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DR. SMITII'S VN IVERSI T Y P 1 L L S. np HiSivPills jrr prepnred ly Win. M. Smith, JL i '.e Profea"sorTf Materia Medica nnd Pharniuey ut lic Univereity of Lafce Erie, Ohio. - Dr. Sroflh would eay to the publicj tha'l in ofi- .-;nj ÜKiij thïst Pil!, liö prcsems no qunck nostruni il..1 wijl, !) iiaipmiiilng oiieets úpbñ the 6!o!i .: rnd bowate créate disoaR w'iero iherc w.Ts'lu:!" or none beforo, "nut one tlnl is snfe. v.v. I. s ■■liijary and unifunn in ilseflects upon :iulie wuuia-síy that hc Iirs now spent twenfy 111 icscnrch and invcsligaiion, directcd 10 tne Pa'thoïogy of diaeasa, and the pwperiies ol iriedicinol suhstnnees. iind thuir odaptniion to tlii? rethoval ofmaladiè to which flesh is hir. As the rtr-i It of hese, lic is now oble to give lo tlia iihlic n cómbinntton of med.cinaj vegetable substancea vhich is ns near perfección, os c ircfil siudy and cioso iuvesligatlon, tests and exiiertnftnif, enn hun? it. He woulii say t Píiví-:( ; .ns. ns well as others, try this pill; it will n-i' dt-reive you. . 1'. is pcculinrly ndaptcd tn ihe remova! and proveniion of f o following üsenses: Biüous. Interiniiiarit, and Remittant Fevcrs, Feyer aiui iè, Coujjh, Liver Complaints, Sick Head nche. Passive Dropsy, Rheumnitism, Enlardo ment ol ï'no Splet-n. Internal P:los. Coüc. Aculi ty oTtlie 9ioniacii, I icipient Diarhoña, Hübitun! Cosliveuess, nnd m all cisrs of Torpor of thr Bon-eis, w'tin a cathar'.ic. nperient, ornlterative. is nee-!ed. They r.rc mild. yct conain in thcir operation. producing neilhcr nousen, prspinrr. nor dèbility. Tlie ngenia of these Pilis aro ins:rucped. in ense full sj:iifac:iou is not given to ;n iwon v.ho mny p urdíase ihem, that they shali have iheir moncy reianded. TESTIMONIA LS IX FAVOR OF DR. SMITil's UN'IVERSITY PILL8. Testimonial of Dr. Landon. Moskof.. Michigan. June 12, 1S-14. Dn. S.MITU - Dear Sir,- 1 take pleasure in giving my tosiimony ir. favor of your valuadle i'.ricirst! Pilis. 1 most clieerfully reonne'nd t;iLM!i ;.i liie public as n sife, easy, nnd eiHcieni c".;ii:ir ie Ur inosl of t'ne diicasea incident to dl 8 r-ii'. :i of c.mitry. 1 have made exmnsive ïfee oliiifii lor fo'tr ycars in my practice. and I bc1 've )i to 'oe best anti-biüous Cntbnrtic oi A pen ent medicine ever combined and oficred iur ger.oral use Yonrs. cc GEORCHT. LANDON. M. D. Tetiimonial of Dr. Teller. Masiu.i.on. ülii', Mny s, 18-14 Dr. Smït.i - Sir. - 1 take mucli plensurc in benring Irstimony to lie efficacy ol your Pilla in removing bile from the ptomach, detei%ing iliLiver. nnd in nll contplainta emanaiing irom tiuisjurcc. J. V. C. TELLER. M. D. Testimonial of F. L. WtÜs. Watkri.oo. Mich.. Mnrcb 10. 1844. To Dn Shitu - Sir. - For upwarda of six ir.onilis 1 ns cruc!;y offlicted with Ft-ver and A '.ite, ar.:l durii) tbat time copld fi'id nolh nrr that give me penranent relief; a Icnstli, Uoweyer, your Univeraíty Pilis were recómhien"ded to me by one of the liest Physicians in tliese jnris; nnd I am Ijnppy in being uble to siy, that from the use of one box l was permanent!? currd of my ague: smee tlien a nnmber ofmy family have been as signally bencfmorl. Yours. &c., F. L. WELLS. Tesümnniul of Daniel Goodnow. ÜHÖxröx. Micb.. June J. 1S44. I hcrebvceriÜ'y ih u Dr. Wm. M. Smith bas been my Family Physicion fur ibnr yeirs !nsi past: thnt he hastued his University Piüsin !ih ptáctícú in my Family with unar;illelffd sncc(5ís. and I ihink them pre'erable to any pill for bilious S aiteciions in the world. DANIEL GOODNOV, Innhzeptr, acomli-St. House. ■ l of D S. P.irshall . Flikt, Mich.. June 5, 1811. Dr. Smith. - I am bnppy to give you n.ycordinl approvol of your XJniversiiy Pilis. I am nb'e :o keep oiT Fever and Aue. and Fevers io wliich all of ujjbjp subject m iHs Western coun Try, ! Llié timclv use of your Universi'y Pilis. - Eenl bn Agent tliis woy as soon as possible, fai :c a:culi out Yours X:e.. D. S. PARSHALL. Te: i ' mmiial of Messrs. Nolle nnd FyJUld. Wc certify tfiat we are and have been peis-'on aliy acqdairUod with Wm. M. Smith, M. D. , a:iJ knów that hc is n man of eminence in liis profession - and tlint for fbur years he tilled the chnir of Maíeria Medica nnd Pharmacy in the Wiilooghby Univcrsiiy of Lnke Etle. with Kon or io biinself and saiisfnciion to the Trusiees and Fiiculty nnd as well ns to Sludents of the above University. As for bis Pilis., they are -pa excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. B. F. EY FIELD. Monroc, Mich., June iy. 1844. Testimonial of Rial B Chas:. - This J certifv. thnt in the motiib ol'Septem her last, I wr.s atlacked wiih Bilious Fevtr (whils away from borní at Owasso to build o water wlieel) and with one ii)se ol Smith's Uni veisiiy Pilis. I broV.e il wp; .ind as inany others Mere sick nt the linie. 1 adminislcrcd these Pi6 t. ihem, nnd in cases it broke up thcir invers. I have used ihem innny times since. and w'ub grèat Buccesa. Thev are the best pilla i ever used.RIAL n CHASE. MMicriht. ' Shiawassee. Alicli ., June Isr. 18-14. Testimonial of Mrs. Aldgail C. Wiiglt. Tluá iray ct-ni.y. ihat ihrce yeais ;igo 1 was ait-ickcd with Liver Complamt so svveiely that ] could sc-ircely turn myselfjn bed: I uscd man ppectfic andJwwndiw, such asBrandrcih's. Rnsurrcclion, Orienlut. asl othcr pilU, bntwith litt'e r no effect. One ycar ngo, my fiiend Dr. Smith en 11 cd on me on hie way to Boston, when he pnve mo n box of liis Univcrsity IMls, whicli pcrfecily rcstorcil nic, nnd my hcahli has noi nain sufiered l'rom like-cn9e. Rochester. N. Y.,'No. 13, ) Franklin Street. June 24, 15-14. 5 Testimonial of John W. Millcr. Dkar Docron- Justice requires me to state, that 1 have B)!d your Univcrsity Pilis tor ont and a hall years last past, and that I enn sell n oiliers while I have them on linnd. They have f.:pereded ilic sale of" all others - their eficct is trulv wünderful. JOHN W. MILLKR, Drvggist. M'inroe. Micli., June 12. 1844. Forsalehy J Lund. Lower Town, and Wni. S. and J. W. Mayuard. Upper Town, Anti Arbor. W-y ÍÑTEREST1NG TO WOOL GÏÏÖw"ERS. TI I E Subscribnrs wonJd reipcctfully onnounce to the VVool Growers of Ano Arbornnd is viciniiy, ihat they continue the business of Wool Carding and Cloth Drcssivg at the oid ptand ofJ. I'ecklcy & Co., wiienthcy nny b:; found at all scasonablc hours ia waii pon thosc wlio may favor them wiih their paironne. They guaranteo that ihir work wil! be done wirh ncatness nnd deepatch. To thcir old friornls nnd as many ncw customers as feel disposed to give them a trial, they would say.conie on wi'h your Wuor. and Ci.oth and wc wil! do you aniplc jusiice in the execution ofyonrwork - d.c price and tcrnis oí payment. Twenty tlROiisand pouiids of Wool wanted in exchange for Full Clotli. Flannrd, Ac. N, 13. - Givc us a cnll before pnrc'uosing tlse where. sumni:r hicks & co. Ann Arbor Lower Toivn.Miir. 26,1845. 26-öm I91aple Sisgrar! My Ibs. just reecivcd. and for eale by 4)} BECKLKY, FOSTER, & CO. Aun Arbor. April 26, 18-J5. 1 Take lotice! WHEREAS my wie, Mary Whiilark haf th's day left my bed and board without mv Jenve or consent, this e to forbid all personv haboring or rriisting her on my account, as I phall pay no deb:s of her contracting aftcr this j. ft. widtlark:. AnnArLor, April 22, 1S4'-. l-3w lWright's Poor Ivlan's Pilis. Ais excellent vegetable lamily Medicine, in cases ol lndigcs on, Pyspepsin'j Li ver Cuniplaims or J;iundice, Agüe ami Foyer, Coa; cd Tongue. Siekness nt ilio Stomach. Sick Hendadle. Remiuant and liiicrmittenl Fevcrs, Couglis. Colils, Cat.nrh, &.:. cc. Enilrely venoiiine, ihey aro. oinphaticaily NATURE'S rltíEÑD, conducingto hcnlth nnd counreracting disease by puny:n; ihe olood, cleaiisiuir 'liej systêrn oí vniateD nuníors, remo vi ly obstructions. siitiiuii'.ting the ortpns oí lecrotions, ijling; 1 1 1 1 4 with ilie foud and aciing every way in harihony wiili !iu system. Fo.r Inflamatóry disensos sed in connectlon wilh t!ie 'Rhemuaiic Piasier' ihey will be found grcntly to nid in ïlic reinoval ol disenses for wTiich the "!;nrer is abmo recomnicndcd, and l'nriicularly are ihey co}culntod lor :!l derangeneiits o1' ihf Digestivo nnd RUft'ry Orgnns. ho primnry orim ol o mullhudo of diseases. Price - "25 cents a 50 cents n Box. For sale m iMfScly's Boo&stótc nnd by J. T. Stucking, Travelling Agent lor Michigan. CertifíGates. WoonsT(?;K. Lennwec Co. Aug. 20. 1S44. Fortwelvo ycars I have been iroubled with n rbeurnalic nlFectjon in my bock, so llial I !ave hardly evët hu-'n free from pain dn:;iiLi ;hc whole time nnd wnhin twelve houis pfter I liad npplíed s.uro ol' Wriht's llhoninaric Piaster. I was percctly eaty, nr.d have liad no iniivsince. STEÍ'HEN CARY. Jack'on Co., Colnnibia, Au,g. 20. 1844. _ This may certi'y that [ havo used Wnht's Pilis in niy fntnily in violent attacks of cliili nnd bilioua fever, and bave found them to be the best Pilis (hát I ever used. irriá wou!d recoimrietul everv faniily lo keep them on hand. JAMES AWARTOUT. TnoMrsoN. Gcniia co., O.. April '2ctb, 1844. This mny eerlify that I hnve u ed Wnhls' Poor Man's Pilis and Rlicumaiic PJastei in my practicc, ond woniil tmy t the public tlíñl tney can rely opon their recommendation with the ut most confidence: in thort, thcyonly need trying to recotnnieud theinselves. Rev. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. Lora i NE Co . Giren, Mny ifi, 184ÍJ. This niay certify llint l have u?ed V'rii.'ht' Poor Man8 Pilis in my practico, nnd fina them to bc one of. if nol enijrcJLy, tlie best pilj now in nse: and would rocommend every family to kcop them o;i hanl, especH'y h&e who live tu-nr low, marsbv land. or uall ponds, or in an unhcalthy climnte JOSHUA BASCOMB, M. D. Without adiling more tt-stiinoiiy cf the cfficacy of ihe abovc nienitoneU niedidno. A-e do not h'siiate to sny ihat we are not alinid tohave iis Vjrnies tcs:ed by ihe side ol any otlier of tiie kind ihnt ever lias been r red lo an Aireiican public, nnd we will lel il stand upon itsown merits. Foi !e at Moseloy'a Bookstore, Ann Arbor, 15y Kellogg & Broiliers. White Pjgeup, R. Williams, Jr. & Co., Sturges Prairie, Simeón Gage:, Quincy. Oi-incb coumy. A. K. Hall, do do W; A. Biiss, Jomestown, Indiana, riislia Steer. Angola, do Chcstei Moss. Albiüii, Michigph, A. P. Mann, & R. Sibley, Marslmll. Mich. A. C'ailcnder, do do E. Pücker, Battle Cieek, do C. W. Vining, Gpleéburgh, do Capt. Brown, Proirieville, do D. H. Medwood, Adtiau. do Qunckenbuss anti More, Tecumieh do S. A. Uowley. Jonesvillc, do H. Oilbert Manchesier. do W. II. Patteison, Saline, do Hormon S Cook, Brooklyn, do Pierre Teller, Wlioiesale Arent for Detroit. Geo. P. VVrjoht Co., ole proprieteis for the the United States and L'ppcr nnd I,owcr Canada. All orders aTid business k-itcrs for the present, may be directed to Goo. P. Wright. Colutnbia P. O.. Jackson Co., Mich. It is Cor sale áléo át M.mroe. Mt. Clcrnens. Uticn. Pontiac, and by Dubois& Wright, Jtffjrson. Ácents for the Siate ol" Michigan. KiLCOUK. Carrol Co., O.. Jan. 25, 1841. Ten yéáre I was taken with the Scroinla sr (hit I 'iad mi relief day or niglit. my ITnib? bcing rftuch swellcd and covered wi;h Ulccrs. my brenst and back in great pain, anl nerves much shatiered. I app'ied to ditFerent Phys ciüns. all of whom Kiid ihcre was no help for me, and nl. ihe remedies I tried pioved unavailing until I made use of Wr:ght's Anti-Inflainatory nnd Rlienmaiic Piaster, which reduced the inflama iion, healed ihe Ulcers brought ihe skin io it natural color, and reheved the pain. I woult recommend it lo all s-iniüarly aillicted, sind an sur tliey will be sntistied a;'ter giviug it a fai nial. CATHAUINE ALLENS-WORTfl. Thompson. Geanso Co., Oliio, ) April 20. 1.S43. ] 1 certiTy thal my liltle boy put bis arms intt lioiling water, rcarly to the clbow, so thru when (he dress was taken ofT the skin came with it after opplying severnl remedies to nu purpbse - the armbecoming much swoüen and the chilü u great pniu, 1 applied 'Wright's Anti-fnfiamntory and ilheumatism Piaster.' and within two hours he was perfect!)' ensy, and went to sleep. f'er two or three d:iys I removed the piaster, ■and applied nnoiher, and wben that vas removci the arm was healed. except a place the size of a shilling which was soon vvcll. I believe il lo bi ilie butt nrticle for a buin that can be produced and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case of accideni9. ELIZABETH EROUGIiTON.NERVOUS DISEASES are greatiy bencfit:cc! by the use of these pills; - as Nervous IJeadaclie, Tic Doloroux, St. Vittis' Dance. &c. their lendency bcing to soothe the irritabiliiy o lbo system. allay pain, and induce quiet and re pose. Tbose nTHfctëa with Coughs. Colrls. In iluenza. &c. , will find relict' Iroin the use of these nlls. Exposurc to cold doses ilie pores of the the skin, cheeke perspirailon, retnrds the crr:ul'jliori, ond produces various inflainntory discases Dotrs any one perreive n cold coming upon hímí Lei hi:n on going ?o Led, tako sulllcicnt to opcraie smarily. nnd Uien every night, lake cnouch to produce a mild operaiion till the disease abates. In ose of YVornis lel a lea of Pink bc taken freely for 12homs. end tlien adminis'cr Pilla sufíiciem to produce a bmk cathartic ope aiion 2l-1y. The True Pain Extractor Salve. WHrCII cures like a clinrm all JJURNS by fire r water, and eveiy cx-ernal SOilK, PAIN, l.NFLAMMATfOiV. ACH F: or 1TC1! 1G ever vet found upon the iiuman Jamüy, U wbich it has been applied, rnust uhvays hcsouslii gennipe irom ComstocTt &. Co. of New York. ar iheir atithorizcd agenis. All are cáutionod agaifl8t any spnrious articlts, wbich niay nlways ie avoic'ed ly knowing ihe one yon buy cometí i'rtiiii Comstock &Co., who ore now the oi)!y proprietorsar.d ::ianu!hcturer. Inquirelbr Con nel a, which is irranied to do all it ever would when callrd by any othcr nan:r. or the priro slioll bc relundcd in any case if ïf does nut picase. To place t within rearh oal!. the price has been redticcd tnoie than four (old, aitd is now sold at 25 cents, the fortner price beirg too exorbitnnt. The 50 cent size now contnins four times as tnany as ihe formcr. and the $1 sizc neai icn rimes as niuch. No faniilv thal bas any t.tle to huminity, with fail to have Conjnsv't Vain;cior üi'.itmcni ilM-a-8 at hand, to oavelifo allscars. and reduce i fagony any burn in fivc ininnies. rlrovided hcy have scen i; used, or beileve those wlio have usecl it. COMSTOCK & CO.. 21. Courtland Street. CT Be sure thereforc, and ask for Cosnki.'s os our plato wiih Dalley'sname on it boen átoU-n, nnd the spurious mny appenr wiih the name on it. Know, iherefore, that it comes di rcctly irom Cotnstock fe Co., or ebun it. VM. S fe J. W. MAYNARD, 30 Agent for Ann Arbor. LOST on the 11 Ui inst. probably bet ween Cranes nnd Coons in ihe vicinity ofl'Jym uthasmoU. black Morocco Pocket Book, coriaining about 50.03 bank notes on Canada. - Vny person findinc the same and leaving it ai he office of the Signal of Liberty shall receive ho above reward. Iï. R. KEAMKY. Ar.r. Altor Dcc, 12. 1844. óv. 35TCew Goeds i Wsw Ooods i i te. tí .-. ' l." _-;-._. .rSi. '&,Jtf, ff i(f'i?":'}' TUF. undejrs.igned liis jusi reccivcd bis suppTy of FullUuodstiom :. Y. City. B&ldcs a ' riiNi rnie ns-ï'ii ment ui ' lieoiiniis. Cotion Yarn. 8 l'iilivil (Mo;hs. Uütk! Clutlis. and Smjile Coods, he ia ju3t opening fi splejndjd'lftt óf i Kii li. "Wo.stcd D;ima,k Shawls, lst qlialily, J'rocha. do do Kiliyl. do 1 (!■ Cash mere, dj Fnshionable Cnnat.-i. Rich Bpnnet Ribbons, ' Fufhionablc IJjad Triinniings, Vclvct do AI.SO, A BKAÜTIFCI. ASSORfME.NT ÖF HHESS STUFKS SUCH AS Ciishmerc D'Kcossc. il"s'nn UeLaine, I'nrissennes, Ro!iry Pi-'.J, Prints of every deíoription. Blain, lilack Alapnc-i, figureeJ, black Alapica, Plain, colored Alnppca, fíured, cul'd Alapac.i. Plain, ind Chmenblc Alnpdcn. Tiie uiulcrsigncd lins in .idilnion to a tirs! rato ai-sor tin inl ol Siap!c mul Fanoy Dry Goods. ' a choice lot of Tets mui Coflee, for family use A! so, a large lot of Gsesc Feathers. Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. lti6"S(ock is wel I süiiied :u iiuih cuy nnd c un f-y nade. Country pconlcnre invked lo cill ond look nnd sntisfy ilieinelves ihr.t liis stock will bear coinpnrisun citlicr in qiKiliiy urpiicc wilb any other n tlio vveBtern o untiy. W. A. 11AYM0ND. 1 48'JcíFer5on Avenue. Detroit. Oct. 14. 1814. ' 24 tf GOOD NEWS FROM NEW KNGLAND. Dr. Smith's Coated linprov'ed Zndian Vegetable Filis, TRIOirMANT FOR CONSUMPTIONS, COLDS, RHEITMATI6M, DYSPEI'SIA AND FEVERS. 1T00K n severo cold. this f.ill. wbioli sotllod n my limlis, nnd brought on the Rl-.euma nam, accompnnird wíili severo paina nnd u Imd cctigli. whirh obüged me to givo npmy liiisincy? I iried ninny remedies without any roíiof. uniü ] prucureda box ol I)r. S-iuih: Coaied inüan vegëihoiê PilU. wbicli, I am happy lo soy, itnmcdiately relievcd me. and cnnílud me. i, tfuec dnys. to return lo my business. 1 au. now eniircljr well. K. F. TIILL, Washington st. iSosíen, Nov. 4. J844. 1 nave becn eonsiilered in the Consnniptinn lor nbont niño ycars, with a sevftre cough evi.r lall. did not Itnve me lili t'.ie next s)nn. with an altnust constant ÍJc-adaclie; not being able trt sleep mnny iiÍ2li!sdiiriiií ihe winters, in consequente ot tbc severo fils nf congliinir. ] have ried most coiigh remedies, vi;h only (cmporjiry rolief. My usual coiígli coinmcn ced nliout fojr WéeRR since. witfi nn ncrehsin'n soiencss to my Lungs; nnd was urced lo tiy l)r. Sinitti's Gafrar Comed Pilis - wbicli I did. but without noy Iniih in tbeir cfficacy: J took four Pilis before reünnp; and within fony-eirhi hours, my cou'h rm entirely broken up; vrhich hns not returned, and thc severe pains oí lieadaclie have left me. I nevor Ipive found a rc-mody hefoic tlnt brouebt so tntádén rolief. I du nol believe there ís any cure for ihe Consumpiio:: but .iiii sintitd. iherc is do lemporary relie! i q inl ' to these IMils. I have since udniinisteieH theni to mcüibers ofniy Family, forColda and Coughs. Nvith the inost liappy rcsult. H. F. WELLS. Bostón.Ilaving beer. nfflicfcd for eevorál yenrs wi;b r Wcakness in tbe stomach nnd Lunge, with Cos tiveness. flendnche. nnd Dcprcssinn of Spirit?. (houglit by niany 10 bc in a Cpnsútnption, nn was obüged to give üp my business. A Oer try hl' a njfïnber of the vnrious PatsnpnrUl is nn B.iisams. without nny permanent rel iel; I wa prevniled npon to try Dr. Smitn'è Su?nr Coatd Improved Indien Vegetable Pilis: and. to irt astonishment. they iinmediniply rclieved me. and, after tnking a few doses, nm entirely recovere.l. and able to return tú ïiy business. JUS TUS CLARK. Tlic directions and treatment of the discasts accompany evcry box. pricf. 25 crr.T' pfu r.ox. No SUGAR CO TEIPJLL." canbe ren uine wiiliotii tbe siewnfuro of tin; sole ituentor G. BENJAMÍN SAÜTII. Mi D.. Prosidmt the N. Y ('ollese of ílenhb." pon overy box Cffi :cs devotcd exclusively to the sa'.e of ibif medicine. 3 79 Gioenwic!) Street, New York. N. 2, Water Street. Jtoston. For sale in all the villagee and lovns in the New F.nglnml S'nlPS. N. B - No travelling pcdlar6 ore dlowcd l" se!! these Pilis. ÜO'For wie by W. S. nnd .1. W. Maynard. Lund &- McColluin. F. J. B. Crane. Ann Albor. P?rriti & Hall, Nórthville; -ThouittB P. May, 3r. Plymouth; I). C. Whitwood, Dester; G. &■ J. G. Ilill, Dotroit. Wright's Mcdicated Piaster, SPREAD FOR IMMEDIATE USE. Price onfy onc shilling, in order to place then ivithtn the mrans of uil. IN slight nilmcir.s. or where the pa'ient prefers a lesa expensive article than the Anti-inflamntory and Rheuinatic Piaster,' thorp will be fount highly bcncficial. Being alrendy spread for imineclicate npplicalion. thi-y will be (ound verv convetiiemlor WEAK UÁCKS. Pain or Weaknos-s inihc Side, Ureast. Stomaeh. l'ctwecn thi' S"hoiildere. or wht-revcr there is Pain, or where o Piasier is needed. 1 hey may be rendered mon servicablc by posting n piece of cloth on the back of them beforo they nre applicd. Multitudes have been rcÜcved of pain and eufiering by thisc Cheop Piasters. For sale at Moselj's Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Tiaveling'Agent for Michigan. 10-ly The Bircicy iBor(rai(s% TIJK Subscriben hnve on hand a'.ity o! thoáf Iiirge nnd eplendiil engr. v nes. beau iiiully execuied on eieel pintes, by an exccileni art6:, frum a paintrng by E. W. Goouwin, Esq. of Albnny,IS'. Y. They are n striking likeness of Tuk Man, and meke an elegant ornament lui ihc parlor. Fur sale, wholcsnle nnd retail. al L8 per rfózeu , or$l.00 each, by A. McFairen, liooksciler. Detroit, and by BECKLF.Y. FOSTER, & Co. Ann Ar!ior. Nbv. 4, 18M. S4 tf DJEN riSTRY. E. G. BURGER, Denttel, HAS removed liis office to Crane &, Jewelt's Block, (irst room on thu Second Floor. where being wel! prppaied to altend lo ewry branch of h6 profession. would roepecifully L-,i tu all who have not had those necessary orpnns. THE TEETFf, propeily ailcndcd to, del iy n longer, bul cali pppn hini and experience the cate and durability of h:s operaiicns. Terhs icccMiiiiiodaiing nnd charges in no caae unreasonable. Ann Arbor, March G, 1845. 47-tf. JiAhvvty Afiiaiaiiacs for 18 15. FOR sale by the dozen or single by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & CO. M?rch '0. 1H45. Live Geese Fcalhers, OF a superior qnnlity. for Kde by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. March 3, 1845. 45-4 w 12OO Ibs. Geese Fcatliers OF fiist rate qtiaüty for sale by the ponnd or liiiuilrcii wcight in qaniitics to suit purchas-. ere, may bc 'ound at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeflerson Avenue, 32- tf DetroitTHE MISSES CLAltKS' Ladïi's' Scmiiiary, ANN AR110R, MICHIGAN. MAR Y H. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. nJL. W ALTER, Teacher of Music on ilir :.M.M V HF.FRMANN, Teacher of Germán and 1 1 ie (uitar. IHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenilc De pari ment-. A MÍISM. Teacher of Mathematica nnd Vocn! Music. Ei. F. S11OFF, Teacher of French mul Giba" !CS. TriTS Tnstituti.-in hhs been in ODratinn sincc November 1 8. ö"0. TJlO scholastic yeai limbr.icing fortj' -eijilil weks. tvvo lerins, CO.mprising two qtnriors eneh - twelvè weeks fn ö'l rju'rirtiïr - n areiiprnj pxaminntion at the close u B'ieli term - Fobrujjrv nnd August. Tfie l;ist qunrer of tlie present term eomnicnced November '27,. Tkuus of Tumos. - For the Enghsh branches, 2.Í.0 to S." per qiiancr. No red net ion made for absence, excpjpi in ose o' sickness. and no pupil taken loi Iosr thnn a quarier. Kxtia chnr■jcs are triade lor níiwicdn ihe Piano, with the hné of the instrument. $;S.O' French, 3.00 Iitin. 3.00 Dnnviiiirand Painting, 5.0 ráney Wo k, 3.0 Board;! incImUnc wnshin?, liiiiits. de. fti.7 per week if paid in advauce. or 2,00 per wee if p.iid at the close af tliequarier. Parrntsand linrdShni are invited to visir tb. pcliool every Friday. when t!ie studies of th week dm reviewed- also soim-monthly on Wed nesdny afteraoojfj at readingof llie weekly com posilions. Fïnvinö purchnspd a heoltny and eommodi ons buHdfVS in a jilpfisant and convenient par of the villiico. no paina or expense sliall b spared to fncilitate the studies and rennVr tli sitnation of the youngladics profiiable nndnree Younij ladies des'rous of omcriiiir the scVoo ind p;irsj:ii tlie rtfprdíár conrse of stwdy. wotilc dp well to comnience at the beginning of tli qiinrter. Bulo n ging to the srhnol n'c a Library of bc twern three and futir hnndrod vohinic?. nnd Plii Insophical Apparatus.EIcctiical M.icliine. Globes S:c. Scieniiiic locmrcs are dclivcrcd bcfore ili school n' projiG' intórvnls. The Missen Clark will endeavor. not only lo proniote tho intellecinal culture of thi'ir pnpüe but will aticnd stncily to iheir mo:ul deport(ent. ' Wiih a decpiensc of relinious responsibilijy. thfty wonld give such a tone of cbaracter. as shn!' renflsr it rocti8á1lyfltted iorpvciy station - yield m tu duiy put firm to principie Ainong the bocka used in the school arp. Abercruin'iie on tlie intellect un! and Moral Powort - K'iue's Elempn'.8 of Cnticisni - Wayland's Moral Science - Ncwman's Rhctoiie. - licdse't; Iógic - Palcy's NnïuralThi'ology and Rvidences njf Clnisiinnitv - Coniítock'p Chemistry and Cnmbe's Pl-ysiologv - Mis. l.incoln's Bolany - Eoten's Manual of ïioiany - Burritt's tíoprn'piiy of tho Hcavcns - Fus. Second and Third Book of History - Mts. Wü Mard's Rpr'i'blic of America - Pb eipa' Lcal Classics - Plnyfair's Euclid. and Daviè's Algebro and Ariihmctic - Park er S Natural Philosopby. T!ie Misses Clark have tnucht a oung Lni:es S -hooi for scveral years in :he Ciry of Ne%v York., iind aic luinisiied witii testimoniáis Iroin Kt. Rev. J'cnjamin Ori'icrdonk. IJ) D , and John .VI. Griscom. D., of New Yik. Rev. J l,. Blske, et I'rooklyn. and Mis. Rmrnn Willnrd. if Troy. Nt Y.; alap, rference is made. by perrniesíon tii the fillowing gentlemen: ï . Rev. S. A. MoC'oskry. D. U , Robert Run sey nnd L.B. Esqrs . Detrdit; Rev. Isaac S Ketchum. Cen'.rftyilic: Rev. J. Hudson, VVhi'i Pigcon; Iíiív. .1. P. Cleveland, and (Jt-o. Kjtch Uiru Marshall; I!on. Win. R. Dfland. Jrrksnn: Knul B. Rirg. Michigan Centre: ! 21. Winiui. Aanftn;Dantel Hixfwin','Clinton'; GarJine Wlicel Ier. M. D.. Howell: Rev. F. II. Cummsr. Grand Rapjds Rev. II. Colclazi r. Rev. A. M. Fitch. S. Dentón. M. D.. P. Brigham, M. 1).. Fion. Wm. A. Fletdier. lion. W'm R. Thompsn, E. Mundy, Esq . Col: Thomas Moselv, (.'ipt. J. Porkius Tiiomos M. Ladd. F. Sawyei .'r. Fsi.. la'e Sunerin'endent of Public lnstrtie tion. Professors Wliitin". Villtam3 and Hóüsfiftin. of tke l'niversity ol Mic'iigan. Ann Arbor: .lames Birdsnll and Rev. John Beach, Fiitu. AmosMoad. lsq . Farmingtmi. The fo!!vin? írentlemen. Rev. íf. C-dclnor. Rev. O. C. Comstock. Rev. A. AI. Fiu'.i. Rr-v. Mr Cui.liss, Pti)fessnrs Whitin and Wilüims. .)i' the University ofMichican. aiid F. Sawver. Jr., late Superintendent of Public Instrnc;i-n. have consentrd to et aa vtsititig cp,ro.miitec of hu school 10 bV present when the weekly studies are rpviovvpd: hut pspecially to altend during the semi-rtniHial exnminations. Arig-nnt9, 1844. 34-tïANTI INFLAMATUV.Y AND IIHEUMAT IC PLAST ER. AN eificient remcdy for Rheunintism, Fevc Sores, White Swellings. Felons. Pain o wekknesa in the Back, Urenst. Sule or Liirtbs Jlurns. Bruiscs. Crnmps, ChüblainB, Livo nn: Lung ntFeciions. Intlolènt Tumors. Spinnl nifec lions. Jiiflmncd Eyes, &c. &c. ]t is unsurpnssei u nll Inflnrnmatory direnses. either Ciironic o Acute, ns it upnrates by counteinciinir and reducinir Iiiflanimation, ollnyiiig P:iin. Sweatine th inris nffected. and by its suengthening nnd Ano 'Jyne ptopcnies giving speed y relief. Alsoin valunblc as au anti mercurial p'nS'PrPricc 2") cents per Box. For further prrticu I.'irs, see circulatins Pamphlet. For salo nt Moseloy'e 13ookstore, Ann Arhor, nnd J. T. Stocking, travelling ngem fo Michigan. 16-ly BROVVNSVILLE JUWIATA IROIV STORE. THK UL'SCRlBKil. agem lor the fncturcr. Pitisóurgh, Pa. has now on lfano a large and wdl nssorted stock of JKON, iNAILS. GLASS, &c, wltich is üflurcd to the public ot tlie lowest cnsl prices, coniprising ilie lollowing: Oom'n bnrnon, allsizes I Plow slabs, Dandy tire u " Plow wings, Horsif shoe, " " Sheet iron, Nos. 13 Satfdle tree, " '" to 2G, Round nnd Square " Nailsj 3d to 20d, Rn tui nnd hoop, (l ' Spikes, nll (-;'. s. Boiler iron " li Railroad car axles, Nati roda " j Carriage " Deck and spike rodp. C&rrioge. Springs, Spade?. 6hovels, fee, &c. , Tosrelher with cvery other article usuaily man factured nt ati Iron Establishment. The above anieles are iiüiniiiactured nt thr Brovvnsville Juniuta Iron Works. Piltsburrr. Pa. by E. Hughes, anti are oí the best quaüty. WINDOW GLASS, -f nll sizes, and of the best brands, constantly on ïand. or fiirnished to order. Morchnnts and oihers wfll findit to their ndvniitugc to cali ond examine the subscriberV stoclf, us iccll as the. pi ices, before going elsewhere. JNO. ROBTNSON, Jr. Agent. No. 1, Wardcü's lilock, corner of Woodward Avrnuc nnd Woüdbridgc Street. Detroit. Deir, 31, 1844. 38 The folloing papers will piense publish the nbove to the nmount ol two dollars, and send their billeto this office: Pnntinc. Grznte nnd Jocktoninn, AnnArbo State Journal, Argus nnd Signal of Liberlyi Inck-on, Gazette nnd Democrat; Marshall. Stntpsmon nnd Expounder. ,JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEV AND C0UN8ELL0R AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL nttend to the enle and excljanga of Lanris, payment of Taxes, and redempion of Lnnde sold lor Taxes in Jnclcson and ndoining counties. exnmination of Tules, Convcynncing nnrl all buRine.ospertaining to Real Estáte. Office in the Court House. Jockeon, Michigoa. 17-tf.C LOTHIERS! JUST reeeivsd at the Geneml Depot, 'or the snlc of l'ldihica Sioclt, Macliinery, DyeStuffs. .Ve. Xrc, No. I3S). Jefi'eison Avenue DcinJii; ih'; following Inrgc, wcll assortcii. and jareiully sdected stock, viz: 100 bbls. SuJ)omingo Log wood, Cut, 5 Tona " " in Stick, 150 bbls Cuba Fustic. Cut, 5 Tons li ; in Stick, 50 bbln. iic. Wood, Chippcd, 50 4i Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wond, l; l'0 " Ground Cnmwood, 10 " Qucrciiron Bark, 500 '■ Nutgnlla, 10 Cnses Extract of Logwood, 300 lhe. Dye. 2 Coroorn Spnnis!) Indigo, 300 ts. Suninc Sicily, 3 Casks Mnddor. 3 Caeka Hluo Vitrio!, 5 Cusks Aluni, 2 Barrels Red Ttírlñf, 2 Harrela Creim T.irin-, 3 Curboj'8 Afju.ï Fi'itis, 5 ' Oil Vnrio!, 3 !i ]J;in;itic Acid. 500 lbs. Virdkiis. 5) ' BlockTin, Tensáis, Twhiei Gopper Kottlcs, all sizos, Pinson's Shnearing Mtichiucs, Curtis' " ♦' Screwfi ond Vrcss Pintes, Cr.-inks, Picsp Pupcr. Sleél Reeds, Worstcil Unnii'ss, Tcntcr Ilouks, Eniery, ni! No'a.. Olivo Oil, Cloihicrs' J.ick. Sattinctt VVarp, Cluthieia' Hnivlus. Shuttles. Pickers, Card Clcanors. v:c. &c. Tlic ibiivo. with n vnrieiy articles bclongiii" to the trniJe. liave been pnrchnsiul 'his suntmer I3y the eubscriher from Manufuciurets and First HnncTs in iFe New York. riiihdi'lphin. and B'isi.n .Marl-cis, h"HH every tliing havinrcceivcd bis pergoqal inspeciion. he c;in wiih ilitutmost coiiljdctiue offer thpni to puichasers as liest ttnd mis conipttlè sluck in the country, and ns ït is his fixed duicrminaiion (by tho low rntoi :l which he w soll) to prevent ihc neccssiiy ol .our Cloihicrs nnd Mü uu factures Icnvihg the Ríate to irïöke thcir purennses, bc would morcly say to the trade, ('A.L, exnmitie ilio good and nscci tam prices Iwfpre yuu say you can buy clicaper nmj irhcrc clse. He is nlso prepared tocontrnct for CARDING MACHINES made in tliis State or F.nat. PJ.ERRE TELLER. Sign oi the Golden Mortar, 131), Juliei.suu Averuc. Detroit. C7-if.] To CïotliSers, KSnnulhclurers and MeBIiiiiits. T'H', suoa:ribèr is ho'vv recéiving t1 his stores. 18d and 19) Avenue. Detroit, tnc Ullowing cíircíully and well selected siook ol rJvK Woons. Dvr. Sujfs and WöoLen Ma.nlKACTURKR's M,(HINKKy. Tj-wwimn 15 tons Fusiic, Cuba. Tobasco, Tatppico Carfh.igenn. 10 tons Ligwood. Campeach, Domingo and Honduras, C t nis Nicaragua. Conair. Coro, Hache and Liii'a, 3 lons Cainwood. vcry choice, J8(J barrels Loc wood, cut and ground, J30 " Fcsiic. " ' 100 ' Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood. U J0 ' Qucrciiron Unik, 45 .' Allum. 42 ' C'opiieins. 3) il . Blue Vitriol. 28 i: Maiider. Oinbre, anJ Dutch erop.. 3 4' Tartar, 2 ' Nutgnlls, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manila and Guattiuiiiln. 2 " Lac Dye, 20 " cxt. Lojrwood, 2 " Gram Tin. 300 pounda ",!d';.'lis. 15 Corboys Oil Viniol. Spirits Sca-Salt and Nitiic Acid,Copper Kf nies and Cioiliieis' Screws, Tèfiic fiooks, Jarks iiid Brusl.cs, Press Papers. Can ClCiiniTö. WV.ivers' S'.icars. JSippors nnrl JJui liiig'jroiis, Comb platcs, Piekcrs and Bobbiiib W'ire, Worstt-d uiul Coton Hnrness. S;cel anc Cane Reeds, Broad Power, H;:nd Looiiisnnc F!" Simules. Steel and Copper Mails, Emei.v &c. Pnrsons' Shearing Machines, 4, C, and !'a les. Allen' doublé nnd single Caiding Machines Mi.clnne Carda. Leicester. 'J'lic above Loods have been recently purc'mse (ürecil)' from the imporiers nnd manufacturéis K.xct.usivKi.Y fob caüi. and wil! he sold nt il New York jobbers' prices, addinr frnriSportèi 8 inly: an.l in consequence of ilie (U'fljne on innny pf ilie Anieiiciin nianufnettired n.'tioles, will. ir many c.'ises. bc sold Bt'yiFTKKN pkr cknt i.s TUIN KOHMIK PTICK8. 'I'llilIeCIl yC.irs CXjieilence in theDye Wood buainees en:ibles the suh senber to sny t liis cuatomere iliat he is pröpaï o.d at all times lo waukast his goods yisuperio quality. THEO. II. ETON. Dye Wood ann Dye Siii?' Wnrelwusè, 188 and 190Jefr3rson Avenue. Do rok Th? Ann Arbor Journal, Yp6lanti Sentinel Poniinc Gizerie, Plint üemoenr. Adrinn Kxpoe iior. Marshall Siaiesman. Niles Courièi nnd Re publienn, Gn.eite. Michisran Ciiy 'Ia ) and th L'.nquirer, London. (Canncia.) will cach iii!iis the above noiicc insido. to ihe nmount oí thre d'illnrs. and send copy of noiicu wih bilis to sub scribcr for payment. 17-tf. Ji f 1 Ml E 8iib6cribcr ha? re X moveJ Ii:ö Shop to Main !Cneet opposite H. Beek ''■jV ''rs Crick Store, wher JWrK) be may be found ready t Sa wait upon all that may giv lff Il;ivingjiist receivod di reet iroin New York nn elegant stock of JEWSLR1T, and Fancy Anieles, whlch he intends to sel lomer iliau has ever been sold west ofBufliilt fr Rcatly Pay Onli. Aniong wliich nmy lic uutnd q cood assorttnent of Gold and Conimor Wutch Keys. Gold Finger Jtlngs and Buson Pins. Guard Chaina, bilver Tea and Tablt Spoons, Sugar TongH. But:cr Knives. Silve Pcncil cases, öilvcrand Commun 'l'himbles, Sij ver Spcctaclcs. Germán, do.. Steel, do., Ilai Briishcs. Clothes do., Tooih do.. Lüther do. Fine Razors and Pocket Knivcn. Fino Slmai and Seiesors, Latlier boxes. Rnzor Strops. Wnl Ictts. I'ursrs, Viulins iind Bows, Fluies. Violii aud Bass Violin Strinj's. Clarionet Reeds. Percussion Cape. Pockrt Pittols. Brittania Candle sticks, VVaiches. Leiter Stainps. Steil Pens nut Tweczers. Snuff :nd Tobacco boxes. Fine combi Dicssiiig do.. Side do , B.-iek do.. Shell do. Needus and Cases. Waier Painis, Toy Watclics Kid üoll, a great variety of Toys loo humeVous to meniion, Bcads, Necklaccs, Fancy Boxes. &c. te. Ci.ocks and VATCH:s ofevery doicription repatred and warrantcd, also, Jcwclry repaired on thort noticc. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Cash paii eor OLD GOLO AND SILVER. C. B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1844. 23-(f.ÖISSOLUTION. THE Copnrmership heretolore cxistinir unrler the firm nnd siyle of' Knnpp, llnvilnnd & Co. is by tu ii tn.'il consent this duy dissoived. - Al! persons indebted to said firm. by Note or otherwige, are to make pnyment to Knnpp S FInviland who ore outhoried to receive it nnd inve become obligated to pay all debts due from said firm. VV. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVILAND, J. E. McLAIN. Ann Arbor. April 24, 1845. 1 Shecp Shears, OF a superior quality for sale by BECKLEY, FOSTEK je Co. March 2), 1845.iLLEBASI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES ARK i'.fll'Ciing auch nstonishin cures in nviltitudes oí old cases long since abandoned by 'hysicians and Surgeons as utterly liopeless. tluit no medicines, whoro these are known, stuud so leservcdly high. Thcy consist of THE BLACK. OR ALLEBASl'S SALVE, Pricc 25 Cents, Whicli currs ui most universnlly. Fevcr Sores, of hc most ittóOgliaht kind, Fclons. Ulccrs. Ab secssea, Tumors. F indures, dus, Punciures, Uuins, Scnlds, Soré Tnroot, Cfnlblaitis, Q'iinsey. Drop v. Infrimciiory -RheiMintisin, Intlimnaiions and Swollinun 'I 'cvery defcription. Sctild Hend. Aaue in the Fncc, Nervous Tooth Ache. Asilé in the Brensl. Brok én Bre-ist, &.c. &c. AL LF.BASI'S HEALTH I ILLS, 25 Cents. Thféeo Puls have ncquircd n popnlaritv within the lnst yenr or two, which no otlior Pilis posïcss. The rcipone are obvi'ius to uil wJbo use ihem. They cure uil IJilious. Semiet nnd other Fcvers. Fcvt-r nnd Agne. Dyppepsin, Droppy. Acid Stoin.tch. Disor'icrcd Bmvels. or itomjicii. Jnunolcej Flead Ache, Dizziness in ihe Hond. Worms, Livor Complnini, Hemt Buins, Clioüc, Bovil conii'liiint, General Dt;bi!ity. Costiveness. &c. &.c. Tlicirpuiify the entire svstcm, lenve the bowels in a vfgóroua and hcalthy condiüon. .te. Seepnmphlet. ALLEHASl'S TOOTH ACIJE DROPS. Pricc 25 ('mts. Will cure nn ordicary ense of Tooih Ache, in frorn thrce to icn minutes. For NcrVnjls and otherkind9 of Tooth Ache. eee Pamplilet. ALLEBASI#S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Pricc, 2') Cents. Are warrnntpd to be superior to r.ny othcr Piasterg in '.his or anv oiher country, for puin or woïikncps in tlio Back. Side. Clicrt, Bovvcls Loins. Mms(?Ips. nnd or llh:uinniism. Lung nnd Livcr Comp'nints, Coughs.. Coldi, Asthma vtc. Sec pnmphlut. V. B. - Pietras to ask the ngont for apnmphle vvlneh givps all the informntion necessary resI'fciing the U3ts of the Medicines, the virtue iliey possess. etc. Pleüse lo follow directions ii the usi: of the medicines, ond you niay rely upon nl! thnt piomised. A libera' discount ninde to merchantsand oth ers. who buv tosoll nirnin. LYMAN V. O!l BERT. Proprietor. Wholesale Drusrgist. '2)4. Fulton st, N. Y ETFor sale by t lic eii!'scrilcr. who has beei appoiniod peneral ncent for the City of Detroi nnd ts vieinity. Country dealers upplied oi liberal tcniis, C. MORPE, Michigan linl; Store. The nboTC medicines are for si!c n: iho Hooi Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lovver Villnge December 9. 1841. 34 lyDyspcpsia oflesí ycars staaiding". npriK Wifö of Oamam Roberts, on Vin JL Siroct. ncir Wa'.er. Cinciur.aii, has been nrrlicrcd with dyspepsia in iis n'uisi iicgravnted (arm, for ihc hst ten ycars. 8he was rccomciui ei! !iy eelehrated phvsieiiins oL Busion, Nèw York, Piiil.i(ifl)liin, Bulürnoro mul Cinrinnuti to in vel, üs i!icy ciiiilil do hotfnng"for her. She did öo. hut it dom: lier no g-iod. Sie then coinmenced t;s'ig tiie most popular medicinen o! the dfiy for her cotupluint. nu derivcd 110 heiuilii from iheir use. Set ing n .idvfMiiseiiii'nt of Dn. Smith s SoÓar'Coátkíi N Pii i.s in il. papers, slie concltulcd to uy (dein. Mie sen; io G F. Tli iii;i.. Moijn st. beiwren Thiid anl Fotir:li s'i.. Ir. Smüns Agent ('oi C ïcinnnii nnd puronnjeil a box, !)!; ihem ntcOfdlBg ih 'lireciion. ..r.d enn wiili hiNiíileli i-r suno i!nt siie derived more benefit from iliü uso rf om box of Doctor Smiilfs SucKUl Coati:i Vkglta 'ui,k Pit.i.s thnn from ;ili pijler medicines slie hu cvrr made usc of lor the iel leu ycurs. The o!nve wis sem to G. F. Thomas. December 14th. Iï44. (TTPRICi-: 25 CENTS PF:R I'.OX. No "ílfiAIl COATKD i -ÏJ.LS" bán h, cnuin wi.'tnu'r (Ju g n ,ti. .. iliu 'ol&lftVBn -..:. :G. BENJAMIN SMiTIJ. M. D.'É Prei ■ lont bf thé N. Y. Col!ee of Jlealili, üpofievèn Ofiices devotoJ exclusively lp 'iho snlc of i'ni.méaicitié For sale by V. S. & J. V. T.Ijyjjnrd, Dm iriss, Ann Ailor M :rch. 9G. IH-Í5 49 tl' ugrar Coatcd FÊJSs, vs. Oïsease- -IV3.ore Ëvidencc. MR. UILi. of ti.c fii-in ol Ciuloy and lüi!. Ifii) fjrondw ij', siys the Snrtr C'nnlcf! Indi.'in Vègetiibré tfupertr 10 I-, ever laken, llswife luis fuuud ihuiii dcliylnful nnd eílicacioiiít. Mis Douc;t.Ais. corner of ■n;e and fimitóv streelt, bna lieu;j cured u( p.-iin in tlnj -.i.-ul. dun ness of Riyhi. ind tficziness of long standinir iliese Pilis. .Mus. Simons, of 9) Heniy 8' reet. cured g' pnins and ernmps, ol eói yfirs standini;. Mr. Atkiss. of 23 Greenwich Weet) ciiret i'dvspcpsia. of scven yeass pinjidiag. Mr. Cai'.i.ück's dnnjihter. 8 Si.ipio siiect, curcd ofWonusin t hei r worst fiirm. Rev. Mr Bitjinktt. o.r rio.!;lyn. cured o. bilitius compliiinis. wertkhe-ss, c We necd not ndd mo;o. Kvidence crowrif upon tis from ill qunrters. No P's ever befon nccomplishcd so niuch, wifh so l:t:lc nnulilc nm' disnsrrccahlencs', fis Dr. Sniiiii'a (Sogqr Co;ned "Improvcd Indinn Vegctahle Pilis." Sold ni Guion's corner I'owery and Gnind st. : Philip' corprr of BeeUnian of VVillimn Ktrpets. Kvereit'!? 98 Uiuisonst.: Mrs. Müv's. 11Í) Fulton streeBrooklyn; nnd 2()'.i Grcenwich street. Eianiini the label - look for Dr. Smith's written tino turo. 45laiiporSaiit ío Farmers. KNAPP &UAVILANÜ, would respcctfuMy nform the farmes of Wüshtenaw and ilic ;U roundin Cottnties thnt ihcy continue to m;in ufaoturc at their shop near the river bridge. Low er Town. Ann Arhor. Thi'cshing: Machines of different kinds có,ruprising the'Bürrall, Cticl'iz, ;inJ Enstmnn's Planetory Power, nnd Mtfchiné (lifFiien't from any madu in this Conn:ry nnu prèerred tonny otiier. wkich tliey intend to seii at such pnces and on t-uch terms us cnnnot (bil lp sive satisfaction. They nre detennined not to oq oiitdone liy any establishment, either in piic or quility of work. Havinj; hcrri for many yenrs engngcd n the !.'L-incss liiey ihink ihoy can wiih confidence ree ornrhPnd tlieir work, and fnnnera and otlièr'f wit-liing to l)iiy wili dj well to cali nnd cxamim' heir work previons to puichnsinc elsewhore. They are proparcd to do all kinds of threshinp machine repnir8. on theshonest notice and more reasonable terma lliatl uny similar es'ablishnuini in the Conniry. Also. liurroll's celebraied CJLOVER JTSACIIirVE'S, which separate the clnrlfrom tlieseednt a si ïgle opcration and are univereally npproved ol and used wherever introduced and wananied t'c thresh elefinand not break the seed. For re'erci-ceapply to Ilobert or Johji McCormick of Sa lein Wathlenaw Co., whu have ued one the pasi scason. W. W. KNAPP. T. A. HA VIL AND. Ann Albor, Muy Ist, 1845. Gm2 CATBE BEATi" JYEJTBOOT, SHOEJM'D LEATHEIi STORE, Ann Arlor, Lower Town. tO FELCH has removed O his establishment ffom the Upper to the Lower Vil lage. No. 4, Iluron Elock J&ett where lic holds himsell in 33nL7 readincss to 'dress the "?m d er stand in gs" of every Man. Womnn and Child wlio wili fc give hiin a the neatest. md hest mnnner that enn be done in Michigan LKATHKR nnd F1ND1NGS of all kind.constantly on hand. WANTT.i), Cash and llides, in nny quantiiea. for wtiich the hiphest piices wili bc given. ICTLet none purchaso until (hey have called t Felch's, No. 4, iluron Block. Aun Arbor, Mayj4, 18Í4. 5-JyBUFFALO NEWSPAPERS rijil.islin) ON TI1K CASH SYSTEM. TUE NATIONAL PILOT, DA1LV, WEEKLY, AND THI-WEEKLY. IANC1IELTER & BK AYMAN, Proprietort R. W. HASKINS, Editar. Commercial Dipf.rlmenl, ly J. C. BUNNER . This paper ia new nnd peculiar. It is the only puper in the United States upon the j.lan it iB cumlticted. All oihera tnko their Europonn intolligcnco rom the English Prs, tlius leavine in ignorent ot all Conuiu-iitiil nlfiiirs except wlint it euita tho Inglish interests to de tui 1. In Politiés the Pdot, looking above and . yono the present party distinctions nimB at NATIONAL1TY; nnd its motto ie- "Fon oor COl'MTRV AT AM. TIMKS; TO AFPRüVK HFn WHKH ught; to n:GüT nr.n when wkorc." The Pilr.t's purty is the citizen oí ifjisRepub ie, ngninst nny nnd uil its enemies. Locnlly, the Pilot will especiaüy consult ihe nten;Hi9, comnieicïul tind o-herwise, ofliuffalo ánd the 51e.1t nnd growing Volley of the lakea, v.iih whicli the former is insepornbly connectcd! The Pilit is 8up:!ied wlih reulni daily fileaof iho Paiis Pnperö of evrry poliiiral pnrty. nnd will iherefore furiilah imt only originnl 8ourcP8. nnd by Mius gWmgbotli sidèê. enn!!e it readers fo lUfJae more correctiy thnn thcy poesibly can by reading only once The Coiiiiiiercinl Department ofihc Pilot ia ín lully coinpoient hnr cis, oe nll will lidnnt, undihs narket intelliiiencu will be second to no ot her sheet; either in nccurncy or ils carly promul galion. TERMS. Dnily Paper, per vear, 4.80 Uaily P.ipcr. per nionth, o!4O Düily Pip, r per vroek, 0,10 Tri-weekly porycar, 3,0.1 Weckly. per ear, 1.00 i copies inily per mail. 1 yfar, 20,00 i f The Dnüy Pilor. is clclivprcd to subscribers every weeft;day morning. Stiliseribers who p.ny weokly, pny nt t!ie end oleach week. Thoaa wlio pay moii'iily or jcarly pny in ndvnnce.-Sinrrlc copies can be obtuined for tiro cevts a copv, either nt thi' Oflicc. or of ihc newa boys. To Editors - Pudlishers of weekly popera who reniil $Q, in adcunre, sltnll beentitlntl to au encitfUigu lor one with the Daily Pilot, O1 An y paper prinied west oi Buflolo. by cop. ying tho nWvc ióur irnes, wiih this nole, will be entiilod to nn exnhntige for one year with tho Duilij PV.ot. on erndinir a copy of the paper, conminiiii; ihe ndvertisement, marked, to ibis oHicc. Ör th publishcr may draw on our columna for .-2 in iiilvriiisiiig.lotice to Mcfl'cliants. TH K Subsc ibers éncouraged by the jmironnt;e ihey linve hitlicrto ie.eved iti tl. o wjinlesnle (Icputnient of iheir business, will tho írst d;iy ol May ne.vt. opon ilie store now oceupiwl by Gto Grcnville, frontina on Uuron strcet, ;md coññectíng wiih tliéir present alore n tho rrnr, exclnsively for a w'lIOLE SALES ROOIM, wliero ihey will kce, at nll times a full nsortmcm oí' DRY GOOD8, BOOTS & SHOF.S CARTENTING, HATfi, CAPS, PAPER IIANUKNGS. BONNETS, CnOCKEItY I!V THE CUATE, II ABDWARB, AND OROCKKIKS. ScC. &C. ÓCC. itl oí wim-li w 11 lio ti!iJ un .is goud lerms as at :my poiin iliis olNew York Cuy. O. 1). HILL, & CO. Aun Arlor. Mrtreh Í'ÍJ. 1HJ4. . 48-if {ÖCaution to AllT ÍK'I' AI.L ;rti,E WOKLÜ TAKK .Nui'lCE _J i: ii ti he Cirt'füi not io üiíy iiicfSu;ir Co-it-;d) iinpi-oveil imliMii ■e_'.!!ll)!t Filia, unkís ev0y lo. IriB on a ilic wn:ien signuture oí ilic oí i. gnal itivcmor íirxi-pifeñtcp] G. BENJAMIN SMtTÍI, M. D. 'IIkií pl.-'isr.r.' Puls poraefe pSvcté-to open w.i. ilu nal iljyiins of i(ic sys'.em- viz: the I.UNOS, KIDXl'.YS. SKINS nnrl BOWFXS - liiiheiío linknoWn íd ihc fhcf(ce of'mcdictnr: uid so oinplüie lia been thcir triumplí over aII u:!ier Mctüuitifs. ih t ruony hnve been led tosup. íose ihb'y C.uñiuin s;inie pWwrfnl minenil; bul upon cvamiimiion liv Di:s. Chk.tun. Randolp, !li'.vnGToN. and oilieis. il:is supposiiicn is ot .nne provt-d tu !ic arounrilcrg. So!() m Niív YitrK. ni ihe princp;i! OíT:cc, 179 Cliienwuli Btrcct, .-i!'O by Üusliion &. Co., Hioiu'vvay. corner of 13-h strt-.'t. PiíiipiilciH ín ho lmd oí ;;cn!s emi8. N. ]} - Pcréoiiá xvill i!so uotrre on 'lic top lniiel nn ciiítiíived iu'lmti liuure, crosied with fino ie ])tn!. The pontiínr mny rtlrn c l'oupht wiih pnfcty nt Dr. Gnion's corner of Howry nnd Grand strect. Hrooklvn. ;nid at reapeciable ítore hroiiírlioüt t he Drtïtèd Sintrs.HARTFORD Fire 1 11 11 ra n ce CoiiBpany INCORPORATKl) IX ]bl() - CHARTER PKIIPIT UAL- C.VV1TAL SfSOj'CQO, W1TH POWER TO isciikask ir To $250.000. TIJISwcil known anrl .ng estuMIsherJ Intiluiior. witli innplc c-isli capital, bnve usuibIsliod nn nL'fncy in Aun Arbor. nnd oílrr lo inuv. Dwcll :is. I'Nuiiuurc. Stotca. Merclinndize, Mills, VVIicn', Flnnr. &c. on very luvorablo 'rnia Thé íiiph cliárnciér of iliis company s well known. nud i:s exicnsiv business i cn'Jtictffl on tlie most jusí nnd honorable principies. Ownns oí propeny n Ann Arbor and viciniíy vh i wh to nsnrc i ogninst I06S nnd d.tninpc hy lire. are invitec! to cali 'ilirccrly on ihe pubscriber, mi lirü Sioie ri Arn Albor, who s auihonzcd to i-ssuo policios wiihoui tlclny. F. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1845. 39-6m. wholesale' ds retail A. M PARREN, 300KSELLESAMDS ATIOflER. SMARTS BLOCK, 1S7 JKrFKRSOS AVKNUE, DETROIT. KKKTS const.mtly lor snlen complete assortmciit of MiSL-elhincous, Schooi and Clnwitiil liuuks, Lener and Cap l'npcr, plnin and rul ed, Quills, luk. SeoUng Wnx, Cuilpry. Wropping Pnper, Printing Paper, of II bízcí; and Book, Nev8and Cannibier Ink. ofvarions kind. BLANK BOOKS, full nnd hall bound, of every viricty of líulinc, Memornnclum Books, &c. To Morchnnls, Teachers, and othere, buying in q'iiuitiiies, a hirgc discount made. Sabbaih School and Bible Society Dcposiior. 51 -tf WOOS.! WOOL CLOTH! CLOTHÜ TU V, biibscribeis will continue to munufac ture Fullecl Cloth, for 374 cis. per yard, and white flannel for SO cenif per ya[d; or they will manufacture the wodl for hiilt the cloth it -.vill make. Their Factory 8 2 miles West f Ann Arbor, on the ) uron River. Wool will also be received at Scio. When sent by it will be ttended to in tlio s;ime ninnner as il the owners were to como wiih it. Wool will be manufacturad in turn ai t comes in ns nearly as it can be done with refer ence to the different qualities of wool. WOOL CARD1NG, vill be dono at Scio, by Thomas Hoskins. S. VV. FOSTER & CO. Scio. Mnv 1, 1815. 210 LOOK HEBEÑ" THE Subscriber lias two Horeea wíerteh b wishcb to fcII. Tetmsaccommodating. D L. LA TOURETTE. Ann Arbor, April JO, 1845. 51 0w


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