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An Educated Housekeeper's Views

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"Whiil aro you stwlymg r asked a young man of a fricnd wbo was taking Her last ycar'a seliooling at an aOftdeniy. " Tho cotnmon branches, physiology, eliemistry, rkefloro and natural philosophy," wíír the reply. "VVhat oi curíh will you do in farmer G- - - 's kitcheu," exclaimed he, iiuming a worthy man to wIiom) alie was betrothed. "l'ia at'raid yo(tfñ Sai Jiiürself so well fitted for some other sphere that your education will be a discotufort rnther thfï-a a seurse of hap) iness." Tlie nunwer given to this prove] that the young lady p.issess ed an edneated mind as well as book learningr. Said she, "Iloiv liitlo you know about honsekeeping. You talk as though it wero like turning a grindstoiie, or wálking on a treaduiill, needing only a plenty of musclc; and thc less brains to raako oik uneasy, I he better. Why ! my mistaken youug frietid, thore's moro room for science and thouglit and skill in managing a household propcrly, thau you'll ever Hnd in your dry goods store, with a bank and grist-mill thrown in. - It requires philosophy to properly make a fire, wash elothes, sweep a rootu, ventílate an apartment, regúlate a cloek, and a hundied otncr matiers you uover drcamod of. Cooking is an cvery day ipplioition of obemistry. A woman can mix ana hoat up provisioos without knowing anything about it, but tho art; but the can mako botter bread, buttcr, roast, broil ot boil more nieuly, put tbis and that tögether in her puddings, pies and cakes with greater success, it' she knows the why as well as the how. Then, what is a poor, broken-down wife good for? Physiology teaches her how to keep health in the fnmily ; and then when we have all finished the day'a work, having applied seienej all through, we shall want to ook over the papers and books which teil us what the rest of the world i.s thinking about; and then don't you see how nicoly some little knowledge of helle lettres nnd tho laws of mimi will come in ? A higher sphere, imlced ! If thoso who are so anxious to fill a larga place, would only tako painsto m;ike the place they are now in what it might be, depend npon it, there would bo more comfort and less complaints, both for Ibemselves and tliose depending on (hem. intend to clerate my work to my own level.'' "Upon my word," s:iid the young man " ycu make out a pretty strong case. I never saw the matter in just that light berore, and I doubt whutli er many women view it thus; and that such a good lesson may uot be lost, l'll end it to the American A.jricullurüt" and here, Mr. Editor, vou have the í&ht .fpdupw Jjusl


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