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The Markets

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The farmers are all very busy ín the harvest field, andtmyms; and selling produce has not been very liri k the present week. Yesterday pricea ruled as follews : Wool - 90@95, and little coming forward. Wheat- Red, $1.90; White, $2.15. Corn- $1.25. Oats- 80c. Potatoes- Okl, Süc@$l. New, 81.50. Beans- ?2; Bbtter,25@30c : Eoos, 18c. Salt - In Detroit, $4 at wholesale. L3T Frotu the receut report of the Pteward of the ITniversity to the Bard of Regen1, wc Iearn that there are nolv giowing in th"ground9 of the Univrity , exclusive of those in the yar 3 attaehed to tbe four dweüings, 1370 shade and ornamentai Irees, nearly all of whieh are in a heahhy and thriving coudition. Tiieee trees are elassed as follows : 583 evergreens, 350 maple, 270 elm, 46 native oaks. 35 horse ohes1-nut, 6 poplar.26 ash, 6 hiekories ö catalp., 6 butlernut, 5 biirr oak, 2 dogwood,and G lo cust. When these tree aregrown up - and they are dow pushing ï-apidly - The UniversiKy'park will be ene of the most attractive and lovely spots in t'lie Siate. The rows of-trees in tlie streets adjoining the grounds have also be'=n filled up.mulched, and boxed.


Old News
Michigan Argus