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The Michigan Argus

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PublislxxlíYcry Friday morning,in thethird story of w kriek biock.cornerof Main and Hurón Sts.. ANN rBOR. Entranceon Hurón Stroet,opnoBlte.the ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Terins, $',OO a Year tu Advnnce. idvertUIng-Onesqu&re (12 line or leas), one ..." 75cent; three week. $1.50; and 25 cent for 'rVi.ertio.ithere ,fter, leí than three monttis. ' ,,„„ ,,uare 3 mo 4.00 lí Quarter col. 1 year $20 n„, iuare 6mw 6.00 I Half column b mos 20 ni, quare year 9 00 Half column 1 year 35 ?"o'q"e 6 mi" 8 00 I One ColUmn 6 """"■ 2n f "0 4're 1 Jrear li0 I' Oae column 1 year 60 Carda in Directory, not to.exceed four Unes, Í4.00 '■Ví.ertuers to the extent of a quarter columri.rcgui i, tlirottih tUe ytar, will be entitled to Lave thir „ra i lrectory without extra, charle. I-7F A.lviTtiscments unaccompanied by written or ,{íldfrectionwlllb published until ordered out, „j -harted accorilingly . ",.,1 advertisement, first insertiou, 50 cents .peí ■Mo 23 cents per folio for oach subsequent ,cSer ion. W . 'poHtpcnement is added to a n dverílMm.o the ,h0le 11 be ohargea theaame a fot írstinsertiun. llfc ITlftil-ir f1-' lUni Bills.Circulars 5? Su TUkft, Ubels. Blank., Bill Hetdn, nnd fu"'. Atieso f PlainandFancy Job l'rintint'.cxecu,dwnh%rVness,andinthe be.t stvle. rrd--We havo a Rublos Rotary Card Press aml I !iT riety t the lteSt styles of Card type ïlnch lí, ,i to print Can! of all kinds in the neutest 'o;'.Metylan,lcheaper than eny other house in the 5 Builnos cavds for men oí all avocations and yroi,,;inn Ball, WaHin md T1!tlog Cards, prmted on "hort notice. Cali and see iamples. -ROOK B1SDIWG- C'onnected with the Offlco is a sJokBinaery in charge of two competent woi-kiiien.,ï,tr Records, Ledgers, Jourriáls, and all Blank Bqnks „ order, and of the bet stock. 1'amphlets and ?,r "■Hcili bomid in a n.-at and .lun.We mannvr, at Detltpr"eS. Entranee to lündery through fheirgu,


Old News
Michigan Argus