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larnum has a machine íor íanning his audience which keeps thtjin oool ub a cucuinber. Ex-Gov. Andrew ET. Reeder died at his residenoe at Easton, Penn., ru the morniog of tbe 5th inst., after u short lineas. Mr. Joseph Show, the fonnder oí tho Imperia) Order of Odd Fellows, receñí ]y died at Notlinghmn, Euglund, at the ae oí 7C. Queen Victoria and her daughters aro said lo muke full and open war upoii the Princesa of Wales. Her henilty and popularity iro insupportable to the old lady. It is said that when Mr. Liucoln rode along the lines of Granl's army, tha o her day, itie whoie rebel army, sharpshooters and all, suspended tiring for fear of aucidents. A ecboobnistreea in England has in■ ventfd a titw panir-hment for refaictory i pupils. She stands thetn on their j head and ponrs ice water iuto their trowserw' legs. A real life rrraft have a worthy aim. Men are Dot mack to float uith "uhatever current they chance to have been cast tipon. Every individual is born with a li work b-for thern, A co'.einporary'sngffesls that, "Thore is sotnething il'reprussibly sweet in lit tlo girls," and to whicli lire I.ouUviIIü Journal adjs - " And it keeps growiog on 'em as they get biggen The proceodri froin eleven Fairs, held for ihe beneöt of the Sanibiry Coiïïinission, amounted to tour and ;i half tnilliou dollars, including those froin the Philadel)hia Fair. The present amount of govermnent oarrency, and its taca valuu, is $G25,X00,öOO. But, estimated al its true, or gold vukie, ropresüiits really only 281,OOO.OoO. The appropiiations of this Oongrcss are itnmense. It will be diffioult to compute them, but it would aot be wurprising if ihey ra lip prettv well to 8900,000,000, perbaps to $l',000,000,00. The New York Heraïd says Lincoln's view oí the Monroe docttiue is like that of h Yankee candidate for Governor ai Maine. He iavored the temperance la-w, but was opposed to its enforcemerit. Genera! Sigel's suocessor, General A. P. Ho we, tías been recently Chief ot Artil lery in the Department "oí Washington, and is considered a brave and competent officer. He fonnerly comman-ded a división in the Sixth" Ariny Corps. A terrible eárthqiinke is reported to have been feit al Nebraska City on the 4th. Th ree persons were hurt by tallinfr buildings. A dreadful haijstonn took place at the same time. t, It is estimated t'hat th rebels seeured 10,000 hend of cattle and horses, besides droves of nheep and hogs, which they got across "the Potomac while threatening Washington. It is reported that Early, in conversatiön with Breckeoridge, on the subject of taking Washington, insisted on getting off the plunder, and returning with siege guns to capture the city. The rebel loss in killed, W&unded and prisoners, in their demoustration on Washington, will be over '2,000. The prisonors represent 03 different ' mnets, and beloog to flve different djvisions. Seoesionit8 in lialliinore ay Che recent robe! invasie-n was-only aifconnoissano!, a:;d tht thoy will roeeive large reinforcemïnts and return, witn Lee in co uw-naad. A torpedo boat is o.onstructing at East Haven, Cono. She will be boflib proof, coveied with iron plates of a grfcHter thilness than hose upon the monitors, and provided with pon-eri'ul machinery. The v!iolü quantity of salt insppjtod on Onondaga Snit prings reservation, from Janu-iiry lst to July 9:1), 1864, ■ was 1,817.651 bnshels. Tho wjbole quan'itviuspected during the same timo in }S63 wa 1,972,974. Decroase, 155,0Ö3. Board at the Boston hotels co?ts $t per diy. At those of Now York $4,50 The populatiou of Shiawapsee oountv 13,542 being au increaao sinco 1860 of 1,518. Wo are in the midat of tatal rlnrkness. Coinimimcutions with Washinjf" ton aïe cornplotely severed. - Journal Honven pitv the deludod fuijatics w!m look to Washington for light. - Albany Argus. A Sanitary Fuir, recently held by the yoiing adies of E;ist Suginaw, nettud $539,42. The Associated Banks agree to take the fitty million loan eitber ou boiid or 7.30 Treasuiy notes. Savera! prominent Secession sympathizers have been arrested nt Ulüdensburfif, and sent to the Old Capitol,


Old News
Michigan Argus