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CLOTHITSTQ A.T M. GUITERMAN CO'S ! íííivííiEí jsííf rpt'irned from East with a lare steek SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! we invite Ml onr old triends and customers to cotne and examine eur stock of CLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS. Dispute the fact if you can, It tafees theTAILOR after all to givc appcarance to the onter man. lf yon wlsh to appear wcll You must necordiugly Dres3 Wcll. Go to ffi. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find things exactly SO. SONDHEIir always ready to takc your mensure, GUIT E KM A N will sell you Goods with great plensftre, At figures L0WER than you will find ir. the State, Take heod - call karly, else you are too LATE. The iNDiíctíMENTS are now greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging and clover. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own okttinq up, Filling our Store from Bottom to roi. STUDENTS ospecially wül find h to TH Klll ADVANTAGE, For it tokes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. GOATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPOKTAT1ON, Forw arded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Suoh as you can stand up in, or wbar, at the dance. Panls ! Piints ! ■ Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERE8 and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIOIIT. VEHTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing apparkls From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This ia all -we say now, Tfeerefore we make our bow. Tours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. & Co., Terrible Slaughter! THE VÍCTOR Y IS OXJRS ! THE !Ji3k.'XIITIj3EÏ Which has betn ragiog for the four weeks at MAGK & SCHMID'S STORE Has provecí a grand success, althoughthe slaughttTof DRY GTOOI3S Bm Ix'en terrible. We now make the annour.cement thatweshall continuo "For Habj Vears" to mako war with high price, bftiag determine! to ive the luimlrcds wbn tlrtüj Tlironi; our store, full vnlue for their money, Ladieé can fintl with us all desirable shades and stylesof DEESS GOODS, RIBBOJSS, TRIMMÍNGS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, With a very largc and attractive atocli of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS far toöloxv tlieir Valuo We hcar t said every dny that Wi) are ruining the tniMnews in this city by sellmK so cheap but we cannot help it, The Goods Must be Sold. 1000 New Style and best qualïty HOOP SKTRT8 very ch(-np, and for the Gentlemen we have a very l.irge asnor. ment oi' French Twilled Cioth. Beaver Overcoatings, Dosskins, Fancy Cassim.reSjVestings, &c, Of all dcscripiions, and cao íurnish a whole snit on short notice much cheaperthnn it can be bouglit else wbcve. An examination of thia brancb of our busi ness willconvince all thatthfs is the place tobuy thcir Punta, Coats and Vests. We have also a complete stock of Ladies and Childrens' Shoes. HATS AND CAPS, And in factovorything that man or woraan can Jesiie to wear on head orfoot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At ftsfotaiaUfng l"w prices, and in short our entire stock must sharethe .sanie fato for we are determined to sell, no malte whal old croakei may say. All are invited to inspect our stock as it ís no trotible to show our goods, and we are bound to meet the demands oí ( 11. 932tf MACK SCIIMin, For Rats, Micc, Roaches, Ans, Bed Bugs, Mol lis in Furs, Woolen, tyc., Insects on Plante, Fowh, Animáis, S(c. Put up in 2.ïc. 50c. nnd $1.00 Boxea, Bottles, aird Flasks. S3 aml Í5 sizes for Hotels, Prmic IssTiTrTIONS, &C. "Only in fallible remedies known." í(Free (rom Poinons." 41Not 'langerous to the Hirninn Family." tílíats come out of their holes to die ' S"td Wholesale in all larae c.itirs. tï,SoM oy all Druir.f;istH ant Rotailers overywhere. J86g !!! Rkwake !1! of all worthleás imitations. 1SQ, See (hal "1'ostak"s': DJUBG i on Mch Box, Bottle, and FlasU, beore you buy. AiMress HEÏBV" R. COSTAU. B, 1'iuNTirAi. Dioi'ot 4S2 Iíko.miway. Jfitw York. (S" SoM by al] Wholesale aid Retail Druggistsin Ann Arhor,Micliigan. 0m0S4. howaTrd associatiöTn l'HILAriEI.rHIA, l'A. Dlsrnscs of lic Ncrvons, Scmlnnl.Urlimry nntl Scxnnl Sysïciins - tiew and rfliahle treatnwnt- In rrepor of the HOWAKD association- Sent By mail in il. -il letter envelopes, freo of charceA.hlr Dr. .). SlüI.I.IN HOUOHTO.V, IIow.uvl Asneci' :itinn N'o 2 South Ninth Street, riiilailelpliiii, 'oen .ylvani.i, J}M3 y JUST OPENING ? The largeat Stoet and bct nssartraont of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brought to thig city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, bed koom sets center tables, bureaus, ciiairs, Looliins G-lctswsess Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFFIKTS METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all otlier goods kept in the best and largest houaes in the country. Weseepno aecond hand furnituieor Aucfton goods. Coffins kept eonstantly on hand, and made to order. My gooda are oirered at THE LOWÊST CASH PRICES N. B. T mttRt havo menoy. and respeetfury request tliose indebted, to cali and fix up their old matters without delay. O. M. martin. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 18K!. 925tf RIS DON & HeYdËRSÖTs I3Cí,X7-o tilo BUOKEYE CRAIN DRILL, Grass Se cd Sower, Manufactured at Springfiold, Obio. THE VEUY I.ATEST IMPROVF.MF.HT, ui better tliai, ill otliers; adaptcd to aowing Whrat, Kyo, Oats, Barley an'KiraisK Seeil. lst. It kas a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Sced. 3d. Ncvct hunches the Grain ith. Never breaks the Gi ain. 5th. Sows Grass Secd hroadcast heliindtlie Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ilh. Has long and wide steel pohnts. St7i. Il has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has douile and single rank drills. 10t7i. It has a self adjusting shut off s-lide. It is neatly and substantially made. Thorc is hareüy n Drill offeml iu the raarket but can boast of' more (r less FIRST PRFMIUMSr They are iboiit ha indiscriminatoly bestowed a-; llie tltl nf " Profc-v$or," wliich is noraetinie appiied to the "Jiddler" or il bootblack,'' They cease to convey the lea otmefiC Tlio liiickcvfDiiU has been on Exhibition at quite a number of Stiitcaiid Co;:nty Fuirs, and without seefciug favor at the han Is of any Conünitteo, has received rts f'ill share of l'ivminms TESTIMONIÁIS : We give the following pames of a few Farmers in th's vicinity wao bfttf bught and used theBuckeye Ihill ; Godfroy Millcr, Scio. Jacob Polliernus ' JacnbTnm]ier, " " Thomas Whiip, Nortlifield. John Brokaw, Christian K;tpp, H Edward Rovden, Webster. James Trcridwell, Ann Arboi I)ink'10:Uar;i, " M John G. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, (1 L. Edmonds, Saline. Genge Croppey, Grcpn Op.k, T,iv. Co. We Agpnts for the Ohio Reaper & 1YE. wer, acknowlcltïpd te bc the very best in nse. We are jnst in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell ClieapAlso alargeassortment c , G-rass And the largesE and best selected stock of BENT STUT F FORCARKIAGEPeyerboforeolTercdin thia market We also koop a lardean! fu!l stok w mmsaam, NAILS, GLASS, FUTTY, FAlNT.and LINSEED OH,. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, ANDEAVETROU6:JSalwayson1ian3ancl pntnp the Rhortost notice. RISDON & HENDERSON. AnnArbor, .Tune 29th ,1862. 889tf ÑÓBLE & RIDER, are stiling Ihcir largo stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPEE THAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a84.50 Blen's good Oalf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " Scwod : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladics' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Cbildren's Shoos : : : : 15 a 1.50 Now is the time to buy as BOOTS and SHOES are rapidy advancivg in Ea stern Markets. TBEY ALSO MAKE WARRANTED LS" WORK TO ORDER. _S2 AND REAIR. Rcmetubcr wo can not and will not bc uadcrsold. Picase cali and examine ibt-ir stock LAWRENCB NOBLE, CHARLES RIDER. Ano 15th,1Srj. USj. Mortgagc Sale. DKFAUI.T Uaving been made in ILe perfonrnn the conffltlun of a mertgnge hearing aate,7„,i ftee,,tl, ,1a, of January,A. D., 156, cx.cute" lbv " Utirrenee and Tamar I.awrence, liis wile to N :rtnn, and duly recorded n the ollicc nf the Hoof Deed, of Couuly, Michigan V , twenty-two of mattgagia pgê tlm-o h„,,',j, scyenty.on the twenty-ninth day of Februari . Í' 1856, irhrrebj the power to sell therDorteaed ;'„." has beconie operative ; and no suitorproceidinVl been instituttd at law to recover the dtbt se?nr i1 Raid mortgage er atly part thércof, and öie surW, ■ hundred and fifty onc olíais and tliirty 11, CVfI betng now clattned to be due thereon (besides th and expenses of Ihe pineeeding now bc.'ug had fr , foreclosure of said moTtgaee inclnding reasnnaM torneysfecs.) Notice ík tberefore liereby „■„, „" said mortgage will be forecloscd by a sale of tl, 1 gaged preruises describid a? fnllovp viz: tj]c ' ; " fourthof tke north-west quarfer of stction t. , ' eigbt, also the north-east one-cighth of the nort) '' one-halfquarter of said section twenty eteht (W? rod in widtn from the sirte ocenpied as a lañe) all L' in townohfp fonr sr.oth .md ranKe nu'mh ■" the County of Waíhtenaw, and State „fui? igai), containirjr in all forty-niBe acres of Ianil m,J les, o, somepait theceof, at public venduc at t'h, ,„ í door oftncCourt House, in tlie City of Ann Ark ■ aid CntiDty. (tl.atbei.1K the place f hofding ti,ri? cuitCourt witlin mH Counly.) on i'rday the t ." sixth day of August m.xt at noon 7' mf Bkakks&Cramer, DAVID BKOWX Attorneys for Sfortffiure. Mrtrt' Pated , Ann Arimr . May 2j si , 3gr,4. ' Chancery Notice. S U,IncnefyMICHIGAN'-KlJUrt" Ju'Iid1 " . Margaret Van W.gner, 1 Sr ' QJ jfc Complainant, .Ciyof Isaac Van Wagner, „'" W; '" CfcJ, Pendant. "u;-; It atisfactorily .ippearn,: to ihïiw2'i cu,t Couit for wld County.itZ affldaH of Mnriraret Vnn Wsjrner thnf lli á cou d not be On motion af A ft) h S for the enmplainant, it is ordered that said ï Issac aH lagner canse ki appcar.'.me th be ,Sf, sa,l cause w,th,n three rnontlj from the date „f , order and tl,at.,n detault thereof the bil! of ó plamt hlcd In said cause be taken as confw5 l said defcndant ■ and it is further ordered that i2 twenty days a, ' cofnplairant cause a tony of thi ! der to be puWLhed in "The Weeily MicmD W a nevspaper pn.itcd and pViWUhed' in the Cilv of V' Arbor m said County of Washtenaw, nd }ít n? l.cation thereof be continued once in èach Ji LP ■ successive week, or that said cm)ljfB„ '„",'. copyofthis order to be personallr eivcdóí 2T. fendant at least l,venty day before the tC,t senbedfer his appearance. ' f"' iLLa.%? of Atir Arl)Or' thc 1S SJ f SR hr'CU" COnrt Coinraissi"!lci i Washteiii Comty, A. Fklcii, Complairant's Policitor. 904wS Estáte of William H. Gilland. OTATE QF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw „. O Ata seseionofthe Probate Court for theCoiintirf ahtenaw. bolden at the Probate Office io thocili" Anu Arbor, on Tneadajr, the second day of Anumt , theyearonethousandn-lithiinrtred anïlsixtj-foor 1 resent, Thomas Xinde Judgeut 'I'robale In the matter of tbe Estáte of Williara H Gillud deccased. David Depile, ac'minitrntor of snidoitlt' come into Court and repreents that he i no m pared to render his final acconnt as such adminiiln. Thercupon it is Or.lérefl. hat Frirlay. tlie Iim,. ix(h dayol August instant, at ten o'-.lock in tbefo noon, be assigned foremmining and allowing mú KcountTr.dtliatthehciiiat low of said ileceanfn.andr otlier persons interested in said e.iUte, are rennirslln nppearat a session of aid Cnnrt, Jhtnto hf liotta.: thtl.'robate Office, in the City of Ann Aibo:.iin1 County, and show cause, if sny thfie be, wtj the faul account slmuld not be allowed And I is further ordered, that said Administrad mi noUre to the persons interested in said M,i, of the pcmlency of unid account and thebmm thereof. by cao:'nfr a copy of this 1 I pnbHhheütn tlie Michigan Argtis. a nt wsp.iper jrinled and circulatinir in said ('ountv of Wnslilenrw. tltm weeks pn-viuu tos'ai.l du y of hearing (A true cnpy; THOMAS NÏXMi, !";st'l Judlfeuf , Estáte of Caroline Lamonr. STATE OF Mlf IIR1AX, Touniy of Uaxhtraw, .... At a session of the l'robate Court for tl. f CobbIj of Wasliten.-nv, holden at the Probate iiflicc.iii tl city of Ann Arbor on Tnesdaj , the secoud daj' of Ai Kust in the year one thuusand eight hundreil Jmd Ui four. Present, Thomas Ninde, Juclge of Prub te Ir the matter of the lístate of Caroline Ljipoiir, ctaseu. Dttviu ilepue, Adinmistiator. of ssiil stji', comes into Co uit and ri-jiresents ,lh:lt he isnowp pared to render hi-s (inaUccountassncli'aiiminiitriioi Thereupimit ia Orrteral, ihat Friiiaj, tbe.iwnt; sixth day of August, instant, at tin o'clnct ín tb I forcnooii, be assigned for examiuiiitr and alinwingiiirh account, and thur tlie heirs at law of sniil drouH j and all otlier persons inleristed iu Eiiii estáte, m if quired to apprar ata sesskm of said Court. then inM bolden at the l'robate Office, in Ihe City of Ann Arbm. in snid Counfv, and slu.w c;mse.if aiir tbef bf, nï the said ;i croont sjiould not be allowed: And it_ is [biIher ordevcd, !hnt said Admimstrator pive nitmH the persons interested in said estáte, of llie prnii'Ht of said account, aiid the hearing therof, by uufa1 copy of this Order to be pnblished in tlie JrWipl Argut, a newspaper printe.l and circulatin? In aH County of Washtenaw, three sucecssive weeks irprii lo said day of hearing. (A true copy.) THOMAS NISDE, 968td JudKCoIl'rolaH. Estáte of John D. ArmstroDg. ST4TEOT1 MICHIGAN. County M Wahten!nr. # At assionuf the L'robatfCyart ir the O"ijül Washtrnaw, holden atthi Probate Office, n the City t( Ann Arbor, on Wedni-sday the tenth cay 9Í the year one thous-imi eight hundred and Utjfw Present. Thomas Nindc-.-iHiige of Probate. Jn the matter oí tlie Estaie of .Jolip D. Armstrui, late of Loiti, in said County, decease.!. On reading And tiling the petition, 'lul? vpriffed. tl Elvira Armstrong, prayini; fur tlic probate of aninstrs' ment now on file in this -ourt, purporting to bethe W . will ,ind testament ot saul dêcMMSd. Thireupin it is Ordered, that Fridny, the ninthdi.' of Septembernext,atton o'clock in theforonmiD.bii Rigned for the hearing of said petition. and tbutthf '■ visees, legteea and beirs at law of said deceased.M' ïil lother persons in teres ted in said estáte are requir1 to apH;ir it asesion of paid C'ourt, then to he holden i the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor.iDJ County , and show o a use, ifany there be, why thepnj" of thepetitioner should not be granted; And it is fu'rther orfiered , that said petitïon" feive notice to ]crrims intorested in said ettt, the penden cy of said petition, and tlie hearing therfby causmga copy of thia Order to be published in 1" Michigan Argns,n. newspaper printed and circuUliM in aaid County of Washtenaw, tbree successite irtrf'i previous to saia day of hearinir(A true Copy.) THOMAS NINPE, P69 Judjfe of Prfltof' Estáte of William Bunting. STATE OF SIICniGAN- Connty of Wauhtenw- Ata session of the Probate Court (or tho ConmJ of Waslttenaw, holden at the l'robate Office in 1 city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday , the elevoolh JJ Angnst 'm the year one thounand elglit hocdred Mú j fixtyfonr, 'Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of the e.stato o( WNllam Buotiüg, I1' of Lodi, in saiiH'ount y, dfcoaíC'l. , On rea ding and fllina the petition duly ver Selina Tïunting, pyayingfor the probate of ft cen instrument now on file in this Court purporting t [ the last wITl and testament of said deceiped. . Theronpon itis Ordered, ThatMonday, the trt"111 day of September next, at teno'clock in the foro be assigncd for the hearinjr of caïö petttloOj W , the devíseos, legateès, and heirs at law of sa'" ceased, and all other persons ínterested in said wji are required toappear at a session of said Coart,wj tobe holden ut the Probate Office, in the City ülB Arbor, in said Conntv, and show cause, if any tne J why the praypi of the potitioner phould notlWS11 ed: And it is further ordered, that sai-1 r-rtitioBP noticeto the persons interested in said estftte, pendency of said petition, and the hearing therff'i' causing a copy of this order to be published joJ Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circu11 in said Connty of Washtenaw, throc snecessifi previona to said day of hearing. _ (A trué copy.) THOMAS XINI. 969td Judge of Pro1'' Chíincery Sale. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN- In Circuit Court for the Co"j O ty of Washtenaw, Tn Chnncery. Eliw PJ Complainant, vs. Sebra Perkins Defendant. }%j suanceand by vlrtité of a decree of the Circuit C" forthe County of Wawhtonaw, in Chancery, nJJ the second day of December, A. I)., eighteon bo' and fifty-nine, in a certain cause therein P8" wherein Eliza Perkins is complainant, and É?br . kina ík defendant. Notice is licichy given, thttl' sell at public auction to tbc highest bidder, at tffJ o'clock , noon, on Paturday. the soventoenfl1 QL September, r.fxt.nt tho of the Court H of the Circuit Court for tneOonntyof WaplitfW the city of Ann Arbor, County of WiwhfcW-TJ State of Michigan, " Tlenest half oi the ""vj quarter of section fifteen, and the west bl ' "' y. north-eastqu.'irterof eecliun twenty two, 1"%. one south of mnpre poren eat-t, ín the TownMuP lem, in the County of Wiishttnaw, nd State o'j M. C. H. VAN'Clf ; Circuit Court Commis.sioner in and fur the CouO . Washtenaw. O.Hawkins, Solicitor for Complainant Ann Arbor, July t wenty-nintli , A. P.,1864. RTJTTA.ISr'S VENT1LATI0N & WARMINfi! Q . The imdcr.'igned keeps on hand and w'"osULiè ARClilTKCTrí, BU1LDK1W, and INDIVlMi!' .' any of these celebra ted machines for the WiirI (j buildings at short notice. He will also be napP give such instructions to all wbo ure abmit to a,tl will enalile them to warm their houses at abo the expense for fuel that they can posibly do j other means. REFEREÑCKS C. ERERTUn, Ann Arbor. A. A. SCITOOL BOA 7A00B HASJGSTERFER, AÜOUSTl'SWIPENMA it: Vrber.M:uch Í'l. 6roc


Old News
Michigan Argus