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CZTIT COOPER SHOP. ro SPAFFORÜ & DODSLEY, succes.-iors to 0. 0. SPAFFORD & D. IIENNING, Wou ld rcspeclfulTy aunonnce lo tlie citizens ol Ann 4rbur and vicinity, tliat they are uw manufacturing .ind keep constantly on hend a Large Assortmcnt of COOPER WORK! Such as Pork and Cidcr Barrels, Kegs.Firkins, Ohnrns, Wcll Bnckots, Flonr and Apples Barrels, cfic. Mercbnnts .ind Brewers are invitetl to oxHiniue tlieir Iïutter FirkiQSftnd Heer Kg8. CITSTOM WOEK, to ORDFR 011 SHORT NOTICE and 'arrantcil. HF Cash paid for Stavcs, Heading nttd Hoops. r-'hn]s cm-m-r of Detroit ñt Nortli Streetg, and corner of Norlh ü Fifth Sircpts. fePAFFOED & D0D3LEY. Ann Albor, Feb. Oth, 1801. 9-Wff (fkï ■. infcction whicli wc cali é Scrofula Inrfes in ?T vK ''ie oonstitntioiis of -íS WV fcci multitudes of men. It -' ïrVaa i c't'lcr produces or is %i!i&!%ëi0i '1 proiluccd by au en'íñiPnrZS, fccblcd, vftiatcd stalc íi-ire#fteot' tllc !lootl' "hciQ}a -iiIs&ïS" i,'"-.4Tt'irit fluid becomes iníifcMHKfái iSiíYjíSsÍcomPc'c'nt t0 sustain Jfi'-'I' - fv ISJ '''- v'ta' lorres i" their -EkíÍ4SSíívi?01'ous action, and '--i !. lcivcs the systcm to t--C__ ÏÈS4%iij;'fiill into disorder and H; - dcony. Tbc scroi'ulons contaminalion S'vnnously causcd liy mercurial clísense, low livino;, dkordcred digestión fi'oiti unhealthy food, inijiuvo air, filth and filtby hnbits, tbc (lfpressing v es, and, nbova all, by the veneren! nfection. Wbaicver bc its oriffin, it is bercditary in tlio constitntion, deseending " from parents to cliildren unto tbc tbird and fourtli ponoration ;." indeed, it scems to bc tbc rod of llim wlio says, " I vvill visit tlie iniquities of the faflicrs npon their ebiidren." 'lbo diseases wliicb ifc oriiinates takc various names, accordinp; to tbc organs it attacks. In the lunfcs, Serofnla produces tubcrclcs, and finally Consumption ; in tbc glands, swèllings wbich sappuratc and becomc uleerous sores ; in the stomaeh and bowels. dernngements wliich produce indigestión, dyspepsin, and liver complaints; on tbc skin, eruptivo and cutaneous affections. These all baving the same oiïgin, requíro the same remedy, viz. pnritication and invigoration of' tbc blood. Purify the l'lood, and these dangofoos distempers leave you. With fceble, foul, or corj'uptod blood, yon cannot bave bcalth ; with thnt " lifc of thé flcsh " hcaltiiy, you cannot havo scrofulous discase. Ayer's Sarsaparilla la cinipounded from the most efiectual antidotes thnt medical seienec bas dicovcred for this afliifting distemper, and for tbc cure of tbc disorders it entails. Tbat it is far superior to any other remedy yct deviácd. is known by all who have piven it a trial. That it does combine virtucs truly extraordinary in thcir effect upon this class of eomplaints, is indisputnbly provan by tbc prent multitiule of publicly known and rcüiarkable cures it bas mndo of the &lkwing diseases : King's Evil Or Glaudular Swellüigj, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Eose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheuin, Scald Head, Coughs from tubercnlous deposit? in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspspsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and SypMUtic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, tbc wbole series of complaints tbat arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reporte of individual cases may be found in Ayer's American Almanac, wliich is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribiition, wherein may bo learned the directíons for its use, and some of the remarkablc cures wbich it bas made when all otber remedies bad failed to nfford relief, ïboso cases aro purpo.=ely taken froin all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some onc who can speak to him of its benofits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victima far more subject to disease and its fatal results tlian are healthy constitutions. Henee it tends to shorten, and does grcatly shorten, the average duration of human Ufe. The vast importante of tiiese considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy wbich is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public undcr the namo of Ater's Saksaparilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of wbich exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aicj you may protect yourself from lbo suffering and danger of thess disorders. Purge out the foul eorrnptions that rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disoaso, and vigorous hcalth will foliow. liy lts peculuir virtues this rcmedy stimulates the vitnl functions, and thus oxpels tlie distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. Wo know the public hare been deceived by miiny eompounds of Sarsupariila , that promised much and did ïiothing ; Imt tlicv will ncither bo deceived nor disuppointed ir? lliis lts virtuos have been proven by abundant trial, and thero remains no question of its surpassing cxeellenco fbr the cure of the afflicting diseases it is ntended to reach. Although under tho snme name, it is ■ vcry different medicine from any othor which bas been before the pcople, and is far more eff'ectual than any other whicli has ever been available to thera. AYEE'S CHEURY PECTORAL, The World's Qreat Eemedy for Coughs, Colds, Inoipient ConBumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advaneed stages of tho disease. This has been so long uscd and so universnlly known, tliat we need do no more than nssurc the public that its quality is kopt up to the best it ever !i;is been, and tiiat it inay bo relied on to üd flll it lias ever done. Preparad by Pb. J. O. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analútical ünpmistst Lowell, Masa. Sold by all drnggiftt cvoryv.hcre. npHE BOOTS AND THE LEAVES JL WILl.liofor 11)0 ISi-li).g of the Nati. nis. Bible. Prof. IÏ.. LYOIffS, THEORKAT AXD CKLEBHATED I'HYSICIAN of the THBOAT,LUNGS, IlËAld , UVfcfï AND TUK ni.OOli, Knoivn ullover tbecountry as the CELKKK.VIKH IIsTIDIAIN" HEBB DOCTOBI Ui Si Superior Street, Cleveland, Obie. Will visit the fo'.lowmg placea, T7. APPOINTMENTS FOR 1802, 1863and 1864. Prof. R. J. Ljoiis can be counuHed at the 1'oIWjwing places every montu, viz: Detroit, Bussel House, each rooníb , IStíi and 19tli. A il ii Arbor. Monitn', each montb, üüth. Jaeksoa, Kibbard Boqbo, each rnimtli, -1. Ailiian, I!rick(t House, eacb month ''Ú amlSutl' Tnlorto, Ohlo.CoIhas Uoue,each montb, 24th, 3&ih, and 26th. Hülsdale, Micb. , IJUlsdale House, oacli month, 27th. CoUUvutor, Mích.. Soutneru Michigan House, eadVi mooth, SSth. Elhhart. raiilmrf HRt,fli montli. 2th. South üend, lüd., Si. 3a. Hotl,eoh month, 30. Laporte. Ind., Tee Garden IIouï-f ench month 31l. Wooster, übio, Cranilell Exchango, each inonth, "til arrfSth. MaiifiGelu, Oliio, Wiler House, each uionth, 9tb and lOth. Mt. Vernon , Kenyon Hotine, each monib, llth. aml lath. N0w?-ïlï, OWo, Holton Motïe, eacll month, 13th and ll!v, r;ïïriënv'iTlf'. Ohio, Cowlc IToURp.oach month ,4th C1.LVKI.AN1), OHKI. RflllEN0K AND OFFICE, 282 SUTEUJÜR STREKT. EaSt ff the public f'pftftite the I'ontofRce. Offïce ilííjrt !ích íjníh, &t. íí.l, 4tli, iïth, 6th, 15tb.- Oiiiue hom-H from 9 A. M. to 12 ALaini frtitii 2 1'. M. to 1 ['. M. Ontítiíltlay froni 9 to 10 A. M,,!] 1 to 2 1. M. Kdbéfed to-I jfive och t7H(mn UsYv n( trife, Wlth ïuUurt' or the mrB of Üfe, With blooclmy lianas I never stain, NurpoiKon men 1 hei r pain. Sb is a physician indeed , whn Curca. The Indian Hero Poctor. It. J, I-YÜNS, curey tlie followiug compiiiintsin the most obstinate stage of their existence, viz: Di.stiiises of tlie Thro.-vt, T.uugs, Tluart, Btctnach , Dropsy in the Chest, Rhéumatlsm, Neuralgia, Fits. (ir FLlliiifíSicku(;ss,andalli)ther nervous'ïerangements. Also alldiscaseaof the blood, snch is Scrofula, Pynipelas,Cancers, Sores, I.epiosy, au il all other cotuplicated chroniccoraplaints. All forms of female dÜViculties afctended to witli tbe happíest resulta. It is lioped that noono wil! 'lcspair of a cure iiatil they have given the ludían llerb Doctor's Medicines a fair and faithful tria). KB-Í"""i"g the Doctor travelM ia Kutope, West Indie, SuutË America, and the United State, he ba a been the instrument in God's hand. to restore to Uealth and vigor thounanda who were giveuup'a ml pi-onounced incurable by the most eminent ol3 school physicfans; nay, more, thousands who were on the vergé of tlie grave, are now tlyfag moi.umnts to tbe Iafli&n llerb's Doctor' a skill and successfuHreatment,audare daily exclaiming: "BtesMpd betht-day wlien first we s.iw and partook of the I ndian Herb ÖoetÖr'fs medicine." Patisfiietory roferencesof o.ires will bo gladly and cheerfully gi ven w henever required , The Doctor pledges his word and honor, that he will in no wise directly or indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take his medicinewithout (he strongeft probability of a cure. ífr Mode of examinaron, wliicn is enürftijtlifferent from the facuHv Dr. I.j'mi proti-asefi to discern discaftes by the eyV tlierefore asks nOqueatlonn, nor (Tdoshf roqoJre patientfto oxplain symptoms. Callone aml ;.U, iinl!i:i(' thpsvmptnms and location of your disfi.seexplninedfree of charge. ISTlu1 pour stiall bc liberallv considered. iK5-Poston!,box 2663. R. J. LYON'S, M T. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1S62 ly880 O. BLISS Won!.! t.ake thfs method ol'informing his oU friends and patronsand allothors ivho may favor hm with their patronage, tlat he hasgreatly enlargcd his Stocïi and Assortincnt ! and ha ving adopted the CASI! SYSTEM BOTH IN BCYING & SELLIN6 is prpparcJ to spil Ooods at HoasOIia" Tolo ifriociS U's stook eonslsts in par ot the foliowing: E_ AMERICAN AND OTHER fpnsva Watches! tílfs 4] TIlC Celel)ratca ááS seththomas ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CIIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËEY ! FazorR,Shc.nrs, Pcwwot ftfld Bru"hfs, KOGKRS P'LATÏÏÏB WARE, tlie bDfitinmarltct, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Peneils, r.l'ER and ENVFXOl'E?, Musical Instruments, Stringx Sf Bonks for Instruments, SFECTA.CXnl3S, of Qold, SUver, Sucl,oid riatcd,wüh PERISCOPIO GLA.SS, a superior article. Persons having difflcult watches to fit wltli glasses can bo nccomodatcd, as my stock is large'aaii comnlnte, P. S. Partic.ilar attention totho RBPAIRING o" all kinds of fine Watches , such as Making aml Setting now Jewels, Phlions, Sinfín, and CyUvilcm. Aha CLOCKS, &z TE-WELE"? neatly renaired and war-anted, at his uld standeast side of Main Stroet. C. BLISS. Aon rbor,Nov.25,1802 S20tl GREAÏ.GEEATEK GREATEST BAIiGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. igI859, In tlii3 0ity,arenowbeingofiferedat tbe CIIEAP.CLOOK.WATCH, & jowel xy Store1M1 F Subscrlbor wonldsny to the citlzcnsot Ann Arbor in particular, and the reet ol WHihtcnnw Conntv inionernl. that hohnajust ÏMPOIU'ED [)lRECTLY trom EUliOPE.a Tromendous Stock of Watehcs! All ofwbichhn hinde himselfto sell CHEAPF.Rtban oanhebonghtwostof New Yorll City. I have also the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WAT CUES, wblchlwlll sell ltr$35. Every Watch warrantbd to parform well.orthc money reiunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Plated Ware, inncy Güods, Gold Pen, MuBir.alInstrument and fttrings, Cutlcry, fcc, and infactavaricty oi'cveryf.hiDf: usunlly keptiyjuwe Iers can bfiboughtt'ortbe noxt ninoty days nt your OWN I' RIGES! Persona buying anything at this wfill known astablisnmo nt caii rely upon gotting goodï exnctly as repreeentpd.orthcmonpy rel'unded. Oallearly and secure the bet bnrgains ever orl'ered In thii City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are prepared to makc any repairs onfine or com" mon Wiilches.oventomakinfroer the entire watch, if tieecssary Repairing of Clocks and Jewelry us usual. A'.sothemannfacturingof RINGS, RROOCHS, or nJljIWng desired.fromCnlifüinlBGnld onshortnottce. EnirraTins in allitsbranchescxcented witbneat. n(;ssanddt3patch. J C. WATTS. Jjissolution TVotice. rnllF. VIRMOFCfl.U'IN, WOOn k CO., was dissoWed -lamiarv 10, 18(53, by mutual consent. C. A . Chapín and A. ii. Wood will scttle theaccounts of the ilrm. CA. Chah.v, A. B. Woon, V Ciiaim.v, E. Wells. Anü Arlior.Juno 84, 1P63. Coparfncrship. rpTF. UNIIERPIGXED entore.l into partnernMj) lam t 1&, 183, by .f ne tinu h&me af Chapín C!o.,and ivill cdiilirnu' the business of nianufaetuiiiiLr priiiting and wi-.i ppinff paiptr. 0. A., N. CuaI'im, V. CiT.u-v. Ann Ai 'ior, . June 24,1 SM 910tf BANNEE HAT STORE! o GO T O Befare you bu y , Spring anl nummer stfe oí STRAW 'GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. 4nn Arbor, April 20th, 1S64. 3m953. EMPIRE BOOK STORE! Il.xving pnrcháiedJ. I!. WEBSTEH'S stock ai Bookfi an'l Statinnery, I shalt endeavor to keep a constant sujiply ot tSCXXOOZL. BOOKS, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL & IAW BOOKS STANDARD AND MISCBLLANEOUS WORKS, which will be sold at tlie LOWEST CASH PllICE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC and a superior qualïty of WALL PAPER! and everything ii.sually kopt in ;i well conducteil Book íftore. OppOBÏte Frauklin House. G. W. 8KOVER. Ann irbor, June, 1S64. ljOCO liifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Succcsfors to A. J. Sutherland,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poutfies Gamt Bags, and Everyother article ii. that Line. AH kinds of H. E I -A. IH X3ST 3lone at the shortest notice, and in tüebest mnnniT. a fnll assortmentalwaya kept on hand anr] inado order ttt? Sbop corner Main aml Washington treetn. Ann Arbor.Oct. 8, 1?62. 873tf MICHIGAN CXSNTRAIi INSUKANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. ]VIicli.) Insurcs against ïfss 01 Domage by Flre or IiiglitniDg. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guaranlee Capital, by State Authority, $300,000,00. DIRECTORS : J. P. Kennkdy, Makrh Giddings, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Snydf.r, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pres. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Trens., H. E. Hoyt Ass't Sec, S. D. Allen, On. Agt. 940tf 3STEW FIBMÜ GRÜNER &. SEYLER, WHOLESALE fc KETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CXGARS, Merschaum Pipes. &c. Wc, the nndorttffnedt ï.og leave to inform the C1TIZENS (ÍK ANN A1MÏOR aiuï vicinity , itiat we liare tliis dtfy estnblishe! a Tobáceo and Cipar busir.tss in tliis place, o nc door North of the Frankïin Iilock, Main Street, where we tíhall always keep afuil ftssottnient of the bestquahtitïs of SMOKING & CUEWIE TOBACCO ! as also a large andcho'ce selection of tbebestbrands of CIG ARS ! PIPES, (Merschaum, Bricr and Rosewood,) OIGAR HOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCIIES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. WiH bfi found with us of all kinds and "f I'iuckíí to SriT B'vriíy O.e." Wíl shalf solí all of the above montioncd árdeles and many othern which belong to our line of Inule at tbc l'w'st pótölbïé rrfte Por eknh. 1' lease Cftll nn ex:nnu;o . N. "B. - fcifc'n - Sijuftw with cigarbof one aobr óorl] of theFranklin Block. flTtUXKTi SKïl Eï. Ann Arborj AFaj 2il, ]?'14. 9:5ti.


Old News
Michigan Argus