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fpWí foto, ÍÍCüífiAÑ CENTRAL RAILROAD. Pdasengti t raí us uuw lea Te Detroit .Chicago, and the evertil-itatiousin tliisUuuniy .as follows : GOING WEST. Leave P)iy Ex. Dext. Ac. Eve. Er. tfightEx. Detroit 8-CO a. M. S 4íi v. a, A.On p. M 8 46 f m. fpsüanti, 9.20 " 6.05 " C.27 " 10-00 am Arbüx-, 9.-J0 " 5.&0 '; 6 60 " 10 .0 " Jext"r, 10.05 p. m 6.10 " T 15 " íhelaea, U.l'O " 7 35 " - ir.Chicngo tí 16 í; " 550 .K. 8.45 a. m . GOING KAST, Lflfive. Eve. Kx. Dex. Ac, Niicht Ex. Day Ex, Chicago, 0.(0 p.m. 10.00 P m 6.30 a. m. Jhelsea, A m.7.45a.m. 4,o6 p. m. Dexter, 5 4í " 8 0 " 4 20 " nn Arbor, 42H a w. fi.lQ " 8.i:5 " 4.45 tfpsüautf, 4.45 l 6.Í-.5 " 8 4S " 5.05 " &r. Detroit, 6.10 lt 8.00 " 10 00 ' 6.Ï0 " The Day Express eacb way ia the Mail Train. Traiiií -lo Qt stop at stations where figures areomít;edin the table. Tminscomieetat Detroit with iheGreat Western and 3 rand ïrunk lïailways of Canada, and the Detrtrti attél J'fU'do, and Detroit aud Mi'wuukoe RailroaiU. md Cleveland Rteamers At tht Compapy'ü Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet ainl Laíay9tte,thiouah tickets can be purchased toall thê principal cines and towha in the United .-tutes LUXURIOCS SLKfiPiNG CARS upon all night traína. Ruttíin's celebnited Vontilatiufc Apimratus upon all day traína - the best dust preventative in use. R N'. RICE.Ueneral Superintendent. DO YOU WlH TO BB ÍÜRKDÍ DK. BUCHAN'S ENCLISH EPEC1F1C P11L. cure, in less Ihon SOdíiys, the worst casen pf N KRVuUSNKSS, Jmputency, PreWa tui-e I)ecay. íSeuiinul Weakuesa, InsRuity, and all Uní oarv, í"exi:al ami Ntrvous Aüecíions. no matter from what cause jaoduced. Price, One D llar per box - 5-ert, post paid by mail. on rcelpt of an order. Oue Box will perlect tíie cure in m"t cases. Adress JAMES s. BUtLER, 30190 General Agent, 427 Broadway, Xew Yurk. A ( avu to Uie uffeviñg SWALLOW twoor three hogsheads of " Biichu," "Tonic Bittere," í ara par illa." '■ NtivouH Antiilotea," &c, &c. , Vc ., and after you are satifKetl with the resnlt, íhn tr.T one box n'f OLÍ) DOCTOR BUCHAN'á EN'GLiH SPEC'FIC VIL'-S- and be re Ktor'ed tobcalth and vigor in les tlutn thh-ty taya. - Thcy are puicly veetüblc. pleaaarit to t'ke, prompt and salutary in their effects un brok'eB-down nd ahattered jontitut:on. Oldand yourig can taire ibt-in with adrantage. linported and sold in the Uuittc Stuto oulj by JAMES S. HL'TLKR, No. 427 Broadvr y. New York XïW Agent fur the United States P.P.- A Box of the Pilis, se-:urely packed, will be mailed to anv aiddresa on Weel pi of price, wuicli is ONE DOLÍ 4R, post páia- vaoöfij refundid by the Agetit f eutiie datiafactiou iH uot givcu. iJni9G0 Editor of aiïcüs: Deak With your pprníission T wifh to aay to the reilde vs of yonr mper that T will send. bv return mail, toall whö (fne), Rectipe, with full di reet i o ti a Ibr m K-íng and uding a simple Vegetable Hiliu. tit will effettnallv remove, In MTO tfyï, Fimp'eí?, Blotehes, riu, Freek lea, and all Iinpurities of the Skin Ipa ving the same soft, clear, mootli and 1-eauti fnl. ! will also mail (ree to those hwviní ftáifl Hed3, or Brfre Facf-s. simple dircct..ns and ïnformation that will enalile theni to " itari a full giowth ! Luxuriant Hiir, WhiskeMj or a Moustachc, in le?s ihan thirty day s. Ali applieations answt-ied by return mail without charge. ReipeCtfully ynurs. THOMAS F. "H IPMAH, f h mist. 3in'6í) B31 Broadway, Xew York. ïue Most Üsbfül Mkdicinkylx Hl-covkred. - If one enumérale the Hls atteudant u pon irregnlar.iy ol the period in ftmaley, an 1 exrm í lie far-reaching 6TÍ1 ofthestiills to all ootíncftetl with one who may be subjected to them, it ;s Impoawble to controvertthe fact tiiat the Cherok'ee F"iH ia the most u?eful ncJ bcneftcent rafdicine ever offeted to the public. Pure to regúlate with the cxactne of mathemaiical calcula tion. Safe to all, aud infallible iö the rem oral of obstruction md s-ijii-resMon, these IJiüa hould be in thi; piasession of every m.nden, wife and in the couïltry. Don't be villiuei1 ulT w!ll) a'y "thei , bui try the'Chei-okee PJils aïul'vou will fee éonvinced of eMcafey.. Sold by állrtruggists. ïmO66 j&3 PRF. R. S. LY0"s' Piitioöts and all others interrested wilí picase take notice that he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House. Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '65 aad at .he expimtton of which he wil) dis Continue his visits and open hd Iufirmary :it Cleveianfl, Oblo, for the treatmtint of Lung and C3ist discutes. Mathews' Chocolate WoimDrcps ? XEVÏ'HÏ fail lodwtroy aul extermínate all klfifls of Intestinal Worms, Ave i:erfectly reliublc in all cases and far superior to any inl all of the i'ancy Worm onfe-ctions, nd nauaeoua Vermifugee in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect they contain NO MKRoURY, or othr deletermus Üriig.- Mothers fihould alwaya tliem and give tliolr cbildren no oiber. (No Cathartic wnatever, is nece.=sary to'be giren) Eacb box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2ö ets. For Sale by a 11 Drugt-.bts and Dealers ij Me4iC. R. WALKER. General Agent, Iyfï22 Buffalo,K.Y and Fort EriP.C. ST. &g AS lMEBESTisfí Letter,- Messrs Post .S: Bt-uíf, Agente X. Y,Sanitary Society, Rochester. - Gents . ï deern it due to you state the mngical effect of that one bdtflo ffPeoj)lels Cure which I obtaïned from you iji Xovembev last. SeetDg the advertlsement oi jout So ■ ciety offeríníí lo givb yrr meiicine to cleiyymen for the poor of their pariühH,ï (F(íírt',ned a bottíe for a poor girl of my eongntgaiion, who hacílong been bearly help letfsfrom tihoiKnsvtism , and rtgaiige to ay, that one! bottle cured hor rniiiIy. T write this hnj)in it may' aid the Society in ití" effuits to Introduce the loedfci&e, and bless thoic who my need such a remtdy ; and I usestronf; terras, si believe it morits will fully justify the most surierlativc forms of speech. Yours, lïesiiectfully , C, R. WILKÏNS, Pastor of tho First Presbyterian Church 92'ïyl Pitt'for'l, Üómoe Cl) N. Y. The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELKBIïATED SILVLR-C0ATÍ{O FKMA1.K i'HJ.-S. The onlycertain and Safe Romedy for all UterinpObstoictions, Monthly Diflïculfies, ïrregulsritie, and all ! 1 the oïhef diseapeH to which "the Woman, Wifq and ' Mother is peculirtrly lia'ble. Thesfi I'ills eontaïo bo doletorionn Ipgrftdíentf , bnt aro safe and eerflfe}n in their actiiD. They wi.l befouiid to exert thehapiiiest etïcot ia all cfwcfc of f iolapRun Uten, m Leucoirhea, or tbe Wbited ; they will bo found the oasiefit and toost eert win Cure that ca.n he fuund. It is oo iiccouct of tWi certrhity they houM uot be taken by Presrumi Fi-m .Vs (diiriug tke, jirst three montkt, jzs miscarrajfc í.-í certain,) to be brought on, bul at other theïr oh La perfeotly .safe. N.B.-One Dollar enclosed to any auitorized Apent, will op su re packagoof Pilis by rütferri of mail. C. C-CHBY, general 4 geut, Fort Kiift, 0. W,, ÜuifalOj N. Y. Cjutio?t.- Beware of Ciuntt'rfcit, the eenuïnebavo the sijfnatureof C. CMQSBY, onthe oirUuU wrapjfer. For .sale by ali rehpectable DrugïiKts. lyeoTv0iï2 CAMK ïoro t]M fncIoBure of tbe subseriber on tbe o Jim l;u t, one hay yfftriing maro rnlt. & tsniill w-Uitf spot on tb.í incide of the rigrt bind foot and is bout raiddling ni. Tbd owncr it reur-ted i ; tu prove pr'ipfcrty, pav tóui'ge, qöA iste her w,wy. i ÏD-iAP. Jï. r.ANDALL. ' Glad News ík Ihe ünförtnnatel VHS LOJIG SOUGHT FOB Discovers at Last. CHEROKEE BËMEHY AND CHE15OB.EK INJECXÍON, Ccninciuiieil :tnm Kmls, Bark atd eaies. CIIEl'.OKEE RSMSDÏ.U.e sreat Inol'an Dlnretic cnres ml dis ases of the crlcary oreaus, sncb ui InconllDtnce of the Un, Inflan luniioa of Uie Bladder, Inüam nailon 01 il.K UlüucfB. BlODe Is ttiD BlSOder, Btrlctoi-e. Gr:iO!, Ounorrhca. (1 't. nud 12 e. j clally rccor c.eucieil In Ihose ctses of KU.orA.bus 'or VViiiie in fiüjjaie.) whero uil tbe old nnvstoua me'31c:iub l.ive lölli d. 53T It 13 preparo In a lüïlilv conccntratid iorm, aeco-uoüly btloe from one to taapooaful3 tli;oe Uujts 'i. . It 1 dVoiittlc Mi a;:.i. jlire lu t3 atloD : pnrl' !yl!ifii::U ClWDIJV, U b.OOÜ, Cauilag H to flOW In ui: r.I :s orluai pür.ty r.nd vl-por: tün:i removlLig Itoui tlie nyt'.iii alptruiC'JUA caus s w!ii:h liftte tn düced d&eifti. CUElL(HtEE INJECTION Is lnteLdeü as an allj i asUtni to te Cbcrokce Bemodn ÏIia Rl.üulii üc u-ei.1 In c u Junctlou wltti tbat medicínela ■.-.;i cases il Glcct.Uonritiea, Fluor Albus Wliltcs Xtaeffsctsare ii:i big, Büotim:-g ixl deuiulcetit; removing ail scatd-ïBCi auu jlwii, inetead of the burnlrjü aod ali'.iosir umiit:ur-bitr ll- ia cxpericnced ltlmtarly eil tlio chsaj) caacjf Inliet'tB. PSTBy tncuse of Ih3 CHEEOKKE fctMEUT and ClILvííOKKE INJ1L 'I 10K- Sse is o luealcllics at Uie fcamc - uïl Improper 'iucUirties uro reuioved, and tle H-oakei'tid oiai.8 ait speedlly rstorod to fall vigor H:.d ti füjïth. ijiTPilce. tJlii'i'okco Itemody, $2 por uottle.or ! three bottles lor $3. ts Prlc .■, uht-rokce Injection, $2 per bo.t;le, oi three botüi s lor 5. X3f Sciit by lixpr-s to ftny on teoilpt 01 prlce. y For full pirli'juUiB i;t jur pnrophlci irom aDy drug Bt to in the ccttiLtry.or writeixiiind vre willmall froe Co any address. a lull tretUlse, All sucri ordors must be nt io C. A COOK, Chicago, our General Aiïent for tho ïS'cst. Bold by Wholea Ie Pragglsts, and by all Drorl8ti(ycr?wl:ere. C. A. COOK, Chicaoo. Giinerp.l A;oiit for the State of Itlinoia Xowb4 Wl-cuiisin, Ml-cniKan and In d""'tt' Lr W. E. MERWIN & CO., SOI.K 1. 03'EI! T0B9, Xo.5'.1 Liberty roet, 3Sew York. THffi GEEaT SNOIAN MÉDÏOiNÉ, CMPOÜJfDED FBOJf Clierokee Cure ! An nDfalilng care for SemlualWeakneris, Nocturnal JimirbiOGë, ana all dlacasea cav.bcd by Siïf-Polntion, bQiliuH Ijoss of Memory, Universal Las linde, Paina in tlie Back, Dlmnt-bs of Yislc-n, Preinatnrti OM Age, Weak Nérvea. Di.ïieaUy of Breuihing, Ti'embïlng, WattefalQ40$ Krupiiooa on tbe Face, Pale Conntenance, li.üün.ty, Coneumptiou, and all Jhe dlrefnl coiü platstee tuae bvdepar.iug from the path of nature. i'if" iiüs medicine is ,i simple veg-tablu extract, and oae on whlch all cn rely. aalt has brea used In oar for niany years, acd wüb thousaodg tn-ated, it l:-'s nol i'al'fd in a single iustanc. It curativa powerti hvj been BoJBclent W Biiiu Tictory ovr tlie tuost tubborn case. liST io wUo have triflé'lwJth theSr csnBtltutlOQ, untl thftwgai? T?í-yoii3 tho reach of medical aid, we wooUi say, üispaib ïtoi t tne CHEKOBKR UURE will rctiore you to healtb and viffor, iincl after all quuck cloi-iors have fillcd 1 T Pi-ici, $3 per pottle, oï tbrce boitlefor $5, and fovwariedby BzpreBS to ail partof tho world. 0TFor full iarticuitira, et a Circular from any Drug Store In the country, or write to the Agent, wbo wlU mil: Bféé to cny onedcslring tbr. seme, afalltrea tise, in pamphlet form. Allanta or'era mast ; bo ecöt to O. A.. COOK.Cai cago, onr Gfnetal Agent tot tho West. S&dlQ CïiiCiii', hf WholL'SiileIruf;ia, and "by all Drugffistaeverywbore, C. A. COOK Chicago, öeter! Agent for the fitatea of Illinois, Xovva, Wiaeonaiii, Michigan aud la"""' Dr. W. It MSaWIJ. & CO., ? Bolk Pi.gpeiktobb. Ko. W LPKrry trect, Nw Vork Soid hy i 1 1;„ ■■■■ts .n D-jUuíi, íilsu by ST1ÍBBIRS & 11 MtX, Afch Atíiw. OMyl 50,000 ro)Sa of W l11 I'm'i'jt can be fimwü at atore o1' Julm F. MiUer k Co., cojfjfcr of fiiain mwl ffanljiagton ÜtieelE, üoaite Üa.ng8trfer' Huil. aIm, a targrea8örtmntof tfiscellaneoua Brmka nt oldprices. Cloih umi Paper sh-i'ie-, '1,-1, Coris and 'ramea uf all riescrïptinns. Frnme made t order. jPlea&ÊC&lJ anl examitic bvfore purclutí'iiispl.-ípwhi're JOliN F. M1U.ER .t CO. Vune l-t] 164. 8ta9S9 rjR. SMITH'S PUESCR1PTI0N & m mm I ilie place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFÜMERYj "WritinK Paper, by the Retun urtess, 33 3XT -?"33 L O 3 0 , aul uli cfthftt atticlt'3 it gut line. eï ESpedáiwttenti ftto Gomounéhïig rnv putting iip l'i-cRcriiitimis, -at fcue Bign i.f'(,')J.l) Jiotii'AR. Kx.chsnge lilock, Aun Arbor, Michigan ff? ;3r. l'r.jiV.ssoiiní üaiisvi'iipcly uttfiided ro. 1Y9()O 109 City Lots for Sale. RiCHMOMD"" TAKEN ! rlIOili THAT AHKI'Ul;i!IEÜto tlio lale flrm of Slüü i: 0'8i.t will GRANT us a favor by e&JHng on the Undt1gtltcd and payixig' up Boon, or we shall be oUffedft raake a DRAFT on LivtO hy_ a CoucrKmciií officcr. ,r.v í; SON. Ann Arbor, .luly "Öth., 1S63. 9G4vö ÏOÏi, SALE. T'nr.V.r. CITY ITS, if the frÍRtge ■■rsyt.n bar ri. i ' , i !i ■ ■■ -i ifiicu of .Í F.Millor, on Ttli'iitir Avenue. Lnquirc fit Uïg GREtN' HOI'SE. Aun Alba! . .June .20lli . 1S64. 4v.-9t!J. To Clear the House of Flies, USE DUTCHEti'S CELÉBRATE LI6HTNING FLY-KILLERJ a neat, chcap aitioie, oacy to uso. [very sheet will lalla quart. OU KVJSftWJURft, ! 2nïS65 FOR SALE! ANF.W GROVKR & BAKKR HMV1NG MACHIXE, Km . NEW BÏN9EK ilACHlTTl;, nTTbV Taiinly or uiaiu.!aoíí:riugptteMl. Aj'vjti THE AIIGTO OFFICE. Ctttitfon. AI.LPlRSOXSareli.ivli' w.irnRrt not to purchnee y, ct'iuin ProipUftory Noto given by the undyrKiyned to C. L. Botton), on tljo 8 tb rty of Jul.T, ust., fnr five hun'ifftd dollarB, payaWe one dt. ABBaid note wa=i btkïnecl withon confitwation, íní is, for ' thex reapong. void, I ihall refus-e puymeD', aud retibt its colleoticin. CORNELIÜS GIII.rtriE. AnaArbnr.Julyli, 18(4. 9 S.4 LYSFEPSIA, DKEA SES BESUITIKO FROJIj DISOEDEKS OF THK LIVER AND DIGSSTIVE ORGANS, ARK C'I.'KKD BY HOüFLAKD'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GK.EAT STRENG THENING TIiisp liitlcrs hnvr peiformcil inore Tnrrs HAVE AND DO GIVEBKTTER SATISFACTIUX have mokk r'espbot ahle pkopi e TO Vi UC1I FOK 1HEM! Than nnv othet artïily iu te aftrket. We defy any one to contiadict this Asscrtion, AD WÍLXi PAÏ SlOOO Tu anj onü who wíl! protiuc.6 c Cc-rtificato pubiidlitd bj us.thatla not HÖOFLASD'S UI BITTERS WILL CCRE IX EVERY CASE OF Chronio 01 Nervous Dcbiiity. Discafies of the Kidiieys, and Dlseasts arisiug fioni disoideied Stonaach. ObtcTTilhi foll'ttcivB stfmptome Tcsvh'ntfi from IXsordtrê of iht Diizestivc Orgavs : Co'i.stiufttion. Inivari] ]'ilc., Fulln"Sb of Blood to the l!i'ii(3 AoMK 7. of the STi.maeli , Nuiseii. IJy.irtburu, Disgust for lorie!, Fullnt-s 01 -ilit ín r lie ftoioucb Öüiir Ei uctatiön, zinking r Hult. fipg üt tliti .it I of iMStimach.awimiiÉJngol thé Ui-ad, Hurrlbd aatl llfficult breathiüg. Fluttrhig at tku Uoarl , Cliukiug ui Suirucntiug ;)0O aationy wtien in a Lviug , Poüture, Dimness of Vision, Dota or Web before t!iR SigM, Fovcr nnj Dull Pain in the Heul. DtfldiVncy Dl Prepiration. Ycllowness of the Skin nnd K.vcs, pain lo tlie sido, back , !!test,limb.s. &c . tíuríden üushei 01 Ucat, Qurninir in the Fleah, Constant Imagiuingfi of Evil and Great Dcpressiou of Sp tita, THAT THIS BITTERS IS NOT AL QHOIIC, CONTAINS Nü Eüi OR WOISKEY. A.ND CAN'T MAKE DRTJNKARD3, EUÏ In the World. ST REU) WHO SAYf SÖj From the Rev. I.evi C. Ceel;, l'aaior of the Baptist Cburcli, l'embeilon. N. J. .oruierly of the .orth JautistCliurcli, Philadciphia. ♦ 1 hxveknowii Hoofland'a Germán Bitter farorably fora numberoi yeur-, i have ued Uit-m in mr orj íamily.and haTébeen no pleacd uit], th.-ir effect that 1 wa nducedtii reooratnend theiu to others. and kuuw tmt th-y liave operated d a stnkiuiílv beneücial manner. J tukegreat pleaaur in thiis publ cly pro claimlBgthUfact,an,doallIngtho Httemiun of tlioe afliicted willi the diiMHt fur which they re roem these bitters knowlng froin experlence that my recumnienualion will besustauicd. I io mis more (heuifuljï as Hooflaml's Bitters la In tended to benefit the aülicted . and is "not a ram drink." Youra truly, XVI G. BKCK. From Rev.J. Newton Brown, il, D. Editorof tbeL-- clopeiUa of Rellgloua Knowledge atd cLiiatiati Ch'i'oni ele, l'hiüdelpbia., Ithoogli not ■Jiit(wd tofavor er rocomratnd Patent Medicines m Keuerui, th-ouzh distrust of thcir ngreaients au.l oftecta, 1 yet know of ao miflickut ruii why a maumaynot tMtify to the beneiit 1,-e beliews lnmself tob verecei ved frow any imple preaiion in hope that he may thua ooatribut to the benei of others. 1 út, this morercadilj in reard to F{ooÜ!ir,d's German Bltiers, préf ared by It. C M. Jarkson, of t'nin c y, beca use I wa prejudierd ugainst tluni for mauv yearB, unüerthe injpre.s.s'um th:i. thny wf-re cliietív jiii alchonólié mixture. 1 am ii.debted t niy rienü 'rinbirt ilioem.'.kvr, Eiq , lor ihe rsmoval r.f this ;refu'lice bv proper ti-sts, ,i.i lor wcouiagem.cot to tty them wlien Bufferitig fn urgtral aod jnmi tuuivd áetüilv The u-e c.f ihiec bitilva (■ h.iifr.. nt the ht-.r,;,' mng oftBe present ye:'.r, lAllnwuil üy ovideJit relief and rextr.r.itien ti a ílrfjj l bixtíl] and menta I rigor which I huil not for sis mnnthi bifore, .,,1 1I almos t áespaired „Ircgaining I tWrefcre thahk üod and niy frii-iiti for üivtciiug ir.e to tl e :i-t o1 tt.em J. -VI wiox EEÓWN, Phila i'ron: Ilie Rev. Jos. H, EfinbAfd, Pitsior of the lö'LBan lint Chuich. ' Dr. Jacksnu : - Dear Pr:-t havobeeu frequentie req.ifHteil to i'cniiiKot nalue ttith cujoi!leaialiou"s of different kinds ofrfiedfcini s, btit rfgardin? the p aciice as out of iny al)Dr,rprial! ajihere, l li;.,-n aii declined; but ïfilh i el--av;jn.of in various instM rei !".ti':ul-.!ly in BIJ fcirailv)!' the usefuillKiSof llr' SToOÜa&d'a lei i:itn Hi tt i-í, I i:cpi t lor onott. fioni nu UHUalcourae. tp e?pres9 tny ï l. li L-iinvictiop t'nat, or general. Isbility ol tbc systi n ad i cuilly for l'ivtr ('omplüinc. ltfia Kift and valliablf [)rci,;.iü!i jr.. 1,. ome case It may lail; hut uauully, I iiou t wili be very beneficia! to thoae ïvhu suffer lï. in tka niiov,cauae. Yours, very rus pectfully , J. II KF.XS KT). Kighth belüu ( ealti treet, Phil. Fren Bft. ffairrn RaVtdoiph, Factor cf the Usptlst Cburch, GormantoWB Peun. l'r. C M. Jwkfion :- tfoarSir ;- P.TSon.-iU-xppripnce enible.srne lo .-y Éhal I ri'fca,rd füe Ón mini BitiVr prepared ly jou as a. ïntitl enï medici fie. ln6he ol severe cold uad Rejieral.,;í,ilt y l have (,. WIi , l'emtitedby tfce nB of the Dittws, and ioubi ndt tht-i ■ ...tuce aiuiilar (jffottts on olbers Yours, truly, WAR::,'..' IUND0I.BS. Germantown, l'a. Tro Rev. .1. U Turner, Pastor f ElfMilS M. E (-'lunch ,1'iiila. Dr. Jncksoi:- Pear :-ir .- H.iving UBed vnnrCmtiin Bittere in iiiy laniiif liequently.I am prepred tonay t-hat it bas been ol rreal sorvioè. I believe t hat In most cat.e.s cf Kt-uvrul dt-bihty uf the y.stej.i il is the s,itoü. ad moet viSuable remedj of mhicb. I have aiiy knewiedge. Youra, iü.i)ei;tfullj, J. H..TUKXER, Xo. 726 N-. X.i.eieoüHi S:io.. From the Rev.J. Nf Lvn,i,, forjnWl.y 'astor ni the Co lutnbur,, (N. J.j and MMlsiowt, (Pa.; liptia! ühurehes New {ooíjsjle, N'. Y. Dr.C M. Jaukw.n :- I'esr tir :_I ,.li it ;l -,.. (hun,, f my. o to boar ''iiu: :■ ■ ;i'. í'.-ticí; cf rtte '.rruiait üitiei'. . rin ■ . , , kJuci . boine lauch altii'.te.l vvilIi insut-iii. , l u:-! , Kun wirii verv bitefioral resulte I have ollen rscónilníi led ri'Liie.i by that loiui.'otj.); ,li,,e ■i.-,. aïifl havi neapa from tTiem the most O";ttteriu"g tost'moñíalÑ auto their jfreat valué, lu c.ikíi.oj geojá-al -uijülry, I believe it to be a'. oiiic that eau uot bsnfpaed J. M LYOXS. From the t!ev Tl.c-e. Wintir, Paster ol Roübcroufri Baplist i.tiuril, " Dr. J.ieksfn ■ - IViir Sir : -1 lefl it duc to yoúr' oxeo) ler,t preijiaraliili, II.,!!.üm' '.-rnian nittnrs', U wÜ nu teatimpny to,.the des'-rved rejjtitutiou ; j,., obtainep I have forytars, at timos boen trnubk"! w:th prent rtl' nrrk'r in my heii'l aml prrvoiis -JvstfTn [ wf, s ndvisfiri Dy n Ericnd to tr.v a Imttle of i'our Germai: r.iiti.t ] did po and hae rucporitic-ed ste;it und urtexpfeted to li1 I: pij firí'.itli han been Very materitilfy eae-fltted. I couiuleutlv rfcnnimen.i the artic.Ie w ere I imet fitli r.üartomy owa, u nel have been atsuftíd by many oftlie:r good -fiecti Kisi-ctful!y T0U1-B, T. WINTER, Eoxucrough Va. From Rev.J. S. [lermirn. of the Cernían Ifcrinecl Church.Kutifnvn,j'Befks Co i'a. Dr. (' M. rackucn :- Respected Pir .- I mie '.oen tronble.1 #fth riyspej la pearjj l-.-rnty yVars t never usod any medicine that dii me us niiu ii flrtnftmil's Tiitteii. atn vry much inii.rovtd í: healtii after having taken fi'-; hrilUpa a"-, ■ i:li rei. peet, J SHi'RMAH. PBICES. I.arge i?ize ("hoKiing neai'lv doublé'ity ,) Í1 00 per hall dm. Í5 DO. ?m;itl Size - 76 cents per Boulc - half (lozen $4 00 BEWARE OF COlTNTKKFEnS, fee that llie t(fnatur „f " c M. JaCKSOS'! ík on the WRAPPE8 ofeaeta bottle shonl.iyoi.T nf"rf( l'rucüist i.oi huc not be,put Qfl bv ii-ioxicatlnV pivpriitionï thiit offeffd Va its lip, b.ui ■■! to u.-,and we will lorvird, securoly picked . by alproi k Prir.oipn! Oflïoe nnrl Manuf;ictoy, NO 631 ASCÏÏ STREET, PÜILaDELIH A. eTones & Evans. Successors to f M Jackson !f (jo. PüOfiUETOi.S. , Fr ale hv Drujfss'saadpfííríi-síp 6rr.T o ta BníFalo Tcstinioiiy. CÏJRÏ Rb--9m. "1 Iroubltd vith lUii-um.,tsm for tivo er stiITerinff more les eñtf dy. I i,ttvc taken two li;.ti;vMniK''i ■--i-'- 5 l-'uri-,' ml have nol imJ anr ;,.: ii ■Inca I leu i; olí inore ti,, ín four'weex ago. I c UHi'lrr mj-si-ll n.svi.tmly onrod, the innllclna haj) iñude asa ífcel verv liph ni-d poed- just 111 a vouug man thoueli Iam Mxfy two fesra oíd OuDfKEV ECIIl.ri Kt.lO'-1 Michigan St," "My fe ha been sttflf ring frtm 'Rlnt mafi'jín of Ut iníinri;m:ito! febaruttftl J;0 tibo&f Bfx OÍ" Reven y( al omtrot)r vviv Alioui lhol]?t of June laat abe ccmmencecl 1akii,(j t1 Tu.ple's Cure ' and contmmat. taks It sotas weeks In ten davs nrtgr Ue eoinin. ivllinganí Kifliuinof her loiotl Zy4H,fïe aDd iu1!ire-k-1'4 f% , CURE SSL "in-uof ou: onc of tliem i.fflictoil wlth n bKdl'evcr Sure. thcoibtr witl I-arirg era iheadnirtiseroti.t of the 'l'eople'n Cure' n thii papef.purcbhspdtlie Slcrlicipennd now. after l.avlnc tLiu í.ukUj triad it.rfpoit te us.,;. mmetiiij t mott lu-mtilv a a tbnrough rcmeJj iu tiieir case.- Editor Chilstiün .Jocnto. THE PT;TP Cures Mu su PEUl'l.E'3 Vv L il 1 of the Sk,i "Mv fsee luis for inore tïïan ten rears beonereatly Jnflgure.l b.v i ruiitionsand bunciies, nlikh m time extended orer my whola bot; . and oncafor tfree dv maío nio inürrlv blhld : uut Ín, une taken tivo bottlc cf the 'I'l-uiIv's Cine.' m.v acquHlntances Lardlv rec..Ifliin; me- Ii;deedl l.anlly knnw a. 1 ín n(,ir nwellmnn. Let uil w!io ulikc" nüücttd try lli '1'cople'aOure,- t'ne Ik-dicincprepared bv the PanitrT Soclety-aid I tbink they wiil not begrudge thcir dí " „ , "I(WKP" BODR,TaBBtt, Mechanlc S '■Euflttlü, Not. 16, 1862." ,.FrTM. rTTRTT Cure Scroful. 4 'I hare uBidtbe'Heople'a Cure' la my f::ra(ly wlth ','rent beneflt. ji oaes ni S rofula .iml Sult Rlieum accj have recommendulit liefjueiill.v tn rnv f'iends, all of wboni T belieu Imve beeu ueneíitted and must of tbettk jntircly cwrcd by it. CIUS.'.SClUrtF. 273 Main St.,up-star.i." ri'OlLE'S bUlVTj Weaknenses "I have heen in feeble hoalth over since the-bfrth of my boy, wlm a no le:ve ycars okl. I iiaie had mny t roubles an3 dtfflcultfe. all tLls time, anRtting uu fu-r eyerj krnd ol labor, and dotroying uil my cwn fuvt, Lust ummer Icoramencod taking tbc Teopl' Outèi'asd have usc.i foor bottl--s, and om novr almost awellwoman. My diOicultivs have nearly all di.ap peaitd, and I fetl cïiocriul :md baopT. "41KS. CAT11APÍNE DEWALD, Dressmitker, Cuüdt-11 Alle', ab)TeTutxer ut "Eaffaiu.Ocl.EO, 1--62." THK rTlDT,"1 Cur" w''"i 'he PL01'lK-d l UMI1 B8.ilcilwsft.rt "My wifo has beon in poor health for a long t ira baring fpoquemly te r-alln ibvsician t altend but j she was recently very mucli wors?. l'nr fiy r six Kct-'ku sbe lind no aiT-etri, lost all her strength, and wase&cli lay (rroh,p. wdrne, Mti had nigbt awfat, coughed a great dea Jüiinireach niht nml considerably üurSn;? ïhe da;. . and we :11 .ujiposed sbo n-a going off wlth the ctmsumptioll. ivben h triouil adrised her to takethe'Peoule.-'sCiircj, On taLing tlie medicine sbo peroelved a cc'onge at onoi. On tbc ihlrd rlayshehar recovüit-ó her ajpetite. and m, f„,t regainins: hur strtugth. uiitil, on the tihtli dav, ncit yet havinp ta ken om boitle, Khe ha cloppeii tukinc the medi'-ine saiUK f.he as na wellas nuybc.dy coulv be and slie bas contilmed so ever pinoe. "KiDL KI l'I.V, ijardner, S2 Pearl st. "BuiTaio, October 1 , 1K2." L3" For ?ale by all Druftiists. 922v1 r C. CfOSBY, Ot-nenil Agent, No. 2.15 Ma;n ui. . Uuffa'l., N.l , Ui wbum allordulsshuuld be ddresed. For=sl(.'v :■[ nsivi 'iVlL+iV OUKVVILLl S FULIE ind C. l.BKBBAcu 4; Co. WONDFKFUL í[7 CEfrSj fffr Tbe atíentioQ rid rusente)) of llie hitMt ftfJ tinguislieri Chetuisifc and l'iiy.-icians tot yéarjg h-.e been devoted tutln productum oí a ii-ïïiedv for tb siiiü-l'!mircK3iiLg lüiilmiiy Nüf :aigia jui1 tUittriOT .l-Jv; After long slU'lv ana ni my expeiíaient-t. n sptrijri: jxreparatioH hits been discoveren . tñrlpiá Kiuií.ai: Infernal Retnt,y.r curÍDg thounaudn ai can- wluTon II otUér remedio." have ur ti H f ai leu. Wc jiro bal ii is un mre ■' AV():fVk,"' reltdvfng for lentwttil" thi. cause moaa-mR, but u perfeci PEÖFlCana CURE rur toop pnnfu] 'lisera. The vhhi iiuin-V-or nt LiaiKjeiits. Frabrócátioastiad Kxtfrnal MdiciDea, ívIiíq]] nct n stimulaiiu ni thti asarla ce i nlv, arpniBreï.v temJiorK.iy in tliir lfec3 anri ' f dnubtful viitue The XI'XííALi.M KIXG soiirw of iU trcublt-, uuü eílcduallv banishes the disease frutt Fricf'-ímt' Düllai per Rot t le. Prfarefi by C. i:. WALKFR. 922BuíTaro-N Y , nn Fort Erié C. W, í' C ï n ■ i'-A ;i í f o. A GOOD TREE IS KNUWN BY l rrsi'Knt'. Su ]s a jj;noíi Miysieííwi bv liis uccesstul Works. l'ROFESSOR H. J, LYONS, THEGREAT N1) rU.u:.IK(i ri!VIi:iAN UF THE T.i.'.oat, i.i "("s axii niiT, K. own íU oves tht; ouur.Tr; a tlífi í!vWi'ted I1SDIAS U E R B DOCTOR! Fi bm Mjuth Americí , #iil be al bis roQmft, ïWKiji. iiíji.'sr:, Di:ri;oiT, OnthelSíh íinO I9ib tnt..ín thc aanio dale of and evefy dubsequctii mnnt'li iluring Ifi6ií and löW, A M'. ÍT iV.MPjllJ-T tí tiw life,ítu-dy íuiÜ cjtTt'fiii'. u iraveis of Dr. Lynua ;:an h- r-" cuv o (i by i il o m iltiri' me, fret of chiye. !)r L wit! Puit Á.E.n Arb'it, JAckaou.and Adriau, Mtch..fin fuLÍGWíi : Aun Arbor, iloiiitoi Eïauac ÍOih. Jaoksop. Hibbard House, SlHt Adi-ian. ra i !■■ . ".íM and KM. AIodk of Kxakination. - Tlu' Doctov iliscerns ilieanfrit bytkeeyes. ffe'; llívrüfore. sskb no qnetiune nor re q 'if s pntkiuts 'SUi]i sjinptoms. AÜlieieil, como íükI' yrtifrn vnin toma and i hp lo catión of yoar diBttieoíplaífcóá ret; oí' eliarc-e , ; laíiliooi : Huw Lost. Hovv JUT PHPM-IIFP.n new M-ihD cf l)r, tulvcr. vvatW bi-.t.d i-'asflyon tb roiíal cure ( withcmt ni.-rli j.iR ) 'ii fKrvWATofciíüoA, uj rtra 'n;il V' 'Ivip-s-, iry erhinil I.tKst---. un [tj . tuj . , Mental hüiI l'liyMcal Ineapacity, ltiipeii■ m ' 'uiiümnptiii .'■■.inlt'psy ; iu Fíts, indufleS bv t-lf mdulcenee cy sexual estrvü-tf Pi'ico , ïn a switt'd yrtpV, rmly ft cent. ■'■■Ur.iiH: auMior n thifirtdmiribl eway clenrIv lt..n vnslrate-i, fr y) a tliat.v -.:u-, &$ íw,sí.iil prac- t)ft,tnat th ;;t;n iu'mí; conELuince ofsfïH ttbusè jiiav . .e., ii .i TMí-ruü-i use of intert,. me.dici.i:.pfr the n pplifutio. of the kuif1 - p" int ing ont.-imo't' of èli ro rt ('nee siinnJt. crtaín an'd effectufil, bjr mo:ïti tífyhiíh üíery anServa, na matter wlüit hisconrlition m v bo. ma y ouruhioiselí cheaply. pflvfi tflj , and itRÏA .;'!!' OThifl tectune nhdfrff Wta tïië hnruin of pyery V 'T'.1. HoT(Ty uifin it U;fl;in.l. -■ ■ ■ , ih ■ ■ ■-■'l. '." ■. ,. ir, u fitvft'npf, tonnv !i dctrjPKHj poijïai'i, ññ Wcipt'tjf ïx eeotfl, r turo díamps, Ad: djyjua ublislK-rs. CIIAP..T. r. KWStik CO 121 Hory.Xew York, I'n.t .ffic box 4586. 9$ttf ( _ Stt FAIHBANKS' jSC A. L ïïl S, $rj ! O!' AI.I. K'f. AIO, ïmum% mmiM a co„ liü li.,ltc Kiic(., cU'4ft!O. SoH in Detroit hy FMITIAXD. PIIELKY fe CO. JKS Be care'nl tn biij nfy ( JjflSS ' __ ___ ___- GEVL C1ÉÍÍ8WÍH MERC11AKTS, wa tioulb n'UT fc'tn'.-' . CECIC3A.C3-O, ILIINOIS, Bemors Hi Grain. Flmir, ProvÍ6Íons, eed, öreon aod Dried Fruit&, Cidor, cC'C. lïofei'pncvs: I reston.-Wlbril J: Im ( u , TLicifO. 8. Bothforti Sc (3o, , Ana Arbor. Miclii''5f ''"rtinntai fttntiny ivt n te the ale oí Grci-n ana frW Fruiu. Cirtcr, .-o Orden tor ibf r.f ni Tlrooihy ' Seed. r,jt A.e-, preiapüy ütten'ltd to tf qboiopni': !lït Mt et iïiiftrtrr rftiei Kl


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Michigan Argus