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DO YOU W1SH TO BE CUREDt DK. BUCHAN'S ENCLISH srECIFIC PI li cure, in less thau 35days, . the worst case of NERVoÜPNËSS, Impoteney, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakoess, tnsenlly, and all U.iinary, Sexual and Xervous Aflections. nu matter from wliat cause produccd. Price, Ons D jliar per bos - Ser.t, post pald by mail. rm roceipt of an order. Oue Sux will oerfect the cure ia m"t cases. Adi!rea3 JAMES 8. BUTLER, 3m9J8 General Agaat, 427 Broadway, New orlt. A Card to the Suffe ring. SWALI.OW two or three hogslioada of " Buchu' " ïonia Bitters," " Saraapaiillu."' '■ Nti vuus Antidotes," ie, &c, Sc, and after you are salislid with the result. taen try onc bux cl' ÜLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S EXGLIBH BPEdFIC PIL!-S- aii(J be restored to liealth and vigor in less than thirty days. - They are puieiy vegetable, pleaaant totike, prompt and sllutarr in their etfects on the broken-down nnd aliattereil ooostltutloa. 01U and ouug att Uko tbem 'with advantage. Iinported and sold in the Ucituc States oulv by JAMES P. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadw .y, New York. [35" Agent for the United State P.S.- A Boxof the Pilla, eciirely packed. will be mailed to auy address on rswipt of price, wnich is OXE DOLIAÏt, post paid- mmej refuadcd by tbc Agent if eoth-e satisfaction is not given. 8m966 Editor oí naos: With your permission I wish tp.say to the readers of your paper that I will aend. bY return mail, toall who wih it (free), a Receipe, with full di rectiona for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm.ttiat will eíTectualtr remore, n ten day. Pimples, Blotches.Tan, Freckles, ai,d all Impurities of the Skin leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beauti ful. I will also free to those hnving Bald Heads, or Bítre Facs, simple directions and Information that will enitble them to start a full growth ol Luiuriant Hair, Whi3ter3, or a Moustache, Ín lesa than thirty All spplications anaweied by return mail without charge. Ke?ectfully your. THOMAS F. CHIPMAN', Ch mut. 3,66 831 Broadway, New York. CBEBOKEE FEIMALS PlI-l-S. Tas Most Ussfoi. Mkdicinktet Discotkeed.- If one enumérate tha illa attendant upon irregulanty oi the period in ümales, anl eirmincs the far.reachmï e?il of these illa to all connected with one who may bo suujected to them, i. is impossible to controveri the fact tuat the Cherokee PiU s the moat useful and benencent medicine ever offered to the public. Sure to reguliito with the eiactness of mathematical calcula tion. Safe to all, and infalüble in the removal ot obstrucüon and sappression, these Pilis should be in the pussession of every maiden, wife and mother In the country. Don't be palmed S witb any cthei , but try the Cherokee Pilis and you will be convioced of their efficacy. SoldbyalldruggisU. lm366 PROF. K. J. LYON'S' Patients and all others interrested will pleasetake notice that he will eontin ue his visita at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '65 and at '.he expiration of which ho wil! dis ■ continue his visits and open an InSrmary ut Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment of Lung and Chest diseases. Mathewa' Chocolate Woim Drcps ? NEVER fail to dcstroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Wormí. Are perfectly raliable in all caaes all u( the Fancy Worm onfectiona, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all time with perfect safety,a they jontain NO MERCURY, or other deletenous Drug - Motbers sbould always purchaoe thom and give their ehildren no other. ( Wo Catkartic wbaterer, is neeessary to be giren.) Each box contains 24 Drop or Losenges. Piice 24 ut, for Sale by al] Drug?:st and Dealen la MediC. R. WALKER. General Agent, IyP.22 Buffalo.N.Y andFort Erif.C. W. A LansK. - Mesurs Post k Eruff, Aent N. Y.Sanitary Society, Rochester.- Gent . I deern t due to you Rtate the megical effect of that one bottle of People's Curewhich I obtained trom you in November last. Seeing the adverüsenient ol your So. ciety offering to give your meJicine to clergymen for the poor of their parishes.I ootained abottle for a poor ■ girl of my congregation, who long been nearly help lomfrom P.houmatiBm.andstrange to say, that one bottle cured hsr entirely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in its effurta to introduce the medicine, and bless tfiose whomayneed Buoh a remidy ; and I usetrong term, as I believe its merite will fully Juttify the most superlative forma of fipeech. Yours, Respectfully, C. R. WILKINS, Paator of the First Presbyterian Cliuron. 922yl Pittsford, Monroe Co. K. Y. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO.ja Mr. O. C.BalSTOLa aistinguished Chemist andDruggiet of tb o ci' y of Buffaïo, N. Y., invented and manu. factured a cnmpound known as BIIISTOL'S BALSAM OF HOARHOL'ND, which Is a perfect spcific for coucHS, corps, or any EtONCHULor ï.cng dïtficulties arismg from damp, cald, or suöden change of the weather. Evcry person ho ba ever taken BRISTOL'S BALS A M OF I1OARHOUND, pronounceR it the bfst article ever nvented ; and eo justly celebrated has it become, ttat the market ie alrcady full of imita tions, counterfeit, and most dangerous compoundSj under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound . Therefore, alwayi becareful to cali for Bristol's Balsam, and see that bis WRITIEN signature is on the outside label of ibe boltle. Make. - This invaluKble Medlcfoe bas been now some twenty-one years before the publio. and without aoy effort on the part of the pröprietor, UsEnle has bcome very xtenüive, and is daily incrahicg. Tbe low price at which the Medicine is eoJd (;'L CENTS) enables AIX to partake of its healing qualitie. C. CROSBT.BUrFALO, N.Y. Sole mannfacturer, to whom all ordeis should b addreased. For ule byall res pectable druggif t . Jyeow92S AKE.W GROVER & BAKER SEWIN'G MACHWE, ■to a NEW S!N.ER MArHINE. either Family er msnuf -.tuTing pattern Árr'yat I the AV.r,v-: ornrr.


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