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A Bishop And His Guests

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There is a story arloat ainong the clubs, whïcli wil! scarcely be printed; in Englatid, concerning the Bishop of Ely, that may reinind yotf of' a'n inciJent in l)on Quísote, b'ut is said really to havo' occu'rred: Tho good Bishop obtuiued liis advancement tliVoDgh the Earl of Iïutland, whotete .aecfaaiiíta'n'ce' he mnée y haviiig once been drivon by a storm to tako ï'öfuge in the Earl's mansion.-' No sooncr had ho boen protilroted thaa hc bègóntó iifn (is an'fhority in s.'criring' fat places for bis relativos. One clerical nephew was espeeially benefited, boiug made rector of this, prebend of that, and dean of the other, to the extèn't'of' niño or teil ftfaefcs, for wluch he did no work, but dr'eW salaries. Of course the rt(?tOTB and cnrates not related to thö' bishop Jid not like this On onc' occasion, wheu the bishop and' h'is inany-tii tlcd nephew weregoing to a certain towri, thcy requested a huinblo cúrate, who was goiug bufor'e tliem, to cali at tho hotel and say that the Bisbop of Ely was icomiog, aud desired dinner preparedat 7 o'clock. The curato havinggiven the message, mine host inquired if thero would bo any coinpany to dine vvith 1-is lördship'. "O, yes," replied the cúrate, and went on to say the Rector of this, the Prabend of that, the Dean of the other would diñe with liim, and tho landlord took down the ten tilles, and prepared dinner acoordingly. Atj last tho Bishon carne; he and his nephew snt for a long timo waiting for dinner. At last the bell was lung, and the reason of tho delay doinanded. "VTüy, your lordshipV Erticstshavu uot arrivcd ':"' "Guests ! - I havo no guests !" "If your lordship will pardon me, here are the naines of the ten gentlenion who were anneunced as to bewith your lordship." The bish op read the list of tilles - all of whichi were present - and said, "Well, wo tf'ili not wait for them any longer." The inagnififeent diimer for ten was brought up and eaten by the two in silence.


Old News
Michigan Argus