoH iraoufacturiil nd keep on hend a Large Assortmeut of COOPER WORK! SucL aa Pork and Cider Barrels, Kcgs, Firkiiis, Churas, Well JBuciets, Flour and Apples Barrete, Lc. Mcrchiints and lircwf t.s are iuviteu to examine tbei Butter FiikkiB and Beer Kegs. CTJSTOM ?7-OIS.B:, done to ORDER on SHÜHT NOTICE aud warraated. l3 Cash paid for Staves, Headinj and Hoops. Shops corner uf Detroit & Korth StreeÍ6. Ddeo of Noitli ü FiflhSlreetn. bPAFFORD fe ÜODSLEY, Ann Albor, Feb. (tb, 1664. M3tf NEW GOODS! HENIOÏ? & GOTT, Havu just oponed oae of the Iargett stock of f êholce DRY GOODS! evertóuglítto'thiá city, which we will sell wrtïo! rogare] to present eastorn piice. N. B.- Cheapest Uleached ad Brown SHiTJM il PRJIS! y THE CITY. A full STOCK of CARPETS, ÜIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. HENION t fiOTT. Ann Arbor, May 8i,ÏS. 2m965 HOUSE AND LOT FOE S__A. Ju E ! TPE HOUSK anr lot now occuied by C. G. Clrk, 1i siluated on Wilüsm between 6th nd DitirfM Jtreets, two iloors East of L. C. Jüsdon's houe. l'ow'W on given imnieiliately. Price $2 600. Term -'t' ro# ])urtieuUi'B iuquire of J). B. EELLEV.AMlrN,' S. T SMTP, 6tM ! . lun Arbor (I, lf-4. PWmJ


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Michigan Argus