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Wab Depaktmext, ) Washington, August 8. ) To Jlaj. Oen. Dix : The following nnnounccineut of ihe suocessful operations ngainst Mobile appenrs io the Richmond Scnf.inel of this date, and is trunsmitted by Maj. GeD. Butler te ihe President : IIliADQUARTERS OF Ge.VERAL Bl'TLER, ) Aiijjiist 8-3 1'. M. J To His Excellency A Lincoln, President : The followiiifj is the official report taken frorn the Kichmond Sentmei, August 8th. (Signerl) B. F. BOTLEK, Maj. Gen. Mobile, August 5. Hon. J. A Sedden, Secret ary : - Seventecn of the encmy's Tessels, fourleen ships and t! ree iron-cladn, pnssed Fort Morgan this tiiorriing. Tho Te curns-oh, a M mitor, was sunk by Fort Morgan. The Tennesseo Sürrendered after a desperate engageinent with the ènérny's flyet. Aolrniml Buchanan lest a leg and is a prisoner. The Sehna was captured. The Gaines was beahM uear the hospital. The Morgan is rafo and wil] try to run up to nfght. The enemy's fleet, bas npproaehed the city. A monitor has been engaging Fort PowpII all day. (8ign?ï) I). H. MAURY, Major-General. Washington, August 10. Tho Navy Department to-nigbt received a dit-pateh contiiining the following from the Richmnnd Examiner : A dispatch from Mobile, dated August 7ih, two d;iys later than our previous advicos state (bat the situation had not mnterially altered si;ice the enemy'n victory over our iron-clads last Priday. The Navy Departiiien reoeived a telegram, unnouncing ! 'mt the Morgan, the only gunboat of ourfleet which was not either 6unk, beaoiiod captured, has succoeded in golting over the bar and roacliing Mobile. To Major Gen. Dis : The fulluwing is received and s part of a diap'itch tothe rebels at Ric-binond, Mobile, August 8th. It is painfully liuniiliating to announce the shurrrcful surrender of Fort Gaines at 9:30 o'cloek this morning, by Gol. Chas. Anders-on, of the 21st Alabarna Regiment. This powerful work was provisioned for ix months, and with a garrisou of 600 men. He com muiiieatod to the enemv's Heet bv a fl;icr of tnice, with the sanotion of Gen. Page, whoioquired by ignal whut his ptirpose was, bnt receivecl noanwer; his attention #ns nttracted by eignnl guns. General Page repealedly felegraphud 10 bold on to your furt. the sume night he viaited Port G::ines, and found Anderson on board tho Yanlu-e ileet, tirranging terms of surrender. He left percinptory orders for Anderson, on his return, not to snrrender the lort, and rolieved hini oí his önnnaancf. Fort Mói-gan signaled (tiM in.iniing but no answer was received, except the hbistin'g of the Yankee flag over the ramparta cf Fort Gaines. Amierson's conduct is oflicially pronounced inexplicable and shamoful. (Sigp.ed) E. M. STANTON. DÍHCiising the cali of the radicáis for help Irom Geueial McClollan tho Journal of Commcrce says : " If tho radical newspapurs would cali off the radical clogs Ihut yelp and bowl at the heels of MtfClellan, theie rnight be aonie hope for good to come from placing him in coiuuuind, for t'nero rnight then be an end to the present poliuy of tho President, If MeCleüan wera in the Prcvidenl's chair, kóovii'ng as ho well knows how to make war and how to male penco, tvvo points of knowledgi? which the present admicis tration does not pofiwesp, there would be hope, certainty, (f tlie glorious restoration of peoce and TTnion. Eut we do not thiok tbht Mr. Lincoln will be iuduced either to change his polioy or to Büük the aid of McCleílan in the field, escept at the last extremity. L3ST The public dtbt up to August, Oth, outatanding witb coin interest was $884,634,191, bearing lawful money iuterest $4'24,841,5ü2 ; on which interest has ceased $36,170 ; bcaring no interest .V2-2,8Ü6,911. Total $1,832,049,835; iutorc8t payable ín coin, $53,106,667; interest iu lawful mooey, $21,765607. LLT Ge! Hooker has coi, l.tcn as icgoea to a coraiuacd.


Old News
Michigan Argus