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The Republican Convention

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Tho Rcpubüéán coiinty Botiiinatin ('oiiveiition was held in tliiw t-itv on TueBclay, on vvhicb occasion ':tho faithtul" were out in goodly uumbers, ospcciully tho caiididatu-s - Itioso Qnxious to WVC their country in tho " homeguiirtls," tea awiiy fiom tho fiold of thinger. The coiivcrilion wan perinnriiintlv ofgaaizoil by eleoting as President, U. ]j. OiiKKNE, Esq., tlic njiw of Ypsihuiti, who, havinir .oc.iircd a ftrf jJiicffor liinihdf at TJnclo Sam's crit, was prc8iiHK',d nol to bc a candidato.- Tlio timo Üic proKuinplion could powpibly have hoen made in thu last ten yt'arn. J Du ircsidctrt cmpred upon duty wk!i a speech, a vvty iinpressiye sj ■oei-h -or ba wils mistaken, lío talked ali(Mlt !ho ciisii, the i-ohrllion, tho blood shcd and sucnlii-e, the robol sym patbsiêre ru our midst, &o., &c, aud üiijoiiicd upon tho t-onvention a spirit of hnnriuny and conciliaiion, and a wil!ingncss to pacrifioe thomselves atui their fiiunds, not on the brittlu ír], but up od tliü altar of oifiuo. h wop a ihriUivg and no tuistako. Hcverul Vicu Prcsidonls wcro alüo electcd. tmd lwo Sít.-etarics. A R Síük'teVant, and another wfiose name wo ditl not get. Andkbw Robison, coininonly known as "Unclc Andrew," vvho claims leadership In the Kepublican rar.ks becauso in the "long ag.)" he w.:h a Democrat, took tlie iloor at this juncture. Ho infonned the oorivention thnt a had iirrivod, that liard work was to 6e done, thnt woiking men üiust be riomihatecf, tlial hó presumed delcgiilos had ti.cir preiiTünces, thnt he liad bis, that he had up ïiis ",sl„te,v and that hc would now read his "shito" for tho in fermation of iho convontion. öomo of tho delogates not knovving whethcr thcir mvtée worc on Iho "s!at;" horo idtei raptod "ünc-te Androu-," with cries of "order," n.otion to proceeá to l:illot , lo fill vacancifs-in delegatiorü?, &c, &e. But, permilted to proceod,' tho "itü" was read, and contained tho following : For J udge oL Probate, Thos. Nindo; Sheriff, Johij O. Mead;' Clerk, J. W. Eabbiit ; TreaPurer, Dr Wobb,- tho Dr. st just behind us' and like the ely oíd fox, he is, ateiy proposeci that il we would keep still ho would divido ttio " stealiugs in " Init afterwards impobed the preposterous condition that we get onr friends to support him, which baing a little too rnuch we peach,- Proeeouting Attorney, D. 8 ïwitcbell; Circuit Oourt Commissioner, J. B. Gott. The convention then proceeded to ballot for a Judgo of Probate eandidate, with the iollowing result : Tliomas Nhide, 89 A. D. Crane, 7 Scattering, 3, and Mr. Ninde was unafiimously nominated. Pending th is ballut, the President made nnother speech, announcing that Col. Mawkins, of Tenncssep. an nanl oí the Sanitary Coimnipsion and a Copperhead Skinner, (he h:s a big job on hand,) would It-ct-ire in béhnjil of the CormxistMOf) sorevyhere in thia city, on Wednesduy evuning, and that ho must not be allovved to go awny without making n politica] speech; And so the Sanitary Cpmraipsion is to be porverted to politica] uses. If this is to bo tlie order, Democrats will hereaftor know what to do when invitod to contributo. Before procoeding to furthcr balloting E. H. Spalding, of this city, asked "Uncle Andrew" who was uext on the "slate," and was answered, John C. Mead, for Sheriíf. Mr. Outeheon moved, thereíore, that Mr. Mead be nominated by acclamation. It was moved to atnend by proceeding to ballot, whioh motion was lost. Thereupon a delégate doclared it tho univernul usage of all conveutions to eket by ballot, nnd bo Cutcheon vvithdrew his motion, the convention prooeeded to ballot, and the voto slood : J C. Mead, 93 H. G. Mülor, 2 U. II. Spalalng, 3 O. M. Martin, l And the 'Vlate" candidate was declared noaünated. Spalding ngain asked " Uncle Androw" who was nest on tho "slate," who replied, Jamos McMuhon, fbr Clerk, and proeeeded to ad d rosa the convention in behalf of Mr. McMaho.j. He said: I told yon t foro, gentlemen, that hard work is to be done, and tliat the strong men must be nominated. It is very doubtful whothcr we can elout any of our tickot, and Mr. McMalon is the only man wc enn elcct ulork. Ilises.) He liad scen the Democratie 'slate"- guesa not- and MuMahon's ïoinination was a necesitv. The Soavention proceedod to ballot, and the announcement of votes, ns follows, shexved that severa] gentlemen had aspiraüons to the dignity of Clerk, with the salary throvvn in : E. E. Clark, 42 Muscott, 7 A. J. Sawyor, 20 Tliorn Duel, 4 Jas. McMahoD, ]] F. FitageraW, 2 F. L. Parker, 4 II. G. MilleT ' 2 J. engel, 3. Pending a eecond ballot, J. Webster Childs, of Auguyta, advomited the claims of Augusta, and of Duel. Augusta had nevcr hí.d a Oounty ofïicer, and Duel had nevcr had a County olíice. I He vas compotent and straight, and i ABjfhBtfl, and Duel öught to bc nornifíftted. Mr. L C ted RuprrseotQtivo on the " Uijiott ticket," if wo aro not mistaken, onilorscd Clark, arnl presented braduiniH. The 2ú ballot resüUed : E. B. Clark, .11 Jas BcVfahon II A. J. Sawyer; :Jl ïhorn Duel, 21 " Unció Andrevv " withdrow the naiiieo! James McMulum, broké hi "i ".-hite," and tho convoritioi) ballotud a! lliird time, as íoÜüvvb: E. 15. C!ik, GG Tliurn Üiu-I, 10 A. J. Sauyc-r. 21 Jas. McMabon, 1 Anillen líobison, 1 Evcrclt 15. Ohiik wíis tloclarof] i mously ii!)i!iiii;iU:d.. Biif'Hm prooeedinji to i ballot for Uii.-tur, Hun. T. I). linc, of Sul, proposüd the narms of J. W. Babbitt. II: said Si.le-n had claims, md Babbitt luid uitlijn?, Saluin alvvnys pulled tro, KiiN-m alvw.ys rolled tip big majoritics, not a niíin in Salem rnn ftor strano gods in 18.02,- a hit ut íMosmh. AlIcTn, GVanc, Jay, ihreo of Lho stiango god.s, and all n embern of the convonüou, Babbi't had .-acriSced a leg in the sorvico of th3 country, at Gottysburg, and the s!ay at horno patriota ought to 1)0 .sacriliocd for Jiabbitfc. This was tho telling point, and tho ballot resulted: John W. BalAitt, 93 Fitz-eraM, 6 Mr. ocal tering 2. Next carne a ballot for Treasurer, wliioh ren ui led ns follnwN : Mon-ls Thompson, 51 I R. McC'oll 5 Wd!, 18 J. J. Watson, 5 Mr. Seat tciing, 6. A inotion was mado to declare Mr Thompson nomiimted, bul Mr. Thompson who had, during the progresa oí' the ballot, informad the convention that he wns not a candidato, deelined the Qomiantioq, and anothor ballot was ofdere 1. Ik'fore it was entered upon a delégate presented the claims of J. J. Wat8n, of Lytuion. He naid that Mr. Wutsmi was the lüo and rouI oi ïho Ilepublican purty in that town, and that hi.s lornination would help the CilU.'O. Mi-. Stark, of Webstor, said that in the diistr.bution of oflieers, the Eat, v.nd the Snuili, and the center had been remembem!, but the lowu of Webster, on Ü;u bordor of Livingston, ever truc, li &4 been forgotten. Thüiefore, in the ikvrtli of candidatos, he would urge the claims of ÍÍ, bert McOoll. We heard it intimated tiiat Mr. Stark wanted to get McOoil nouiinated, so that there would be ono lcss candidato in his way for Jïepresentïttive, but placed no confidence in the invidious suggestion. The secend ballot resulted: R. McColl, 59 Dr. Welib, 0 J.J.Watson, 17 C. C. Palmer, 4 J[r. Scauemitr, 4. And Mr. McOol! was deelaréd nominatod. Next in order was a ballot foi' Prosocuting Attorney. which resulted : D. S. TwiLcliell, 75 A. D. Crane, - 18 J. B. Gott, 3. Twitcholl was declared nominated. Circuit Court Commissioner came next, and tho ballot resulted : G W. Ambiose, 52 J. B. Gott, 11 Oamer, 20 C. II(,lnies, Jr„ 3 Mr öcattenng, 3. Mr. Auibrotie was declared nominatcd. C. Holmes, Jv , of Ypsihmti, was noinatmed as the i-econd candidato for Circuit Court Oommissioner. Collins B. Cook and Win. McCreory were ncminated for Coroners. Tna convention then appointed a Oounty Comxitteo, after which it adjourned, the successful candidates and thoir iriunds to lay their corna for the eiection, and the disappointed ones to congratúlate themselvos that thegrapes wore sour my way, and that they had fortunatdy escapcd defoat in Novomber. &3C Tho Uuion-Lcaguers do not mean to let any lïopublicans back slide frora "Abrnham's bosora " if they can help it. 'i'licy have, thorcfore, committees appointed whose businyas it is to follow up every man reported shaky, every mnn vvho questions tbc wisdom of Father Abraham, ovory man who is not roady to endorse aud strear by bis re - cent "To whom it may concern" letter, every man wbo exhibits any dispoaition to "swap horses," and bring all sucb back to the fold. The screwa aro to be applú'd to all questioners or doubters, and men aro to be driveu by the party lash, and with tauuts of traitors, copperheads, &c, to vote ngainst their better judgment. Tliis game may work, but we doubt it. L32? The Demócrata are spending thoir brcnth fur BQtlÚBg wh.-n they tille about a poaoc with the rebels upon auy otlicr ground tlian a reoognition of tho Souiberu Coufod orauy, by tlie poople of North. - State Nacs. Doos tho State News mean to be unliorstood that poace can nevar bc made with the rebels exeept by a reeonition of tho Southern Coiifoderacy ? And if the State News does so wish to be undorstood, is t in f:ivor of the proseeution of tho war until tice end of time to effect what it avers ' au imposaibiüty ? Will tho News answer defiuitely ? L2" Wc learn that Oolcmol N. E. WEí.un, of the lGth Michigan Infantry, has been fnr.some timo in comunnd of a biigadeof veteran troops. Ciad to note j liis íulvauccracnt, IfPSr The R'jpublican Coimuti tho Sccond Cougresooal district hos nomirutted Hou. Üi-son for reoIi'cüod. Ab tliat district is a "hard road to travel1 for auy Democrat, we prcsümu tbat Mr. Ui'SON nmy safcly arrango hia businews for nnother torra. "WLat can't bocui-cd.iüust boendurcd." r" Tho Hilledak County Republican Domiuating coiivontion instruoted the inombers of the Lgislature to bc elected, to voto for Gov. Blaiiï for United St:itos Senator. Tliis is the first actioii Of the kind wo havo notiecd. J5"2T Ai! important movemcnt 'te in progrcss iiorth of the Jatucd, with tho adyanoe witMn r-èven miles of Riohmoud. 1 This mny draw tlio rebels out of the Shcmiiidoah Valley, and prevent rciniorceineLts bcing sent to the rebel.-i at Atlanta. L3 The Rcpublcan Senatorial convention, held at Dexter yosterday, nominatod Ilon. Wm. Jav, whilom " Uniorit." All right l! the Democrats will tako asmuch pleasure in skinning hini as anj other mau.


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Michigan Argus