In the Methodist Climch, of lliis city, August 15. at 3 } o'clock, p. m., by Rev. B. Cocker, Bev. A. F, Bourhjís, of the Detroit, Conference, to Miss Lucy Swift, daughter of Franklin Swift, Esq., of this city. At the residencer of the bride's father, 011 Thursüay, July 28lh, 1864, by tho Rov. J. l'atchin, Mr. Alvin Wilsey, of Ann Arbor, and Wiss Jennie A., daughter of Newton Sheldon, Esq., of Lodi, At St. Andrew 8 Church, on Wednesday i. M., lüth inst., by Kev. G. D. Gidespie, Charles Al5ion Spaulding and Mary Llvika, daughter of the late Calvin Ball, all oí' Ann AlUor, By Q. W. Anibiose, at the city of Ann Arbor, on thé 17t!i inst., James H. SmaUjY, Of Lodi, 10 1ÍÍSS 1ÍKI.KX Cl.'LLISK. Of Sc0.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Alvin Wilsey
Newton Sheldon