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The Last Flight In The Senate

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The ltochesttr Democrat, liepublieau, givcs the following dcscription of the last uight of tlic recent session of the Seuate. The Springfield Repubhcan and other llepuUicau jouruals give the samo report : A DBUNKBN SCEXL'. Halo cal led up a long bill, and thero was a lul! while the uneasured monotoue of the sterk swung through its formal phrases. ïhere wan liope that the tienate would recover itself, but when the bill was passed aDd Hale endeavored to (roceed with another meature. Chandler sprang lo his leet and yelled and serearaed, " Mr. President I Mr. President!" It was the fiarce voica of an excited, half-drucken, quarrelnome man and might have been heard at tho Speaker's de.-k in the other end of the Capítol. "Oráer!" "Order!" oried noïeral Senators. " Order !" " Oidei!" sharply said the Vice President pro lun, Seuator Clark, as he brought tho little ivory gavel down upou desk, ringiugly. But the feil spirit would nol down at such a bidding; and Chaudler retorted that he was not out of order but that the ehair was. " The Sena'.or will tuke his sekt !" answered the ohair. Chandler coarsely retorted, ' You've no riaht to order me to my seat, aud l vïoii't takelt!" and turning to líale, whosat next him and was urgitig him to Bit down, he added " U.o, I'll be damued if I do!'1 ! He'n suubbed ine eaough, and I wou't stand it auy longer !!' " Take your seat, sir ! ' finuly aud l'ureibly said thu chair. Eye met eye, just then, Ïhere was a nervous rootiou of chaira iu all parts of the ehamber, and Chandler sank iuto his seat. " I deny the right of the chair to cali the Senator from Michigan ti order!" ci'ied Wilkinson, scarcely lees drank than Chandler. " 'i ho Clerk will read the ru'e," said the Chair. So it was reaa, and tho Chair added. " The Senator from Michigan was o;it of order and will not be allowed to proceed unleps by consent of the Senate." Vain and meddlesome Co'.iuess, of California, rose to throw the light of his ihtelloct upou tho question, but a mm uiur of dissent ou all si'les hushed him very quickly. Then, on motion of Mr. Fout, Ihe Senator 'was allowed, by a direct vote of the iSenate, tú prooeed iu order. Quietly Mr. Cbandler proceeded, but was decisively beaten in lus effort to cali up a bili ; aud Hale's bill was taken up and passed. BUSY TIMES AND QU1ET TI3JES. It was niue o'cloek, and tue consideraron of the resolutiou fixitig the time of adjournmeut was postponed to eleveu o'cloek, Chanaler aud VVilkiusou lov ingly retired, ind were absent most of the time toe tvvo or three huurs. Uusiness at the fainous '' Hole iu the Wall " was brisk. Clearly, the tax uu hquors does üot dimiuish the cousumptiou wi'.h some men, PKOCEEDINUB ON StJüBAY. Midnight had goae by aud it was the Sabbmh. ILtrlau wantod to adjourn, but his motioQ wae lost. Plain people marveiled at the uuseemly fashiou ia which the chief legislatiye body of the natioo deported itself, very few laembers were iu Iheii1 se:its. Baulsbury was asleep, face downwurds, upon his lounge. St'veral Senators sat with their feet upon the top of desks. Spraguo's seat is next to Ch:ind!cr's, but he orossed over and sat long iu Johuson's seat, and secmed studiously to avoid the Miehigau Senator. Trun. buil sat in his owu seat, tearing slips of paper iuto bits. Morgau wrote at his desk, aud auswered eveuly with Foot whenever the roll was ealled. ülerk Lloyd carne in with hurried pace from time to time, to aauounca the aetion ol the Hou-se upon various mea.sures. Hale dozed in his chair and af forded amuzeaieut to the galleries.- Powell paced up and down iuipatiently in the back part of thö chamber. VVilson sat nervuusly with fluahed and wrathy face. Richardson rolled greut quids of tobáceo vigorously m his uiouth. l)oolittle looked out from under his shaggy eyetrows like an arjpry ludían. Jim Lar.e was almost the only man who sppeared iu good humor, and he made funny speeches to kill time, owning that he was ral her anxious about a re election. Sumner, too pdite or too uowardly to put h i triself upon the reeoid, was running about arnong the members of the minority tü Bi ir them up to coutiuued oppositioH. UBRE AND ELSEWnBRE. It waa 'half past one. Wilkinso had retired to the eloak room iu unsatisfactory conditiou, aud was supposed to be asleep. Chandler was bolt upright in his seat. The galleries looked down in disg.ust. Afur off was a country looking up lo Washington for leadership. - Below Richinond and in Georgia were two great armies in the deatii struggle between Satan and slavery. Evcrywhere, everywhere, were desolate heanhs and vacant chairs and mourning hearts, Yet in the Senate chawber weut on a wild Í revel cf vtrungling and personality. - . Senators taïked of lieroism and patriot ism. tmt in their aetion was the hitterest i fiie of moclcery and the koenest blade of assault ! Two o'cloek canii'. It was agreod that the final adjourninent should be at noon of Monday. Siiermin feelingly and aarneLtly ap.pealed to the Sennte to act at once upon llie tas bill. Chandler, with scowling face and loud voice and dcfiant manner, and heavy tlows upon his desk, declared no aetion should bc had at that session. Morrill urged a vote upon the income tax bill Chand Ier repeated wilh coarse empliasis that he ould not under any cireumi-tanecs allow t to pasa befare Monday. Hirlan raised the poiut tliat it was Sunday; said he w:ís ín good coudition, and would defyat .actioc if he couid hoïd out as long as the majority. THE END OF TUK IA WÉL Hiilf-past two -and the sharaeless proceeding still Ronti-nuod The House had idjourned, and fifty or sixty of iis members wero on the floor of the Senate. - A dozen Senatdrs were s'rugglini; fcr the uotice of tlie Ohair. Motions tendiug to delay were piled upon eaoh other four and five doep. 'The gieat umjoirity of five-sixths wrestled vainly %vith the small minority of one sixth whoae weap 01 M Me RuJc of tbc Ecuatt. man made one more apj cal for aotion un en the bilí, but Clumdler, Sumner : Harían would liear to nothiug, and Bnl !ƒ at tbree o'clock tbe majority gaT9 way. Wilkinson was roused up and ot ia to vote, and tbe Senaie went into s. crct sessioQ on nominatious for office. THE SIEN WHO HONOR US. Again I eay, good citizen, thunk Q0(j tliat tbe long session of lliis Thirt. eigbt Congress is over. 1 1 is no credit to the country, as a whole, despite th great merit of individuals. Tbe aen who most givo us glory, who mogt exlt our natue among the nations, wbo mot give us cause for pride in our inanbood uro not thcse two hnndred wbo ht spent seven inonths here in legslatv, capccity. Better rejoice in tbe men who watt-h around Petersburg ; bettor glor in tbe mcn whose watcbword is "At lanta."


Old News
Michigan Argus