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'JSjwriai potte MÏCHIGaIv CEjVTRAL RAILROAD. Passengertrains noiv le;ive Detroit. Chicago,and the severalStatiousin thiyCounly ,as follows : GOING WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Evo. Ex. NightEx. Detroit. 8-00 A.M. 3.45 i. ar. 5.00 v. x 8.45 ■. m. Ypsilanti, 9,20 " 5.05 " 6.27 " 10.00 " Aun Arbor, 9.40 " 5.30 t: 6 50 " 10 20 " Dexter, 10.05 p. m 6.C0 " 7-15 " ' Chelsea, U.Í0 " " 7.35 " " Ar.Chicago 8 15 iL if 5.30 J.M. 8.45 a. m. GOING EAST, Leave. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. Night Ex. Day Ex, Chicago, 6.00 i M. 10.00 P. M 0.30 A. h. Chelsea. A.M. 7.45a. m. 4.05 i m. lexter,' 5.45 " 8.0 4.20 'f Ann Arbor, 4.20 a. M. 6.10 " 8. '25 " 4.45 " Ypsilanti, 4.45 ' 6.35 ( 8 45 " 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6. 10 " 8.00 " 10 00 " 6.30 " The Day Express each way is the Maiï Train. Traint do not stop atátations where figures are oin i ttedinthe table.Tríiinsconiwctal Detroit with theOreat Western and Grand Tru nk RaUways of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and. Mihvaukee Railroads. and Clevelmui Steamers. At thi Cornpany's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Jolfet and Lafuyette,throurh tickets can be purehased toa! 1 the principal ci ties and towus in the United States and Cañadas . LUXURIOUS SÏJEEHNG OARS upon all nighttrains. Kiittan'B celebrated Ventllating Apuamtus upon all day trains - the best dunt preventativefti uws. R N'. RTCK. General Superintendent. Gommiísioners1 Notico. STATE OF Mi''IÍIi;AN'. C.u.níy of Washtenaw ƒ!.- The under.sijined hoving b(-en appointed by the i'rohiHe Court fur said. Ooimty, Comra issioners t reeeive, examine amí adjust al' cHAÍnlPand demanda el all persona agamst th estáte of David Laphani. late of the tnwnship of Salmi in sald County dtjecased, hf ivt give notiee that six nv ntha ir-nn date, are, 1 y order oí s:ud l'robiite Court, ;ill(vt-il or ocvitonttn pretent their c'aim-: againt sai i doccased, nnd that the.y 11 meet at Uie te rebifUttce of said decensc), in iha Townsljijj uf.Saieso ia Mid c unty, oji Satofiay tho Iwelf-.U ;y oí Xovt-mbcr. nn-1 Caftdky the fnurteenih ilay of February next, at one u'clock, H. M., of each '1ü' , t" receive, exaniirn' ;m! ftdjuai tmid ( l;i inafl . Ï.KVI WKSTt'ALL ÏOonnnisrHOMAtí BU&UCV, $kwMBi. Dóted, August 15, 1SG4. 970td TAKEN LF! OX H.' 19th day'of JÍ0M, a SORKKL HORSE, nï.out 10 y .: old( largo éïze, and Ihin in üesh. The ownei is rpqtipsted to prove property, p:iy charges, and take saiil fiway. WILLIAM 1IUMTHRKY. lodl, Julj lfitli, lPfil. 6-961. VÏTEIGJET-'Ö REJüVENATING ELIXIR. '' Cansí thou. adminisíer to a mind dif.ns!'l V asked the great (lramalUt. Ve, fay we, and " pluck (rom the hcart tlie tftóWfl sorrow, Wkkiht's Rkjüi VBNATiMï Elixir has such marvoíous power ín resuscltating the drooping eneigïea tliat it i.s like an invaluable boon to bntk sizes. Tho T-situde and debility, Eerlaand faintiog o pferalent emong ti' Ir sex, n ed not exist ,vhfn thd valuable rstoratïvè is at hand fur use ; itiá ín the form uf a jdcasant and palátable quid, and ehouM ev-r be prt'scnt n tbi toilet table; f ree froui the deletei"íouí mineral s usual wi'h cosmetics, it i.s the grea test vegetüble restorativo that has yet been tnad# kaown for the boÊéfit of the debilitated pr-rtion of the huinan fainily. Sold by aU resiKcl.ible druggists tliruughcut the Unittd Statet and Canada. 1m971 JgL A.v ISTKBEáTixü Letter, - Messrs Post &Bruff, Agnta N, Y, Sanitary Society, Rochester. - Gents . I deem it due to you tate the magïcal effect of that one bottle of I'eople's Curewhich 1 obtaioed f'ioni ou in Xoeraber last. Seeïng the adverlteeméoi oí vnnrSo, ciety oíTeiiog ío give your medicine to clergymen for the ponr of their parishes, I ootaiaed a bottle fora poor gïrl of my congregation, who had fiUig ben nearly help less from Rlieumátísm , and st range to my, that one botfte cured her enürely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in ita efforts to introduce the medicine, and bless'fhose who may need such a remcdy ; and I usestrong terms,aa I believe Itfl raerits will fully justify the most superlativo formo of speech. Yours, Respectfully , C. R. WILKINS, Paetor of the Tirst Presbyterian Churcn. 922yl fmeford, Monroe Co, N. Y. Editok of arots: Db.vr Pir:- With your pèmnisyion T wisli to way to the readers of your paper that ï will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free), a Receipe, with full di rections for mak ing and using a simple Vegetable Balm.that will efTectnallv remove, intendajs. Pimples, Dlotches,Tan, Ereckles, and all Impurities of the tíkiri, leaving the .same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail freo to thosehnving Balil Iïeads, or Bare Faces, simple dirctiona und infonnation that will enalile them to start a ful! growth of LuxurTant Hair, WhiskoTíí, or a Moustache, in Icss than thirty days. All applicnti'His an.veied by return mail without charge. Re-tpcctfully youra, THOMAS F, CHAPMAX, f h mist, Sm'Sfl 831 Broadway, New York. I PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients aDd all others : interrested will plrapo take aotice that hc will contin , ue hia visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, dttrtng 1864 and '65 and at the expiration of wliich he ConUnne bia visits and open an Inftrtnary at Cleveland, Ohio, for thetreatment of Laag and Chost lilsoasea. Mathews' Chocolate WormDrcps ? N'EVER fail to dcstroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worins. Are perfectly roliable iu all cases and far superior to aay and, alt of the Faney Worm oni'ections, nd nauseous Vennifugef; in u.=e. They may be taken at all times with perfect aafety, ft they contain O MERCUUY, or otlwr deletorioua Ihilfi- Mothers siiould always purchase them and givo their ehildren no other. (iVo Cathartic w bate Ter, ? necessary to be givm.) Each box eonlains 24 Dropèoi LokeAes. l'ricc 'J.b ctB. l'or i-ile by all Druge: sts and Oèaleu i i MedJ' cine.1. C. R. WALKER. General Agent, ly22 BulTalo, N. Y and Fort Erie, O. W. A Curtí to he Sufte i i ng. SWAl.I.OW two or threo hogsheada of "Ruehu," "Tuiiic Hittt-r , ' ; Sarsaparilhi," ' Ntivous Antidotes," kc. , kc, &o ., and after you are wattsBed with reaalt, tken try e box of OLD DOCTUK inciiAN'.S ENGL4ÖQ SrECU'lO PILL8- and be restorcd tu bealthand rigor in ls than thirty days. - They are mrely vegetable, pleas&nt lo t'ike, prompt anl salniary in thvir cti'.vl.s on tm bríikt-n-don n n d ffhatteTed'éonstttütion. rtldand young can take llicm with íuh-:inta.g. Importa! and snld in the Uniler' States onl by JAMES ?. BOTLEK, Ko. 427 Broadw .v, NTew York. VW Aentfnr'llf üftftód Statea P.S. - ABoxof iln I'ills, Kccurcly paekad; oiailel lo any addrr.s.s in receipt cl" price, wüich ín ONK I'OI.IAR, post paid- mone refunded by tlic Agent i Í eutire ïati.1"-' ■' us : ■■'■' 'vt-u. oiu9i;t The Great French Eemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBIUTKD SII.VER-COATFJI FEMALK PILIS. Theonly certain&nd S:i(V liemedy for all l'terincübstructions,Mouthly Difficulties, Irregolarlties, and all the othvr (liseasen to which the Woman, Wif') and Motuur is pecutiaily Hable. These IMlscontain do deleterious Ingrddieilts, but are safe and certain in their action. Tney will bofonnd to exert thehapplest oflect in all case? of Prolapsus Utert, in Leucorrliea, or the Whltea ; they will be found the easiestand most certain Cure that can be íound. It in onaccounl of UiUcertrinty they ahouW oot be talen by Pregn&nt Females (dwing the Jirst three months, as mhcarriage is certain,) to bc brought on, but at other periods their use is peiTectly Kille. N.B. -One Dollar enclosed to anyautkmizeil Agent, will endure packageof Pilis by return of muit. C. CROSBY, Oeucral Agent, Fort Klis, C. Wl, Bulíalo, N. Y. C-ACTION. - Bpwnve of Counterfeits, the treuuinebave the signatura of C. CflOSBY, on the nutsldewrappcr. For sale by llrepectalle Druggists. Iyeow922 DO Y(If WïW TO BB CÜRED! DR. BUCHAN'S ENCLISn SFECJF1R l'Il.l.S cure in less thnn 33 rtnys, wowl cass "f NEBVoBMtEBS, Impotenoy, Prema ture Üecay, Seminal Weakness, Insnnity, and all Uní nirv , St'xiial and Nervous Affeotionfl. n' niattor from ifbatouse produoed. Viicc, One Dollar per box.- Sert, post niiid by nïail. rn receljA of n order. Oue Box will perfect tile cure in must p&ses. Addresa JAMES B. BUÜ.ER, ;:n!F6 General Agent, 437 Broadway, Xew York. nEMOVAL! N. B. COLE, has removed hií STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, to the sloro of A. P. Mills k Co., on Main í-troet, where he 11 be glad to wait on his old oustomers and the public treneially. GIVE Hin A CAIiL ! U. S. 7-30 Loan. - - The Secretary of the Treasury ff, i vea notïce tliat sub script lona will te received for Coupon Treasury Notes; payable three years from August 15th, lëCA, with tmui-ann. al interest at tbo rato of geven and threetentlis per cent per aununi, - principal and interest boíl) t be paúl in Imvful mouey. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holderat maturity, into six per cent. gold bearing bouds, payable not lessthan five nor morethim twenty years fro n their Cate, as the government may elect. They will bo issucd in denominationa oí S50, S100, $500, $1,000 and 35,(00, aneï all subflcrïptions must be for fifty dollars or sorao multiple of fiity dullars, Tlie notes will be transmitted to the owuers free of tracsportation charge aa soon af ter the rejeipt of the original CertUicates of Deposit &s they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposHssubaequeni; t that dato must pay the interest accrued from dat of note to date of deposit. Partfes depositlng twenly-five thousand dollars and upwards for those notes at any one time will bc al lowed a eomniissiim of one qu;irter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Depnrtment upon thereceipt of a bilí for the amount, certiiied to by the ofïicer with whom the deposll was mad. No de'Inctions ir ir cotninissfdns must bé made from the deposita. Special Advantages of tlis Loan. It 13 a N"atioxal Avixtia U..K, olïorïng hijfher interest Lhau any other, aod the best security Ativ bank trhicli pays itsdeposiiors in U.S. Notes, considera that it is payisg in the best circulating medium of the country , and it canil ot pay in anything b-ter, for itr nwii assets arr either in sovernment securilies or ín notes oí' bonds paj'able in government paper. Itiuequally convenient as a ttmporary or permanent inve.s'.ment. The notes oan always be sotd for witliin a fruction of their freo and accumulatec Ínterest, ;utd are the best security witli baak a as collaterala (qr cHseoantF, Convertible into a Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. In sdmtidn to the very IFberal intérest ou tbo notes for three years, tliis prïviTège of conversión is now wortb about threo per cent. perfttratnn, for the current ratü for 5 "-0 Bondd is nt less than vine per cení, prtmhim 7 ;uid bef ure the uar thejircniium -d six por it-nt. U S. stocks was over tweftty per cent. It will beseen tlint the actual proflt on this loan, at the present ma rket rate, !s not tem than ten per cent. per ajinum lts Exemption from State or Municipal Tasaticn. Bui asiáe fro in all the advauta;c'isvo havo ouumerated, a special Act cf Congres exvrnptg all bonds and Tri.asury no'es from local tar alian. Ou Úw nverage, töia esemplioii re worth mI twoper c(-ii(. er atinum, aecordin to tho rW of taxattoo in vajigufl parta of the country. It U believed that no BOfuriites offer so great iuducemantn to leudera as lhoe issued by the goverument. Inall other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or siock companies, or separate eommunities, only, is pledged for payment, while. the whole pioperty of the country is heid to secure the discharge of all the obügations of the United States. While the government offers the liberal terms for its loa na, it believes that the very strongest ap peul will be tothe loyalty and patriotism oí the people. Duplícate eertificatea will be insued for all aepofllta. The party depositinginust endorse upon the original ceoijftcate the denominatiou of notes renuired, and wliether they are to be issued ín blank or payable to uidtT. ÏVhen so endorsed it muft be left with the o flieer reeeiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treaaury Department. Subscriptioxs will BK RECKivED by the TreaRurer of the United Stiltes, at Washington, the several Assist ant Treasuri'rs and deignated Dcpositarie?, and by the First ETational Bank of Ann Arbor, Mich And by all National Bauks which are depositarles of public money, and ALL RESPECTARLE BANKS AD B ANKERS tliroughout the country will fiive further nformatioQ and af ford every facility to subscriben. 1Q 969 ïhe New Seven-Thirty Loan, The First National Bank of Ann Arbor, Düsigpated üepository of the United Statos, wUl receive BubBcriptionfi fot the Lew SEVEN-THÍ11TY TREASUKY NOTES, These Woteawillbe issued in sama oí $ö(), f100, 8500 $1000, and $5000, beardnte Aug. 15, 18ü4, with semiunnual coupons, and are payablo tbree years Irom date, in lnvl ui moñey, or ai e co n vertible at the option oftheholder, atmatnrHj Into 6 per cent. gold bearfng bondt - red erna ble after live and payable twenty years irom August, 15, 18tï7. Interest will be alíowed on allsubscriptionfl made previous to August 15. The Secretary oí' tlie 'f icasury in plaeiogthiti Loan before the peophé in his recent circular says. "'lhe circunisUui.T.-. undev wliícn thta loan isaskeu for, and jwur ftid invoked-, t ii"ir h ilifffring wWeiy from iheexiatingBtateof affoira tliipeyears ago, ure sueh aa afford eqnalencouragenieai abd securitj Tnuu i-.w tin1 wiii' lias been supportedaadoarricd nn'as ït'only could have beon, by a people resolved, at whatevt-r i coat, totrausmit unimpaire! ,to po-sterity, tb.e gy steno of iree government bs.ueatlied to tlicm by the great men who framed it. "The securities offpred aro sucji aa ffbouM command your readv Ponfidgnce Asyet wi: have asbed bo for uign nd. Calin anti self-ri'IJunt, duk nicitns lia tlitis far piroveri ad'JUfttp Ln ou r wants . Tlie' are yot ampie to meet those of the present and the future JÍRtili remains for a patríotic people to furnish tiie ncedful supply. The brave men who aie tighting our battlei muatbe fel and clothed, mtmitidnt) of waf oi all kinds mtist b furnishe'l . "The dvnuininations if theso coes, rnnsrirgfronj tifly to five ihousand dólfft'rti, place these seeurftiei wiiliin ilif reacb of all who aro diBposed lo aid their -■nu i . For Iheir re'ïornp'inn , the faitll , honor and pioperty of that courttry are BoIeraoTy p led eet]. A fiuccessful issue to this eoniest, now belipved U be upiir at hfiud, will largely oahamce their vuhm to the holder " ÏJiia Ka nk ata) receiv-e awbaciíptíotis té the TEN-FORTY GOLD BEAliïNG FIVE PEK CENT. BOiïPS, in Miri's of $50, n0 ll.OÖÖ, and $5,000 Wc "appeal with conOdence to a loval ftU1 patríotic pf(i]-lf. ;niil iiuiiUc the 'JI"'t!s of aí wbf) loo tbeiicountry unl lu.-ire ín it agiotious l'ntuu-, ( aid tbeir Gorernmoni in sustaining its oredtt and plaeing tliai cr6di ujioii )i stablc foundation," CTIARLES H. RirilMUND, August 3d, I?04. Cnslilcr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FURNITURE ROOMS One door Morth of Risdon and Hender8onra Hardware Store. The uni'.ersigned havinjy pnrchapod the etitiro stoel; ui W.O.Smith ft Co., and added largely to tbe name, In preparad tof urnishhfs fnecdx and patrop a. goop asBortmentof wellmadftirnHure, coDBlating of SOFAS, fiUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOKCASES! TABLES and CH AIRS, ot'iUl kinils, an! in fact ol r-vprything pertnining to lllfe business. LOUNGES, MATRASSES, &o., &c.,made to order by gnod aml experireceil wmkmen, and warranled to give satlsfactlon. ]h lso keeps agood assortment-of Cherry and Walnut I.umher for rale at reasoiifible líricos. And wil] alsu pay the I hlghest market price for Chcrry. Walnut, and White Woort Lumber. P. S. Ho has also purchasivl tbc u and ELEGANT HEARSE! ofSmlth & Co., and s propared tofurnish all kinds of Wood Coffins, Mefalic Case?, AND CASKETS, On the shortest nolico. Aleo nttends t lavini. out deceasfd pnrsous day and niKht, without oharge. All rurniture dellrercd inthecity fïee of chaise W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, January 18lh, 18o3. 94Otf !P. BACH has a new and complete STOOK OF SPRIKIi (iOÜDS bought before the recent GREAT R!SE L GOLT) ? Which will be Soid FOR CA8H ONLY, LGWEST PARKET PRSCES ! Cali and See ! Aun Arbor, April, 1864. A lai'ge lot of I LIN.EN COATS AND SÜMMER GOODS, alivays on hand at M!. CSiiiterman Sc Co9s, CLOTHÏNG STOHE. Givo us ;i Ciill an.l -vo oan aml wil! uell you chanpe and l etter gonls Uian v,nv nUwW in this cil y . í)ñní Jn th eTear 1 SIr. MafhfM-.s flest prepnred the VEXETIAN ITAIR DYE ; since tliat timeit haa been used by thousands, and in no instauce has it iaileU tg giya üutire satjjsfaculOtl. ïlie VEN'ETIAN DYK is the chonpest in the world.- ïta pi ice is only Kifty Cents, and each boitU' contaïns doublé the quantity I dye in those u.sually soM for $1. The VENETIAN DYK ík w.ananted not to injare Lho hair or the scalp in the sliiilitest dcree. Tlie VEN'ETIAX DYF works witji rapidity and certainty, the hair requiring no preparution whataver. The VENETIAX DYE produces any shadethat may be desired- onethat will not fale, crock or waeh oui - one thatis as peiraanentan the hair itself. For sala by all druggists. - Frice 50 enta. A. I. MATHKWi,General Agent, 12 Gold Street, New York. Also, Manufactures oí' Hathkwb' Awkhm Hajií Gi.o.-is, the best hair drëis'gibg n üse. In large bottlea. price 50 cents. Iyö6ö CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY reliable self-Adjustii-g Wringer. XO WOOD W01ÍK TO SW2IX OR Sl'LIT. NOTHUMB-SCRKWSTO (IET OUT OF ORDHK. WAIUUXTED WJTH OR WITHOLT C0G-WHEEI. Ittonk the HRST PREMIUM at Fifty Sovrn State and County Faira in 1863, and i.s, without an exception, the best wringer ever made" W1IAT EVIUtY BODY KXOWS, viz: Thai Icon well galvanized will not rus; Thata simple machine is better tluui a ooQQplfo&tei one; That a Wringer Khould be self adjuating, durable :ml efliciem ; Tliat Thumb-Screws and Ë'astenings cause delay and trouble to regúlate ainl keep in urder; That wood doaked in hot water will swelL tthriitk un 1 split; Tliat wuod bearings for the shaftto ruti in will wear out; That the ï'utnam Wringer, with or without ecgwbeeU, will not tear the c lotlies; 'l'liat cogwfeeel repulators are not CRsontial, Thai thePtitnam Wringer bas a.l ftdvontnge and not one of the disadvantagetttbove ikuuc.L Thai all w ho liave tesUd it pronounee it the best wringer ever made; Tliat il will wring a thread or a bed ijuilt without al teration We might fill the paper with testimoniáis, bnt inserí onlj' a few to cominee the skepttml, il such tliere bc; and we saj to allj test 'ulnam.s' Wvinget, Test it THOKOl'GHIA' with ANY and ALL utliers, and if nut enürely sutisfactory return it, FCTMIM MaXIKAÍTVBIXC. Co., Gentlemen - I kaow from pittotfcal exporience i!ii Irou wtll gaivani.ed with zinc will Dotuxídizu or j ut one partiële. Th Putnatn Wringer is as nwir porfect aa ]n.s.silite, uil I can cheerfuüy recotnni'ini it tu be the best in nee. ReepectfiiJIy yours, JNO. W. WI-IEEI.KIi. Cleveland, Ohlu. Many years cxjiiM eiu-e ín tie gnWanizing buMiv-ss mahle me u LUÍTorse the ábove stattinect in all partico lar s. JO. C. IKKI'KKTS, Nu. lm Beekman Ötrpet. Xew Vork, .lanuary, 1M;4 We have te.stt-d Putnaiu's Clothea Wnnger by praeliral wurkfiw, aml kno that it will DO-, It ii cheap; n . .simih-, if requirerf tie rftotn whetljot ai work or al rest: a child rad opérate it; ttiloes itsdutj thoronghiy; il naves time and 1 wenr and tear. Weeaniesi I.V aclvièè pi) kho luie ki n wúcsjiiu lo do, wil h all inlelüsïrnt persons wlio h-,t e a.nt, tn buy tbin wringer It will pay for Itself ion rear al most. HitN. HORACE (iitEELjrV;. PSténlêd in the Ünifeá ét at"e8, Encuno, Cunnda and Australia. Energetic men eatr make from BtolO dolbkr por day Agenth Tante1 in e't r Imvh. anti En all pari sof the world. S;iio]lo Wringer sent, Kpress paf A, MD rabeipi ol priee . Xo. 2, $6.50; Xo. 1 S7.50; No. V. R.ftO, No. A 8! (W. Sliinufaoturctl andsold. wlH'lfsale at.l rrtail y THE PUrNAW MANUFAGTUKIXG CO. M'. IS Plattt tttet Now York. and Cleve'.ani Ohir WiU B XORTHKOP.. Agfnt


Old News
Michigan Argus