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Preserving Eggs

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Tho method of preserving eggs by means of fat isgreatly preferablo to fchat of varnish, wheii they are iutended for putting under i iion to be hatehud; for tho fiit easily melis away by the hout, whilo the varnish reiuains and impedes tbo hatcbing. Tbc transpiration of matter froni tlio egg was proved to be as efleotuaüy stoppend by t ho thinnest layor of fat as by a tbiok coatiüg, so that no scusiblo véstige Deed be left on tho surfape uf the shell. All eórts of fat, groase or oiS, were found well adapted to preserve egga. M. Ecaumur used butter, hog's lard, olivo üü, and similar sabstances, and thercby preserved eggs tor nine months as fïesh as the day tbey wero laid. There is another method of preserving eggs a loog wiiile frosh, generally adopted in this country, it is as fo!lows: Tak-o an earthern pot, . or any iight vessel. and put u a layar of fine ealt, then a líiyer of eggs, small end dowu, nlternaiely. ïliis ean ouly aot meohanieally, iike bran or sawdust so loog as the aalt continúes dry, for in that oase the chlorine, whiuh is "the antiseptic of salt, ia uot evoh-ed. WLen the salt, however, becomes damp, its presei-vative principie will bo brought into action, and way penétrate türough the pores of the skelL _ A vcxj excellent method of preserving eggs i to mix a bushei of quieklime, two pounde salt, eight ounees of crèam of tartar together, adding a sufïicient quantity of water, so that au egg may bo plunged in to tb.9 point. Whon a paste has been ma lo of this eousistence, thü egg are put nto it, and may be kept fresh, it 'm said, for two yeai'S. -


Old News
Michigan Argus