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From The Army Of The Potomac

From The Army Of The Potomac image
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New York, Aug. 23 The World has ihe foüowDff'. Headquarters Army of the Pot,!" 19.-A ferilliant flaak me vemenï l Milde by the 5lh Corps yesterday ,„7 ning. il was a complete ucuesg The enemy's forcea dad been nearírü withdrutyn from this direction tö L aeross the James to meet the ittack, the 2d and lOth Corps, ilnd onlv , êtroiiK picketwüs fouDd guardine V road. Thene reireatcd fo rapid'y , , men thought they would meet wiih , I oppoeitfop, and they went to wor'kver ! deliberateiy to destroy the track bit j when they had afcout a mile torn Bi heavy iorue advaricKd in line of baül np the railroad with support, n.. coi uuins on either Me. They ohJJ gullanriy, biit.inet with veterans, eet-ond división, nnder . Gen. Ayres and alter au engagement of half ac hour iell back m confusión. After a short' time they iortnerl in Jir.e and made another attempt to reach and drive back the división, but ere repulsed the second time with severe loss Just before èfarfc they made another "rf. iort to break ïfiróugh our libes, and tas tune received worse punishmtut than before, as they were driven back nearly half a n.ile, leaving their dead and wouuded in óur hands. Their U. eatimaled at 1,000; our killed and woundtd will number about 400, princi pally in the 2d división. P lhe Htrald has tho followine-Strawberry Plains, 20, evening-Ifo. cock having accomplishecl the object ol hm secwid expedifum on the nnrlh side of ihe James is now UhdrawW ,;, coromand. Piirt of bis forcea hm iT ready r-aroaaud the river. The 2d Corps 8 being followed by cavalry un der Gregg. Biruey, c),iJnianding the lüth Corps, is conducting the wit),, drawal oí lii own corps, aud h is col' umus are just appioadling tho pontoon b: id ge. i t.e operations io this vicimtv retiected honor upon al] coneerntd. New York, August 13. Richmond papers have thefoIloHingPetersburg, August 19-About 3 oclockthis evernng, arrangemenls being complete, our forces attacked n front and flank Wanen's 5lh Cortn which had made at mporary lodcmwit' on the Weldon Jïaüroad, tLJ3L tow here, dnving thera back upwardi of tvo milep, and ca.tnrng over 2000 prisoners, including Biig Gen. Uayes and a number of stands of eolors A heayv rain háá been fdüng al] day.' The Tribvne has the 4f the front of Petersburg, Sunday, Aog. 21, 8 A. M. : I lmvc jnst time to m thi.s momin that nUr f.rces hold thé position en the Weldon laüroad eM and strong. The 2d Corps and otber forces are frotn the exlreme Hght, and this being a vital point tn the Cocfedei-fiey, a grand and desperate conflict Ls momcntiirüy expected. ForLress Monriie, August 22. The steamor from City Point, bringi intel.igence the rebels re mafcii despúlate efforta to retaka the Weldon railroad, bu' are so far unsuci-essfu], Wo now hold thü road and it is firmly behevcd the rebels ennnot disludge w.


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