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JLaud Warrant Lost! VOTÍCI ÍS HEREBY GIVEN, That Bounty lani li Warrant No. 93,2,13, for One HundredanaTweotr Acre, Usueilby the United Suites, January lOlh, A. D. ÍS1 1, uader the Act of March &d, l#rL, iu tbe aarns of Isabtnda A. Wearer, miaor chjla "1 David Wearer, deceased, who was a prentte o the war of 1812, aud a April last asKigiifd ío me. R B ("habo, of tbe City ol Aun Arhnr, in tbe County of Wahlenaw, anl Stat of Michigan, the acknowledgment, te, bt-inecertified bv an acknowldging fiffictr aud ibe County l'lcrk of the Cuuuty of líer'ien , ia the Mate of aliebro, ws in April last mailed at Berrien Springs, in taid county o( Berrien, (the lesicience of the Wairantee) öirecteö to me at Aun Arbor Mich. , and orver received bv me,but ii huppoed to be lost. 1 have íilnd tbe requibite ctmt in the Genetal Land Office, uirt ntend to ipyly to tb t'ommiKöioLer of Pensions for tbe re isaue of the Iwt Warrant. R. B. CHASK, Atsigne. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 20lh, A. I). 1SW. (967w( Kuow Your Future Wife or Husbniíd ! 1'HE WORLD-RENTOWNED Maclnmo Huntlíjn from l'arih, is stopping in Detroit. Mie is tbeSítenth Daughter of tbo p'eventh Son, born under th Pianet Júpiter, and endowed with tbe wouderful gift oí SECOND SHiHT. She will send you a corrtot Photograph of the person you wil! marry, and gire tbe daf and yearthehappy event will take. pbce. Send bcr tbe color of your eyes and hair age, coroploxioo, lieiífht, and whether deformed or not. Endose 25ot. and a post paid eiivelope witli your a'ldrehs. MAUAjIE UUM'I.LY, Draer64P.O-, 9G7w3 Detroit, Mich. PTTTWAM S CLOTHES WRINGER! The OXLY reliable self Atljusticg Wringer, NO WOOD WORK TO =WELL OR SPLIT. N0THCM3-SCREWST0 GETOUTOF ORDER. WARRlKTEÜ WITH OR WITUOtT COG-WHEEU. It took the URST PRKM1UM at Fifty Serea SU and Ounty Fairs in 1863, an 1 is, without an eicP' tion, the best wringer ever made. WHAT EVtRY BODY KNOWS, vir: That iron well galvanized will not rus'; That a simple machme is better thau a complia one; That a Wrinyersbould b self-adjusting, durable rf eflficien) ; That Ihumb-Screws and Fasteníngs cause delay MÍ tiuuble to regulutt. and keep in order; Tliat wood soaked in bot water will swell, ohriak lüi split; That wuod bearmgs for tbe shaft to run in wilJ we out; That tbe Put nam Wringer, with or without aof wbeels, will not tear the clolhes; That cog'wheel regulators are not e&sential; That the Putnam Wriuger bas all the adrantif'! and uot one of the disadvantages above named; That all who have tetted it prcnounc it tbe bert wringer ever made; That it wiil wring a thread or a bed quilt withoo ' teration W might fill the paper with testimonial, but inf only a few to convince the skeptical, if such therl; and we Bay to all, test Putnamb' Wringer. Test itTHOROÜGHLY with AVY and ALL oibttt, and ir not eotirely satisfactory return it. I'ÜTSJM MANCFCTUHING CO., Oeutlemen- I know from practical experienee !" Iron wel! galvanized with zinc wijl notozidize or rnrt one particie. Thi Putnam Wringer is as near perftct as posible, and I caá chetrfully rfccomntnd it to the best in ut e. Respectfully yours. JN'n. W. WHEEI-ER. Cleveland, Obio. Many yeam eïperience in the galvaniïing bnbiu' enable me to tntioree the nbove bialkmctit in all f" tic u la ra JNO. C. LFFFERT?, No.lOO Beekman ötreet. New York, January, 1864. We have tested Putnaui's Clothes Wringer ty practical working, nd kno that it will D. I ' chenp; it is simple; it requires no room whether work or at rest; a child run opérate it; it dots itida'ï thoroughly; it naves time and it saves wear and terWeearnestlv advise a]l wbo have jai ca wasbisg todo with all intelligent persons who haTe AUt, to bay t"11 wringer It will pay for itself íd a vear at moit. Hou. HOItACE GREELETPntented in tbe United States, Enjland, Canadá cá AuBtraliíi. Energetic men can mako írom 3to'0, !. lar perday AgeDts wanted in evry tow , and iDu parts of the world. , Sample Wringer eent, ExprcBB paid, on reeeip w PrNo. 2, $6.50; No. 1, $7.60; No. F. $8.60, So. Atí) 50. Manofactored and sol r], wbolesale aod reUíl DJ THEPUrNAM MANÜFACTUFIKG CO.' Vo.l3rtttfr jïew Yorb. and devela od ' O9 MVf ti. S VORTHFOP. Atüt


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Michigan Argus