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FURNITURE ROOMS One door North of Risdon and Hen der sou 6 Hardwaru Btotft. TLe underslgned having purchaped tbt entire stock of W. D.Siuith ACo.,anríaded largeiy to Iheaamfc, s prepared to luruisL bis ÍViends and patrón a gtwü as.sürtmontof wöH zaade furnlture, cooaisttDg cf LOFAS, BUREAUS, BEOSTEADS, BGOK-GASES! TABLES and CHAIRO, of all kiodfl, and Ia f&ct oí everjtlilQg portaiaing to tiiö LOUNGES. MATKAMSKS, &c., Ac.made to order hf good acd experieucH work M'.ti, and wari-üii-et3 tq gl?o cati-ifactloa. Ha also oeps agood asaortujent of Cherrj rd?, VValytl-urtiber for sale at j-easonabie prices. Aan wlll aiüo puy tho highest market prlctííor OlwifJ , Wultut, ííiú White WoodLumber. p. S. He has als o purcliase! tjieoew anti ELEGANT HEARSE! of Hmlth Ac Go., aDdlsjirupared to uinlah all lAdfi of Wood Coffius, Metalic Cases, AND CASKETS, On the shortest ootloe. Also uttentta to Ujlrg out deoeasfd persons day anJ aight, without charge. All furoitaredelivcted iothcuty tree oí charge. W. U. BENHAM. Aun Arbor.January I81U, 1S03. 940tf I. BACH hts seir and complet STOCK OF SPRING EOODS bought before the voceat GREAT HÏSE IN GOLD ? Which wül bo Sold FOR CASH ONLY, LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. & XiOok. :e3C3E5:o.:e3 ? A large lot of LINEN OOATS AND SUMMER GOODS, alwitys on hand at 3YL Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STOEE. GWe m.eallooj W8 can and will setl you chjape and letter eoods than any ul'uer house a this city. ititr Mr. Malhews first prcpared the VENETIAN H.MR DYE ; since that time it has been used bv thousaods, and in no instauce bas it lailod to i-ve eutiro satifaction. The VEVETIAN DYE ta tht. cheapast in the worH.- lts price ia ouly Fifty Centa, ana each boltle containa doublé the quantity oí dye n those uaually aoW for i'he VENKTIAN DYE is warranted not to njure the huir or the pcalp in the a'.iehtest deyree. The VENETIAN DYi' work witu rapidity and ccrtainty, the hair requiring do preparation whatover. The VEETHN DYE produce any thade that tray be dired- ono that will not fnde, crock or wah out - me that is as permanent as the hair itbelf. For sale by all aruggiits rnue 00 ent. A. I. MATHEW.Gfnoral A (rent, 12 Gold Ptr.'et. New York. AUo, Matiufacturer of Mathbws' Abkica Hair Glosa, the bet huir dressing u ue. In largs bottlcs, . prlce 50 cents. Ij966 ORDIKANCE 3TO. 50. An Grdinanee to providefor numbering the buildings fronting on the ktreett and Avenunin the City of Ann Arbor. BE 1T 0HD4.INED by the Mayor, Ueoorder, and Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor : Sïu. 1. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal, as soon as practicable lifter the passage of this Ordmance under the direc tion of tlie Common Cuuucil, to adopt a plan for numbri:g each and every dwellinghouse store, Bhopor other place of business irontiiig on any i-treet or avenue in eaid City, to desígnate a nuuiber for each, and to notify theowner oroceuant of such dw'lhng house, store, or shop, or o'her place of busi ness of thenumber designated for ihe saina 5eo 2. It shall be the duty of such owner or ooiupant, within thiriy days afiersuch notification by the City Marshal, to eauee such number tobe aL6xed upon or over the door or main entrance of said dwetlinghouse, store, ehop, or any other place of business, in figures of eufficient siïe to bo easilv discernible from the street. and to cause euch numbfr to be mnintained tbereon. Sec 3 When any new dwelling house, store, shop, or other place of business, fronh ing on any etreet or avenue, sliall be ereottd and finish'ed in smd City, suffioiently ro be occupied, or any old building shall hcreafter be moved on to (inv stieet or avenue, upon notifictttjoii by the City Marshal, the owner 01 occupanl shnll cause the number dtsignated by the Ciiy Marshal to be affixed in the lim and manner preecribed by Sectiou t-woof this ordinance. Beo 4. In onse any owner or oecupant of such dwellinti-house, store, shop, or anv place of bueinss shall neglect or retuse to affix nnd maiutain the number designuted by the City Marshal, in the time and manner prescribed by Section tv?o of this ordinance, fuch owner or oecupant 6hall be Lable to a fine of One Bollar for every twtnty fcur hours Tieglect or rcfusal, beides costs of prosacution: Pmvided, that such fine f-hnll cot exceed one hunrec dullars in thewhole. Mode and pnssod in Compaoi Council, at the City of Ann Arbor, this fUeventb day of July, A. D . 18P4. [SigoedJ % WELI-S, Mayor. O. A. Chapín, Kecorder. Ayer's Cathartic Pilla }R. WRIGHT'S Kejuvenating EIMr ! ' Or, ESSENCE OP LIFE. Prepsued from Pure Vegetatie Extracta, oontairc jiottiBg inj aricBf. to the most " As Ue Phtsniz risos from the as hos of 1M ure, unimated with new iife" -flo doea thls elixir rvtfuveziatc tho Bystsm aüd ovuicouiii ii3easa. dïacoveikiï ín tUo rwetab'n aiziifdoni wjíng RA;n öre'y cew and abtcrMt mattod of loa , lirewctire of tul los oM anJ wort-on r V9ïtiuia. O i!li mcdioln? hr,i i'eü i3tel a; tím mom ■ oeot mcdlöal fu"ii Qfthrt )(ƒ, ar.iby thnoi rnHa&ceÑI to be om of the greatoút aicdljal di0oftí u tl ge. y Ons bottlo wiil care jrPEfAi Do]Ut. " One bottle CGf ü8 üaI ïlariou utthu Hea i. J3T" Froiü cnoiotiirvü o-vUiiM rtAiorej tbeïiiAi ' ueee and full vígví ol' youïli. 3T" A few díBCá rhtorcélbe KfiyatjM. 3J"Thr?e botflofl caro the wrt caor ïir..loïwj. Cí" A 6 ff dosíí or,;-cj th j low apiitted. Í3T" One boitle rntorei m ntal power. Cï' A l'iiff dOrK'd linos the 6 to ih3 ohv?.. tsr-Jbl) nvllrtno roatores 10 m.niy fMr rixlivtinfit bealth f'K! poor debl ltatpd, wcra-dowc a&d ■■!#■ epolrlng. C Tlio iutlce, cnorvttj yoi.iö, theof tLfcti inao or baeloíSí, tho ïlctlu: ? Qorfoas depr-iselon, tlie lndKidtial BuíFeríDg lom ccfloral debiUty wlli ftU fint] Imimliate ami perrna'Cnt nillcf by tii; use oí Urt8 E:i)r or Khh-dc of Life. J3P" Prlce, tS per Ixitilo or thrca böttir for $;, &od lorwEKled by Bxpr. sa.oo itclpt of moas;, to u.7 All bw:H orden mertbcMtit t; ''. A. C0OS, ChS cppo. ourGenfral Ag strurrbe West. 8old lu Chlcaeo, by' WnoHle DropglsWiMi'j! 81' DragglaEevo:;!vtier. C. A. COOKi CniOioo, Ocoeral Ageut ivr the 6iite of Hüoolfi Iowa, vrincons;, (kHotlLD ttad IaÚ OU. W. K. ÏIEEWIN & CO., S01.1 Pbopbiktobs, No iS Llhrty stree', New fort. CHEROKEE PiLLS ! 8UGAE OOATED. Témale i& KeguUfei. HealtliPreserTer. CERTAIN MêÊrn ASD SAFE. 8Lï85E f or the Hmoval of Obstructloni, and the lu saranes of Eegularity ia t!io Kecarretce of üio Hoatüly Period. (,5 rhiT core or obvíate those nnmerons I1morí l!,at sprlos! f.-om Irregalwity, bj remivlnjt the lircunl rlty l'.polf. B Tüoy cura SapprcMei, Exot3l?e &n4 PalDful M iBtraatlon. fi" They corn Oreen Sickncs (Cbloro!a). t& They care Nervous andSpinal Affectiona.palc In tbe back, and lowcr paiU of tbe body, He:iTlne98, Fi-tigne on bBïIi' excrtlon, Palpitatlon ut the Heart, Lowcess 01 Splritn, Hysterla, Blok liendi.elie, GUdinesu, etc., etc. Iu a wori, by removióte tiie LrepuUrlti, tlier removo tbe cante, attd wl'U ttiu tU tffects tUat Epriní íron U. SS" Composed of simple TeROUble extracta, tíicy contaln notniná (lelatei loas to any coastttutlon. Uow. ver delicate, tkelr fanctlon belDK to sar.etltuta strcugib for weatnesa, vlilcb, wlnai properly astd, üiey never iail to do. tm Tbty may be saruly uaed at any age, and at auy Dtrlod. BXOEPTDtJKlïi TB MB9T TIIEEJ! M0ÏTB1I, öurlog which the unfwlllníí nature of taelr actlou wuuld infalllb'y riüVTHT pregnaucy. All leUcrs seeklns Information or advK e (Uil be proraptly, reely and diecreutly anawered. pf Full dr ctions accompaay each boi. tW Prios tl per boi, or Six boxes lor ís. ts Sent ly nijtil, fVtg Qt potape, oo reoelpt of prlce. All enoh ordi;r mostb lent to C. A. COOK, CMcftgo, our Gi-ae: al Agect for the WeBt. Bold in Chicago, by WholesaleDiuïtlnia.ondbyallOruitgiM'sveriwher. O. 'A.. OOOK, CHICAGO, Oenera! Aeeut fci tte atetas of IlUnoia, lowa, Wl conbiD, Mlcaiao aud Indlani. DB. W. B. MLRWÏN & CO., Bout Pnopiiiïiors, Ko, 56 LlbtrtT 8'-., New Tk. Sola by Wholfsal DruRgistn m Detroit, also bj SIËD.B1KS & WILSUK, ,Anu Arbor. ' 662yl WALL FAFER ! 50,000 rolls of Wall Paper can bo fouud at the store of Juhn F. Miller & Co., corner of Main and WasLugtcin SUuetp, opposite Hangsterfer' Hall. Also & arcreasortmutof Miscellaneous Books at oíd prícea. üloth and Paper ha'les, Tassels, Cords and tramos of alt descriptions. Framos made in order. Pleasc cali and examioe bofore pnrcbnpinpNewherf. JOUN F. MILLER & CO. June lit, 1964. Cm959 PRBSCWPT1ÖN & DRUG STORE ! U tho p'.ioe to buy your MEDICINES, PERFÜMERY, j "WrititifiE Paper, i? toe orless. and all othcr articks in our line. atí" Especial atten+ion to Cumpoundin sik! putting up Prescriptions, at tho Bign ot GULD MOKTAK, Exchaoge Dlock, Ann Arbor, Michigan L LJ Professoual calis prcmptly atteuded to. 1V9(ÍO 100 Oity Lots for Sale. RICHMOMD W1ON TAKEN I piIOafc THATAREIXDEIiTEDto tiie late flrm of QRANT uaitiavrif b callíng on the undrsiEned acd pnyicg up goon,orwe all be oblged to malte a DRAFT on tli-to hy a Government ofQcer. SLAWsnV t ?0S Ano Arbor, July 6th,J561. 9646 TAKEN UP! OV thc 19lh dy of June, a BORREL HOR3E, abont 10Oarsold, large tize, and tbia iri fift'-h, Tbe ownoi i requestetl to prove property, pay ob-iröB, &ad Ijke Baíd ílore nvay. WILLIAM HUM"HPEY. Iodl, Ju! l!th, 1:61. 6 vC6i. To Clear the House of Fliee, USE PUTCHER'S CEIEBRATED LIGHTNING FLY-KILLERÍ a oeat.choapa.ticle, esfy tu usa. Every ahiet 11 killaquart. SOLD tVEBYWHEEE. 2ui9S3 Cantioii. AlLPf.RSO'Sareherebt warned not to purchnüe a cevtaio Prominsorv Nnie given by tlia uníerslunrd to C. L. Bottom, on tbt! 9tn dy of .luly, nl., for fivhunilrJdl!ars,i)ayib!e day altsr data Assaid note ■ obtaiued without coníidemtion, ni is for i ttisr reafODS, vyid, 1 bliall refuse paymcni, anfl " ' coRránattvm Aun Arbor. July 14, 1864. 9 5v4 STRAYO OX.T. CiAMíiDtatliemelosureof tho subferiber on tb ) 4th o-' June íast, one bay viarling mar coi'. sHiiill white spnton tbí iñude of the rigl t birJ. f'.ot and s about middllng siza. Ibe owner is reqaested to prove property, pay charge. nd tute ber tmj. BDGAP í KANDATiL I Br,.w,íi,.Tn:.vM. 1PM (4w EYSFEPSIA, ANO DIítEASKS II KSCLTIÜÍO F KOM DISOEffiEKS OF THE I.TVEB i AND DIGBSTIVB ORGANB, ARK CÜKKD B7 HOOFLANB'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GEEAT STEENGIHEïTING Thttt Bitters have períormed mort Cok HAVE AND DO GIVEBE'fTEK SATISFACTluN HiiTi no.-c T 1 HAVE MORE ESPECTABLE f EOfi-jE ; TO VcCCH FOR THEMI I Tima ny other aiticlu In tbc rtaftel. I i Vio dafy aay one to cootradict this!on, I ASÍD WU JPAY SlOÍO Te anj om ireo wül produce n íertií :dta ;inL,::flLcJ ' by ua.thatiB ruit asxcinc. HOOFLAND'S GEBIAISí BlTÍEBSi W1LL CCEf. ÍS' EVERT CASE OF ' Cbroniú ot KervouE DobHity, Dlseadeü i of ths Kidueys, aud DiBeafiea arislng fiomdiKci; deied Stomach. Obeni Ut follvte&f stmp'omt Tcnkir fnm IitcnUri vf th úigettiv Orgwnt i Coastlpat!o;a,3arca-t) l'ilfí, FuliovM of Blood to tí.0 ü(?ad, Aci'lity, oi' tho átomacit, Naufieo. Henríburt, Disgust for ícotí, Fullcess or ïreight intbeötoint ch Sour EfuctatíoDB, Zinking or flutt-.rmg at Viq pií uf thetítomnch, Swimming c! the IlepcL fíurrled and Jiffioult breatñinf. FJuctexiig fit tho iíeatt, Cúoking or SÜHbeaUng jjcaatioas when Id a .L}'Í2L Postare, I 0iO2ess of Visioc , Do!s or W befDre tlie Slght, Ft-TOr acd ljali Paln in thollea.i, Delidiencj oí Proa piratlon , TcUoifness of the Skla anü Eyes, paln In the siJe, hack, oliest,ln)t)8, íí. Sudüea fiusiies of Heat, Buiain in the Flosjj, Constant lnmjlniagsof EtH and Grent Deprossion of Spirits, THAT THIS BITTERS IS NOT ALOHOLÏO, CONTAINS NO RÜM OR WHISKEY. AND CAN'T MAKB DRUWKARDS, BCT í READ WHO SA Y 80 Fromtii Re?. I.etl O, Beek, Pastot of the Baptist Cijurch, Pembeitoü.N. J. ío-ierly of tho 'urta 13ptlstCüurch, PhiUdeíphla. . ♦ I havefcnown Uoonand's Germán Bittors favorabíj for a uuinber 01 font, i havo used tht m in as owu familythnd have been so pleased with their vffepts tha. I iras inducedto recommend thcm to rnuny others, and know hattheyhaveoperated In a ttrikiagly leueücial ruanuur. I take great pleasurn in thus pubLcly proclalming thia lact, and oallinjf the atlention of thoío affiioted with the diseases for whicu they are recommndd, to these bitttra. linowkig from esperience that my rtícommendatioo will besustained. Ido tilia more chüeifully as Hoofland's Bitters i ntended to benefit the afflictedj acd is liiot a ruiu drink." Yoara truly, LEV1 O. L'ECK. Ftom Rev. J. Novrton Brown, i). D. Editorof thtEnoyeloiiedia of Keligioua Knowlecge and thriBtian Chrouicle.Philudolpliia. í Ithough not dinpo8ed tofavor ot recorampnd Patent Medicines ín general, th'ough ditrust of their dienta and effects, I-ytt know of no sufíicieut reamóos why a manmaynot teatify to the benefits be believes himself to have received froin any imple preparation in th. hope that he way thus coatribute to the benefit of other. I do this more readily ín regard to Hoofland's German Bitter), prêpared by Li. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced ugainat them tbr manv years, underthe impressiun íhar they were cliieflv añ alchohohc mixture. I am inücbted to my friend,"lïob ert ShDeranker, Esq., for lUe remoral of this prejudice bv proper tests, and for encouiagement to try them when suffering f roía great and long cuutmueddebility. The uee of three bottles ot these bitters at the beginniog of the present yuar, was fcilowed by evident relief and restoration te a degree of bodiíy andtaeutal vigor which I had not for six montha before, aad had alraost despalred üf regainiDg. I therefore thauk God üuú my íríend for üirocting me to tte use of them J. NEWTON LItOWK,PhiU From the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of tac lOihBap. tist Church. Dr. Jackson :- Cear Sir:- 1 havo been frequcntly raquealed to countct my nume v-ith commendations oí different kinds of medicines, but i-f gar.ling the piactice as out of my appropr.iate sphere, I have in all cases deelinedjbut with a clearproof in various intaacen, and particiiUtly in my family,of iho usefulloess of l)r Hoofland's Germán Bitters, I cepart íor once from my usual courae. to ejenress my full conviction that, :or general debility uftbe system and fKpenialiy for Livcr Complainc, it i a safe and vuJuable preparation. Id some cases itmayiai); but uiualïy, I dou tnot.itwül be very beneficial to thoae who suffer from the abovu cause. Yours.very tOBpoctfully, J.H. KE-NNAliD, tihtU bolo1 Coat Street , PhiU. Froc Rev. Warren Kandotph, Paator of the Uiptist Church, Germantovn. Pcnn. Dr . C bl . Jackson :- Üear Sír :- Personal experienco cnable. me to say that I regard tbe Gt-rman Bitttrs prepared by you as a mostsxcel ent medicine. Iu case ui severe coid and general debüity I havo been gfeatly beneflted by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not tliey wili produce similar eflfects on otbers yours.truly, WARREN RAKDOI.FH. Germantowu, Pa From Ber. J. H Turaer, Pastor of ped4ing f, E. Church,PhiU. Dr. Jackson :- Bear Sir .- Tl.tvïng used your Germán Dittrsin my iamily frequcntly, I am pieparod to say that it bas beeu of great service, J bMÍ.ee tbat in most Caseacfifeaoraldebility of the sytem it a the (laleat and mout valuable renitdv oí which I have kuovviedge. Yours.respoctfullj, J. H. TCRNER, No. 726 N, Nineteenth Ötree. Froro the Re?. J. M. Lytiu, formeily Pastor of the Co iuocbuo, (X. J.) "HdiliUsiov.-ii, (Pu.) BuptistChurcbas. Naw Hocheile, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jatkson :- DsarSir:- I feit it a plut,ure thu, f my ovn aceord to boar tectimouy to tho excel lenco of tho 'iermau Iïitters. $omn yeara eince, heing much affl'cted wnh líyspcpbia, I ufii?d them with vorv bancticial result I havo oíten reconamended thc-m to persons en'eebied by that foruienting düseaae. ana have hea-d trom them the mot ÜatterinR testiraoniale as to tlieir gre-wt vaiuo. locase of genaral debility, 1 believe ittü bo a icuio thbtcau aotbe surpaused. J. M LYON3, TrointhoBev Thoft. VTínur, Pastor oí Koxboronu Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson - Dcp.r Sir: - ï fcel itiïue to yowr íxcel ent preparatino, líooflan'l's Germán Bitters, to add my teatiiaory to the deservtd reputation it has obtainer, 1 havo foiyeai s, at times, been trcubled with great dh ' ordci1 in my heRd ana nervous systtm. 1 was ndvUed by . íricnd to try a botile gfyour Germán Bitters. I d So and have exptMupcfcd great and unexpected re lief; my heallh has b-ien vciy materially benefitted. I conüdeai ly roccroniend tho articlB w ere J mt et with cafcfs san1itr to my own, and have been ssured by many of the;r gooi rfieots REftpcctful]y yüurs, X. 'WINTER, Roxborough Pi. FromRev.J S. Hermán, pf the Germán Reformad CUurch, Kuztun, Uerks Co Pa. Dr. C lackson :- Iïespectod S'r .- I have lcen troublt:d wirti liysjiepsia nearly t went y years, aiu have never used ani' ratdi ciue tliat die me umuch günd sik Houfland'fi BittüjK. I am very much improved in hoalth after bavtng taken flve bottlea Yours, with respect, J S. HERMAN. PBICES. Large Siïe, holding neArly doublé quantity,) T 00 per bottle- hall do. t5 0. Fmall Size - 76 cents per Bottle- half dozen L4 CO, BEWARE OF COUNTEBFEITS. Ree tbat the Bi(?nature of " C.M. JACKSOX" Is on the W RAPPER of each bottle. Khould your iieareot Druggist not have thearticle, do not beput off by iMoxicating prpsrations that may ba ofTi-red in itn place, hut eend to ue,4Dd we will forward, (wcurIy exprecs. Principal Office and Maaufactoiy, NO 631 ARCH STEEKT, PHILADEi'HIA. Jones fe Evans. Suceetsors to C. M Jackson S( Oo. PRQ.PRIETOhS. For silebyDraggio'i ná D?lMiti rery tna In theFjltel Stat. 9!T1 lili Buña.ío Tcstimony. nA CÜRÏ sL 'I Ks'tooblul flth Kbcum ti-.m Lor t)rt) Y(ir mft;rtet mor 1 erj day. j Uto uioa two ali. üw I kf! it rfi am foqr'ww,. „ j : oíWr mjleir a tallnJf cuicd acd the omvSícIm Upí K-e ttfrlverj í uro eo?.'- Vít jf fc ruda,; man tboub I affi ií: tío y,r íJ OC&rtU LCHTJFÍt, 40iL.jy.ia6t..' :.■; líhtí U;l fiu .tifie ftantHtMgfe , íb íafiamfluiton cr.rrrn.'crrrr(.i,;Lte;.Tc.-MTCil v tiirart t tai t eos !br reeL, j0 ,, daJe cnJ Mío conDMttO , th .IUrj aod rtiíMí , }, )oiEt4 Sl&MSi?"' " -- TF"0V . V.U. "' F-'ver Sorfl. o ...f mi: eabserU c.-,. ,f tlcm iffiicUd Itji BteíreTor 6o. theclLt-r !th liromutUm-Utlt w tjirc:llsen..;i.tof tho 'fwpW, Cure' in tiii Ii'er ,.íju1 ito .Vtd;i;i;,c,Rcd acv, eítei Lnvita thor caBÍ:j tricd t, report te oí .eomínendlnr It moeí íieartily i tflorcaí, iccij ia thcir caí - Ed'tcrá g. cure sisar '517 ihcu na6 ror ojois, li:aü teja recra Jtxrnrrit l7J:rSgurídbJtruptto.-!sandbnochír, irbkli't time t-xtcMíd or mj bolelm.! .nd oowfor trrw la toad, me entlMlf blind ; bat ,r!cg t.kcn to bott rfe'Peop.Cor.-.'rny acqnulítatces hanJIj ríSognlte me-Iníesd I hardlr knoir ícítio, aittiin. Letallwbot lüe efflicied trr (h. PeopV. Cure ,_tl,e Mwicioc preparé bv tbc Banñaif Sücietj- ted I tatai they U1 cot begrudge thelr doí..prTfv-,-. PT7RT? Careé Servíala 4 ■IhaveusiJthe-Peopic'sCure'in.iny fi.mily rtth grent beneit, n eme of S-ijfuk ná Salt Khouin ood barerecommeridedltfroqcrfttljton) f -ifods a'i c wbom I boliete haw, beeu bunefitted, aod most of tUvk ntLrciJ cured bjlt. CHAJ. SCiUrFF, S7S Main Et. op-ütalm." . IW;,, PTTTÍP Cures FemJ„ "I on bwe in feeblc htmltb ever slnce tbe birt'h eE ■tar boj, w),o 3 no tívelre j-tírá oíd. I cave had miiiTtruble3anddiiBcultka,Ell tbla timo, unfittlní incforeverykind of abor, and destrojlng allpiv coñT fort, Lasteuaiaiír I coinmoneed taking the 'Peeplt'a Cure.' ttié han med fonr boitUs, and om tiow sJbjom a vtell ti-uman. fficultie liave nearlr uil dUatpeaitd, ttuiH ful cáwriul nd happy. "MBS CATIIARI.NK DEWALD, Drccsmakcr, GoodpirAlLey. abOTTunserit ■Dnaau,Cicí.ív,l-IC2.1 " Wjr wlfvhnk bn lLi poor lioalth for a long Him !insln freqaco'lj to calió pl.rsclaa Icattcad Lr; but une wpr. recently ver? much worsp. Fit íl? or' s! wr.ckssbebaú no apj.#titc, lost all her otreogth, an4 vrasetch üaygrowliig oree, Sbe bad nlght smu, coujtheda jroat des; aurifigeach nlht and considerab!y diirlng the dar, and t all supposed she irán guiog cff Trith tbt' coníuniptin, when a íriend advlxud bor to takethe'Peopks'sCure. On taking tlie oiedidne eb jeredred a cbangat once. Ontheibird da; alie liad rocoreicd ber of.peíite. and was regaining hit íitrfngth, until, on tbc eighíh day, uot ytt barlog ta üeo uie boltie, bbe haa topped takJngr tbe mediclM a;lri(; shc was as veil ss aoybody coulO b, snd ab bas contlnued po ever bIíTCP. "PAÜL KLKIN.OardowvSíFeatlet. 3affalo, OctoVct 1, 1BCS." 5T Fór Sale by all Drug;st-. 842rl C. CROSBY, General Agent, No. 255 Ma n tt. , BoiTii), ' N. Y., to whom all orders aliould be :.ddr8ed. For .sin by StsBBixa S: Wiiso.v, GasxntLit & FvUCa and LotafiACH á Co. WONDERFÜL SUCCESS. j&S The attention and msearch of the mout dl. tíngüíshed Cheaiists unC rLysicians tur years ba beeudevoted to tLe production of a rornedy fur tbc mostdistressing-maUdiee NEUKALOUand RnECMiTifc After long study and many expeiimenU, 8 tptctfe prepüTation haB been discoveioO. WATSON'S Neuralgia Intf.T7ta.l RcmedyA curing iAoiavd of case whereall otberreniedies have utterly failcd. We ar assured thatit ifi uo mere ilANUUYNE,'' roheTlngfor the momentwhilethr. cauae remains, but is a perfect SPECIFICand CURE for .hose faioful diiaasas. Th vast numiier of Liolnients, Erabrocaüons and Exteroul Medicines, whicb act as stimulants of the surface ooly, areinerely tempor.iy in thir offccta and of doabtrul vírtue The NKÜRÁLGIA KING reachei th wntm of %li trouble, and efTectually baniahes the disease f rom the ay stem, Price- Ouc Dollar per Bottle. PreparMi by C. K. WALKER, 1922 Buffalo, Jï. Y.( döi Fort Erie, C. W. Fur Sala Stkcöins & Wilsck, GaayvuLi k icitR, and C . Leeuue & Co. AGOOD TREE IS ENOWN 3Y na fruit. 80 U a good Fhysiiifln ty hlsSucccsstul Worki. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGEEAT AND CELKBRATED PHYflCIAN OF TH8 THROAT, LCNGS AND CHfaT, Kl own all orer tUe couctr; aa lbo Clöbrnted INDIAN IIERB DOCIOEI Froaa cutli America, trUl bc tt blu roon), EüoSEtL HOUSE, UETKOir, Ontbtlth rn:':19th lnnt.,ou the samo date of an4 everv ubseoacnt lnnth duriny 1862 and I8ö3, A MJ.i'I PAilPBLST I Of the Ufe, .tvi'ly and oxtenilvc trnTlii of Or. Lyon can bi prcuurod by all whodmirsono. fiee of chtr. Dr. i wül vilt Aan Arbor, Jaotaou, anil tilkii, Mtch. ,aa fullos : Ann Ar5or, Monitor Honso. COth. Jackioa.Hibbard HouBe.Slst Aortan, Brackett He u, 23d an-! Í3S. Modk of ExAMiXATicijf. - Tlje Dootor dUcernt ditimu bythiiye3! fit, tVereforf , ask uo qus'tlonii nor rq :irep putients r.o pxplain Rjraptrirng. AfBicted, coma anflhave yotir üymptonui aní the locatie of your dloa-;ci-pUin=d Tree of charge Manhood: How Lost How llcstored. JüT PUBLliHED, eéiri.m of Dr. Cnlvr. wtll'ri C.Ubruti Ky on tho radical cur (witfannt tüdiciue) oi" ípkrwatokmícejv, or fcminal Wtukudss, Ia?olunWty Seminal Lorniet. Jia potency, Mental an-i Phrslafc] Incapacity, Impedí' menta to Mf iri.igö, etc; hUo CnnampticrQ, EDilpy itcüiís, induccá bj sel: inculpe nee er aexpal ytrftva gaaco ' . AB" Price , in a soilcd r.uralope, only 6 cent. Tbs calcbr&ted f ut hor in this nánr. rabio e&T cler ly úemoaitrate, from a thirty ynrB nin'conslul -prae tice, th alitrnUi4' corifitttuenceii of aeH aba my be vaflicalïy cured wiihoat the rtnircrous wee ofinttr uürltuedu-lct-ür tbonpulicstic:; of the kaf-pinting out tno-U oí curo, nt once simple, certaÍD andífTectuiil, by xaaiiïi1 of vhtcb every aufferer, no mattff j fhat lil8confMt;on m;iy be, may nureüimielí chwply, privtbh,&ni3 radicfítly. tjfSu This Lectura sr.ould be ie tho hand of erry j'futb a.n flvftíy man íd theliii'1. SeDt, under bcal, iil plain envolope, ïonT nddre", pestpaií, on r?oí-ipi of six cíot, or two Klampt. A4 dres the publiflUcrs. CHAS. J. C. KL!KEro., 127 Boory,Vew Vcak, Fost office box 4586. 9S7tí j-. F A1R BANKS' Mt STANDARD üflífB SP OF ALL KINDS. AI.SO. FAIRBAES, GREENLEAF & CO,, i;i ti. n sii-itt, cíitcAGo. Sold m Detroit fcy FARRANÖ, SHEtEY b CO. C&r Bo catoful to buy tmij ll lj9S Browncll & Periin, GEX'L GOMSJS&IOX WERCBAMS, 183 South Water Street, CÏÏIO-A.C3-P, IXiX-HSTOIS. Detvlers inürain, Flour, PiovÍ6Íods, ?ce4s. Green and Dried Truits, Oidor, ÉC. ftjiH.'Wr-r-' KeB, CUcsgo. 3. "Hdtttofi Oo., Aoa Arbor.Miob. 3, T'iTtic'iIii tettimi ívnto tio I efGfr and F'ri'á Fruith, Ci(ii fl Ordprt fnr tbe r.arcl.ase of Clovor aj TltaMhy Seed. Cct Míifate, &c, promptly atto'ied t ló(ra. f tni with oaa' ni 5ii'IaVfn refotc't. í".W(


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