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1 HHÍIE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES -A. WLLL be inr the ílcuin g of the Nationi. BibU. Trof. 3E. IiYONS, ■ TJIK (JRIáAT ANJ) í.KI.KIiirv TKÜ I'HYSN'J N of the THKOAX,LÍWJa, IlK.vlÜ , I.IVímí ANI1 TUK BLOOO, Knuwn til Dvrr t.heeountry as ho i ioi.buka i KB I3NTI3I-A.isr KEK-K DOCTOR Of 282 Superior Stret't, ('leve lanu , Ohio. Will visit the (pllowmg placas, viz AI'l'OLVniKXTSFOR íSO, 18Ü3 and 1864. I'roí'. R. .'. Lvcnfl c&b be cousultod at the frlloivin places evci-y month, viz: Detroit, KuaselHoiiBej eaoh month, ISUi and 19th. Arm Arlmr. MonitocHouse, éftch manth, 20tb. JiicUon, Iiítiianl House, each niduth, 21. Adrián, Hr.icK-t Houko, each nionili I22d snd23d. Toledo, OUii), Cullins Houíe.each month, 34th, 25tli aml2f;ti'. ' ' ' H-UUdale, líiüh. , Hill.-l;Uc Hou-se, eacli montli , 271 h . CöHivater, MÍl-Il. 8outnora Micliiaa Houkc, eacli iiiinilli, 28th. Klkh;.rt. Klkli.'ii-i Tlnuse, e;ich month . 29th, South Benijj I mJ . , .st. ,). Unte!, c;icli montli, 30. LaportOj Indi, Tee (Jariien House, each month 31s(. W6pelerrUhtojCrntÍeJlL!xchange, each mouíh, 7th an18th. Síaosfield, ÓhióJ Wifei1 House, each month, 9th and lOth. Mt. Vef non', ICenyon House, eaeh montJi.llth and 1-Jth. Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month 13th and I4th, Painesvllle, Ohio, Cowlr-s ITouse, each niontli 4th ('I.KVKI.AND, OIUO, RESIDENTE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Kast of the public square, oppoaite the Postolïïce. Oílic: day eách monih, ïat, 3d, 4th', 5th, 6th, löth.- OJÏicu hou ra frum 9 A. M. to V M, amï from 2 i'. AI. to ■1 f. M. OnSunday from 9 to 10 A. M., anti 1 to 2 1 M. ,6ii-Mai;us.s!riclly iiilhered to- I give such balm as have no strife, Wiih nature ot the lai--s of üfe. With blood my hands I ni;ver stáin, Nor poison men their pain. líe Í9 o. physivian indeed, ivho Cures. The Iu.liaa Hert Doctor, K. J. LYONÖ, cures the foliówing compiaiiits iii the most obstinate siages uf fcheir existencQ. yizi Discases of the Tíiroat, Lúpgs, Haartj I.iver, Stomich, Dropsv ín Uití Chcst, Rhe'umatiBm , Neuralgia, Fits. r FftlliñgSiekness,an4aII othor Qeryousdei'angemepts. Also all 1 i soases of the biOpd , such as Scfofula, ErjBÏp:las, ösitcers , Forer Sor&s, Lejgirosy, and all other comjlicateé bltvuttic cönöplaints. All foriErá of femaia difiicufties attended to with the lappiest resultsi lt is hpped tli t " ene will of a cure uiitil hey hav giveu thilydian HevB ïoctar,'s Medicines a 'airand faithful trial. Lttring the travels iu Kiivfijn'. 'Vc;-I Indies, South Anmica. and tho JuiteH States, he has been ie instrument in áod.n land. to restore t-C hcalth ftn'd vigor thour-aiidR who verê given up an1 pronounced niei;rablo by uhe most eminent oM school pliysicïans; nay, mort , thÓUKaWds vho were on the vtagffl of tlie rave. are now living to the Indian Herb's Dpctoi's skill and uccessful Ereatment, andaré daily exclaiming: "B'esed betheday when flrst we saw and partuok of the ndian Herb Doctor's medicine. " atisfactory references of cares will be gladly and '■■.e rfully giren n heoaTer requfaped , Tl eDoctor pledges hi word and oaor,that he wil! fino wUe,dïreotIy or indfrectly, induce o.r cause any n valid to take hit medicine v-it hout the strongest probabilitj nf i cure. ÍKS"" Mode of cxaniination, which is entirely different rom the faculty Pr. I.yon professes to discern dieases by the eye. He therefore asks noquestiona, nor toes li e require patientsto explain symptomK. Cali one and all, iml have thesymproma and tocation of your [íseaseexplaínedfree of charge. fê&The poorshall beliberaUy considered. fiPostofflceaddress, box 2663. R. J. LYONS, M. T'. Cleveland, Ohin, Nov. 25. 1862 ly80 '■■-■■■ ' " - ■:..-,- - '■■.- ■ . ... O. BLISS WouM tafee tlii methocl of informing his o ld friendh and piitvuiiii ;iinl;iü otliers w!n niay favor hita with their patronage, ttat hc-has greatly enïavged his stoelt and Assortment ! au J ha ving adoptod the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYlNG & HELLING s prepared to sell Goeds at Hoaeona "RoZe jfjiceiSf sto:k conslsts in par oi cUe following: - AMERICAN' AND OTIIER Pífyi JÈ7"atches! ■lS SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD oriAlNS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLERY ! Pazurs, Slifiu-s, Scissorsaud Brnsbw, ROGKRS PLATED WARE, the best in market, Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENYP-OPES, Musical Instruments, Striwgs Sf Bnoks fbr Instruments S3PBCT A.C?Ij3í3S, of Qold Silver, Sleel,ar.d Platal, xoilh PERISCOPIO GLA.SS, a superior article Persons having difficult watclies tofltwitli glasses can be nccoinodated, a mj stuok is large'anl) complete. P-. S. Particular atteution to the of all kinds ofiine Watches, such as Miiking ainl Setting new Jcwels, Píviígvx. Stsffs, and Cylivders. Aho CLOCKS, Sc TEWELKY tieatly repaired ind warrantett, at lii s old standeast sideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann rbor,Xov. 25,1862 826tl GREAÏ.GREATEE GREATEST BAIiGAIKS EVER OFFERED 1859. ,1859, In thisCity, are now being offered at the OHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & j e w o 1 xy SS t o r oTHK Subscribe r wouldauy to thecitizensof Ann Arbor.ii particulnr, and tht: rest o( Waihtcnaw Cmintv inaonnral, thal hthasjuat 1MF0HTF.0 IURECTLY from KUKOPE.b Tremendous Stock of Watchce! All ofwhichhe bincis hirasolfto sell CHEAPKRthan canbe bought west oí' Now York City. I have also the CELÉBRATE!) AMEltfCAN WAT CUES, wliich I wlll aeVi ttr $S5. EveryWatch warranttxi to uerfunn well.orthe money rotnnded. Ölocits, Jewelry, Piatod Vare, Fancy Goods. Gold Pens, Musicallnstruments and ritrings, Cutlery, te, ind In fact a vnriety of everythinc u au Ril y kept iyJewolers can be bought tor tíio next iiinety days at youv own peiceSj Pe.reons buying nnything at this we!' known estobHahmc ii t enn rcly upon getting goodt exnct'y a 3 represented, or themoney refunded. OaMchtIv mid eecure tho best bargains ever oftered irj:bíf City. One word in regard to Repairing : Wn nro preparod to mnke any reünirs onfine or com 111011 Walc'n'H, ov( n to nickini' o er the entiro watch, íf nocescflry. Repuirlnif of ClÖéice and jewelry as usual. Al so tb o Doaui)Qc.tarlnc oí UÏNGS, BUOUCHS, or Ruythincr do3ired, from C;ilijvrni'i Q--Añ on short nottce. Encrvinyin aliits hranctiesexoooted withneatnofl8uuddi3patch. J C. WATTS. Dlssoluilbii Notïce mriE FTRM OF CHAPÍN, "Woon & CO., wna lisolTed 1 Jiiniuirj 18, JS63, by miiUial consent. C. A. Chapín and A. II. Woud willsettletheaccounts of thplh-m. C A. Chapín, a. 1!. Woon, V Chapín, e. Wklls. Ann Arbor, June B4, 1 ?.bZ. Coiiarnerslsip. TTK UNDERSÍGNSD entcrert into parineriip Jan. W,19B3,flby-.ehc iin.i nfime or Cfiapfb ft CaZ, anS wlll oootiuue Ihc tuainoss oT njnnufacti-ring iiintin(; and wrappinp: paper. C. A. Chapi, y. Chapín, V. O_vrN. Ann Artor,Juse2;,lS3 SlIHf BANNER IIAÏ STORE o O O T O Bef ore you buy , Spring and Summer stylea oí STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. jtnn Arbor, April 20th, JSB4. 3m953. EMITIRÉ BOOK STORE! HaviDg purcbased ,T. E. WEBSTKR'S stock of Tior.lis ind Statiouery, I shall enikavcr to kcc) a constant upply ot SCHOOL BOOKS, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL k LAW BOOKS STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASÏI PEICE. Also ALEUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC nd. a Bupenor cjualtty of WALL P-aPSR ! ini overvtiiitis u-ualïy kc-pt ia ft well conductcd Book 'toro. ÖpJoeilÈ Fr.niküu HoÜSêj G. W. SNOVER. Ana Arbor, June, 18G4. 1,9CO Rifle F actor y! Beutler & Traver, [Successors to A. J. Sutherlanö,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns.Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouihcs Gamt Bags, and Evcrjother article l t.hat Line. All kinds or REPA IRÏN 3r lone at tlie shortest no ti ce, and intiiebest manner, i f ull assortment al vaya kopt on hand and made order f?, Shop corner Main ;md Washington treets. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8! 1362. 873tf MICHIGAN CENTRAXi INSURANCE CÜMPANY KZalaraazooi IVTicli.' Insurcs agalnst !,rss 01 Damage Sy Fire or liightiiing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guarantee Capital, by State Authority, 000,000,00. DIRECTORS: J. P. Kennedy, Marsh Giddings, A. P. Milus, Geo. W. Snïder, 8. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allek, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Prei. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, See., A. P. Mills Treas., H. E Hoyt' Ass't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. 940tf WIZAE D OIL. The greatesit intei-nnl nel external reraedy over ofTcren to the lublic, for tlie care of i-clies aud l'ains,is Hamlin's Wizsard Oil. Xo family, ojoce kaving fljoj-onghly tried, will be without Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It will cure Ñervo ti ü aud InflAinmatory Paius more and suraly ilinn any otlir article in use, It ■r-tsiinres unly a fw minutes application of Hamlin's Wizard üil. Te ure tiie pain sntirely in sil case-s of fVeuraljCilnHcttdnclie, Toothache, Enrache Cuts, and Haml'n's Wizard Oil. Is also a eer t af n atidspeody cure fir Rliciimatlsm Spin i us, Lnnie Huck Sove Tliiat, I)ip(h rla , Iian In . Crainp Collc, Frost BItcs Hm is aiuJ Scalds. Hamlin's Wizard Oil, Ja no hunibua;. Try it. and lts woiiderful effpcts will you. l'RICK '25 and 50 CKNTS PER BOTTLE. Tlut iifty cent botLles cnnt;iiu nearly three timfts as muco as ftra tvcr:.'y-fve cent sizo Ka-nufacUired hy J. A HnmlLn A Bro , 102 Washington Str.-et, Cliicngo I-TI, I, r;i:, VWVW & FULLfeR, 'M and 26 Mar-ketSt.H CLiicago, are Whalgale Ageut for Iy951 Hamlin's Wizard Oil. VEWTILATION & WARMING! o Tlie nnHr{f!nei] 1,-p.pps on haVfi ml wil] supply ARCHIWCTS, BUILUHis, im,l INDIVIPU AI.S, vitj, any of iheho cclfbratf-il mncliioes for the warmingof kulldidgn u) short noïife. I.le uill also c liftppy ïo i;ivp snch in-: riirti..i,s ld al] wfio are about to Luil'il as will tnable tlurn tn -ivarm thetr lioucs al abmit luill' the (ixpcnsi' for iuel that thoy ca MSïi'oly lo bv any other moïtnp. KEPEREKOEa. O. F.BKRBAC-I, Ann Arbor. A. A. SCHOOL IiOARD Jaoob hanGíTErfe;:, , ÁrcrsTüs wipenm vn. Arm Aoyr, Msrch iifi, 18(14. PmO48 2st:e"w FURNITURE ROOMS door Norüi of Risdon and Hendcrsou's Hardwai Storo. The limlcrsigucd haring purchaied tlie enMre stuc of W. D. Smith & Co., and added largely to the same isprnparoil tu (urnish hfs !n-mU and patroon a goot assortuient of well made furniture, consisting of SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BGOK-CASES TABLES and CHAIRS, of all kinds, and n fact ofeverything pnrtaiuinii to th busiuess. L Ó U Jtf G ES, MAÏRASSKS, &c, te, made to order hy ernoü and experienced Work men, and warranled to give satisfaction. He also keejis agoil assottniept of Cherry a.n. Walnut Liimhe for sale al reasonablo pricos. Au.l wil! also pay the highest market ),rice for Cherry, Walnut, and White W(]i)dl,innbi.r. P. S. lic has also purchasod tlie neiv and ELEGANT HEAESE! of Smith & Co., and isprepared to furnish all kinds o Wood Coffins, Metalic Cases, A-KTD CASKETS, On the shortest notice. Also nttends to laying out deceaHfd persons day and night, without charge. Al furniturO delivered iuthcity free of charge. W. U. BENHABL Ann Aibor, January 18l1i, 1863. 940tf o GRÜNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE k EETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. We, the undersijüned, bep: leave to lirform the CITIKNSOKa.VN ARHUI! and vicinity, (hat ivehavcthis ay established a Tobacco and Cigav businoss in this door North of the Krauklin Block, Main 'trect, whcre we hall always keep nitill assoitment f the best quahties of SMOKING & CHEWLYG TOBACCO! s alao a large anrt choice selection of the best branda of CIGABS! PIPES, (Merschaum, Brier and Rosewood,) OIGAE HOXaDERS INDIA RUBBEE POUCHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. Will be fnurid with us of all kinda and of Pkices io UIT Everv OXE ,' We shall sell all of the above mentloneil aüticles and many others which belong to our line of trade at the lowest powsible rale tot cash. Pleaae cali and examine . N. B. - Sign - Squaw with cigar box, one door nortfi of the Franklin Block. GB.UNER & SEYl.ERr Ann Arbor, May 2d. 18W. 9ó5tf. THE LATEsT AKIÍIVAL -OFM SPRING GOOI! -ATJ-. 3E3C. 2!E_a. -STIKT ja-nXJ'JS). 0-0-0 I am now recciving a large STOCK of DRESS COODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Silks, White G-oods &. Laces, GL O VES Sc HOSIERIES, BALMORAUsLTtS. Prints, Sheetings, Dcniius, Tickings, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ! TVlncTi cash aml vr;m!y pay bu vers are particularly invited to cali and examine, as I intend to close out the stock in tiie next 90 days to raake a chango n hay business. J. H. MAYNARD. April 1804. Sm953 I. BAOH has a new and complete STOCK OF SPRING GOODS touglit feeforo tho recent GREAT RISE IN GOLD ? ■Whicli Tvill be Sold FOE CASH ONLY, .A.T THE LOWEST PARKET PRICES ! Cali and See I Ann Arbor, April, 1864. CLOTHESra -A.T I GÖIfflÈH 4 CO'S Q Ha ving just returued frorn East with a Iarge stoc of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS wo invfto ',11 our oM frienJs and custoniers to com and examine eur .stock of CLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS Dispute the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOR aftêr all to give appcarauce to the outer man. If you.wish to appear well You must accordiugly Dress WeH. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, ïhere you will find thinga exactly SO SON.DHEIMaw&ya ready to take your measure, GtJITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in ihe State, Take heed - call jsarly, olse vou are too LATE. f he IND0CEMENT8 are now greater thao ever, 3ur Oleres you will fiad obliging and clever. We will show you eood CLOTHING oí our own getting up, Füling our Store from Bottom to top. STUDENT8 ospecially -will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGR, For it tabes but LIÏTLE MONEY to repleuish. 30ATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTATION, iWwarded through our New York relations. ïrom England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can rtand up in, or wear, at the dance. Píuits ! Panís ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKTN of everv grade, We sell them íroin ONE BOLLAR up tO EIGIIT, rESTS, &C, of every description, rTou will find it so without fietioa, urni.shing: apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Tbis is all ■vre say now, Tfcarefore -we inake our bow. Yours truiy, ever so, M. GUITERMAN. t Co., Terrible Slaughter! THE VICTOltY IS ÜÜRS ! THE BíVTTIjE WUich has been raging for the paf-tiour weeksat MACK & SCHMSD'S STORE as prored a grantl success, althongh tlie slanghterof DRY GOODS as been terrible. We now makc tho announcement latwèshall continue "For Many Years" to make ar with high prices, beiug determined to gïve the undreds wno oaily tlirong our store, full value for íeír money, Ladies can find with us all desirable jades Eind stylea of DEESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIMMÍN-GS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOYES, &c, Vith a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS far "fcelox7ü" -fcljLoir "7"lxxo Wc hear it said every day that w-i are ruining the uisiness in this city by selling so cheap but we cannot elp it, The Goods Must Ibe Sold. 000 New Styleaodbest quality HOOP SKIRT8 very itap , and i'or the Gentlemen we have a very large asorimentof rYench Twilled Cïoth. Beaver Overcoatug3, Do38kins, Fancy Cassimtres, Vestngs, &c, f all descriplions, and cari íurnish a whole snit on ïort noticemuch chcaper than it can be bought el her-a. An eaminatioti of this branch of our busiess will cunvince all th&tthls is the place to buy the ir ants, Coats and Vest 8, We have alto a complete tock of Ladiee anö Chiltlrens' tShoes, HATS AND CAPS, Vml in fact every thing that man or woman can desiio o wear on head or foot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c., .t astonishin low pricos, and ín fihort our ortiro stock mufi! sharethe same fate for we are letormined tú .solí, do tttfHter whal old eroakers may say. AU are tvited to inspect our stook aa t is uo trouble to shmv ou r goods, and we are bouml to meet the (Iemands Oi ! 11. 932 tf HACK SCHMID. Fcr Ras, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bvgt, Moihs in Fuis, Woofeft, Sfc., Insecs on Fluvls, Fows, Animáis, Sfc. Tut up in 2rc. 5Mp. anl $1.00 Boièd, ffottteffl and Fükt.. Sj and $6 Blies lur J,,tki.s, iTsjjr J.NSTiTrtions, .c. "Only infallilile i-finedies known." ( Fret1 1 ri mi l'oiiïons. " "Not 'langerouü to the HmMn Family.'1 "Kats oome out of their lióles to die " Sold WUolcsalo in .'il! largo citios. "hl o.v all Druppistsand Kitailois evcrywhere. S&T III Hhivare !l! of I worthloss iniiln li. ftS,. í=ee tlmt "Costjik's" nátne is on eacli Box, Bottlci , and Flask, hoforf vimi Imv A dies HEJKÏ R. COSTAR. KB, PitiKCiPAi Dfpot 482 BkoadwatI Si Yokk. ii 11 Wholtü,iiieaiid Retail Drugj;its in Arxi Cm64. HOWARD ASSOCTAfiON, ruiL.M Mi.riüA. v.. Discus, h ol(U Vcrrous, Seiuliinl, Uilnnry mirt SmialSytMin-n,A and rcliaUr treatlöfnt- .in Keports oí l'io UQWA11D ASSOCTATIDX- BenVby mftilinsaaleil letter envelopes, freo of, Mdrmi,Dr.J,SRILI.lN HOUGHTON, Howar.l i tiou, No. 2. mth Niiith Stront, f'hila-, )'. ldjl JUST OPENING? The Iargest Stock and best assortmeut o CABINET rüRNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS Looliins CS-l,siseis Gilt Frames and Mouldings COFFINS METALIC CASES, &&,&&, and all other goods kept in the best aml laigest house in the country. Weiceepno second hand fur'nitme o Auction goods. Cofflns kept constnntly on hand, and made to order. Hy goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. B. I Biust have money, and respeetfui:y request those ï cali and flx up tbeir old matters v.ithout del.iy. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. 92ótf RISDON & HENDËRSOiN H,-7-o tla.O IO TJ O IS. 3E 3T !E3 GRAIN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfieid, Ohio. rpiIE VEHY LATEST IMPIÏOVEMENT, and betterthan X all others; adapted to sowing Wlieat, Eye, OatSj Bariey and Grass Seed. st. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 8ow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never hunches the Grain Üh. Never ireacs tlie G ain. 5th. Sows Grqss Seed broadcast hehindthe Drill. y,Ji. Has ldgli wlieels and long Hoes. 7h. llat long and wide steel points. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA It has doublé and single rank drills. [OtJu It has a self adjustúig shut off slide. .t is neatly and substantiaïïy made. There is hardlya Drill offered in the market but can oast of more or less "FIRST PREMIUMS? hey are aboutas infliscrimmately bestowed &,a the tille f " Professor," wliich is sometimos Mpplied to the '■fiddler'" or " bootblack." They cease to convey the dea oïmerzt. The BuckeyeDi-ill has been on Exhibition at quite a umber of State and County Fairs, and seking avor at the hands of any Committee, has received its uil share of Treiaiums TESTIMONIALS : We give the foHowing Dames of a few Farmers in ths iciuity wao have bought and used the Bucktyt Drill ; Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob Iotl)erau6 u Jncob Trero per, ' ' Thomas White, Northöeld. Julin Brokaw, Christian Kapp, . " Edward Boyden, VTubster. Jame.s Treadwell, Ann Arboi DanielO'Hara, " " JolmG.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, lv L. Edmons, . Saliüe. George Cropsey, GeeH Oak, Liv. Co. Wíj arealso Ageuth tor the Ohio Reaper & M.wer, cknowledged tobe thevery best in use. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whïcli we will sell Cheap. Also alargeassortraent c G-rass And the largost and best selected stock of BE1STT STTJI F OR CARRIAGESever before offered in this market We also keepalargeand full NAILS, GLASS,PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A eompleteassortment of STOVES, TINWARE, NP EAVE TROUQHSalways onbandanc] pui up % the lorttst notice. RISDON !t HENDERSON , AnnArbor, June 29th ,1882. 859tf NOBLE & RIDER aie stiling their Iarge stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHBAPEE Til AN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH, Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Moa's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 aG.OÖ " " " Scwed : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Laoo Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladios' " Congross G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youtb's aud Chiidren's Shoes : : : :15 a 1.50 Note is llie time In Innj as BOOTS and SHOES are rapidly advancuig in E a stern Mariets, TIIËY ALSO MAKE WARRMTED EST WORK TO ORDER. P AND REPAIR. Kemembor wo can not and will not be ' undersold. Hease c.iHiindo-amineilieir stock LAWliENCÜ NOür.R, CHAKLEÍ KTDER. AiiuAimuv, FW. l.Vli, Wt t:04i. Mortgago Salo. DKKATI.T thtVing been rnade in ihe perforiMn, . the conditie, of,. :.,„.„ ;'"ce.L flfteentb daj „i Januaxj . A. I)., 1856, exeSiited blft1 au LuWnoe, bis w, t„V" .■'mu. and d,,ly recordé,! In th office of the Hm?, orpéiüi, ol Wksbtenaw Couily, MicSigan i„8 ,e' twcut, io „f ojortgage pag '-three fioufliïa Ï2 'il0 '■''■"'■ '': Februari Vr 185fi,whorob3 thepoTrer-toselrthemortgaireci Ímbi.,' has becomc operativa; and uosurtorpíoi lh, . " breninstftttd a1 la t„ recoVrf the ,'■ bt k?!1' saiil morts-a,ae or nny part tl rooi , and the s,.m,,l „ b' mn-'red and, dollar and thirty thr-e "? beiugnow clam.edto be flue thereon (besideB tlAí U aña expenses of the pjceedingx non beirig i,a,i "fl$ foreclosureofsaid mórigase mcluding reasoaabfcS torncys (,., s.) Notice la. therefore hereïy iW.ï ift i.]d miirlCTie willbe fon-. ■ ;,Ie nf th, n, T gaged premises detcribed ap fojKwf riz:Tbe .íí fnurlhof the nni-tl.-west quarter oí sectio'i, t„ eiglit, alao thenortheast one-eighth of the north OOeJalf iiu.iriar ofsiiid sedtion tw.-n!y eiiM n,,,7, rod in wi.ltl, from the side dccnpied axa lanel all h. ..i t,v-,1;',i,, „„„..„., foursouth aad range níu2 east.-.ntlu. f'„„,;v „f Wnshtenair; and Mate of ü? igan, coptalnfngiii all fcrtj-Dine acre, of l;,nd m, „ " loss, 01 K,.n-.opart IhTTOÓT, rit pubflc Voniitit at tl,f„ ?f dgorof tneConrtlIousem tl.. City „f LhïrC'2 a,dCoimty.(tbntbPinKt.ho place ,)f hoMin u,lV ouli Conrt witl-in Si,id Countv.) on FrdaT Bixt!, day ol Anffl!,tncxt at'iïoou 37." Beakk&Cimj;ek. 1UV1I) BEO Datedu;,i;,:;:;;:: Chancery Notice. gTb OF MtClIKUN-Fourth Judicial Circuit, ,„ Margaret Van Wagn.r, ] Slr Í 0'" {Í! Complainant, County of Watht" I..TV.o WagHor ■ aTnte Defeudant. j the 18tli day of ., j June A. I) ua ' It aatisfactonly appearing to the u(lcrwj G, cnit Couit Comraissioncr for said County ty (k. affidavit of Margaret Van Wagner, that" 'the f,d defendant, Is.-,ac Van Wagner? is not a regid! of Urn State. b„t that himidè. in the R te „, W sqnnMB, ad tiat J. Subpoow) for hii anpearanoe i coukl not be sem-d. On mot;-,,, f A Fn!ch , - for ( onpkinant, it is ordm-d that said dcfeoS Issac .-ui V. a _-„,-,. ,,:„-„ his ,-. ,...p Kt„. „, „. éDtedi sa.d cause withiu Uiree months from the dale of tbk -■';;- 1". ; di-f.uiit the bill ofcom plaint ftled in ,.,:: .-., conf,-s,.(1 Y fud 'lr ;' 'furfher tirdcrcl that witlim twpn.v dayssai omnplainant faun a copy ol der to be publbï In "llie Wc, Arrns" l ,,i ,i 1U1(1 ).w bii-1, ►-,, n the City of Ad Arbor ln Ba,d County of Wasüteuay, and at oub "canon tbeieof be continued once in each weet „, ,h ■iuccessive weeks, or ibM mï, c mplaiiiRnt M„„ copyofthis order to be personally seive! on utddm fendaot, at least tuenty days beiore ti. tilm ure scnbeii tor lus ajipearance. ju e ihtlpty f 4' Ar')0r f ia aj of Cricuit Conrt Coiiimissif.nei , WashttinaW Cüunt Micljf:in. -5? A., Coroplninant's Policitf.r. j.-,4,v6 02TYCOOPER SHOP. SPAFFOBD & DODSLEY, sucecssors to O. O. S-PAFFORD & D. IIENNING, WouldresppftfnlTr aiinoiiii-e to tlie citizem ol Ara ■irbor anJ vicinity, tli;iT thc.y arf uuw Kamrfattwiw ind keei; constanUj on l.ud a Large Asgortipent of COOPEfê WORK! Sucli as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs,Firkine, Churm, Well Bnckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, cêc. Merelinnts and Rrewers are invited to examine their Jutter Firkins and Beer Kegs. CrrSTOM -WORK, one to ÜRDEK on SHOKT NOTICE and warranted. t" Cash paid for Stavcs, HeadiDg aud Hoops. liops cornf r of Betroit í: Xorth Street, and corner f North ÍC l'iith t-'irteLs. &PAFFORD & DODSLEY. Ann Arbor, Feb. 6th, 1864. 943tf NEVsT OOODÍ! -o- HENIOH & GOTT, Iavc just opened oue of the largest stock oí good choice DRY GOODS! rer broupht to this city, which we WÍII sell without regard to pre.sent t-a-stern prices. . B. - Cheapest Bleached and Biown HTM AiD PMlïl IN THE CITY. A full SIOCKof CARPBTS, OIL CLOÏI AND MATTINGS. HEÑIOS & COTT. Arm ftbor, May 3-1,1364. 5m955 ZiOOE. ZXSjXUB? A large lot of LINEN COATS AND SÜMMER GO.ODS, altvays on hand at M. Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. Give as a o&U anj we cau aod -.vill cll y ch3Pr and letter gooda than auy.other I ' ' T Wátf HOUSE AND LOT THE HoUSKan." lot nr.vv rcnpi(.!byC. G. Clark, situated on William between 6th íinii Divin" Kart .1! ..C i:s''nshonse. P"í"' isa kcn wri;ui(liat'iv. Trice $2,(;i'O. Term" e'1 Kor particuliirn luquire of I) R. KFI.T.KV.Ann Arb'r,S. T. SM1ÏH, Grass UkAn Arbor Juno l} I." 4, OOT A Farm for sale. OIPIATKO s! milfí Kurih of Aun Arbor. SnHft"" kj cmists Oí I:'-! ncrs. Un tho uvms8 "'' t' -( buiWing, a íiuu urclianl an.l a 1 iiif; í-tJl""n'. íl_ knownas tli Riwoorniis fann. It will be 1IT and tetin.'i oí payrot'üt made easy. Knqtiire 01" Aon Arbor, Jau .26, 18C). M''f


Old News
Michigan Argus