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Chambersburg Burned

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. (Jhatnbersburg, JuJy 31. Ou the morniüg of the üOth of July, the rebels, under the command of MoCausland, with a forcé of about 500 men, entered Chambersburg and demanded $100,000 from the citizens, under a threat of burning the town. This requisition was in writing, and signed by Gen. Jubal Early. It is now estabiished by indisputable proof that this deiuand was a pretext on the part of the marauders to cover up a pnrpoee formed. They rcached the town to burn it to the ground, withotit giving any time to remove private property, and soarcely time ecouo-h j for the citizens to remove tbeir families. i They fired the houses of our citizens in perhaps fifty places Over 250 houses ia one part of the town were consumed, iocludiug all the public buildings, store and hoteis, ofuprising about two-thirds of utown eontaining 6,000 inhabitants. Thus a iarge body of citizens are reduced from comparative wealth to absolute poverty. Many families have lost all tbeir bedding and clothing, except such as they had on their persons. The loss will be largely over one million dollars. Without aid from abroad there will be great sufferiug in our community. ZW Nearly one tbousaDd Union prisoners from the Red Siver counrty arrived at New Orleand on tiie 25th, uit., the majority of them belonging to Iowa snd Indiana, the 26íh Indiana and 19th ïowa being largely represented. The True Delta says tliat they present a most pitable app.tarauce, beiug hatless and shoeless, 'nany of them wero without sufBcient clothing to cover their nakedness. They aio nnimated skeletons, whoso feet left blood markg in their tracks. Many of them have been from twelve to sixteen months in prisou, ■ i mm 1 1 - - JL3L" All admit that the turning point of the campaign k opposition to the present corrupt and imbecile administration. Who, then, is more appropriate to be the candi'late of the opposition element than tbo man whora the adrniniatratioo has labored harder to rnin Ihan il his to crush out the rohelüon ? We started with the idea of sustain ing the flag. Four fifths of ihose whn voluntanly enlisted, örilisled with 7 other motive. We have seen what rQ ui bas followed wherever and wheneve" thig principie was igooied for idea baaelen as Uiey have proved impracti cable. . The way f„r restoration is 0D '" and we finnly believo that the massé. North and öoulh are ready to meet 0 cominon ground. The New York i&n'ÍTreferenee h the evideut broaking up of the ropubli can party and the overwhelming defeii which awaits Lincoln at the coini, election, says: "When prominent mi ot the república party are heard to opeuiy expresa the hope that llie rebeli will enter Washington and capture Oíd Abe, and this disaffection extending to the rank and file of the party, it is tim, tor hun to eonsider that hia case is W less, unless he changes hia Cabinet and does something for hia country beside telling smutty stories." The Buffulo Courier says the "Motto for tlia Honr"should be " Millions of Men and Monuy for the Union- not a a cent and not a mun lor a fanatical crueade upon slavery. War, if need be for nationa! integrity. peace, when national integrity can be secured "


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