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npHE ROOTlS AND THE LEAVES X Wlfiti K lor the Heaüi.g of the Na, Moa. Bihlc. Prof. T. tiYOKTS, HIK (, HEAT AM) CKIKI1ÜATKÍJ 1'HYSJCIAN of the TflJ'.OAT.MJNU-'. HEAItT, L1V1.R AND THE BLOO1, Knowu uil over thce.ountry au the CKT.BBBATKP IINTÍIAN" HBÜS DOCTOEi Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the rolluwing placea, vi. APPdlXlSrEStsFOii 1SG2, 18U3an.i 1864. Trol'. H. J. Lvoiii caü be cimsulteii at the fnllowing piaceseves-y luontli, viz: Detroit, ïtuasel House , cncli montli, lStham] 19lh. Aun Arbor, Mouitoi liuuse, p;u:li montli, -JOl ii. .Tackson, Itibb&rd Houne, i-ach mouth, 21, A!rHQ, línick't Housp, ertch month 2Sd %nn23ft. Toledo, Ohlo.Coltms Houáe.uíicli montb.S4tli.3Mh, aDrl S8th . Hillsdalé, 5[ifb.,lIillsaaleHou., cnc!i month, ÜTtli. ('ol'iwater, Micb. . Suutüern Jlichigan House, eavb month, S8th. Klkiiart, Klhlinrt Houv.each montb , '29th. South llauA, Inri., St. Ju. llotel, oncb moiitb, 30. I.aporte. Ind., Tea Qarln ÍIoií.m-, euch montli 31fit. Wooster, (jhiu, Craodell Kxchaijgej caub iuod'.Ii, 7th HUflSth. ïlansfielüi Oliio, Wiípr IIourí1 eacli mnnth. 9th nut lOtti. Mt. Yernon, Konyon House, each month, llth anu 12tli. N'owavK, Ohio; Holton House, each inontb, lo'Ji ami 141 h, I'ainoFville.Olii.i, Cowlw Huuse, each month, 4th CI.I'.VKI.ANI), OIIK1. RE8ÍDEK0E AND OFFICE, 282 SUPEUIOU STREET. Kiist of the public squnre, opposite tbe I'ostoilice. Ottice'lay.- each mouth, ]t: 8d( 4t)i,5tb, Oth, lötli.- tÜK:e LOUW from ï) A. M . to 12 M, ;vml from ü I'. M. to 4 f. M. OuSundjLV fftiu í lo 10 A. M., and 1 to 2 P. SI. j6-M:i,xim.sstrictly ullipffd to - I give fiucli tmUu as Imve nu strife, With natiiio or the lavs of Ufe, Witli blood m y liainls I never stain, Norppísoa men toease tlieir pain. I fe is a phyaician iiidi'ed. wiui Cures. The ludían Horb Doctor! II. ,J. LY0X3, cures the following cmnpiíünts in tb e most obstinate stages uf their existrnce, vi: Dïseaffeffof theThroat, Liings, Heart, I.iver, tomacli , Projisv in the Oh pst. lïh eu raat ara, Neuralgia, Kits. or FalIlngSicknöttfandal] o titer niffvoumierangements. AIko all'iisoasesoi the blood, such ;us Scroluht, Krysipelas, Canccrs, átres, Leprosy, and allother coraplicatiMl chroiiiccomphiLiiIs. All forma of Témale diíficulties attended to witli tbe happiest result.s. It is hopeil that no one will dospair of a cure untíl thcy have given tho Indiau Hcrb Doctor' Medicines a fairand faithfnltrial. fiESuring the Doctor'f traveln Ín Europe. West Indies, Souih America, and the UDited States, he has bfen ihc instrument in God's hand, to refltbve to Jtealth and vigor thousands wlio were given up nnl pronauncod incurable by the most eminentold school pliynicinns; nay, more, thousands who wcre on the vergo of the grave, are now livinír moLiimfDts to the Indien Ilorb's Itoctor'f. skill and succeRsfultrcatment, andaré daily exclaiming: "Tïiessed betheday uhen first we saw and jiartook of the ludían Hei'b Doctor 's medicine. " ?atifactovy refeyenceríor care? will bo gladly aud checrfuïly given henever rcquircd. TheDuctor pledgeH his word and lionor, that he will in no wiiie.directly or indirectly,induce or cause any invalïd to tí;ke bis medicine vithout tbc strongest probability of a cure. ]&■&■ Mode of examinatinTi, wliich is ontirrl.vdïfferent from thefaculty. Pr. Lyon professea to diücern diHeases by the cye. Ho therefore sks noquestions, nor doeshe recjuire patientto explain symptom.. Callone atTd' all, ind have thesymptoiua and location of your diseaseexplaintdfree of chavpre. gThe poor shall beliberally considered. ,6É?r-PostofilceaddresB,box 2668. R. J. IVOXS.M. I'. Cfe-siefautf, Oïiio, Nov. 25, 1862 lyR80 O. BLISS WüiiUl take tbis method of iuforming h8 oM {rienda and patrons aud all otliers who ínay favoi1 bíra vvith their patronage, tbat he has greatly enliivged his Stock and Assortiment ! and baring adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING & SELLIN6 i.s prepared to sell Goods ai floaSOllCi1" tolo IE-3trÍoeffif j ms stock consiste iu par ot the following: jpg. AMERICAN AND OTIIER WaíchesI ,-fiP SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setís GOLD CflAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLERY ! razors, Sltearñ, Scissorsaiul Briihes, ROOURS PLATF.1 WAUK, the beat in markct, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER anl ENVELOl'ES, Musical Instruments, Strings $ Books for Instruments, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Platid, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior artícle. Persons having dífficult watelips to fit with glasses an be accoinoíiaitHl, as uiy stock Í6 large'aQÜ com)lete, P. S. Pariicular atteation to tlie ïl3SIPA.IRI3Nr Gr of all kinds of fino Watchos, sucb as Making áiid Setting new Jcwels, Pinions. Staffft, and Cylinders. Aleo CLOCüS, Sc TEWELRY neatly repaired and Varanted, at bis oíd standeaat ide of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann trbor.XoT. 25, 1802 826tf GREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BAItGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. lL.1859. n tliÍ3Oity,arenowbeiiigofferedat the 0KEAP,CL0CK,WAT0H, & Jo-ce elry StoreIMIKSnbscribor wouldeny to thecitizeneof Ann Arbor in particular, and tho ret of Wnsbtenaw Jmiiitv inüoncral, thnt hehnsjust lMPOIll'ED DlRECTLY from EUKOPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watehes! 11 of whichhn binas himselftosell CHKAPEKthan oanbeboughtwestof New York City. I have also the CELÉBRATE D AMERÏCAN" WAT CHES, vrhirh I will seii ttr $35. Evory Watch warranted to erform well.ortbe money relnnded. Clookt, Jewelry. Piated Ware, Fancy Goods, GoldPens, luslcnllnstruments ni)d Striugs, Cutlery, &c, nd in fant a variety of everythinír uwiinlly keptbyjewelers can be bfmghrforthe uext ninoty days nt yítUT OWN PRICES! ersons buyinfí nuything nt this wel' known eatabjtinu' nt csn rely upon getting goodü exact'y as repeaented, refundnd. Tallearly and seure tlie best bnrgaina ever oftVred in thil City, One word in regard to Rcpairing : Weareprpparnd to make any repairs onfine or com" non Walche6,even to rnnkinpo er the entire watcli, neceisary. Repairing oí' C'locks and Jewelry as Bual. Also the manufacturinr oí RINGS, 1ÏROOCHS, r aaythinpr deítred.from California Gold onghoftnoce. Enrayine in ftllitsbrancheBexeented withneatessauddiepatch. J C. WATTS. jJissolutioii TXotice, miTE FIRMOF CHAPÍN, WoOD k CO., was aisoUed X January 16, 1663, by mutual consent. C. A. ('liajiin and A. B. Woud wil 1 nettle the accounts of thefirm. C. A. CliailVj tyr i A. B. Wooi). V. Chapín, E. Wki.ts. Aun Arbür, June 24, 18t3. Copariiiersliip, TTE UXDERSIÜXED entored Into partnership Jai. 16,183, by tb e (Irm name of Chapín & Co., and wil] continue tb e business oí inanufactunug printing and w rap ping paper. C, k. Ci ' T; CiUM . V. ' r.j i % , ÏW Arl'or,Junc24.1?03 9JCtf BANNEE HAT STORE! G O T O Cefore you buy , Spring and Su minor steles oi STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. iHa Arbor, April 20tli, IS04. 3m953. EMPIRE BOOK STORE! llavinj? piirrlmsr-a .T. R. WKIiSTKli'S stock of Rooks aui Stationcrv, I phaü tëauèavor to keep a constant supply ot SCHOOIi BOOKS, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL i lAtf BOÜKÜ STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, wLich 11 be S-..W ai tlic LOWEST CASH PKICE. Aho ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC ariti z' pupeiinr qunlity of WALL PAPER! éHA everythMj nsually iep't' ü i rcll conducta! Book Store. OjjWsiteFranklin House. G. W. SNOVER. Ánn Arbor, .Tune, 1864. lj-900 Rifle Factoiy! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A. J. Sutherland,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouckes Gamt Bags, and Everjother article l thatLioe. All kinds of H 3E3 -E A. I II X 2XT 3done at the shortest notice, and ïntiicbest manner. a fnll fisaortmentalways kept onliand and made order UtSjL, Shop corner Main and Washington gtreets. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 1S62. 873tf MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSÜEANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. !Mich.. Insures againgt Eipgs 01 Daniage by Firc or Iiightuing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guarantee Capital, by State Authorüy, $800,000.00. DIRECTORS : J. P. Kennedy, Maesh Giddixos, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Snydee, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pres. T. P. Sheldon, Viee, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Treas., H. E. Höyt Ats't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. 940tf - i - i - i ; , WIZARD OIL. Tlie preutelt interna! aoO extornal remedy ever ofTered to tüe public, for the cure of lelies and Paius, is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Xo familj, once having th(rongbly tried, will be without Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It will cure Nervous and Inílammatory Iains more föadilyandsürelj t hangar Jt requirus only a few lujJÉBIpjjhcfitiun of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Tr cure the pain entirely in all casos of Neuralgia, Hendadle, Toothnclic, Km-nrlic Cuts, and lirulsts, Haml'n's OTizard Oil. Is ftlgp acertamandspeeily cureforJEUieumnf Ism Spialu, Lame líuclí. Save Tliroat, Dliithcrln, Dfitrvlicn. Cramp Collo, Frost BI te Bunife anti Se-alds. Hamlin's OTizard Oil, Is no humbug. Trv it, and it wonderful efficls nill astonish jou. PKICE 25 and 50 ÜBSÏH PKR BOTTI.K. The fifty cent bottle.s contain nttarly threu tiiues as mucli as the tweüty-iive cent sizp. Manufacturad by J. A. Hanilin & Bro., 102 Washington Street, Cbicago. Fn.I.HK.FINTH &ÏTI,I,KR, Ï4 anj 26 llarket St, , Chicafro, are Wholesale Aents for ]_vi)31 Hamlin's Wizard Oil. EUT.TAN'8 VENTILATION & WARMING! o The undersigncl kenns on hand aml will sui.plv ABCHrTECTS, BtTILDERS, and INDIVIDU U.S, irlth nj l these rulebrated machines (or the warming of building nt short notice. He will also be bapD.y t pve such instructions to all who are aliout to buil'd as will enable them to warm their house? nt aboul half thp pxpnfefor fux?l thát ihey can posMblv do by auy other meanB. lïKFERENCKg. C. EBKRBACrt. Ann Arbor. A. A. 8CHW)), BOARD JACOB HANQSTF.RKER. . AforwwwrnKvAÑii nn rlirr.Wi-fl Ur?, Wit. 5131 GLOTHING AT Mi}:' MtJËÈÊËL I. GUITjM CO'S Hnviug junt returned from Kast v.ilh a large etoc of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS we invito j,ll our ol] fríe mis anti custoiners to coni and examine eur stoelt of GLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS Dispute the fact if yon can, It takes the TAILOli after all to giv appcaraiice to the outer man. If jou wlsh to appear well You must accordlngly Dres3 Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find things exactly SO SONDHEI3fa]vrays ready to tako your measure, GÜITERMAN will eell you Good with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Take hoed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The inducements are now greater than ever, Our Clkuks you will Ênd obliging anc clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oetting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to iop STÜDENTS especially will find it to Til KIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. OOATSof Cloth and Cassimere of our OWI1 IMPOKTAT1ON, For w arded through our New York re lations. Frorn England, Belgium, Germany anc Fraooe, Such as you can stand dp in. or weak at the dance. Pants! Pawts ! ! Pants!!! Fnncy CASSIMERE8 and DOE SKIN of everv grade, We scll them from ONE DOLLAR up tO E1Q1IT. VESTS, &C, of everv description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnidhinpf appabels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all -we say now, TteTefore V7e mako our bow. Tours truly, ever eo, M. GXJITEEMAN. & Co., Terrible Slaughter! THJE VICTORY IS OURS ! ■MIE Bü-TTLE Which bas been raging f'r tbc1 past fiour weeks at MACK & SGHMIO'S STORE Has proved a grand Buccesa, although the slaughterof DHY OOODS Has been terrible. We now maké thé auno un come n tbatweshall continue "For Many Years" to make war with high prices, beiug determined tó gïve the hundreds who daily tbrong our store, full value for tbeir money, Ladies can find with us all desirable abades and styles of DEESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOYES, &c, With a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS f&xr böloTe tlioir Value We hear it saïd every day that wa are ruïning the buKnesí5 in tbis city by sellin# so cheap but we cannot help H, The Goods Must be Sold. 1000 New Styleandbest quality HOOP SKIRTS very cheap, and for the Gentlemen we have a very large assorimentof French Twilled Cloth. Beaver Overcoatings, Dodskins, Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &c, Of all descripiioüK, and can íurniah a whnle snit on short noticemuch eheaper tban itcan be bought else where. An examiiuition of this branch of our busi' ness willconvince all that this is the place to buy their Pants, Coats and Vcsts. AVe have also a complete stock of Ladies and Cbildrens' Shoes. HATS AND CAPS, And in fact everything that man or woman can desiie to wear on bead orfoot, Groceries, Crockery. Glassware &c, Ai astonishinK low prices, and in short our entire utock must sharethe same fate for we are determined to sell, no matter what old croakers may say. All are invited to inepect our atockas it is no trouble to sliow onrgoods, and we are bounü to meet the deHKLlliN Ol (.11. 932tf MACK . SCHSIID. For RatSy Micc Roaches, Ants} Bed Bugs, Mof fis in Futs, Woolen, Spe.) Insects on PJants Fowïs, Animáis Sfc. Put up in 25c. 50c. aml $1.00 Iïoxcn, Bottles-, and FlaaliK. $3 a ad $5 kí.pk for Hotblí!, J'uiílk; ttttfthvTia.vs, &C. "Only in fallible reqajdies known." (tFrer (rom Poi;oní-. " .. "Not 'laogerous to the Human Family." 'líats come out of their holes to die " &ff Sold Wholesale in all large cities. -dfï Sold by n II Druggisis and lífiaüere everjwhüïe. jgfg II! IÏkv.he !1! of all wörtMeFs imita tioua. tK2t Sce that "Costak's?' name is on tach Bax, Öottle,and FJask, betoro yon hny. Afldress IIEiMlY R. COSTAR, tï3i Pkincü'AL Depot 482 Bííoaj)v. v. Kif Yok. jBOrSnld hy all Wbolesaleand RetailDruggihts in Ann Arbor, Michigan. ÖmO64. HOWARD ASSOClA'nON, . -P-HIÏ,A1KLPHTA,PA.DtscnncH of Ou Vcrvoiii, Seminal. Irinnry aiit Sexual System - Oew and rpliabletreatmcnt- Íd Rtfporfft Of t]be HOWAKD, AS80CIAT10V- -■ ■'■-. t n-,.1 . SU" ii.l.TN ETOrt.ffïiJï-, Ilnwarfl aWmJ t.-N'- CWtftW S-rb Sirf t . Thüa ; fa. J6y] '


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Michigan Argus