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Tn ruii ni nuil iiiiMiiMaiiwniii- -■Miiuiiui- mu- mu, rrRE iüüTS AND THE LEAVKs WI1.L be for the IU aliLg of tho Nationa. Bitle. x3c-or. m. o". Xjtokts THE GRE4I ANP i;K!..:.:i;H..VTBI) l'IlY.siaAN nf the THKOAT,tSg HliAKT, l.IVfcK AND THE BLOÜD, Known vllüvcr as the nSTZDÏAIXr HBHB BOOTOK 1 Ui 2S2 Superior Stnot, Cleveland, Ohio. 'VV í 1 1 ifisit tl.v following places, viz _ A.TOINTMÉffWFQBlSei, lSr.3un.Uv;.!. i Prof. R. J. J.vons can be cousultèd at the fnlluwiug placesevery rnonth, viz: Detroit, Hussel House, each month, lSth and llnh. Aun Arbor, Monitor House, éaci raonfli, 20th. .luks„n, Hibhurd House, eacu montlr, 21. Adrián, Hrackt-t IJouse, nach raonth J2dand23d. Toledo, Ohio, Colime House, oaci moKtb, 24iii,25th, anti Gfitii . Hillsdale, Mich., 11 i! Is. I. Hotfse, oacli month, 27th. C'u'iJnnter, Mich'. , Soutiioru JlicliiRaii UuU80, each raorith, 28tó. Elliliart, liüihari HeilSP, cach month. 2Oth. South lïend. [ad., öt. Jo. Hotel, each mouth, "0. I.nporUs, Jij.l., lee i. ui .int iïuuot-, cach montli V' . Woostor, Ohio, CrandeU Exoiiaijge, each niouih. 7 tb and K'.h. MansñtlJ, Ohio, Wile'r. House, each month, 9tli and lOth. Mi . non, Ivenvon House, each month. llth and lSth. Nowarli, Ohio, Holton House, each month 13th and 14 th, Pamcm i 1 T o , Ohio, Cowles Houpp.oïlch moníh íth i[.]..Vl..I,ANI', (lllld. KKSIUhXSE AND OFFICE, 2'82 SlTPERJOll STREET. Faist of the public square, oppnsite the I'ORtnfficp. (,'!))--.■ days each montli, o,i, 4;li,ütb, 6tJi, lóth.- Oliae liourn from y A. M. to 12 M. and trom 9 V. M. t.p 4 ('. M. OnSunfliiy irom 9 10 A . M.,and 1 to 2 i'. M, ryMaxijnsstrietly adhred t- 1 ivo sucb balraa have no atrife, With nature oj tin.' lavg of fe, WítL blood ray haads I ncvcr.sta.ini Norpbisüri men toeasè tli%irpaïn. He is a physicitni indeed , irho VuréS. T)ie In-ïiah Herb Doctor, R. ,T. LYOXtí, cures the followinn; comp:aiuts in the most obstiimte stages uf their existence, Viz; ]ii.-i"tss of Tliroitt , Lungs, ITcart, I.ivor, Stnmach, Dropay o thfi üliest, lïliemnalisni, Neuralgia, Kits. or FjiliiiiSicknrs.'i,iin.lnl] other aerrou'i9ratigeitiénts. AïpQ ;ill .n-.ea.e.-.ol the blOod . ucli as BtSróütllA-, V.vy si jichis Cancers, Fóver öores, Leproay, nul all oftsr cotnplicted clinntic complainta . All Forma of Tt-niiile tiüHcuitri's utiended to witli tht1 happiest resalts. It ts ltopetl thitt nn one will 'lospair of a cure untü tht'j llave givea t'uo Imlian Herí) iootor.'s Medicina a fairaud faÜUful U al. ícS=.I-)ring the Doctor'ttMveU iti líurope, West lntlie.s, South America, and Che United ÖLuit's, he Uíifl Uieo (he insirument ín God's hand, to restore to hoalth and vigor thousanils who were givenup ani pronounced incurable by the most emiueutold schotil phyKiciaus: nay, more, thousands whu were nn the rerge o)' tlte grave, are now living raoi.unintK to tho Indis n Heib'ö Doctor's sbil] and succossful í re atine ni , aneare dcily exclaimiog: "B'essed be theday when first ne saw and partook of the ludían licrb Doctor 's meïicine." Satisfactory referencesof CJres will be gladly and chrcrfüllv gi ven h ene ver required, Tbe Doctor pledges his word and honor, tliat he will !n no wiie,diitíctly or índirectly, educe or cause any invalid to také faifi medicine vnthout the strorgest ]robabtlitvüf a cure. Ö5"ode of samination, which is eutirely different from ihe facvlty l)r. I.yon professes to discorri diseases by the eye. Ho therefore asks noquestíons, nor does he require patientftto expíalo symptoms. Calí oue and all, ind have thesyraptomw and location of your diseaspexplained free of charge. fThp poor shall be liberally considered. Êa-PostoLQccaiWresB,box 2663. R. J. LYOXS, M. I. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862 lySSO O. BLISB Voul1 tafee thís met tío d of informing hiS oíd friends and patrons and all chthers vb.o may favor him with their patronage, tl a t he has greatly enlarged hid 8tock and Assortaient ! and hnving adopted the ! CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING &8ELLING is prepared to stíll Gooda at pl.ofc'jOlXJa- lle Xrioe JST His stock consiste ia par o: che foliowiiig: jL-A AMERICAN AND OTHER "Watches ! 4,6.1 SKTI I THOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CriAlNS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLË11Y I Pazors, Sho.-irs, Scissorsaml lïrusbes, HOGERS PLATED WARE, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENTFJ.OPES, Musical Instruments, Strivgx Sf Books for Instruments, of Gold, Siloer, Steel, and Plated, wüh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persono hairlng diüícult watcbes to fit witli glasses can be accoinodated, as my stock ia largüand complete. i. S. Particular attention to the of all kinds offln Wat ches, such aa Making and Setting new Jcwels, Pintona, Sraffs, and Cylinders. Atso CLOCKS, 5c TEATELT" neatly rcpaived and war-anted, at his oíd standeast sideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor,Nov. 25, 1862 826tl GREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BAKGalNS EVEK OFFERED 1859. JIq1859In tln3City,:ireuovbeingoffere(lat the OHÈAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & & O w & X x3T StoreTH E Subscribir woiildsny to thccitizensof Ann Arbor,i" particulnr, and tho rest of Wnahtenaw :.mntv inffp-npral, tlmt liohaajust 1MPORTED 01RECTLY frnm KtJROPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watchee! AU ofwhirhlifl hinds himsplfto sel! CHKAPER than can he bought west of' New York City. I have alo the CELEBRATKI) AMEllCAlY WAT CHES, which Í wlll seiï ter $35. Evory Vvatch warrautbd to perform well,ortlu; muney reiunded. ClocUe, Jewelry, PiatedWare, Fancy (íoode, Gojd Pens, Musical I ik tr umen t a aod Stringf, Cutlery, &.c, nd'in fact aynriety of everjthio uoiinlly keptby Jewelerscan be bought tor the uext uinety days at vuur OWN PRICES! ersons buyinsauythinf! at tliis wol' known estob dme ïitcan rely upon getting goodi exnct'y aa repesented, orthr monpy refuiided. riaJlcarly nnd soure the begt bargaine ever üff'p red in thif City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are preparad to mnke any repnira onfine or cour m WfUciu'6, rv, v in rn-ikinüo n'r t'no entfrr watcb, nRCeesjiry. U pHirtnfi tt' Clocks and Jewelry aa sual. Alo the èniaiifactoMng of filNd'S, BRíJOCHí, r auythitiï 'icaircd. (run: California G.jld onshurtnoce. EnffraTire in alüts braochesexeented witlmeat esB anddiapatch. J C. WATTS. lisohition Wotïce. mlIEKIRMOKlRAlMN, WuüD k CO., was dis,,,!,,,.! Í Januurv Ui, ];!. l,v mutual consent. ('. A. Clmiiin and A. B. Wond ivill set tic accounts of thefh-m " l.ïSun; a. B. Woon Ai, u Arbor,.tune 84, ""■'" - l ' Cpaiiershlp, TTR ÜNDÜRSIUNKD entored into partnorship Jn. l'i, W)3, by the (iim imim' ol' ('bupin Je Co., and will o.ontiuue the businetB of mnnufacturing printine aad wrappiuff paper. G. A. CWlK, . MK .i, --.,;. N.OBAPtN, . V. Cmm. ian .VrHor.Jun' ü4,JS(i3 DIOlf BANNER HAT STORE'! GOTO cWs O I I i jLtJ'il "W Before you buy, Spring and Suinmer styls oí STRAW GOODS! QE2STTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. Jnu Arbor, April 20th, 1804. 3m953. EMIPIRE BOOK STORE! Haviug purchasec! J. E. WEBSTER'3 stock of Books i mil Statiouery, I shall endeavor to keep a constant uppty ot schooii :qooh:s, TEXT BOOKS ! MEDICAL & UW BOOKS STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PKICE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC and a superior of WALL PAPER! aniierervlliing usuallykept in a well conducted Book fctoro. üpposite Frunklin House. G. W. SNOVER. AnnArbor, June, 1S64. l960 Rifle F actor y! Beutler & Traver, [íuccessors to A. J. SuthcrlanS,] ilanutacturers of and Dealera in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poushes Gamt Bags, and Everjother article íl, thatLine. All kinds of HïJPAIRïlsrG done at theshürtt'.st notice, and íntnebest manner. a fullüssortmeDtalwayskept onhand and made order tSZQ tíliftp comer Main and Washington atreets Ann Arbor.Oct. 8, 1362. 873tf MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSUEANCE COMPANY Kalamazooi JMOicli.' Insures against Ioss oí Daniage by Fire or JLightaiug. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ouaranlee Capital, by State Authority, S300,000,00. DIRECTOPS: J. P. KennkdT, Marsh Giddiíígs, A. P. Mms, Geo W. Snydee, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS: . J. P. Kennedy, Prcí T. P Sheldon. Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A P. Milla T'ens.. H. E Hoyt Ass't Sec, S. D. Alien, Gen. Agt. í)40tf WIZARD OIL. fho greatest oternal aurt external romedv ever offered to tiie public, í'or tho curtí of Lchu.s aud l'airis, is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. No faroil j once having thoronghly tried, will be without Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It will cure Nervous and Infl.immatory Pains more reaciily and sursly than auy otlier article iu use. It requircs only n fow minutos auphoation of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Te cure tito pain entirely in all cases of V#ifttfiAgflR. Headnclie, ToolHucUe, Knraclit t Is, aiui Haml'n's Wizard Oil. u: . 1 : Klicuiiinllsin spialiis, ..umi Uut'k Soit Tlnl Dlpik In, Dl.Mi li. a CrtuílJ) Collc, ÍTost Bilis Biuiis and Scalds. Hamlin's Wizard Oil, Ik n-, liumbug. Try t, .in.1 its ondsrfa] clIVcts wil] stonisli you. I'KICE 25 and 50 i'KXTS PER BOTTLK. The fiity cent bottlps cuntain nttrl three times as uiucli as the tweat.y.hve cetit sizo. Mnnufnetured hy J A Hamlin ABro.,102 Washington Street, FÜLLtK,.FIKCH [ ÏCLLIK, M and 26 MarketSt IncHgo, art' Whok-sale Ageuts tor lvi'51 Hamlin's Wizard Oil. RUTTAN'8 VENTILATION WARMING! nj -OT tlreeecB!bratO mn,hi0Pi tw yie i-awiJngof u.M.ngs 1 ,hn,t ,,„ikt. [.. ,vin ,,N„ hf fiappv to ve snch intructi"ns tn all wlioare abimt t., Iniild as wlll enai.lft!iH„ t,. warm tl,.-ir tovm, at abouthalf theexpen.elorfueltliat they om, ponsiblv du by anj othermeans. J" J J REFKREXCEB. C!. KRERRAC'-t, A.m Arbor. A. A. SCHOOL BOARD AUtifSlTK WinRNMASN nn Arbor. Mm-elt lili.lsnj. BmPli i CLOTHUSTQ A.T j . ""- 4 c ■ I.GÜITMM_SCO'S! Havlng justreturned fromEast vith a largo stock of SPRING AND SUMMERG00DS! we invite ?11 our o',. 1 frinvls and custumors to come and examino eur ftoolí i1 CLOTHS CASS1 JÏEÏIES & VESTLGS. -o Dispute tlie fact if ron can, It tak'.'s tlie TAILOÍl after all to give uppearance to the ontcr man. If you wish to apear well You must acconliuglj' Dres3 Well. Go to SI. Guíterman & Co's,, There you will find thingw exaetly SO. SOTVflfíJElTalways ready to' 'take your measure, GUITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER tLan you will find n :he State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The INDDCEMENT6 are uovv greater than ever, Our Clkrks you will fiad obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oetting ur, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAOÜ, For it tukus but LITTLE MONEY to replenih. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPOJITATION, Forwarded tbrough our New. York relations. Frorn England, Belgium, Germany and France, Sncli as yoií can stand up ín, or wear, at the dance. Panjs ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy C4SSIMERES and DOESKIN oí evL'rv grade, We se!l them íroín ONE DOLLAR up tO KIQIIT. 7EHTS, &C, of every clescription, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishinof apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we sav now, Tüerefore me make our bow. Tours truly, ever so, M. GÚITERM&ÍÍ. ACo., Terrible Slaughter! THE VÏCTOKY IS OURS ! THE BATTLE Which bas been raging for the past fotir weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Has proved a grand succes, akhüngh the slauguterof DRY GOODS Has been terrible. V-'e rfow pJake the announcoment tnat wé shall continue "For Mfiny Years" to Ètök.6 war with high primos, beinjr determined to prive Uit; hundredswho dailv ihrong our store, full valu.. Tur their raoney, La di es can Ond with us all desirable shades and style.s uf DRESS GOODS, RIBBOJNS, TRIMMÍGS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, IIOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, With a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS We hear ít said every day that w-1 are ruiníng tha business in this city by sellinff so cbeap but we cannot helpit, The Goods Must be Sold. 1000 New Styleandbest quality HOOP SKIRTS very chtap, and for the (eutiemtn we have u very Jiirgo assorimentof Prench Twilled Cloth. Beaver Overcoatinga, Dossktns, Faucy Cassim..res,Vestinga, &c.t Of all descrïpHons, and can furniKli a whole snit on short notice mnch cheaper than it run be bnught else where. An exaroinafiuti of this brancb of our busi ftöSS wilrconvince all tfíáttfiís i1; ihe place t o buy tiieir Pants, Qq&M aiui S'eBj Wc ímve a complete stock of Laüies and í'hüdrentí' Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, And ín fact everything tliat man or woman can desire to wear on head orfoot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At astoniKhiiig lnw prices, and in short our eotire tock must sharctho same fate for we are determined to sel), no what M ornakers may sav. All are icvited to inspect our stuck ari it is 110 trouble to show oor goods, and we are bound to meet the demands o( i 11. 932tf MACK SCHMID. Fcr Ras, Micp, Ronches, Anís, Bed Btgs, Moits in Fws, WooJen, Sfc., Inst'cts on. Vlanls, Fowls, Animáis, 5c. Put up In ITic. M)o. and Í1.Q0 ünxos. Buttlüv. and Flasks. 3 and $6 Síes f r Botéis, r.vSTiivTI0N8, &C. "Only infaüiblo remedies künvn." ' 'Freí1 Í n!u PoiflanA, ' ' "N'otdangeroup to Ffutri&n r'amily." "Kats Cdinc oufif their heles to ití '" Sold WhcloKale in al! larKe citie. M-'1'' íy a i 1 Druiriüsts and Iletailersevery w S IÜ Ukwarb 11! of ál) Wprtlvless imitationa. fflt. iee tliat "OdsTAK'S" traiñí is on rach Box, Iiottle. and Flask, befoïie a'u i - i i -s Adress . HESllV IS. COSTAR. . l'r.i.vni'.u I)i i-ni i52 IJ)io.rv n . y., v York. SS-Sold hv M Wli-desah'au.l Rctail DrnggihtB Adu Arbor.Miehian. ora954. HOVVAKÜ ASSOCIATION, Pllir.ADKLPHTA.TM. "WBaBO Dlseascffnrthe Xi-rvuus, Semtnnl. t'rlnary anti Sexual and wiiah'etreatment - in Report of the HUW AM) ASSCKJlA'f H), - Sant by mail in oaleti lettPrenvelopes, fvte tii'chargo. Addra.v.Dr ,r..KHJ.IN U()l"i;HrON, Uovnrd Aenocia Pno.Jfo. ï'üoath NinliSlrpi't.' Phi'a , l'u. lfvl JUST OPENING? ïlio largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FÜKNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOPAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS ' CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Loolitas Glasscs Grilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, ana a other goods kept in the best and largest houies n t!. e country. Weneepno second hand furnituie or AiKtinn gonds. Cofiins lept constantly on hand, and made to order. My guudj are oflered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES ■"■ B. I must have mcney. and resppctlul'y rci)npM tlinso indelted, to eall aad fl.v up thcir old mattcrs without clc-lay. O. M. MARTIN. Aun Arbor, Oct. 6, 186. 92ftf RIS DON & HENDËRSOA IB TJ O T5L JE3 "ST 3E3 CRAIN DRgLL9 and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpHE VKKY I.ATEST IMI'ROVEMENT, au,l betterthan X all otliera; adapted to sowmg Wlieat, Kye, Oats, iarley and Grass Séed . Ist. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will soto all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunches the Grain H7i. Never breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Graas Seed broodcast behindthe Drill. QtJi. Has high wheels and long Hoes. "tli. Han long and wide steel points. Sti. lt has a land measure or 8urveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drUls. lOth. lt has a self adjusdtig shut off slide. lt is neatly and substantiallj made. There is hardly a Drilï offered in the market but can boast rf more or lest "FJIiST PREMIUMS. They are aboutas muicrïniirmtely bostoweil as the title of " Professor,'1 whinh is sonietiraes ipplied to the ltjiddler'' or ilbootblach.J .They cease to convey the idea oïmerit. The Buclít'Vfl Drill has been on E-chibítinn .&t quíi-.-a nuniber of StatcanU Co;:nt,y Fuirs, and without i-t-ekiü'favorat theliani of any Committee, has received U fullsharf of l'roiniumfi TESTIMONÍALE : 1lYe give the followmtr uames of a few Farmers in th' vicinity wjo havebought and uscil theBuckeyefrül; Go.lfrcy Miller, Btfe, JacoLl)uluer,iu& Jacob Trpmper, " Thomas White, Nortbfield. John Brokaw, " Ohristinn Kapp, ' F.ilwïird Bqytien. VTeVter. JaniH Troadwel!, AnnArboi rauitlO'ílii"i, M " O. A. Marshah, ' L. Kclmonris, Pa line.', Oeorge Cropsey, (.rinn Kuc", Liv.Co, We arealbo Ageuts for the Ohio Reaper & M_ wcr, acknowli'ge trbe the very best in ose. We are just in receipt of 100 Graiu Oradles Whicli we will sell ciieap. Also alargeassortment c G-rass Scytlies. Andthelarget andbeit seleeted stock of BENT STXJI F FOR CARRIAOESever before offered in this market We also keep a large aud full NAILS, OLASS, PITTY, PAINT, and LINgEED OIL, A cmplete assurtmeut of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EA VK TROTOllPalways on hunñ and pul up 2 the shortest u(tice. RISDON & [IENDERSOX. Ann Arbor, JuqeS9th,ISG2. 869tf NÖBLE & RIDER, are stlüng Uieir largo stock of BOOTS & SHOES, CHEAPER THAN EVER!! LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Óood Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 1 Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Wotnan's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and CLildren's Shoes : : : : 15 a 1.50 Now is the lime lo buy as BOO TS and SHOES are r-apidl.y advancing in Eastern Markets. THEY ALSO MAKE WARRANTED WORK TO ORDER. $ AM) REPAIR. Kenieinber wo can not jpd will not be uudersüld, I'leae; cail :inUi:iu,,m' ïhcir stvck LAWRBNCE NOBLE, f'ÍÍARtBS RIPEIl. Ann Arbor. Feb. I5lfl!l9fii fBJ4. Mortgago Sale. rjEFAIXT Biving been ma.V in lbo pértorm fifteenfh day of .Tanuary, A. D., lé,"6,. xTJ, tt u, Lawreuce And Tnmar Uwr.nce, LO'1' Hrown.and dufy recorïed in the office of the R "eeds, of WmMMww eomrty; M,chia„ ?8ÏÏ twenty-Uvo of mortpagea page thrcc humC ty nn the t-w,ty.,,itl, ,'i.v ..f Frtruarf ."f 185o, wherebj the power to sell ti,c mortp,, Li;.11 has tocóme pperaiv ladninai or im..-eT dinl i?11 been msututed at aw to r?er tfie dtbfteS'í id mortgage o, 8Ily pajr tier! , ,,,„1 tl,t. Plm 0'!Í! hundred apd fiftjr ope dolía:? and 11-irly li,,,i ' befng now claimed to fe duc tli( rcon (besid fcrid expensa of tl foreclosure of sa.d mortg.ipe Incloditig rea torneysfees.) Noti.e is thereforo her"y Z' aaid mortewill be furtcRwed tv i, mJ ; .- ., " hl gaged],ren.ii,,,vp vil : Tbf Ü" fporthof the nürth-wcst qnarter oí section tilC eight, also the northeast w -eighth of the nr.rth wr o.,e hall quW of sai ] !:„ Jwenty t-igM í rod. u!. froip the side óccupíed as a l.( ' (a„ Ï'.' IBf;rai1 nttfcWoorsouth and rai.Rc numí,, east, ,n tho County ,f and Mate,?,',8'1 igan, conUininirm all furty-ume acres of ],nd m,, lesa, or w ,,art t Lercof, at pulUo Veñdrif at 11,7,'"! door of taeConrt House, ln tle Citj of A„n A2?" t.cini the place of huWin ffi ixth day of August nvxt at uoon '' Bkaküs Si Ckaiibi , David BR0W5 Att'-rneys for Morfpaeree. Al. ' Bated , Ano-Albor, MaJ 2U)5 1864. Morl8. - _ " Chancery Notioo. STCAhancèfyM"'HI''AN-Füllrt" J C, . MargaretVanVer. j g Q' '1 I5aa= Vau W.gner, 'J Lefdant. ??5 T, - - . . j Jnce A. 1) jv. It atisfactorily appearing to the undersiirV ., IRallidav.t of Margajet Van Wagnfr, that tk, ,!5 (Ipfendant, l.13a. Van V.gner. ,Vs 'jWf JMI of_tb.s -tale, !,:,, ,e r,ÍM],.s n ibe.íSi" Wisconsin and-!iat.a ubj , .1H.,H ' ' pKSt,ferH;IS bMfcr,-4,ftt,la plaint file.l n sai,! causo be takea as iubj said defehdant ; an.l t r further „r.iere.í th'at Si twen.y dayssai ci ca joe a cony of ilth i der to be publisKed ir, '-The Wwk!, Mjchiiu, Jr,' a newspa,,i-r piintfd and pubJMifdin tlip Chi M Arbor in „id Ounty of W,rt„e„a, ar„l tj.f ? lication thoreof be continued orce ia éel' i mi '' successive weeia, or tliat sai.] er v.;,hi„,,, ' a copy of his or,ler to be personal ï LÏJ,V &tlPrañcí.dbefOrel .l!:otA" Ariír' tk _ . .. „ VANCÍ.EVE t MicW-an" S'n(;r' WashtLDaw Coitj, A. Fkch, Complainanl's Poücitor. (tiw5 Estáte of David Lapham. QTATKOP MICHr5AN, Conr ty o) Washwna w kJ At a session of the Probate Court lur ti ConífíTt Washtf naw, holden at th , Probate Office, in thc Cit,! Ann Arbor, un Wedntsday ■, ,;„ , l)f jl . ' the yewme thousan.i ; bnd íixitíív Present.Thomas Nintie..I(uige of Probiite. In the mattt r si the Jétate cf Dav:d Lar.luti M of said Couníj, deceased Onreadineaadfiling the petition, duly Te-fa Walter P. eorson, praying for the probate o an it ment now on file in this -o, . . ,0 heön will and testament of said deosased. ïhereupfnitisOiflcretl, tliat Monay. tliéCrtfwh day i f August qex},a,t ten o'clock n thn.forenM Un slgned for tÈe hearing of sai.l pelition.nnil thattkí. visees, lesatíes aad lieirs, at l;w oí' saut ilfce-é m allotrier persons nterested in sai'! estáte are'MquteJ to ajipear at a sesión of s:tif' ''ltnrt. tion t.. t'ehvidMt the Office, n tbe City.ol AnuA,l,,.r Count;. . lyse.lfanytílercDe.WbfrKK ot tne petiticner should not And t is further óniered, thnt siií petiMufr Sire noticetothe persons al the penrlency ..I sjl [titiou, mnd the litarme nv p:! l f th!f Ordet I j i, ( Michigan A,jM,x ■ ■ ■ lVulítfc, in sai.; (-'pimtj of Washlen,ni(, tlirce successiïe ïi previnMs to sairi day o : . i' (AtruuConv.j THOMAS NINT.E, , S6 Judge of Probit CITY COOFEH SEOP. o SPxiFFORD & DODSLEY, successors to O. C. SPAFFORD & D. IIENNIK, Would respectftilly annoimce to the citizens of in irb,.r and vieinity, that they are uow iranufacturill And keep coiistantly on hsnd a ■ Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Suoh' as Pork and Cidtv Barrels, Kegs.Firkins, CLurns, Well Bnckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, ét. .McrchsntE aml Rrewers are mWted to examine tir Butter Firkins and liter Kegs. ctjstom: vortic, done to ORDER on SHORT NOTICE aml warranttj, ____ l" Cash paid for Staves, Headiig and Hoops. . Shops corner of Detroit i: Xuttt Streoti, witmtt of North&FifthSirects. fcPAFFOKD A DODSLEY. Aim Arbor, Feb. 6th, 1864. 9Í"" NEW PXR MÍ! 0 GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOI.KSALE RET-AIl, DEALERS I!i TOBAOOO, CIGABS, Merschaum Pipes. &c. - - We, the undersiKiipa, bejr leavp to nf„rro thf CfflZENSOKaXN ARHoKaud viciuitj-. ijiat wc liVtW day estaMisliH a Tobacco and rk-ar bu-iri - pitpe, .lo'.r North of tin FriiDkiin Bloei,'1 reet , where we hall nlways keep afull aa of thebestqualitiesof SMOK1XG L CIÏEWIXG TOBACCO! as also a largo and oboice selection of the best tawk of CIGARS! ' PIPES, (Merschaura, Brier and Eojewood,) OIGAH HOLDEBS, INDIA RüI3B?:R P.OUCÍIES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. Wil! br found wit!, us of .ill kinds and of PkicSsTO SDITEVERY (JXK. sl,alleU all o_f tbebove raontionc! ;u!icli-s ■' raany others wliich bi-lons: to inir of traite at the lMVest posüibJe rate for cah. Please callana axaniuft . N.B. - iRn - Hqnuw -,vith ciirnr box onp donrnoïfll of the t'raDklia Blook. , , „, GRUSER & SEYlF.R Ann Arbor, May Gd. 18Í54. 9;5tf. A Farm for sale. OITr.MI-llfiK mil.'s N.irth of Ann ArluT. SaiJ&J" 1 cons:stn "f 1 '-''i eres. On premiéis ufe P lunl.lliiKí. a orciiard nad living stream. H'' kncuMi as the Rosecrans'farm. tt ill oe fold cheaPi and teimi ot payrnent made easv. Kiqiiire of L.C. RISPOS. Ann Arbor, Jan. "fi, 18fi4. 94"ltf Ayer's Agüe Cure.


Old News
Michigan Argus